The Maze Runner | BTS AU

By jiminctxt

31.1K 1.9K 2K

"Just follow me and run like your life depends on it. . . because it does." Jungkook and Amara were both anom... More

↢ Prologue ↣
01 | Welcome to the Glade
02 | Shocking revelations
03 | Tour time with Hope
04 | Sweet like Suga
05 | Meet V
06 | Cooking with Jin
07 | Tension Arising
08 | Nightly Celebrations
09 | Runner Material?
10 | Damaging Memories
11 | New Arrival
12 | Secrets Revealed
13 | Curious Jungkook
14 | Monster Unleashed
15 | Dead Griever
16 | Glader Exile
17 | The Last One
19 | Trapped Inside
20 | Overnight in the Maze
21 | Welcome Back
22 | New Runner?
23 | Psycho's get punched
24 | Namjoon Remembers
25 | The Jeon Twins
26 | Night in the Slammer
27 | Release the Beast
28 | Training in the Maze
29 | She awakens
30 | The Beginning of the End
31 | The Grievers Attack
32 | Another one bites the dust
33 | Dreams gone up in smoke
34 | Cracking the code

18 | Beginning of problems

661 49 55
By jiminctxt

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[ Chapter 18 ]
❛Beginning of problems❜
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AN ODD MOMENT of complete silence hung over the Glade. It was as if a supernatural wind had swept through the place and sucked out all sound. Hope had read the message aloud for those who couldn't see the paper, but instead of erupting in confusion, the Gladers all stood dumbfounded.

Amara expected to hear shouts and questions, arguments. But no one said a word; all eyes were glued to the new girl, now lying there as if asleep, her chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. Contrary to their original conclusion, she was very much alive.

Hope stood, and Amara as well as Jungkook hoped for an explanation, a voice of reason, a calming presence. But all he did was crumple the note in his fist, veins popping from his skin as he squeezed it, and their heart sank. They weren't sure why, but this whole situation made them feel uneasy.

Namjoon cupped his hands around his mouth. "Med-Jacks!" He called for them, putting an end to the silence.

Two older boys were pushing their way through the crowd— one was tall; dark skinned with a buzz cut, his nose the size of a fat lemon. The other was shorter and lighter in skin tone, with black hair flat on his head to match his dark eyes. Amara remembered the first one to be Jeff, while the other was Clint. She only hoped they could make some sense out of everything.

"So, what do we do with her?" Jeff asked.

"How would I know?" Namjoon scoffed. "You two shanks are the Med-jacks, figure it out."

Jeff and Clint exchanged a glance.

Suddenly, a voice spoke up from the crowd. "Take her body somewhere to rest until she wakes up. In the meantime put a wet-cloth on her head and feed her liquids— simple." It was Suga who had spoken up.

Jay turned to the older, but similar sized boy, with a single eyebrow of his raised. "What, are you a Med-jack now grandpa?" He mocked.

'Grandpa?' Amara frowned to herself at the peculiar use of a nickname by Jay. 'What could he possibly mean by that?'

Suga simply shrugged. "I like to think of myself as a jack-of-all-trades." He responded.

Jay shot him an impressed look. Amara herself was intrigued, as far as she knew, Suga was a standard gardener and yet here he was spilling out ideas as if he was a Med-jack himself. She had no doubt the boy may be able to challenge Jin in the kitchen, he seemed like a practical being who wants to broaden his area of knowledge and have at least basic skills in everything— that would certainly help the Gladers in times of struggle.

The shorter Med-jack, Clint, was already knelt down on the ground besides the girl, feeling for her pulse and leaning over to listen for her heartbeat.

"Who said Clint had first shot at her?" Someone yelled from the crowd. There were several barks of laughter. "I'm next!" Another shouted.

'How could they joke around?' Amara thought in disbelief. 'The girls practically half-dead.' She felt sick to her stomach. She may not like the girl very much, but why would she feel comfortable standing there and listening to them objectifying her when she was unconscious and couldn't even defend herself. 'Us girls need to stick together!'

Namjoon's eyes narrow; his mouth pulled into a tight grin that didn't look like it had anything to do with humour. "If anybody touches this girl. . ." he points down to her body on the floor, "you're gonna spend the night sleepin' with the grievers in the maze. Banished. No questions." He paused, turning round in a slow circle as if he wanted everyone to see his face. "Nobody better touch her! Nobody."

