Dangerous Animagus (Drarry)

By GladerA24

221K 7K 3K

In which Draco and Harry finally put their differences aside just before fate decided to unit them. This is m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 16

7.2K 254 110
By GladerA24

Harry's POV

I woke up, early as usual and cuddled against Draco who was still sound asleep. I looked at his relaxed features before lifting a finger up to his face and gently brushing it along his nose and lips, smiling when he sighed happily from time to time, nuzzling in my neck. I placed a hand on his belly, biting my bottom lip to prevent a goofy smile from spreading on my face and rubbed the stretched skin tenderly. I loved thinking about my baby, my Scorpius. Sometimes, I would get really excited about it and would find myself grinning and hoping that my baby boy would arrive sooner. The desire to hold his little body in my arms was becoming stronger and stronger. After a while, I finally gathered some courage and slowly got out of bed to take a hot shower. I stood under the shower head, eyes closed as I enjoyed the warmth surrounding me. My sore muscles were finally loosing the tension that had build up for a few days. I suddenly felt two strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist while small kisses were placed softly on my shoulder blades. I smiled, lacing my fingers with his and dropping my head back and resting it on his shoulder while he left kisses on my neck. We stayed like this for a while until I lifted my head up again and turned around to face Draco with a fond smile spread on my face. He looked up at me smiling as well but his smile slowly faded as he stared at me.

"What's wrong, darling?" I asked, noticing the change of behavior. He didn't respond but instead lifted a shaky hand to my face and brushed his fingers against my skin from the left side of my face to the right side. And at that very moment, it clicked. My scar. The scar Draco made when he got angry at me. I closed my eyes and silently cursed at myself for stupidly forgetting to put glamour back on.

"When did you get that?" he asked with a frown.

"Draco" I said, not knowing what to say.

"Was it when you went to the Weasleys?" he asked, I knew he was silently asking if it was Cedric who was at fault for this and I slowly shook my head, mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen. "Then when? And why haven't I seen it before? Did you put glamour on it so it wouldn't be visible?" He asked confused and concerned. I sighed, knowing he was going to feel so bad about it and was going to blame himself even though it was not his fault.

"Draco, listen" I said, quietly, taking his hands in mine. He watched me take his hands and looked at me with calculating eyes. "I- yo- I-It happened just before I went to the Weasleys" I finally said, stuttering because of how nervous I was.

"Why would you hide this from me?" He asked, he looked a bit hurt that I would hide something like that to him. "Why didn't you come see me? I would've healed you. How did you even do that?" He asked, looking at the scar a bit closer and brushing his fingers against it. I looked at him with sad eyes and he frowned. He seemed to be thinking for a while, staring at the scar before looking at me with wide eyes.

"I-It was me, wasn't it? I'm the one who did this to you" he said, taking a few steps back as guilt filled his eyes. "Oh gods, oh gods" he said as realization hit him. Tears started filling his eyes as he looked at me in horror. "Oh gods, Harry" he cried, his hands flying to his lips. I stepped forward but he took a step back again, shaking his head.

"Draco, baby" I whispered. Seeing him like this was hurting me so much, that was exactly why I had hid it from him. "Listen to me" I said but he shook his head while sobbing. He closed his eyes tightly, probably to stop staring at it and I grabbed his head in my hands tenderly. "Please darling, listen, it was an accident" he cried even more while I desperately tried to wipe his tears away. "You didn't mean to, I know you didn't mean to. I'm alright, everythings fine" I said, trying to make him understand that I was okay as he stepped out of the shower hurriedly. I grabbed his arm to stop him from running away and turned him towards me.

"Merlin" he whispered in a shaky voice "I didn't eve- Why did- gods" he sobbed "What have I done?" My heart broke hearing his pain and I knew very well that mates tends to feel things ten time more, even though he is human he still feel things a lot more than others. He was hurt that he caused me pain without knowing it and I didn't know what to do to calm him down and reassure him. "Just look at it Harry. Look at it" he said as he turned me so that I was facing the mirror. "Look at what I've done to you" he exclaimed, pointing a finger at my reflection. "How can you say that everything is fine?" he asked and I bit my lip when his voice cracked. "Why didn't you tell me when it happened?" he asked, looking at me through his tears. I looked back at him, tears filling my own eyes.

"I knew you would have felt guilty" I whispered and he cried more.

