faultless | suna r.

By luvb1rd

15.4K 696 113

[suna x fem!reader] Sometimes, we put on a mask to protect others, and ourselves. Falling in love means to ta... More

01 new kid meets sleeping boy
02 inarizaki's volleyball idiots
03 the dynamic duo
04 we meet at the convenience store
05 and again at the library
06 the average boy
07 messages
08 a friendly family
09 walking home
10 the average boy's good day
11 deja vu
13 smile:)
14 early footsteps
15 attracted or not?
16 café of love

12 good friends

630 39 3
By luvb1rd

"So Suna, why were ya and (Y/N)-chan 'playin' around' in class earlier, hmm?" Osamu asks nonchalantly, though his eyes held nothing but seriousness. Many of the volleyball club members turn to face the two in curiosity.

"Smiley and I were just talking."

"'Playin' around?' The hell's that supposed to mean?" Atsumu asks, eyes round.

"S'what the teacher called it. Suna was all leaning his head on his arm and starin' at her, I tell ya."

"Ha!" Atsumu exclaims, "Ya think she's cute too, right?"

Suna grunts.


"Atsumu, calm down." Kita reprimands.

"H-hai, Kita-san!" the boy tones down his voice and pouts, "I wish she ate with us again today.."

His brother simply sighs. "Ya got all these girls pinin' for ya yet ya reject 'em all, and when one girl isn't some fan, ya cling onto her like a bug. It's pathetic." The grey-head clicks his tongue and stuffs food into his mouth, apparently disregarding his mini-monologue.

Suna snickers, "He's not wrong."

"Haaah!? Well don't be jealous (Y/N)-chan and I are such good friends!"

"You've known her for a week." his twin deadpans.

"For yer information," Atsumu sasses, "it was really easy for (Y/N)-chan and I to get close in one week!"

"She does seem like that type of person," Aran comments, while Ginjima nods excitably in agreement. In fact, the whole team knew it was true.

"Exactly," Osamu continues, "it's because she's friendly. She doesn't actually like ya 'Tsumu, ya dumbass."

"Well I'm gonna go ask her!"

"Ask her what?"

The blond rolls his eyes, "Well, duh. Ask her if- if—" He pauses to think for a moment, scratching his head until he gets an idea, "Oh! If we're really good friends! Yeah, I'm going to ask (Y/N)-chan if we're really good friends. And she's gonna say yes."

"That's a stupid question."

"Says you!" Atsumu storms off.

"Does he even know where she is?" Suna asks, eyeing his friend in amusement.


"So...what'd she say?"

"Couldn't find her." a disappointed Atsumu grumbles, taking a seat, "But I'm gonna ask later! 'Samu, Suna, make sure to tell (Y/N)-chan to wait for me after school, 'kay? She's always gone already whenever I come by."

"Maybe she's trynna avoid ya," Osamu suggests, obviously enjoying his brother's frustration.

"Shut yer trap!"

Soon enough, lunch is over, and the boys volleyball team splits up to go to their respective classrooms.

"Remember to tell (Y/N)-chan to stay after class!" Atsumu reminds his twin and Suna as they separate.

Osamu rolls his eyes, "Yeah, sure." He walks away with the other following suit.

Suna sits down, taking note of the unoccupied seat next to him. Guess she isn't here yet. Just then, a group of girls walk inside the classroom. The boy squints his eyes, vaguely remembering (Y/N) heading out with them during the beginning of lunch. It was obvious she wasn't accompanying them now, and the girls seemed to be immersed in some deep discussion. Suna wasn't too bothered, but when their teacher entered the room and started class, he couldn't help but wonder where his seat-mate was. She didn't look too well this morning... He scans the room for what feels like the umpteenth time, making eye contact with a boy who quickly looks away. Suna recognizes him, realizing he was probably also wondering about (Y/N)'s whereabouts.

And this only feeds his own curiosity.

Class is over with still no sign of (Y/N). Suna is packing his bag just as Atsumu barges into his class.

"(Y/N)-chan~" He looks around the room, noticing her absence, and heads over to his brother, "Oi 'Samu! Ya didn't tell her to wait!?"

"She wasn't in class after lunch." Suna responds for him, walking towards the two.

"Oh." The blond skims his surroundings and approaches a group of girls, "Hey ladies, do any of ya know where (Y/N)-chan is?"

"A-ano..(Y/N)-chan fell sick during lunch so we took her to the nurse's office." The others around her nod, sporting a mix of nervous and worried looks.

"It must've hurt real bad. I mean, she started crying!" another exclaims.

Atsumu's eyes widen, "She cried? What even happened?"

"She said her head hurt real bad and- and she was dizzy— I don't know, she wasn't in good condition so her words were all mumbly! And I think she said some stuff in English..?"

"Is (Y/N)-chan still at the nurse's?"

The girl shakes her head. "The school should've contacted her parents to pick her up a long time ago."

"I see. Well, thanks~" Atsumu sends a brilliant grin sure to leave the bunch swooning and heads back to his teammates. "Did ya hear?"