It was the first time Amara had actually liked hearing something come out of Namjoon's mouth.

"Same still goes with Amara!" Jay then spoke up in warning, his expression set in stone. Said girl turned to face him, an appreciative smile on her pink lips and only then did his face relax, returning the gesture— it was as if Jay made it his mission to make her feel safe. . . and she wasn't complaining about that.

Jay may not be the most authoritative figure in the Glade, he wasn't Hope or Namjoon. However, he was still up there and in fact, his sheer strength and braveness only made him more favourable amongst the gladers and whatever he says, no matter what, people would listen.

Clint then stood up, finished with his examination. "She seems fine. Breathing okay, normal heartbeat. Though it's a bit slow. Your guess is as good as mine, but I'd say she's in a coma. Jeff, let's take her to the homestead."

His fellow med-jack, Jeff, stepped over to grab her by the arms while Clint took ahold of her feet.

Jungkook watched on with intent eyes. He wished he could do something other than watch— with every passing second, he doubted more and more that what he'd said earlier was true. She did seem familiar; he felt a connection to her, though it was impossible to grasp in his mind. The idea made him nervous, and he looked around, as if someone might've heard his thoughts.

Sure enough, his doe eyes met Amara's and whilst his grew wide, hers narrowed in suspicion. She knew. He wasn't surprised— it seemed Amara knew more about him than he did himself and it was because of that fact, that he relied heavily on her to know everything. But that was a ridiculous expectation to burden someone with, it seemed Amara already beat herself up enough when she doesn't know why something's happening or who someone was. He wanted to help her in gifting answers to everyone, but he knew very little, he hoped in time more would come back to him so he could return what Amara had been giving him since he had arrived— answers.

"On the count of three." Jeff, the taller med-jack, was saying, his tall frame looking ridiculous bent in half, like a praying mantis. "One. . . two. . . three!"

They lifted her with a quick jerk, almost throwing her up in the air— she was obviously a lot lighter than they'd first thought — and Jungkook almost found himself shouting for them to be more careful.

"Guess we'll have to see what she does." Jeff said to no one in particular. "We can feed her soupy stuff if she doesn't wake up soon."

"Just watch her closely." Hope spoke up. "Must be something special about her or they wouldn't have sent her here. It's the same with Amara." He gestured to the girl stood besides Jay, watching as she played with her fingers.

Jungkooks gut clenched and he knew that somehow, himself and the two girls within the Glade are connected. The boys may call him lucky if they found out, but that was no where near what Jungkook felt— he felt scared and confused. The three of them had all arrived within a short timespan of one another, and there was no doubt himself and Amara were familiar with one another and he presumed it would be the same when the new girl awakes.

Another thing that felt weird to Jungkook, was his strong urge to become a runner despite learning so many terrible things about the maze. . . what did it all mean?

Namjoon leaned over to look on her face once more before they carried her off. "Put her in Ben's room, and keep a watch on her all day and night. Nothin' better happen without me knowing about it. I don't care if she talks in her sleep or takes a klunk— you come tell me."

"Yeah." Jeff muttered, then he and Clint shuffled off with the girl towards the homestead, the girls body bouncing as they went, and the other gladers finally started to talk about what just happened, scattering as theories bubbled through the air.

Jungkook watched all of this in mute contemplation. This strange connection he felt wasn't his alone. The not-so-veiled accusations thrown at him only a few minutes before proved that the others suspected something too, but what? He was already completely confused— both himself and Amara being blamed for things only made him, and he guessed Amara too, feel worse.

As if he was able to hear his thoughts, Namjoon walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder. "You ain't never seen her before?" He asked again.

Jungkook hesitated before he answered. "Not. . . no, not that I remember." He hoped his shaky voice didn't betray his doubts. What if he did know her somehow? What would that mean?

"You're sure?" Hope prodded, standing right behind Namjoon.

Jungkook looked at the two boys in front of him, before his gaze involuntarily shifted to where Amara was seen walking towards them with Jay. "I. . . no, I don't think so. Why are you grilling me like this? Wasn't Amara the one who said she remembered her, go interrogate her."

"Because I'm not the one lying." Amara's voice rang in their ears as she spoke, now stood besides them with her arms folded over her chest. "Don't throw me in the fire for your mistakes."

