Roses and Knives

By redninja173

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A dangerous figure is coming to Paris bringing about a change that no one expected. (Miraculous x Male OC) More

Author's note
Chapter 1: How it all began
Chapter 2: The Depths of Despair
Chapter 3: Foundation of power
Chapter 4: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 5: First Impressions
Chapter 6: Nightmare Toys and Parties
Chapter 7: Caught on Camera
Chapter 8: The Storm
Chapter 9: Love Can Be Cold and Sweet
Chapter 10: Managed Mischief
Chapter 11: Some Things Are Better Left Unseen
Chapter 12: Swift Strike
Chapter 13: Marinette's Birthday Disaster
Chapter 14: Your Past Never Truly Leaves You
Chapter 16: Tensions Rise
Chapter 17: The Wannabe Hero
Chapter 18: Skynet and a Sleepover
Chapter 19: New Powers
Chapter 20: A Strange Kind of Zombie Apocalypse
Chapter 21: A Snake Appears Before The Wolf
Chapter 22: Too Much Glitter
Chapter 23: A Pain In The BEEhind
Chapter 24: A Brief Shift In Personality
Chapter 25: Sticky Situation
Chapter 26: Someone Like You
Chapter 27: Nightmares Be Gone
Chapter 28: Thin Ice
Chapter 29: Heroes Day
Chapter 30: Darkness vs Life
Chapter 31: First Date
Chapter 32: A Trip To Shanghai
Chapter 33: A Liar Returns
Chapter 34: A Different Path

Chapter 15: Debts Must Be Repaid

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By redninja173

It's been a week since Dante's incident with the public. As Marinette had promised Ladybug did vouch for his good character and explained that what was doing wasn't technically illegal since he hunted criminals for the United Nations. This was enough for most people to forgive him and move on but of course there will always be a few people who bear hatred for him, not that he cared. The only person's opinion he really cared about was Marinette's who was the first to be on his side and out of appreciation for her, Dante decided to retire from his assassination career.

As of now though, Dante was helping Marinette with her hangover by giving her pain relievers and water which she gladly took.

Marinette: "This is the last time I ever let you get me drunk."

Dante: "I didn't think you would be like that after only one bottle. I thought you could handle two at least."

Marinette: "An entire bottle for one person is a lot for most people."

Dante: "Not where I'm from. Besides it wasn't all that bad. You were very affectionate with me."

Marinette: "What are you talking about?"

Dante pulled down the collar of his shirt to show Marinette the two hickey marks she left which made Marinette both blush and embarrassed.

Marinette: "When did I do that?"

Dante: "When I was carrying you to your bed."

Marinette: "That's it, next time I'll make sure you get drunk so you can make a fool of yourself."

Dante: "You will never get me to ingest enough alcohol for that to happen."

Marinette: "And why is that?"

Dante: "I’m a high-functioning alcoholic, Mari. We prefer to do our serious drinking alone. So that when we weep, we can wallow in self-loathing without embarrassment."

Marinette: "Well damn. Okay well I'm going to get back at you at some point so watch yourself. Now get out I need to change."

Dante: "As you wish."

Dante left Marinette's room and closed the door behind him. He walked into the living room and waited for her to get ready. At this point Kaitto flew out to talk to him.

Kaitto: "You really care about that girl."

Dante: "What do you mean?"

Kaitto: "You retired as an assassin for her."

Dante: "She really helped me out of a bad situation Kaitto. It was the least I could do."

Kaitto: "No, the least you could've done was nothing. You just wanted to make her happy."

Dante: "Is that really so wrong?"

Kaitto: "Not as long you don't forget about our mission. Being a legal assassin was a convenient excuse to do what we wanted while searching the world for the primordial Miraculouses."

Dante: "I haven't forgotten Kaitto. I will still do what I have to. And as for being an assassin, I no longer need to do it. I racket up so many favors that I could wipe out entire cities and it still wouldn't be a problem. As for the second reason you should know that assassination was not my only source of income or even the largest one at that."

Kaitto: "Alright I get it. Just remember the bigger picture okay?"

Dante: "Got it."

Kaitto flew back into hiding and a couple minutes later Marinette's door opened. Dante turned around to see her fully dressed and holding a duffel bag.

