Apart but still together~ min...

By sparklino

8.7K 384 81

Jisung loves to perform and sing and rap in front of audiences when suddenly he felt like he was about to bre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chaper 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Final chapter

Chapter 13

274 15 3
By sparklino

-the next morning-

Minho was still asleep, and jisung was in the kitchen.

chaeyoung and jisoo just came into the kitchen, "hey jisung what you making" asks chaeyoung

"oh hey mom, i'm making some breakfast for Minho, for when he wakes up" tells jisung

"awe thats sweet of you jisung i bet he will love that" smiles chaeyoung

"yes aha, i will go check on him see if hes okay" says jisoo

jisoo walks up to minho and jisungs room to check on minho and she sees her son softly sleeping in bed still, "awe my baby sleeping hm?" she says as she strokes minhos face. "hm?" minhos eyes start to open. "oh? good morning sweetie i didnt mean to wake you."

"oh, no its okay mom...."
"You okay?"

"Mmm, just....scared.."

"Oh? Why are you scared sweetie?"

"Byungho- I mean...dad, I'm scared if I give him another chance he will just hurt me again....what if this is his plan to get to Jisung too...."

"Awh sweetie, if you do give him a chance and he hurts either you or Jisung, he won't be allowed near you or Jisung ever again and I will get the police and the court to make that happen for sure okay baby, please don't worry too much about the past, coz if it happens in the future I am still not going anywhere I'm still here right by your side and I will make sure you don't get hurt"

He smiles at her "thanks mom, your the best"

"Awe sweetie, I'm really not but, guess what"


"Jisung is making breakfast, want to go down and eat ?"

"Ooo, yesss"

Jisoo helps her son get out of bed and helping him walk to the kitchen

Jisung notices his boyfriend and runs to him to take him from his mom and helps him walk to the dining table

"Good morning handsome" Jisung says

Minho smiles at him, slightly blushing "good morning beautiful"

"Hahaaa smooth one Minho"

"What can I say I'm a man smooth with my words"

"Nah your a child smooth with your words"


"I'm jokinggggg omg your faceeee hahhahahahha"

Minho pouts at his boyfriend

"Naw don't make that lil pout with me ickle baby minnnieee hmm"


"Nawww you're soo adorableeee" Jisung kisses him on his lips as he sits him down on the chair

Minho starts to get a sharp pain in his head, he hisses at the pain...

"Baby??? You okay?"

Minho nods and tries to show he is okay.... "baby maybe it's best you stay in bed today, you don't look so well as yesterday"

"N-no I will be fine, we can cuddle on the sofa and watch movies, remember I have to give my d-d...d-dad....an answer today"

"Babe your health comes first not the person who made you like this....if your not feeling well you can tell me and we can cancel and you can tell him another day"

"It's okay honestly, anyways it's not like I'll be moving much, I can't walk remember haha, ow...we will be on the sofa all day"

Jisung kisses minhos head, "I'm worried for you min....I don't want to lose you"

"You won't lose me baby I promise" he smiles at his boyfriend but Jisung didn't seem to smile back which made Minho confused

"Don't make a promise you can't keep...." Jisung then goes to the kitchen to bring minhos breakfast in

Minho thought a lot about that sentence "don't make a promise you can't keep" it's true tho Minho has no idea if he is gonna make it or not, there was always a chance that the thing in his brain can continue to grow even if the doctors removed most of it....

Jisung snaps Minho out of his thoughts as his breakfast arrives "I didn't make you a lot as you don't look so well today" he says putting the plate down then runs his hands through minhos hair

Minho smiles "thank you"

"Anything for you handsome" Jisung smiles back and kisses his head again before going to the living room to set up the sofa so it is nice and comfortable for Minho, he adjusts the pillows so they are in a more comfortable position for him to sit in and covers them with a fluffy blanket so it is ready for when Minho wants to cover himself up.

Minho really started to feel unwell while he was eating but he knew he had to eat so he wouldn't hurt his boyfriends feelings, and if he showed too much that he wasn't well today, then they would cancel his dad coming and he just wanted to get it over and done with....he was....in fact....he was going to give him a second chance....

Jisung comes back to the dining room and notices Minho was struggling to eat the final pieces on his plate....he noticed he was more pale then before

"Hey, you can stop eating if you want baby, come on let's get you on the sofa, how are you feeling?" Jisung says pushing the plate away from Minho and carefully lifts him up, helping him walk to the sofa


"Mhm, I can see that on your face" he says as he lays Minho down on the sofa and covers him with the blanket" he touches his forehead and it felt like Minho was burning, "baby your burning up, I will go get you some medicine, while I'm in the kitchen do you think it would be best if we put a trash can near you?"

Minho really didn't know if he was going to throw up at any point today but he did know that his stomach wasn't doing so well today, "I'm n-not sure..."

Jisung nods "Hm okay, if you feel any worse tell me and I will quickly bring a trash can to you, okay?"

"O-okay" Minho begins to watch the tv to make him take his mind off being ill

Jisung comes back and gives him the medicine, "hopefully that helps you feel better"

A couple hours later Minho and Jisung were cuddling on the sofa, Minho had fallen asleep while cuddling

Jisoo and chaeyoung come back inside the house after being out on a girls day out , jisoo saw her son and immediately ran to him

"Is he okay?? Oh gosh he doesn't look so well"

Jisung nods, "yeh he has been like this all day, he has told me he doesn't feel to well today but I think he is okay, he hasn't thrown up yet but he said his stomach does not feel too good today"

There was a knock at the door which woke Minho up...."h-Hm".....

"Awh hey baby, that will probably be your dad....are you ready?"

Minho nods as jisoo goes to the door and answer to see byunghoon at the door "hey"

"Hey" he smiles seeing his love infront of him.... "how is he?"

"He isn't feeling very well today so please be patient and soft with him..."

" hey dw I'm not like the old me anymore...I promise"

Jisoo nods and takes him to Minho who was still cuddling Jisung

"Oh god no he does not look well, are you sure you shouldn't take him to the hospital?"

"You think he looks that bad-...."

"I mean yeh look at him...he's as white as a ghost, he can barely keep his eyes open, come on I'm taking him to hospital, everyone in car, this isn't good....."

"Byunghoon???" Jisoo says confused

Byunghoon goes to Jisung and Minho

"Carry him to the car...okay?" He says softly to Jisung as he touches minhos face"

Jisung nods as he picks up Minho and takes him to the car

"Byunghoon ??? What are you doing"

"Jisoo please you have to trust me....the same thing happened to my dad....h-he had the same thing Minho has and when he looked like what Minho does now we ignored it and look where it got him.....he isn't here anymore.....so please get in the car...."

Tears form in Jisoos eyes and she nods "he is going to be okay...right?"

"If we get him to hospital fast, then maybe he will..."

Jisoo runs to the car and turns to face Minho in the backseat with Jisung and chaeyoung, Jisoo holds his hand from the front seat, "baby I'm right here....I'm not leaving you....I'm right here"

Jisung faces towards the window trying not to cry while holding his boyfriend in his arms


Minho says as Byunghoon starts to drive quickly to the hospital

"Yeh little one?"

"I-.....I l-....let y-you have s....s-second....chance...."

Byunghoon smiles a little but breaks his heart seeing his son so ill in the back....barely even able to speak....he sees his dad in him..,.. " I am going to save you Minho I will save you...."

Thank you so so soooo much for 1.1K reads on this book, it means so much to me thank youuu I love you all so so so much 🥰💗💗💗💗💗

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