Jungkook stared blankly at her, watching as she smiles tauntingly. Namjoon gazes between the two and shakes his head, then turns back to Hope and releases his grip on Jungkooks shoulder. "Something's whacked. Call a gathering."

He had said it quietly enough that Jungkook didn't think Amara or Jay had heard, but it sounded ominous and by the looks on their faces, they had. Hope and Namjoon said nothing else as they walked off, leaving the three behind.

Amara, who was stood with a frown now on her face, looked up to Jay. "I don't have a good feeling about any of this. . ." She stated uncertain. Jay shook his head, agreeing with her.

"Come on, tiger." Was all the runner said as he grasped her hand in his own and began to pull her away from Jungkook and following after the two leaders.

Jungkook watched the two of them leave, his gaze lingering on their entwined hands as an almost familiar feeling began to bubble in his chest. Then he spotted movement in the corner of his right eye, drawing his attention from the pair. He was surprised to see V standing there.

"Ya alright, greenie?" He asked him, though he shook his head afterwards. "Suppose I shouldn't call you that anymore, aren't the newest newbie after all." He laughed.

Jungkook smiled. "Brains just frazzled, s'all." He told the black; curly haired keeper of the slicers.

V nodded his head in understanding. "Well it's been a rough couple of days for ya. First Amara remembers ya, Ben attacks you both, now you're under fire every bloody day for asking too many questions. . ." the two boys laugh at his words. "Now you seem a bit sketch about this weird new girl, the boys are bound to be scared."

"I'm just as confused as you all are— I don't know what's going on up here." He points to his head where his brain resides.

"Don't worry too much." V assured him kindly, "we're all a bit on edge really but it ain't all your fault. Not used to all these events happening ever, let alone one week within each other— times are a changing."

"I'm scared too." Jungkook confessed honestly, staring into the dark eyes belonging to V. "I don't want to be the cause of everyone's distress, but I can't exactly assure you all either until I know what's happening to myself first."

V pursed his lips. "I'm sure Amara could help you there. The girls like a walking answer machine." He chuckled. Jungkook too laughed, finding the slicer to be rather humorous.

"Suppose I best be heading over there, the meeting will begin shortly." V announced his departure with a sigh, patting Jungkooks shoulder with the palm of his hand. "Get ya self something to eat, these gatherings tend to take some time."

"Chuck!" V suddenly shouted, catching Jungkook by surprise. "Get over here!"

Sure enough, not even a moment after he was called for, did the short, chubby boy appear in the near distance and began running over as if his life depended on it. 'Bless him.' Jungkook thought to himself, overwhelmed with fondness for the young boy who seemed he would do anything to impress.

"You called?" The boy checked to see if he had heard correctly, despite being bet over with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath after the short run he just endured.

"Yeah." V said, before he pushed Jungkook closer to the small boy. "Take care of this one while we're at the gathering. Make sure he doesn't try anything stupid. . . again."

With those words, V was off into the distance, sprinting towards the wooden building where the gathering was to take place. Jungkooks doe eyes followed after him, watching as the seemingly older boy had disappeared inside, leaving not one keeper, or Namjoon and Hope, out in the Glade— Jungkook didn't know how he felt about that.


"She's the last one ever." Namjoon reads the words written on the note aloud for what may well have been the tenth time, he was obviously at a loss as to where he should start— what could he even say?

"What does that even mean?" Zart, the Keeper of the gardeners and track-hoes, dared to speak up and ask what most was thinking.

"I think it means what it says." Jay answered on behalf of everyone. "Ain't gone be no more Greenies comin' up anymore. This is the lot of us."

"But why would they send her?" Amara spoke aloud her thoughts on the whole thing. "We all know by now that I was an accident. But she, she isn't. She's one of them and I don't exactly feel happy about her being here." She exclaimed.

The boys were all silent for a moment, dwelling over her shared thoughts in their head. However, one wasn't able to keep quiet for long.

"Why is she even here again?" Gally pointed out spitefully almost, staring down the girl who offered him her middle finger gracefully. He ignored her kind gesture. "She's not even a keeper of anything."

Before Amara could speak up for herself, Jay was already defending her. "Because she's the only one who knows this new girl. If anyone can tell us anything about what to do with her, it's Amara."

"How do we know she's not lying though?" Gally spoke up, gesturing with his two large hands to where Amara stood across from him, said girl wasn't expecting to hear those words leave his mouth— He still seemed to distrust her.