"You should have told me, Harry" He said "You can't h-hide something like this from me. I'm a terrible person. I didn't even look twice at you when I stormed back inside. I didn't speak to you and you still apologized to me when I hurt you so badly?" he asked and I only wrapped my arms around him in reply, tightening my grip when he fought against my embrace but quickly gave up as I was stronger than him. "I'm sorry, Harry." he said "I'm so sorry, so so sorry." he cried and I stroked his hair tenderly while shushing him to calm him down.

"I forgive you, Draco" I said, hoping that it would make him feel a bit better. "I never blamed you, baby" he buried his face in my neck. "Never" I kissed his head while rocking our bodies slowly. He finally calmed down after a few minutes and I helped him get dressed carefully as to not make him slip on the slippery tiles and went back to the bedroom. We sat down on the bed and I hugged him again, showing him the love I felt for him and kissing him once in a while. "Are you feeling better?" I whispered and he looked at me while a deep frown was on his gorgeous face.

"I should be the one asking you this" he said, looking upset at himself. I brushed my nose against his softly before kissing it, his eyes fluttering close as I did this.

"I already told you, darling, I'm perfectly fine" I said and asked again how he was feeling.

"How do you think I'm feeling?" he asked, looking down at his hands that were resting on his lap. I lifted his face with two fingers and stared into those beautiful and bright grey eyes that I fell in love with years ago.

"I love you" I said and his eyes got teary again while his bottom lip trembled. "I love you, Draco Malfoy. So much." I said, smiling at him as a tear fell from his eye. I wiped it away and rested my forehead against his, never breaking eye contact. "I'll never ever stop loving you"

"I love you too" he whispered, kissing my lips before looking at the crib in the corner of the room. A small smile finally spreading on his lips and he looked shyly back at me. "Thank you" he said, refering to the crib and I smiled back.

"You're welcome, baby" I replied "I had some help from your mother but I wanted to choose one myself still" I explained as I recalled the day we got it with Narcissa.

"No, not that" he said and I frowned "Thank you for" he paused, looking down. I lifted his head and made him look at me in the eyes.

"For what?" I asked in a soft voice.

"For Scorpius" he said, blushing a bright red. A huge smile settled on my lips as I watched him get all embarrassed.

"My pleasure" I smirked and he hit me softly on the arm as he felt even more embarrassed.


Today was the day back at Hogwarts. We were both standing in front of Narcissa at platform nine and three quarters to say goodbye before stepping in the Hogwarts Express which was going to leave soon.

"Goodbye Harry" she said, embracing me tightly "Don't hesitate to write me letters when you have time" she kissed my cheek and turned to Draco. "Goodbye Draco" she said, embracing him as well and tightening her grip when she heard him cry. "Oh honey, don't cry" she said with a soft smile "We'll see each other soon enough" she said while carressing his round stomach. He smiled at the thought and nodded before grabbing the handle of his suitcase. I pushed his hand away and took the suitcase since I didn't want him to hurt himself in any way. We waved at her and got inside the train, searching for an empty compartment. I opened the door to a compartment that had the blinds closed and checked if it was available or not. I entered and grunted.

"Oh merlin" I exclaimed with a scowl on my face "Keep it in your bloody pants mate" I said as Hermione got off of Ron's lap and they both readjusted their clothes with bright red cheeks. Draco chuckled and they looked behind me to see Draco standing there as well. They blushed even more and for a split second I thought I saw disgust flashing in their eyes but it was quickly pushed away with a bored look. I frowned but decided to brush it off as it was the first day back and I didn't have any energy to fight with them so I took both of our suitcases and put them above the seats besides Ron and Hermione's. I sat down next to Ron while Draco reluctantly sat next to Hermione and I flashed him a smile of encouragement.

"So? How was the holidays?" Hermione asked and we started talking about what we did the whole break and enjoying a normal conversation between the four of us. Maybe they had finally wrapped their heads around the fact that Draco was now my 'friend' and that it wasn't going to change anytime soon.

"What presents did you get?" Ron asked me and I showed them proudly Sirius's ring that stood on my right hand. They gaped and asked who it belonged to and how I got it. "What about you?" Ron asked Draco even though I could see he was struggling to be nice and I appreciated the effort. Draco threw a panicked look at me, not sure if he should tell them that I bought him a crib. I nodded at him and smiled.

"Harry gave me a crib" he said quietly and they looked at me shocked.

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow "He is going to have a baby, it was the perfect present" I said and they seemed to brush it off. Cribs were quite expensive in the wizarding world and usually it was only the families that bought these type of things to the mother or in this case the father. The friends and other people didn't buy anything of the sort because it was the duty of the family to do so and it wasn't really well accepted when people didn't follow the tradition so I understood the surprise but I didn't want Draco to lie.