"Yeah, I hope (Y/N)-chan's okay." Osamu says, leading the trio out the door.

"Well she's probably resting now, so I'm gonna text her later." his brother replies.

"Ya have her number?"

"Ya bet I do! I told ya we were good friends!"

The twins suddenly stop their conversation and turn to face their teammate who'd stopped walking.

"Suna, why're ya just standing there? C'mon!"

"I just remembered I had to do something," the boy mumbles.

"Hm, sounds kinda suspicious..." Atsumu squints his eyes.

"Don't be late to practice or else Kita-san's gonna scold ya." Osamu clamps his brother's shoulder and pushes him out of the way, "See ya soon?"

"Yeah." With a mental 'thank you' to the grey-haired twin, Suna turns and walks toward the other direction. If I'm correct, she couldn't have left school yet. You can't be dismissed early unless a parent or guardian comes to pick you up, and she lives alone... Thinking this, he approaches the nurse's office and reaches to open the door.

"Uh...Smiley?" The boy looks around the room and spots (Y/N) sitting on one of the beds, facing the floor.

"Suna?" She looks up and winces immediately after, clutching her head, "Sunarin? What're you doing here?"

He chooses to ignore the question, honestly surprised by his own actions as well, and steps closer. "You okay?"

Wait, he doesn't seem sick or hurt. Did he come to see me or something? "Yeah. I was just resting a bit, did you miss me~?" she attempts to joke, feeling too light-headed to question further why he was where he was.

"You wish. You're sick, right? Does your head hurt?" he eyes the way her hand massages her scalp.

"No, I'm okay! I should actually head home about now~" (Y/N) abruptly stands up and lets out a yelp of pain shortly after.

Out of instinct, Suna rushes forward and steadies her by the shoulders. "Hey, be careful—" He sits her back down on the bed and towers over her. "You can't even stand by yourself."

The girl laughs nervously under his shadow, "Okay, I might be a little sick and my head might hurt a tiiiny bit. But I gotta get home!"

"You're a child."

(Y/N) pauses her whining and looks up at Suna with widened eyes. They soften quickly and the girl giggles.

"What is it?"

"You- you kinda reminded me of someone for a second."

"That someone must be really awesome then."

She laughs a bit, then grimaces from the pain. "Yeah, she really is."

Suna raises his eyebrows, "Do you need me to call my mom? I'm sure she'd just love to take you home."

"No need~ I don't wanna be a bother to Kiriko."

"I can just walk you home again too, but the car's a better choice."

"No, no, it's really okay!"

"Says the one who can't even stand straight. You know what, I think you can come to my practice and rest there, then we'll walk to your house when you're feeling better."

"Is that...really okay with you?"


(Y/N) huffs at his nonchalance, "Kay then. Well, thanks Sunarin!" She stands up again and like last time, sits right back down. "So dizzy..." Suna hears her murmur.

He chuckles as he suggests, "Wanna stay here for a few minutes? You can rest 'til your head feels a bit better, and I can waste more practice time."

"So that's what it was, an excuse to skip on your volleyball practice?" (Y/N) pouts, feigning offense.

"You caught me~" he smirks.

The girl shakes her head, winces, then sighs in defeat, leaning back against the wall. Suna sits down on the edge of the bed, watching as she hugs her knees and rests her head on them.

"Is it only your head that hurts?"


"Does it hurt that bad?"

"Just a little.."

Slightly concerned, Suna slowly reaches out a hand to stroke (Y/N)'s hair. Tentatively, gently. He didn't know what gave him that type of courage but liking its softness, he continues, and the girl gradually leans into his touch.

"Suna? I feel better now."

The boy looks up from his phone and scrutinizes the speaker before replying. She did look slightly better. "Okay, let's go then." He stands up, watching as the girl attempts the same, "Be careful."

"Mhm.." (Y/N) rubs her eyes, "Let's go~"

"Is Smiley sleepy?" Suna teases.

"Smiley's perfectly fine." She trudges out the room and waits for the snickering boy behind her to follow. Together, they head to the gym.

"Suna, finally! Where the hell were ya?"

Said boy says nothing but moves to the side, revealing a slightly smaller, much more feminine figure. (Y/N) faces the team with a shy smile, "Um, hello everyone, sorry to intrude~"

Every single member of the club's eyes widen. "(Y/N)-chan!?"

Suna walks over to a middle aged male with glasses, "Coach, sorry for being late, but can my friend stay for practice? She's sick and can't walk home alone right now, so I had to wait for her at the nurse's."

The man raises his eyebrows, shocked by the turn of events. "..Sure, Rintarou." He faces (Y/N) and extends a hand, "Coach Kurosu, pleased to meet you."