Dante: "Going somewhere?"

Marinette: "Ya, me and the girls are planning to go swimming today."

Dante: "Oh. I was hoping we could spend the day together. Do you have to go?"

Marinette: "Yes. I said I would and I haven't been hanging out with them lately. Sorry, but your going to have to share me."

Dante: "But, I want you all to myself."

Marinette: "Dante, you can't monopolize me. I'll see you later."

Dante: "Okay. Have a good time." 'I guess today will be a training day then.'

Dante teleported home as Marinette left her home. As she walked Tikki poked her head out of Marinette's purse.

Tikki: "Marinette, haven't you forgotten something?"

Marinette: (stops walking) "Oh crap. I forgot to grab my phone. I better go grab it."

Marinette turns to run back, but suddenly bumps into Adrien.

Adrien: "Marinette?"

Marinette: "Adrien?"

Adrien: "You live near here. Can I hide out at your place?"

Marinette: "Uh, at my place? Why,  What's going on?"

Adrien's fans: "Adrien!"

Adrien: "Too late!"

The mob of fans rushes past nearby to Marinette and Adrien.

Wayhem: "Adrien!" (notices him and Marinette) "There he is!"

Marinette: (starts to act like Ladybug) "Come with me!"

Marinette and Adrien run to the Place des Vosges.

Wayhem: "Adrien!"

The mob of fans runs past the dry fountain in which Marinette and Adrien are hiding.

Adrien: "Thank you for saving me. People are going crazy over this ad."

Marinette: "You starred in an ad? I had no idea. That's awesome!"

Adrien: "I don't know about that. In fact it's really quite embarrassing."

Marinette: "Heh! All good now! I'd better get going." 

Marinette tries to leave the fountain only for Adrien to pull her back into hiding when he notices the Agreste limo nearby.

Marinette: "Isn't that your bodyguard?"

Adrien: "Actually I-I snuck out without permission. I'm supposed to be home right now and—"

Marinette and Adrien realize that someone's camera is flashing behind them.

Jean Tretiens: "Adrien and his girlfriend in the fountain!"

Somewhere in the streets of Paris, the mob of fans all get the message.

Wayhem: "In the fountain?!"

Alya and her friends see what is posted and it surprises all of them.

Alya: 'What is going on? I thought she was over Adrien.'

With Dante he was working out when the notification showed up on his phone. When he checked it he became furious and proceeded to punch a giant hole in his wall.

Kaitto: "What's wrong?"

Dante: "Nothing, I just need a drink. I'll fix the wall later."

Adrien's bodyguard showed up to where the picture was taken but Adrien and Marinette already escaped to the subway by then.

Adrien: (takes deep breaths) "I'm so sorry I got you in this crazy mess, Marinette. Plus, now everyone thinks you're my girlfriend."

Marinette: 'What is Dante going to think when he sees that? I have to clear it up with him later.' "Well it certainly isn't good. It's going to cause a lot of misunderstandings. You know what its fine, forget it. Anyway, do you think it's gonna be okay between you and your father?"

Adrien:" How can anything bad happen... with my Marinette lucky charm?" 

Adrien takes out said item from his pocket while he winks and puts his left hand near his face.

Marinette: "You still have that? I thought you have thrown that away by now."

Adrien: "Of course I still have it. It was a gift from my friend."

Adriens spare phone fell out of his pocket and landed in front of Marinette. She picked it up and saw that there was a text from someone named Sasha.

Sasha: What time are you coming? I need to prepare for what we're doing.

Adrien grabbed the phone and put it away however Marinette already had a smirk on her face.

Marinette: "Who's Sasha?"

Adrien: "My friend."

Marinette: "You mean your girlfriend?"

Adrien: "What?! No! She is just my friend."

Marinette: "Then what are you doing with her tonight."

Adrien: "She my workout partner as well so she needs to prepare the equipment."

Marinette: (Unconvinced) "Mhm sure. If you say so. When can everyone meet her?"

Adrien: "Never. She doesn't want to be known to be friends with a celebrity because she would get harassed by my fans. So can you please can this secret?"

Marinette: "Sure."

A woman on the opposite subway platform notices Adrien and Marinette together.