"It's very thoughtful Harry" Hermione finally said and I smiled proudly at her. That was one hell of a crib and I had every right to brag about it. We kept on talking about the break the whole way to Hogsmeade station before we took a carriage and drove to the castle. We followed Hagrid to the great hall as per usual and sat down at the Slytherin table while Ron and Hermione walked to the Gryffindor one.

"Students of Hogwarts may I have your attention please" the headmistress asked loudly and soon everyone had their eyes on her. "Thank you. As you are well aware, Hogwarts lost a few of its professors during the war and so we are now welcoming a new professor that will teach you divination." she announced, turning her head to the right side as she looked behind her to the professor's table "Welcome Mr Bhylog" she said and the students clapped in their hands as a way to welcome the man.

"Harry" Draco said, tugging at my sleeve. I turned my attention to him and frowned at the fear that was showing on his face.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?" I asked, whispering softly so that only he could hear me.

"The new teacher" he said, pointing at the man "he's a death eater" he said and I looked in shock at the man, only to realize that he was staring intensely at us. I stared back at him and did that until he finally looked away. The only person that could possibly intimidate me was Voldemort and, well, I killed him.

"How did you know?" I asked, holding his hand under the table and glancing at this Mr Bhylog every once in a while.

"He was at the Manor all the time" he whispered and I smiled at him reassuringly because I could see that he was scared.

"It's alright, he's not going to do anything. I'll protect you" I said and he looked a bit more relaxed than before.

"I would also like to welcome back a professor that will teach Defense Against The Dark Arts again while the professor that was currently occupying the position will teach history of magic." she announced and looked behind her but on the left side this time and gestured to the new DADA professor. "Please welcome back Professor Lupin"

My heart stopped as I heard and saw who was back at Hogwarts. It couln't be, he was dead. I saw his body. What kind of joke was that? I started to panic as I stared at Remus with wide eyes before jumping out of my seat and running out of the great hall when his eyes stared back in mine. I ran and ran until I was outside the castle and into the forbidden forest. It wasn't the greatest idea I've ever had but at the moment it will do.

I transformed into my wolf and ran a bit further before slowing down and walking around while my mind went back to Remus sitting comfortably in his chair at the professor's table like it was nothing. I looked on my right when I saw movement and realized that there was centaurs gathered all around me. I looked warily at them as I knew that they were agressive to the people coming in their forest but as I walked by them they bowed in respect at me. I stared in shock at them and bowed my head back to each and every one of them. I walked in front of a mother and a daughter centaur who both bowed at me like the others and I heard the little girl giggle happily once I passed by. I smiled internally at the cute child and kept on walking. I was alone again or so I thought until I heard footsteps not to far away. I grunted and huffed as I recognized Remus's scent and changed back to my human form.

"Harry" he exclaimed just as I was back on two feet and not four. "Thank god you're okay. You shouldn't be running in the forest like that it's dangerous" he scolded while I stared at him. "Why did you run in the first place?" he asked confused.

"Why are you here?" I asked and he frowned.

"I'm here as a professor" he said and I started to tear up while he looked at me bewildered.

"How are you here?" I asked. "Alive" I said while tears fell on my cheeks. He seemed to understand what the issue was and stepped closer to me.

"Why do you think I was dead?" he asked softly and I cried more as the image of his body next to Tonks's, still holding hands, flashed into my mind.

"I saw your body next to Tonks" I said and he looked down sadly.

"I wasn't dead, pup" he said "I was badly injured, yes, but not dead. I was actually resting when you saw me. I was devastated that she died and I had asked if I could stay next to her for one last time before they took her away and I fell asleep" he explained and I cried. He embraced me tightly and shushed me to calm me down. I pulled away and wiped my tears.

"Where have you been then?" I asked and he sighed.

"I was in Italy with Teddy" he said "After the war I needed to get away and focus on my son to try and get over Tonks's death. I'm sorry that I didn't say anything to you but I figured that you'd be okay at the Weasleys" he said and anger filled me.

"I wasn't" I said and he looked at me in confusion again.


"I wasn't at the Weasleys" I said and he looked surprised at me.

"But she told me before I went to Italy that she was going to take you to the burrow for the summer as usual" he said and I clenched my teeth

"Well she lied" I replied

"Where were you then?" he asked and I could see that he had an idea already.

"The Dursleys" I said after a while and he closed his eyes before sighing. I could see the guilt on his face but didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say to him.

"I'm so sorry, pup" he said, opening his eyes again "If I had known you would end up with them, I would've took you with me and Teddy" he said and I looked sadly at him.

