
By Hesteline

14.5K 970 19

"I'd catch you every time" he said 25 year old Chleo Liseho Smith. A short young woman that can brighten anyo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chaper 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 22

269 20 0
By Hesteline

Chleo's POV

We were enjoying ourselves and gossiping, when Chad and some guy came and joined us at the pool. It's like God took all the time in the world to make this man. He has that kind of smile that would make any girls knees go weak. Did God send all the gorgeous men here on purpose.

"Hey ladies ya'll chillin' at the pool and didn't invite me" Chad said. "It's a called a girls day out for a reason. Hi Levi" Ash said. "Hi ladies. How ya doing? I believe I haven't met you before" he said turning to me and you know what I did do? I just smiled like a idiot.

"Excuse my brothers manners think he saw someone and last bit of sense left him. Im Levi and I believe you are the beautiful Chleo" he said. Again I would have been red as a tomato if it was not for my dark shade.

"Hi nice to meet you" I said. "Well the pleasure is all mine,  so how are you liking it here so far?" He asked. "It's nice it's just that I get homesick a lot still" I said." That is understandable you're half way around the world and left everyone you love back at home. You're boyfriend must have been devastated" he said. "Oh no I didn't leave any boyfriend behind" I said. "Ok then husband?" he asked with a bit of humour making me laugh. "No I didn't leave any man behind" I said, all these butterflies started to calm down and I like how Im starting to feel comfortable around him.

"Men in Africa must be blind then. So what did you like doing back home?" He asked making effortless conversation. "Well I have not done much these last couple of years but I would go watch plays and visit art galleries is what I loved most" I said thinking bout me and Stacy's road trips visiting galleries across the country.

I dont know if the sun was getting hotter or just the effect the man has that just walked in. It feels like time stand still for a few seconds everytime he enters a room. "Then you should let me take you out sometime. I know the perfect art gallery and I know you'd love it how bout we go tomorrow?" I heard Levi say. I feel like Im in Kai's way and should probably make a plan to leave here soon. "Sure Mia and Ash won't be here so I have nothing planned" I said. "Then it's a date" Levi said. We talked for a while he end up telling me a bit of himself and it's just him and Chad and their dad their mom is not in their lives anymore I did not want to ask what happend. He seems like a really nice guy.

I noticed that there was one person missing. "Where did Kai go" I asked Chad. "He got a call that he had to answer he'll be back soon" he said. Probably work. They used to say I work too much but this man beats me hands down.


Kai's POV

I have wondered off a little far from home and found myself staring at the ocean. Why does she have to wake up feeling that I buried deep down. I don't want to feel anymore I felt once for the love of my life and losing her I nearly lost myself.

" I can't wait to see my parents face" I said with excitement. "I know love Im very excited too you know" McKenzie said with her thick British accent. We met in college in our second year. Working on a project toghether and then one thing lead to the other and 2 years later look where we are about to become new parents.

What she doesn't know is as soon as we tell my parents Im going to ask her to marry me, and it's not because of the baby no. I can't imagine anyone else as my wife I love her to death.  Pregnancy looks good on her we will definitely be having more babies soon. Well after the wedding and when this little peanut is born.

"I saw the pretties little pink booties today" she said with her gorgous smile. "It's a boy Kenzie,  a Kai Junior Russo" I said while stoping at a red light. "Whatever it is babe I know we will love him or her unconditionally" she said with her hand in her bump no one could even really says she's 6 months along. The doctor said that it is most likely that in the last month her bump might double its size. "You know keeping it in for 6 months was hard but I respect your decision babe. I think mom is suspecting something though."  I said .

"I know I almost blown my own cover a few times" she said laughing. "Well now we can be open and enjoy our pregnancy to the fullest and you should be prepared to be showered with baby gifts from my parents I know my mom can be very extra" I said as I put the car in drive when the lights turned green.

"I can't wait for the nursery room. We're doing tha-. Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaai!" That was the last thing I heard her say and a loud crash, and everything went black.

Waking up to a continuous beeping sound. "Why is my head hurting so much" I asked to no one in particular. "Mr Russo I need you to lay still you have been in a serious accident" I recognize my doctors voice . Seconds later memories of the accident came flooding back all at once. "McKenzie! Kenzie! Where is she?" She must be in a lot of pain and our baby. "Our baby doctor?" I asked as panick washed over me. "Will someone answer me or I'll get out of this bed" I said already getting ready do remove the needles in my arm. 

"Mr Russo please I need you to calm down. Im sorry we have tried everything in our power to safe your  baby daughter and Miss Williams". I thought I heard the doctor wrong maybe he is confused Kenzie can't be dead.

"No she's alive she has to be. Im alive so she has to be" I said as tears streamed down my face. "Nurse hurry get something to calm him down for the rest of the night." Dr Lopez said to the nurse. " I don't want to calm down I want to see my love. What sick joke are you playing" I screamed getting up my whole body was in pain but it didn't compare to the pain in my heart. Pain so unbearable I never knew it was possible. The nurse came back with the drugs send to get with 2 male nurses to hold me down . That moment I wished it was me instead of them.

A tap on my shoulder brought me out of my past. "Here you are we are about to have lunch and I been looking for you" Mia said. "Im not hungry" I simply said one look at me and she knew what my tear stained face meant. "Come on big bro get some rest McKenzie wouldn't want you to be so sad. I'll let Zack take me to the airport." She said. I wish I could go sleep and never wake up

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