The girl grins and accepts the formality. "(L/N) (Y/N), thank you so much for letting me stay!" (Y/N) is directed to the bleachers and settles on the floor of the second row, resting her arms and head on the seat in front. She watches as Suna talks some more to his coach, probably further explaining the reason for his tardiness, then heads to change. Some sneak shocked, curious, or nervous glances her way, but soon, the team resumes their practice as if nothing irregular happened. Rubbing her eyes again, the visitor tries her best to follow along with their movements.

"Sunaaa~ What were ya and (Y/N)-chan doing, eh?" Atsumu nudges his friend with a smirk. The boys were currently on a short break and many team members had gathered around the poor second-year. "Wait. Before that, isn't she supposed to be at home?"

"Yeah, I thought she was sick." Osamu adds, taking a swig of water.

"She is sick. That's why I waited for her."

"But why was she still at school then?"

"She couldn't be picked up."


Suna groans, "Stop asking questions."

"I'm just surprised to see Suna care for a girl like this!" Ginjima chuckles and pats his back, "I'm proud of you!"

The middle blocker startles. "What— I'm not heartless.."

Osamu snickers and elbows his brother, suddenly remembering an earlier conversation. "Oi 'Tsumu, I'm starting to get a feeling Suna's closer to (Y/N)-chan than you are."

"Ehh? No way!" Atsumu competitively strides over to the girl on the bleachers, "(Y/N)-chan!" The rest of the team follows the brash Miya with their eyes as he stops abruptly and hunches over her figure.

"....She- She's sleeping!"

But before anyone could even react to those words, Kurosu ends the break.

Suna sighs, completing one last stretch. Practice was finally over and he, for one, could not wait to leave. As he bids half-focused goodbyes to his seniors and juniors, someone taps his back, interrupting him from such tranquil state of mind.

"Suna, shouldn't ya wake up (Y/N)-chan?" Atsumu asks.

"Oh, yeah. I will." He follows the blond to the bleachers and stands over the girl, unsure what to do. The team had refrained from bothering her after Atsumu's little outburst; Kurosu had lectured them for getting distracted and ordered everyone to leave the napping guest alone.

Only a portion of (Y/N)'s face was visible, but she looked so peaceful nonetheless. Her closed eyes boasted long lashes and her soft cheeks had been squished by her arms.

"Cute, eh?"

Suna stays silent and crouches down in front of her. How do I wake her up? Osamu usually pulls my hair, but I can't do that... He pokes her cheek. "Oi Smiley, wake up."

The girl grumbles as Suna continues his 'finger attack' on her face; it was actually a bit amusing. Finally, her eyes flutter open as she lets out a drowsy "Whaaat?"

Suna chuckles, "Get up, it's home time."

"Huh? How long was I asleep?"

"More than half the practice. Now let's go?" He watches in amusement as the girl mumbles a reply and forces her body up.

"(Y/N)-chan! Are ya okay!?" Atsumu jumps in all of a sudden, "When I went to yer class after school, ya were gone, and when I asked around, yer friends said you cried during lunch!"

"They told you that? And you asked!? Oh god, that's embarrassing. Please pretend you didn't hear whatever they said~!" (Y/N) sends her nervous jazz hands his way.

"But really, what happened to ya?"

"Just—not my day today. I barely even remember what happened, just that I felt sick.."


Her head was spinning, spinning badly. Awareness of her tears had momentarily drowned out everything else: the worried voices of her friends especially. Then she felt hands on shoulders, reaching out to her, gripping her, shaking her.



She jerked away, caught in the moment and unaware of the words that tumbled out of her mouth. The throbbing of her head began to annoy her and she felt hot all over, was it a fever? Fevers resulted in these terrible headaches, right?

What felt like an instant later, she found herself lying down on a bed, presumably in the nurse's office. What she did for the remaining time was a mystery even to herself. That was all she could recall before Suna's arrival. At first, she'd wondered why he was there, then how he knew where she was, and the reason for his visit. Most importantly, however, why the hell was he staying?

But pain soon washed those thoughts away, replaced by the comfort of his company.


Suna places a hand on her head, "But you're okay now. Right?" The girl in question seemed to be deep in thought.

"M-mhm!" she smiles up at the middle blocker, "Thank you Suna! For today."

He tilts his head, "Uh, yeah, you're welcome."

"Well then, let's go ya slow-pokes!" Atsumu says while exiting the gym, "We're the last ones here!" Suna and (Y/N) follow after the boy, who suddenly turns around, "Oh! By the way (Y/N)-chan...are we good friends?"


(Y/N) sputters into laughter at the unexpected question, "Huhhh? What kinda- Yeah, of course we are!"

Atsumu proceeds to holler like a child, "I knew it! I fuckin' knew it! I gotta go tell 'Samu this, see ya!"

In amusement and shock, the girl smiles bewilderedly at his disappearing figure before looking up to Suna for explanation. The boy shrugs. "Long story." When (Y/N) continues to stare at him confused as ever, he pokes her cheek.

"C'mon, I'll explain on the way home."

i have a love-hate
relationship w this chapter
also it's extremely unedited but i
wanted to update today:)

wait nvm i do hate this chapter—
it's so boring??????? and for whAT

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