"I know" I replied, looking down

"Was it hard?" he asked quietly

"Yeah, it was" I said and he hugged me again, whispering small sorry's and I'm here now in my ear. I pulled away and smiled at him. Someone suddenly shouted my name and I turned my head to the direction it came from at the same time as Remus. The person shouted again and I could clearly hear the pure fear in the voice. And then I recognized it. It was Draco. My eyes widened and my heart stopped beating.

I ran in his direction immediately, vaguely aware of Remus following behind me and sniffed the air to catch Draco's scent. Once I did, I ran even faster and saw him not too far away, on the ground and surrounded by at least thirty centaurs armed with spikes and swords which were pointed directly to Draco and some were even pointed to his stomach. Scorpius, I thought. My child and my mate were in danger. I ran to them and pushed them away harshly to standing between them and Draco. They glared at me and pointed their weapons at me as well while Remus stood panicked on the side.

"Back off" I said coldly. A few of them scoffed and gripped their swords tighter. "I said back off" I groaned in anger through gritted teeth. I didn't point my wand at them because it could quickly start a war between the magical creatures and the wizards so instead I decided to choose my own creature advantage. "Back off" I shouted, growling loudly as my eyes turned a deep dark red. They dropped the weapons and backed off immediately, bowing down.

"You're the wolf" One of them said in shock.

"Yes" I replied coldly "And you just threatened my mate and my unborn child" I spat and they all gasped and looked scared at me.

"We didn't know, you're majesty" he replied in panic. I nearly choked at what he addressed me as but brushed it off as there were more important matters at the moment. "We're very sorry, please have mercy and forgive us" he said and I stood there in shock.

"I- um I-Yes, yes I forgive you" I stuttered, not really knowing what to say. They all seemed relieved and quickly walked away, leaving us alone. I turned around and saw Draco, kneeling by Remus's side as he was on his knees and bowing all the way down, his forehead against the ground. I quickly walked to them and kneeled down as well.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Draco who shrugged in return. "Remus? Are you alright? Try and get up" I said and he suddenly got his upper body up and sat on the ground. "What happened?"

"You're a wolf? I thought you were a deer" he said while looking at me with big and puzzled eyes.

"I was but it changed" I said, starting to explain how it happened rapidly.

"Merlin" he said, trying to swallow the load of information he just had. "You're really powerfull Harry, that's why I was kneeling down. My own wolf side was submitting to you, to your power." He explained and I nodded to show him I understood, mutturing an apology. I turned to Draco and hugged him.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?" I asked and he hugged back, nuzzling in my neck while shaking his head in reply. I sighed in relief and relaxed a bit at that. He was fine. My baby boy was fine as well.

"So" Remus said as we pulled away from the hug. "Mate?" he said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk "And a pregnant one" he added, eyeing the round belly of Draco. "Congratulations" he said with a smile when we both nodded. "Even though the last time I checked you two hated each other" he chuckled and we both smiled at that.

"Nobody knows that we are together nor that I am the father of the baby" I said and he nodded in acknowledgement "We want to keep it a secret for now. Nobody even knows about my animagus, not even the Weasleys or Hermione" I explained and he looked surprised at that but didn't say anything. We walked back to the castle and went back to the great hall where nearly everyone had left and Remus sat down with us at the Slytherin table and ate with us as we were catching up.

"Nice change by the way" he said, gesturing to my appearance. I smiled widely and thanked him while he chuckled. "And how is this possible that you're a Slytherin now?" he asked, shoving a piece of bread in his mouth.

"I was always supposed to be in Slytherin." I said and he raised his eyebrows at me "The first time I was sorted, I talked the hat into placing me in Gryffindor" I said and Draco laughed loudly.

"You did?" he asked while laughing. "You actually did that? You got the hat which job's to place people in there rightfull place, where they belong, to sort you where you wanted to be?" he asked and when I nodded and laughed even harder, clutching his belly and I smiled while looking at him. He was gorgeous. "That is so Slytherin" he exclaimed "No wonder you were supposed to be one" he said and I chuckled at his amusement.

"What can I say? Being cunning can be an advantage" I said and he continued laughing for a while before shaking his head. His laugh really was music to my ears, it was so beautiful and I loved the fact that I was the only one able to bring out of him these kinds of pure and real laughs. This boy truly was one of a kind and I was glad he was mine and no one else's. I turned to Remus and saw him looking at us with a soft, fond smile on his face. I smiled back and we finished eating happily before going our seperate ways to go back to our dorms and go to sleep not long after.

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