Woman: (screams) "It's Adrien from the ad! There he is!"

Adrien's fans: (start taking pictures of Adrien and Marinette from their phones) "Adrien! Adrien! Wow!"

Adrien: "We can't stay here!"

Adrien grabs Marinette's hand, which causes her to smile. He dashes off with her from the mob who're still chanting "Adrien!". They're about to get to the nearby exit, but Adrien stops when he sees that his bodyguard is blocking their way. They both turn around to go to another exit, but they see Wayhem there on the stairs, as well as others coming into view behind him.

Wayhem: "Yoohoo! Adrien!"

Adrien and Marinette realize that they're trapped. Adrien notices that a nearby subway train door is open, so he leaps inside holding Marinette right before it closes. However, the bracelet drops on the ground outside the train. Marinette and Adrien look up to see the fans trying to get in as the train leaves.

After leaving the train the two of them snuck off to the movie theaters at the lead of Adrien.. Marinette and Adrien are both wearing disguises to hide from the fans.

Adrien: "Good thinking, Marinette. Without these disguises we never would have made it here."

Marinette: "No. It was your idea to duck into this dark theater, remember? That was smart."

Adrien: "Actually, this is where I was heading when those crazed fans suddenly showed up. Thanks to you, my father won't find out."

Marinette: "Wait. You aren't allowed to go to the movies?"

Adrien: "I am. With my bodyguard or Nathalie, of course. But I'm not sure my father would've allowed me to see this particular movie."

Marinette: (scared) "Oh no! Please don't tell me it's a horror movie! I hate horror movies!"

Adrien: "No, no. Don't worry. It's a very rare movie that I've never been able to see. It's not on the Internet and my father's hidden the only DVD somewhere at home. See, my mother played the leading role."

Marinette: "Wow. I had no idea."

Adrien: "It's only being shown once. Today, in this theater. I couldn't talk to my father about it, so I decided to sneak out, unnoticed."

A movie patron next to Adrien is looking at him. He turns around to avoid being recognized by the patron.

Marinette: "I don't think the "unnoticed" bit went too well, actually."

Adrien: "Oh well. At least I'll get to see it. Not to mention this is the first time I've ever come to the movies with a friend."

Marinette: "Ooh! It's starting!"

The movie screen shows the "Graham Films" logo on a black background. The opening shows a scene of a rainy day in Paris with the text "Production A. Bourgeois" shown on-screen. The next scene shows a woman walking on the riverside of the Seine with an umbrella, with the text Solitude appearing next to her. Adrien gasps when he sees the text "Emilie Agreste" at the next scene. He then takes off his motorcycle helmet, which causes the nearby movie patron to notice and take a photo of him and Marinette.

Marinette and Adrien: (surprised) "Huh?"

Movie patron: (texting) "Adrien in a helmet at the movies with his girlfriend wearing a towel!"

Adrien immediately puts his helmet back on. He then hears Wayhem's voice from behind the entrance door.

Wayhem: "Adrien's at the movies!"

Wayhem enters through doors with the swarm of fans that rush over Wayhem and get to where Marinette and Adrien are seated.

Adrien: "We're trapped! What are we gonna do?"

The mob of fans start taking pictures of Marinette and Adrien.

Movie patron: "Adrien likes movies. I like movies too!"

Fan: "Adrien!"

Suddenly the mob all stop taking pictures when they hear loud stomps from outside. They start to run and scream when they see Gorizilla's large hand smash through the ceiling. Gorizilla grabs Adrien, lifts him out of the theater building, and lets him sit on his palm.

Adrien: "Are bodyguard?!"

Gorizilla sniffs at him; Adrien gasps. The mob starts to throw food at Gorizilla.

Wayhem: "Let go of Adrien, right now!"

Gorizilla is about to come down to attack the mob.

Adrien: (holds out his helmet) :Stop! I'm the one you wanted. Leave them alone!"

Gorizilla grabs hold of Adrien tightly, causing the motorcycle helmet to fall and land in front of Wayhem. Gorizilla leaps away.

Wayhem: (puts on the helmet) "Adrien, I'm coming to save you!" (runs to the door and exits the theater)

Marinette transforms into Ladybug and exits the theater swinging after the akuma.

