Paradise (MikaYuu)

By Ivemissedyou

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I did say Ending A left room for a sequel. So in this lovely other life Mika spoke so fondly of, Yuu finds hi... More



1.3K 33 42
By Ivemissedyou

Bet you thought I was done. Me? The person who uses writing as a form of escapism? Done with the book? The thing that consumed 3 almost 4 years of my life? No, no, no. Hahaha- never.

I sat in the corner of the room, I was never a fan of this so called 'Social interaction', but my friends were. So you bet your ass I was always a good friend and accompanied them to these clubs. Well, it was more like they dragged me here. I hated it though. The floor was sticky, the lights were too bright, and most of all the music was too loud.

But the nail in the coffin was definitely the amount of people. My views on others was weird. People scared me, ever since I was young I was afraid that getting too close to people would end up hurting them, but I also didn't want to be alone, I must have some really weird self esteem issues. I managed to make a few good friends from my aunt who is around my age, but other than that I generally stuck to myself. I was ok with just these friends though, I felt connected to them.

"Here," my adorable looking roommate handed me a drink. Don't let that fool you though, Yoichi was a heartless bastard who just so happened to fall in love with a moron with a giant heart, "do you still like margaritas?" He asked.

"Yeah, I've already drank like 2," I happily took the drink and began to try and get myself drunk as quickly as possible, "thank you."

"No problem, this is why I'm the DD," he sighed as he sat down next to me, "I'm getting really tired of coming here. Shiho doesn't like it either. Shinoa knows how afraid he is and knows that you're not comfortable here yet she still suggests places like this. She really knows no fear, does she?" Yoichi ran a hand through his hair, "I want to leave."

"I think this is basically just date night for Mitsuba and Shinoa but for some reason they like dragging us along." I heaved a heavy sigh.

"This would not be my ideal date night," Yoichi looked around the room, "I think Shiho would prefer we stay home for those."

"Eh, I'm ok with going out, I don't really like being stuck in the same place for too long." I said.

"Yeah. It's supposed to rain pretty hard later, maybe we should head home before the roads get bad." He commented.

"Yeah, grab Kimizuki and let's go. The girls can party as long as they want, but some of us actually have jobs." I felt so drained of energy.

"You work from home." Yoichi reminded me.

"And you work with the worst 1st class I've head of, how do you accidentally take a bite out of someone's arm?" I taunted him.

"Don't remind me," he sighed, "alright, stay here for a minute." Yoichi elegantly pushed himself off of the shittier version of the casting couch and started to look for his boyfriend.

I should probably shower when I get home. This place is disgusting.

I closed my eyes for a second and sipped at my drink when some random person began to cast a shadow over me, "Are you old enough to be drinking that?" the voice asked.

"Well I'm 26, so I would assume so." I looked up to see the person who was questioning me only to be met by the most striking pair of blue eyes I've ever seen, they practically glowed in the purple light and his platinum blonde hair looked almost fluorescent. It was like something straight out of a dream.

"Ah, I see," he stood a bit taller and placed his hand on the back of his neck, offering me a very cheerful looking smile, "my mistake."

Something about him didn't sit right with me. He was dressed in a white suit, wore gloves, and looked very fit. He was not the kind of person that would come to a place like this.

"Not to sound creepy or anything, but you were in this exact same spot when I got here about 2 hours ago, may I ask why that is? Do you not like these kinds of places, and what is it that you don't like?" his blue eyes looked to me with curiosity. He was interesting.

Yeah, way to not sound creepy.

"Um, 2 of my friends really like it here and they drag the rest of us along. Clubbing isn't really my style," I said, "I'm not a fan of loud noise. Oh, and between you and me, this place is high key disgusting."

"I'm surprised anyone could like it here," he shivered, "and I'm going to have to agree with you on it being disgusting, the man that runs it is equally disgusting." He pressed the back of his hand to his mouth as he giggled a little.

He was dressed very nice, was mostly well mannered, curious of regular things, and had a bad sense of humor. He was upper class, I could tell.

"Why is someone like you in a place like this?" I asked. I was a little surprised at myself, I wasn't normally this straight forward with new people. But I felt like he'd listen to everything I had to say.