All eyes flickered to Amara who was now glaring at the builder. "And why would I lie?" She countered.

"Yeah well, maybe you're just jealous." Gally proposed.

Amara scoffed loudly at his words. "Jealous? What do I possibly have to be jealous over?" She smirked.

A low whistle resonated in the room from Jay. Amara turned to face him and seen how his gaze was dark, a seemingly impressed, maybe even proud, smile on his thick lips. Amara had to bite back her smile.

Gally chose to ignore Jay, continuing to pick a fight with the girl instead. "Well, you're not the only girl in the Glade anymore. You won't be the centre of attention anymore."

The other boys remained quiet during the twos squabble, not wanting to interfere and instead hear what is to be said. Amara nearly, nearly laughed at the skinned-head boy. "If you couldn't already tell, I don't care or even like more than half of the boys in this godforsaken place and I'm pretty sure that's reciprocated. I'd appreciate it more if they didn't pay attention to me actually. So you are wrong."

Gally had nothing to say for what felt like minutes, but in reality it was merely moments. But when he did, not just Amara, but all of the boys, were taken aback by his words.

"Fine. I'll take your shuck word for it. But if you're wrong, I won't be surprised, but you will be. . . when you find yourself locked in the Slammer." He threatened.

Amara smiled in thanks to him, ignoring his warning as she was at least thankful he chose to believe her rather than fight her. They would get no where if they were to fight and clash all of the time— it was about time he realised this.

"Great." Hope clapped his two hands together. "Now that's settled can we discuss what we're gonna do with the shuckin' new girl." He instigated and everyone nodded their heads, agreeing with his motives.

"Well we have to give her a chance, don't we?" Jin began. He stood with his arms folded, his head moving back and forth to catch a glimpse of everyone stood around him in the room. "We gave Jungkook a second chance. It's only fair."

Amara, although not a fan of the girl, knew Jin was right. It was only fair. "What if she wakes up and remembers what she did. What do we do then?" She asked the boys.

"As long as she don't try and kill us shanks, we'll be fine." Suga states seriously.

V nods his head thoughtfully. "Yeah, and if she does we could easily overpower her. I mean there's one of her and like. . . a lot of us." He trailed off, unsure exactly on how many of them there was exactly. Everyone throws him a look, making him purse his lips in embarrassment.

"It's settled then." Hope spoke up. "We keep a close eye on her, ask her if she remembers a way out or why we were all put in this shuck place to begin with. If she's anything like Amara, we've lucked out boys. We're getting out of here." He smiles.

Amara pulled a face at his choice of words— he was awfully optimistic. "You do realise not all girls are the same, right? Stop comparing me and her. We're completely different." She spoke up for herself. She'd had enough of being the source of all their problems and salvations. . . she was just a simple girl.

All the boys stared at her. "How so? You both have girly bits, don't you?" Zart stepped forward to ask, almost making Amara slap her palm across her forehead in frustration at his question. 'Why are boys so stupid?' She asked herself.

"Well for one, I'm not choosing to work for someone who experiments on helpless teenagers and then throws them into a gigantic maze only to threaten their lives with giant, metal man-eating spider things!" She yelled at him, finally having had enough.

Zart visibly shrunk back in his place, seemingly frightened of the girl now after her sudden outburst. The room fell into silence once more, only the sound of Amara's heavy breaths filling the room.

". . . She's got a point." V mumbled under his breath, hoping no one had heard him— but if he wanted that he never should of spoke up.

"Enough of this klunk." Namjoon groaned, his naturally stern gaze focused on where Amara and Jay still stood beside one another— they were practically conjoined at the hip. "We got a maze to run and a dead griever to find."

Amara and Jay exchange glances, before Jay took a tentative step forward; planting his hand firmly on Namjoon's shoulder, staring into his eyes. "Ya feelin' alright Joon?" He asked and said boy frowned at him.

"Peachy." Namjoon answered as if it were obvious; like he wasn't possibly capable to not be alright and that caused Jay to narrow his eyes.

It was obvious to not just Jay, but to everyone in the room— including Amara, that Namjoon was certainly not okay. The events of the past week had begun to take a toll on his more or less strong; courageous body and mind. . . he was confused. But he was also exhausted. He had been here in the Glade the longest and he had took it upon himself to be an authoritative figure in all of these boys' lives; wanting to keep some sort of order and control otherwise the boys would tear one another apart like savages. However, being the so-called 'leader' meant that you couldn't showcase the teeniest ounce of unsureness or worry, otherwise everyone else would begin to panic themselves— it was beginning to take a toll on him, especially now.