Wayhem: "Put Adrien down right now!"

Ladybug: "Put Adrien down right now!"

She swings to a rooftop and runs along it as she watches Gorizilla reach Montparnasse Tower and climb to the roof, where he lets out a tremendous roar. Ladybug then arrives at the top of the tower.

Ladybug: "Let him go! "

Ladybug throws her yo-yo towards Gorizilla, but misses when he ducks down.

Adrien: "Ladybug!"

Gorizilla is about to grab Ladybug, but she dodges him and goes up to his shoulder. She tries to open Gorizilla's hand to free Adrien, but it's too tight.

Adrien: "There's no use! He's too strong!"

Gorizilla roars at Ladybug, which causes her to almost fall off the building. She manages to catch herself by using her yo-yo.

Ladybug: (tries to contact Cat Noir) "Cat Noir, where are you? I really need your help, fast! I'm at Montparnasse Tower!"

Gorizilla is about to grab her again, but Ladybug runs along the face of the Tower while Gorizilla tries to swat her. She then uses her yo-yo to get herself back up to the roof.

Ladybug: "Lucky Charm!" (A toy remote-controlled helicopter appears) "A helicopter? It really isn't a good time to play."

Just as Ladybug starts controlling the helicopter, Gorizilla grabs her. Gorizilla struggles to grab Ladybug's earrings but is hopelessly unable to do so while holding Adrien and Ladybug in his fists.

Adrien: "I'm so sorry, Ladybug."

Ladybug: "Don't worry. Let me try to maneuver this...thing!"

Inside Gorizilla's left hand, Ladybug manages to maneuver the joystick of the remote to control the helicopter in order to distract Gorizilla. The helicopter first goes into his nostril, before it flies up and hits his eyes with its blades. Gorizilla roars in pain and ends up setting Ladybug free. He then tries to attack the helicopter. Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around the thumb of Gorizilla's hand in which he's holding Adrien.

Ladybug: "Hold on!"

She leaps off the building and enters through a window to a business office, where she runs past the workers to get to a window on the other side of the building.

Ladybug: "Sorry!" (jumps back onto the roof, and passes under Gorizilla between his legs) "Let go of Adrien right now!"

Ladybug pulls her string, causing a table inside the office to be knocked over, and forces Gorizilla's thumb away from Adrien.

Ladybug: "Jump, Adrien! Quick!" (Adrien stares down at the vast distance below him) "You have to trust me!"

Adrien: "Always!" (jumps out of Gorizilla's hand, and over the side of the building) "Yeah-ha!"

Ladybug jumps off the building to save Adrien, but Gorizilla grabs her.

Ladybug: "No!"

Plagg: (alongside Adrien plummeting to the ground below) "If you don't transform soon, you might wind up like a gooey pile of Camembert!"

Adrien: "I can't, Plagg! Not in the open like this! I'm sure Ladybug has a plan. I trust her!"

Ladybug tries to escape from Gorizilla's grip, but he's too strong. Wayhem is on the ground below, running frantically in circles, still wearing the helmet, as others look up in horror.

Wayhem: "Don't be scared, Adrien! I'm gonna catch you!"

Ladybug looks down at Adrien, then raises her head, eyes closed.

Ladybug: "Cat Noir, help!!"

At the command Hawk Moth, Gorizilla lets go of Ladybug. She then races down the side of the building, catches Adrien using her yo-yo, and pulls him up to her. Adrien stares at Ladybug as they slowly descend to the ground amid a crowd cheering enthusiastically for Ladybug.

Adrien: "I just knew I could count on you, M'Lad— uh, Ladybug."

Wayhem: "Adrien?" (runs up and hugs Adrien) "You're safe!"

Adrien chuckles nervously at Ladybug. But he then notices Ladybug's earrings aren't going off like they should.

Adrien: "Your earrings aren't flashing. Is there a problem?"

Ladybug: "I don't have to worry about a timer anymore. Don't worry about it. We should get to safety until Cat Noir shows up to help."

Adrien: 'So Ladybug is learning magic too. Who is teaching her? Is it Dante? Is that why she defended him and changed public opinion?'