"Well, I do business with the owner so I need to make sure it's at least presentable. If my partners have a bad image, that can negatively affect me as well. Let me just say, this is definitely a black mark. I'll have to fix it up, maybe then even you could enjoy it," He seemed like a people person, but also very awkward, "oh, by the way, my name is Mikaela," The blonde man took off his glove and offered me his hand, "I heard skin on skin contact shows more sincerity," He shrugged, "I have hand sanitizer if you're worried about germs."

Now that actually made me laugh a little bit, "Yuichiro." I responded and shook his hand.

The contact seemed to surprise him, "Oh, sincerity, huh?" He said more to himself. His eyes seemed to glow even brighter when he looked at me, "It's very nice to meet you, Yuichiro." He said as he put his glove back on.

"It's very nice to meet you, too, Mikaela."  I figured I might try to be a little courteous and smile as well, his eyes had me trapped.

"So, how often would you say you come here?" Mikaela asked.

"Maybe like once every 2 weeks, it's usually up to my 2 friends." I said.

"What do you like about this place?" He questioned.

"Everything has high alcohol." I snickered.

Mikaela smiled slightly as well, "That is a good feature. Hmm, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a therapist." I said.

"Really?! Are you any good?!" He seemed very excited to hear that.

"I mean, I think so."  I beamed.

"Where are you currently working?" Mikaela asked. He had the excitement of a child it was almost cute.

"Oh I kinda do my own shit, ya know just set up and work. I'm not really all that fond of people, but I've always liked helping them," I loved talking about my job, "I used to work in a few psych wards and stuff but I eventually just kinda went to this."

"Hmmm, you should come work for me. Our company is in desperate need of a therapist. A lot of my employees could really use the help." He said.

"Which company?" I asked.

"Paradise." He said.

"Oh god," I was slightly taken aback, "Paradise? I don't really know if I'm qualified for that. That's a massive company, everyone has at least one of their electronics. Paradise's Net Worth is like-"

"65.7 billion. Also, we don't just do electronics. We also dabble in the medical industry as well as accessible transpiration. Anyway, I would put you in main office, it's in the area so I think it would out fine." Mikaela said looking rather eager.

"D-do you have the authority to do that?" I asked.

Mikaela tilted his head, "I'm the CEO," He sounded sort of confused, "You didn't realize that?"

"Oh my god," I face palmed, "I must be hammered. Mikaela Tepes. Yeah, that, uh, that would make sense, now wouldn't it? Young business man named Mikaela."

He chuckled a bit, "I like you a lot. I've always been good with businesses, I'm especially good at persuasive marketing. On that note, I pay my employees very well, there's healthcare, dental, we even have housing for the people that move around plants, the lunches are to die for and they're an affordable price-"

"Fine, fine. You can stop now, you've throughly convinced me," I ran my fingers through my bangs and leaned on my hand as I turned to face him, "hell, why not?" He was so pale that blush on his face was extremely noticeable.

How can such an awkward man be so successful?

"You know where the building is, right?" He asked.

"Yes siiirrrr, why yes, indeedy I do." I was really starting to feel the alcohol.

"Do you think you'll be able to come in to sign some paperwork tomorrow afternoon. Let's say 2:30?" Mikaela asked.

"Being mindful of the possible hangover?" I asked.

"Yes sir," He copied me, his eyes were so fixated on mine, "your eyes, they're very pretty and rather unique. A friend of mine has an eye like yours. His boyfriend's eyes match yours quite perfectly as well."

"Does your friend have one eye?!" I asked.

Mikaela chuckled, "No, no. He has both eyes. They're just heterochromatic. Green and blue, it's very aesthetically pleasing."

"It sounds neat. Maybe I'll get to see them one day. If he's friends with you then he must be a great person." I smiled.

"Haha, actually he's the most sociopathic bastard you could ever hope to meet." Mikaela glanced to the side.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing~" he hummed.

I was about to question it further when Yoichi called for me a few yards away, "C'mon, let's go, Yuu!"

I turned to Mikaela, "Well then, I guess I'll see you to tomorrow, 2:30." I stumbled a little as I walked, but I was mostly fine.

"I'll see you then, Yuichiro." He waved.

I'm debating on how I want Yoichi's character to be.

I'm thinking of doing Wednesdays for updates but we all know I'm physically incapable of keeping a schedule.

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