"Well. . ." Jay began, "because the doors have all closed. There's no gettin' in the maze now. It's practically nightfall now; nearly time for supper." He voiced.

Namjoon's frown deepened. All of the boys in the room were silent, each watching their leader carefully and feared if one of them were to move a muscle or even dare breathe, that they'd set him off. Even Amara was beginning to feel bad for the boy, she knew herself was part of the reason behind his growing madness.

"Oh." Was all Namjoon had to say, only just registering what the runner had said. He then coughed, straightening out his clothing attire as if nothing had happened, staring hard at Jay. "We go tomorrow then. Me, you and Amara. I expect to see you both at the doors of the North, ready for opening. We waste no time."

With that being said, Namjoon stormed out of the room, sparing no one a glance or speaking another word, only slamming the door behind him and only then did everyone's shoulders deflate in relief.

"He's off his rockers that one, I'm tellin' ya." V was the one to break the silence as well as the tense atmosphere, much to everyone's great relief. The slow nodding of everyone's head told him that they all agreed.

"Don't blame him though honestly. Times are tough. Next thing we bloody know the doors to the maze don't shut. . . leaving us as griever chum." Suga speaks next, almost shuddering at the possibility— but there was no chance of that happening.

"Yeah well, we persevere. Ain't got no time to slack off or start worryin', we treat things as normal and act no different. We stay strong and united, like we always have." Hope encouraged, once again proving to be the one Glader who shines light in times of darkness.

"Easier said than done Hope." Jin scoffed, "everything's goin' up in smoke before our very eyes and we don't have any extinguishers!" He exclaimed in panic.

The habitants inside of the gathering room all gawked at Jin, not believing them words were even capable of leaving his mouth. Jay couldn't help but laugh, while the others stared speechless. "Are you being serious lad?" He continued to laugh.

"What?!" Jin shouted. "Of course I'm being serious. If things start going to klunk then how do you expect us to, I don't know, fight grievers for example? With our wooden spears and spades? None of us will know what to do." He reasoned. He did have a fair point.

"You've got your frying pans, you'll be alright Jin." Amara joked and she laughed when Jay pushed her arm as he began laughing again, finding her and her words hilarious. Jin pointed his fingers at her, as if he were actually impressed with her idea.

"I've got my knives." V proposed, drawing one from out of his back pocket for dramatic effect, playing around with it in his hands with minimal effort needed. "I'm very skilled in that department." He smirked.

No one payed much mind to V and his uncalled for statements. "You act like we've never fought before Jin. We fight against one another all the time in the pit, we are boys after all." Jay prodded smugly.

Amara didn't even have to know Jay properly to know that he was skilled in areas of fighting. 'I mean look at him!' She thought as she stared at his muscular arms and thighs, knowing very well he could throw a decent punch— Namjoon was pretty buff too, and don't even get her started on Jungkook. She may have only met him a few days ago, but you'd have to be blind to not see how muscular he was. . . they'd be fine.

"Jay's right. Although, it wouldn't hurt to train more. That way we're prepared for anything then." Hope affirmed, placing his hands on his hips.

Suga groaned loudly at the revelation, clearly he was displeased with the fact he would have to wrestle a bunch of elephants to the floor mostly every day from now on— he couldn't be bothered with that.

"Ay, we'll finally see if our girl Amara's all bark and no bite." Gally prodded at the girl, hoping to get a rise out of her. Amara offered him a blank look, before her lips tugged upwards.

The boys wouldn't deny it. . . they were excited to see the brunette attempt to wrestle the likes of Gally or Jay to the ground.

"Oh, just you wait." Amara smirked.


Yoooo I'm back! Sorry for being MIA for nearly two weeks but I've been swamped with numerous essays for University— send help guys it's stressing me out big time lolll and I'm only in my first year :(

Anyways, on a more positive note! This chapter was more of a filler/build-up for the ongoing drama that is to come! The poor gladers believe all will be done from here on out but boy are they wrong ahahahaha *evil laugh* I hope you're looking forward to the upcoming updates!!

Have a good day or night lovelies!! <3

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