Gorizilla suddenly lands in front of everyone, which causes the crowd to scream and run.

Wayhem: "You can leave, Ladybug! I'll keep him at bay!"

Ladybug: (takes the helmet off of Wayhem, and puts it on Adrien) "No. I want you to find a safe place to hide."

Wayhem: "Oh, okay."

Starts to run away, but stops when Ladybug and Adrien swing away. Gorizilla starts to follow them, but Wayhem grabs onto Gorizilla's leg.

Wayhem: "You shall not pass!" (Gorizilla picks up Wayhem to examine him) "Radiant. Carefree. Dreamy. Adrien... the fragrance!" 

Sprays the Adrien fragrance cologne in Gorizilla's face, causing the giant ape to drop him.

Wayhem: "Ha ha ha! Now you won't be able to sniff out Adrien, will ya, you big hairy ape!" (Gorizilla starts to look around) "Go ahead, try!" 

Gorizilla sniffs a column with a poster of Adrien. The fragrance filling his nostrils seems like poster images of Adrien everywhere around him. He roars, and then starts to run away. Meanwhile Ladybug took Adrien to an apartment complex which confused him.

Adrien: "Ladybug, what are we doing here?"

Ladybug: "I know someone who can help us."

Adrien: "Why would they help though?"

Ladybug: "Well he kinda owes me a big favor."

Ladybug knocked on the door of an apartment and after a minute the door open to reveal that it was Dante. After seeing the two of them Dante immediately shut the door. Growing frustrated Ladybug pounds her fist on the door making him open up the door again.

Dante: "Whatever you want, the answer is no."

Ladybug: "Can't you at least hear me out first?"

Dante looked at both sides of the hall before stepping out and closing the door behind him.

Dante: "Look I am already on very thin ice with the landlady as it is and no one else is letting me even look at any other rent space. I don't need any trouble right now."

Ladybug: "I just need your help. Your apartment is the safest place in the country with all the magic you placed on it. I just need to to hide Adrien here for a little while."

Dante: "How did you-..... She must have told you. I have to talk to her later about that."

Ladybug: "So will you do it?"

Dante: "No."

Ladybug: "Come on, you owe me."

Dante: "I knew that come back to bite me in the ass. It is true I owe you, but I also hate him. I was watching the news earlier and when he jumped off the building I thought he went brain dead because no one in their right mind would do that. And yet I was happy because I was hoping for a splat."

Adrien: "I jumped because she told me to."

Dante: "I certainly wouldn't."

Ladybug: "He trusted me like everyone does. Why don't you?"

Dante: "Firstly because I find you heros to be very annoying with the self-righteousness you express."

Ladybug: 'That really stings hearing that from him.' "And the other reason?"

Dante: "Because it doesn't make sense why I should. You think because you wield a strange power and wear a polkadot onesie that I should trust you? We don't know each other. I don't trust you any farther than Agreste here can throw a refrigerator."

Ladybug: "Okay you don't have to trust me, but can you please help me? I stuck up for you and I'm only asking that you return the favor."

Dante rolled his eyes and sighed. He then pulled out a piece of paper and a pen writing down an address before giving it to Ladybug.

Dante: "Take Agreste home and then go to this address with a change of his clothes. I won't let him into my home, but I can run decoy until the akuma is defeated. Now go."

Ladybug smiled and grabbed Adrien before swinging off. Once she got to his home she dropped him off into his room before grabbing a pair of pants,  a shirt, a jacket, and a pair of shoes.

Adrien: "Are you sure it's ok to trust him Ladybug?"

Ladybug: "Dante may be a bit blunt and pessimistic and grouchy and arrogant, but he is reliable. And while he may not trust me, I trust him with my life."

Ladybug put all the clothes in a bag and swung off to the address. Plagg came out of hiding to tease Adrien.

Plagg: "That must sting. She trust him so much even though you have been by her side for so long."

Adrien: "I will admit that I am a little irritated at he didn't do anything to deserve that trust. But I'm not completely upset, after all she trusts Cat Noir that much as well. Speaking of which Cat Noir needs to make an appearance."

Adrien transforms into Cat Noir and goes in search of the akuma. In the meantime Ladybug met up with Dante who was getting impatient.

