The new "A" team

By TembiJonat

335 24 81

After the previous events of the Avengers, Stark Industries thought it was time to recruit some new members... More

Chapter 1. Orientation/Tess
Chapter 2: Kris
Chapter 3: new groups
Chapter 4: Meet and Greet
Chapter 5: First training sessions
Chapter six: Group training/bad blood
Chapter 7: Stations
Chapter 8: First Night after Training
Chatper 9: Yo Ho
Chapter 10: Last Training Session
Chapter 11: Mission Breakout
Chapter 12: And the Winner Is...
Chapter 13: Party Time
Chapter 14: The Events After
Chapter 15: Come and Get Your Love
Chapter 17: This sucks
Chapter 18: Lost in the woods
Chapter 19: This is the end
Chapter 20: I Gotta Go My Own Way

Chapter 16: The Queen of Mean

15 1 3
By TembiJonat

The next morning I felt like I woke up from a magical dream. Just when I was going over the highlights of the main street electrical light parade Kris, Amelia, kitty, and Jenny all barged into my room.

"So how did the date go?" Kitty asked practically hyperventilating with excitement.

"It was so good," I sighed in pure bliss.

"Where did you go?" Jenny asked.

"He took me to my happy spot, Disney world." I answered.

"What!!! I'm so jealous! Tony took me to a boring old restaurant where it felt like everyone would judge you if you ate something that wasn't a salad!" Kris huffed.

"And the Rise of the Resistance ride was open so we got to go on that!" I exclaimed.

"Okay stop. Stupid hot Tony and his bad first date spots." Kris whined.

"How did you guys get there?" Amelia asked.

"We flew in his space ship and he made me close my eyes before coming out. He was really intentional about everything." I answered.

"Well that sounds wonderful, and I'm definitely going to talk to tony about upping his dating style." Kris said.

"Not to be the bearer of bad news but we need to get to work. I think we are all getting a lesson in their computer system today." Amelia said.

"Right, let's get this day over with," I said.


"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed.

"Tess what's wrong?" Bruce said running over.

"Look I know on the outside I'm this super bad ass fighting machine but I need to be honest with you guys. I suck with technology," I admitted.

"What? How?" Jojo asked in disbelief.

"I know! I shouldn't be!" I whined.

"Yeah this is the 21st century I thought everyone from this era could figure out these machines," Tony said.

At that point I started crying which was super mature of me. Kris tried to pull me together but it was no use.

"Tess calm down! This is not that hard! You're not stupid," Kris said trying to calm me down.

Her comment just made me cry even more. All of the sudden I felt a strong but comforting  hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Captain America staring at me.

"Don't worry Tess, I know how you feel. I was just like you when I started out. How about we let the rest of the group continue on and I'll help you personally," he said with sympathy.

"Really? That would be awesome! Thank you so much!" I said as I blowed my nose trying to maintain some composure.

"Uhhh I think if anyone should be helping Tess it should be me! You know the guy who's dating her!" Star lord said clearly jealous.

"Peter you have nothing to worry about, plus I'm the only who can help because I went through the exact same thing." Steve said.

"Don't worry, we are still on for our date tonight!" I said reassuringly.

"You bet we are, we need to go on the guardians of the galaxy ride tonight since I messed up locations last night," he said.

"What! You guys are going to Disney again?! Tony you need to plan better dates!" Kris exclaimed.

Tony laughed at her comment. "Don't worry, tonight I'll take you somewhere special." He said to her.

"Great! That settles everything, I'll take Tess over here and we will work at our own pace." Steve said.

After a long day of tech training, I was so happy to have a few moments to relax back at the loft. The rest of the team all finished before me so I thought they would have all gone to dinner by the time I got back. But it seemed that my team all felt the same as me. When I got back everyone was lying on the couches equally as exhausted as I was.

"Hey Tess! How did the extra training go?" Jojo asked.

"It was so tiring! But Steve was a really good teacher so I feel up to speed now." I said.

"Why do you always get to spend time with all the hot avengers? First it was wolverine, then star lord, are you wanting to date captain America too?" Kitty asked with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"Ooooo I think someone has a crush on the super soldier!" Kris exclaimed.

Kitty went beat red before mumbling, "what?! Well maybe a small crush."

"Who wouldn't? Have you seen his abs?" Jenny asked.

"Uhhh you mean his ass!? He has butt for days!" Kris said.

"Well both are fine but I was talking about his chiseled chest." Jenny sighed.

"You should start talking to him more! That way he can start to think he has a shot with you." said.

"Well at least you can make some luck with your crush. I haven't seen the flash once since we got here!" Jenny whined.

"Wrong universe!" We all yelled.

"What about Spider-Man?" Kris asked.

"Yeah! He's cute!" I agreed.

"Sure, and why don't I just buy my get into jail ticket while I'm at it! He's in high school remember?" Jenny asked sarcastically.

"Oh right, I forgot about that," I said defeatedly.

"Bet he would be thrilled to go out with you though," Kris said.

"This is all very intriguing but I think I'll wait a bit. I don't want to make things awkward until I'm sure he's interested." Kitty said.

"Yeah that's-


All of a sudden we heard a huge explosion go off. The next thing I knew the six of jumped off the couch and ran outside our balcony. The sky was filled with black smoke and the power was glitching in and out all around us. We all booked it towards the home office to see if anyone had an idea what was going on. Star lord and Tony ran up to us as soon as they saw our group.

"Tess! Thank goodness! Are you alright?" Star lord asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah I'm fine, I do have restorative powers but that's sweet of you got asking," I answered.

"Get a room!" Jenny said sarcastically.

"Tony what the heck is going on?" Kris asked.

"I don't know, I have Bruce and Amelia trying to hook up the main systems in the meantime, but that doesn't help  this doomed feeling I have in my stomach." Tony answered looking completely flabbergasted.

"Guys I'm starting to sense a familiar yet dark presence. Someone is trying to communicate with us." Jojo sensed.

"Well? What do they want!" I asked impatiently.

"They want us to go to the helicopter landing at the tip of the roof. Then they will give will show them-self." Jojo answered.

Show yourself! Step into your power! Kris and I broke out into frozen two.

"Tess, Kris, not the right time!" Peter stated.

"Totally! Just lost myself in the moment," I said.

We all started heading up to the roof as fast as we could. When we got to the top we were shocked when we saw who was waiting for us.

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