Ladybug: "I'm here."

Dante: "Finally! How long does it take to grab a bag of clothes?!"

Dante ripped the bag out of her hands and started going through it.

Dante: "Ugh, Agreste has such shitty taste."

Ladybug: "What are going to use the clothes for?"

Dante: "I'm obviously going to wear them. I thought you were the hero actually had half a brain cell. Why don't you do something useful and keep watch."

Ladybug couldn't help but feel hurt by his words. But she quietly kept watch as Dante changed clothes.

Ladybug: 'I don't get it. He is so kind and caring when I'm Marinette so why is he so such a jerk when I'm Ladybug?'

Dante: "I'm done."

Ladybug turned around to see that Adrien's clothes were looking really tight and short on him. To be fair not only was Dante taller than Adrien he was also much more muscular so the clothes were close to ripping. This was a situation that made her laugh."

Ladybug: "I think they are a bit too small for you."

Dante: "That's because I haven't done this yet."

Dante sprinkles some green powder on himself and transforms into a perfect replica of Adrien Agreste. He even sounds like Adrien.

Ladybug: "What was that?"

Dante: "Shiftling powder. It makes whoever uses it into a perfect replica of who they picture in their mind. Down side is that it is hard to make and only lasts 2 hours so you have until then to beat the akuma."

Ladybug: "Before you go off and distract the akuma I want to say thank you for doing this."

Dante: "I'm only doing this to repay what you did for me. After we are done here then we are even. Got it?"

Ladybug: "Got it."

Ladybug takes Dante to a large open space so he can lure Gorizilla to the heros. Gorizilla was wandering around until he heard a noise and turned his head to it. Gorizilla spots "Adrien", really Dante, kicking the wheels of several cars to create loud alarms. He lands behind him.

Dante: "Over here!"

Gorizilla is about to grab "Adrien", but Cat Noir uses his staff and blocks him.

Cat Noir: "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" (Gorizilla tries to grab him, but Cat Noir jumps down to the ground) "Don't worry, "Adrien", I won't let him touch a hair on your head!"

Cat Noir repeatedly dodges Gorizilla's hand.

Cat Noir: "Missed me! Missed me! Missed me again! That's it, big guy. Come on, just a little more." 

Cat Noir runs underneath Gorizilla to where he's directly above the Métro station.

Cat Noir: "There! Cataclysm!" 

He touches the pavement, causing it to cave in and trap Gorizilla in the destroyed road; then calls Ladybug on his staff.

Cat Noir: "This is Cat Noir Express Deliveries. Did you order a giant beast, M'Lady?"

Ladybug: "I knew I could count on you, kitty!" (to Gorizilla) "I'm very sorry, but I'm gonna have to search your pockets!" (jumps onto Gorizilla and takes the bracelet out of his pocket) "Here you are!" (pulls it apart, revealing the akuma) "Time to de-evilize!" (captures the akuma and purifies it) "Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!"

The Miraculous light fixes the destroyed pavement and puts Gorizilla back on top of the ground, as Ladybug arrives next to Cat Noir. Gorizilla then turns back into Adrien's bodyguard.

Ladybug and Cat Noir: (fist-bumping) "Pound it!"

Ladybug: "Bye, Adrien! Bye, kitty! Bug out!" (swings away with her yo-yo)

Cat Noir: (to Dante) "Gotta scat too. Thanks for your help, "Adrien"." (extends his staff and leaves)

Dante: 'Thank gods it's over. I hate looking like this and pretending to be powerless.'

Dante walked back to the bag of his clothes and changed back into them before undoing the spell making him look normal again. He then set Adrien's clothes on fire and threw them into a metal trashcan before walking away. On his way back home he passed by Alya and the girls who took the chance to talk to him.

Alya: "Hey Dante"

Dante: "hmm, Oh it's you Alya. I didn't recognize you without you spitting in my direction."

Alya: "I said I was sorry. Why are you moody?"

Dante: "I'm just having a bad day."

Alix: "How come?"

Dante: "First Mari lies to me. Then I get a hole in my wall. And then to pay back a debt I had to do something so unpleasant that I wanted to rip out my own eyes out of their sockets."

Alya: "Hahaha ya that does sound rough. But what do you mean that Marinette lied to you?"

Dante: "This morning when I asked her to hang out she said that she had plans with you guys."

Alya: "She does."

Dante: "Then how do you explain these?"

Dante shows her the social media posts about her and Adrien.

Alya: "I can't. What does it matter anyway? Are you so controlling that you have to micromanage her?"

Dante: "I don't care what she does or who she is with. I just wished she wouldn't lie to me."

Alya: "To be fair you have lied to her too."

Dante: "Hey! I may not have told her everything about myself, but I have never lied to her! Not once!"

Alya: "Ok I get it."

Dante: (Sighs) "I'm going to go home. I am just done with everything and everyone today."

Alya and the girls tried to stop him however he just kept going and left them behind. It wasn't until a bit later that he would bump into Marinette again with her duffel bag that he finally spoke.

Dante: "Hey Mari.. You are certainly taking your time getting to your friends."

Marinette: "Well there were some complications that took some time."

Dante: "Oh I know, I saw social media posts."

Marinette: "Oh umm... about that-"

Dante: "Look Mari, you can do whatever you want with whoever you want but in the future please don't lie to me."

Marinette: "I didn't lie to you. I swear that wasn't planned. It just sort of happened."

Dante: "If you say so. Also don't let Agreste fall out of line. If that boy hurts you then I'll kick his ass."

Dante started walking away as Marinette started thinking.

Marinette: 'Why would he say tha-' "Me and Adrien aren't dating Dante! Those pictures were taken out of context!"

Dante said nothing as he just continued walking home until he was out of sight. Marinette became disheartened as she met up with her friends. Seeing Marinette upset Alya was the first to comfort her.

Alya: "What's wrong girl?"

Marinette: "Dante thinks that me and Adrien are dating because people were posting about us. This is exactly what I was afraid of. Now my chances with him are over. He even told me that he supported our relationship as long as Adrien doesn't hurt me."

Alya: "Hahaha Marinette relax. I think this had a different effect thank what your thinking."

Marinette: "What do you mean?"

Alya: "I think Dante is jealous that Adrien gets to "Date" you instead of him."

Marinette: "That's crazy. Dante would never be jealous of Adrien, especially over me."

Alya: 'Where did all of her self confidence go?' "Okay if it makes you feel any better I will talk to Dante and subtley mention that you and Adrien aren't dating so that everything will be cleared up."

Marinette: "Thank you."

Alya: "No problem." 'I have to see for myself whether or not he really does like her. If he does then things can start going smoothly.' "Now let's get inside before before it closes."

The girls went inside the building got changed into their swimsuits. All were now by the pool enjoying their time while Alya got an idea.

Alya: "Hey Marinette."

Marinette: "Ya?"

Alya: "Can I take a picture of you?"

Marinette: "What for?"

Alay: (lies) "just collecting memories."

Marinette: "Sure, I don't mind."

Alya took a picture of Marinette before texting it to someone with a smirk on her face. In the meantime Dante was working out to keep his mind clear. He then heard his phone go off so he stopped and wiped his sweat with a towel before seeing that there was a text from Alya.

Dante: 'What does she want?'

Dante open the text only to see Marinette in a swimsuit and a message underneath it.

Alya: you owe me an interview ;)

Dante's heart skipped a few beats but had a indifferent look on his face so Kaitto wouldn't notice.

Dante: 'God damn she looks so sexy. Maybe Kaitto was right. Maybe I am starting to fall for her. I can't let anyone know though. Damn you Alya for trying to bait me.'

Dante then started texting Alya back making sure he didn't give too much away to this nosy reporter to be.

Dante: I guess I could if you agree to a few conditions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Alya: What kind of conditions?

Dante: No cameras or recordings of any kind and no personal questions.

Alya: Works for me. I'll set it up and let you know when I am ready.

Alya put down her phone before thinking to herself.

Alya: 'So he's not in love with her, but he's interested. Ok, I can make this work. Don't worry Marinette as your friend I will make sure this turns out good for you.'

Alix: "Alya, are you going to swim or just stay on your phone the whole time?"

Alya: "I'm coming."

Alya joined her friends and would soon prepare to put her plans into motion.

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