Cherchant (Kylo Ren x Reader)

By Rabbit241Rat

18.7K 701 406

Kylo Ren x Reader Post TROS (New Planet, New Kylo, Lots of Explicit Content) Kylo and Rey part ways after the... More

Thirsty Thirty
Thirty-Six (The End)


265 12 0
By Rabbit241Rat

"Please," you whine, as the pressure of Kylo's Force choking recedes just enough to allow you access to your vocal cords.

A grunt is the extent of his response. He's concentrating. You're lying on the bed blindfolded next to Rey as Kylo plays his game. And what a filthy thrilling game this is. It's not that you hadn't played with the Force during sex before but he was pushing the limits of your fantasies tonight. In fact, he was blowing your mind.

At first you had assumed that the blindfolds were intended to simply add an element of suspense as he had his way with each of you.

...fingertip pressure dances down your inner thighs...

Instead the blindfolds help your minds focus on his telepathic Force play. breath tickles your neck...

Kylo is assaulting your senses by controlling a pathway for firing synapses to pass between each of your minds.

...pressure at your entrance, pushing in, filling you as an invisible hand closes around your throat again...

His manipulation of the Force in this way is fascinating but there's no way you're able to analyze it in your current sex-drunk state. Blended sensations, intertwined climaxes, those were things you had grown to expect. This was different. This was calculating and experimental. He was making it difficult for you to differentiate between physical touch, touch by Force, and feeling what Rey feels as he has his way with her.

Kylo's hand squeezes your breast and twists your nipple but your other senses tell you that it is Rey who he is handling at the moment. His efforts are bleeding the edges of reality, making you feel slightly mad. Your mind can only be tricked so far, however, as you cunt throbs and aches around nothingness, all of his tricks are suddenly not fulfilling enough. He can push your buttons and feed Rey's bliss into your mind all he wants but it is definitely not the same as having his hot throbbing cock inside of you. And you needed that... now.

Tiring of his games, you push your desires to the forefront of his mind, interrupting him from his plotting.

"I see."

He answers your thoughts.

"If only I had two cocks."

A laugh.

"Tell me what you want."

Kylo's voice is sharp and guttural as he continues thrusting into Rey. She moans beneath him and grasps your hand tightly in response.


Your voice hitches as Rey's bliss sends a bolt of pleasure through you.

"I want to feel what you feel as you fuck her. I want to make her cum."

"Mmmhmm," he responds through closed lips.

"Are you ready to cum again, Rey?"

"Yes... yes!"

In that moment you are filled with jealousy. Not because she is being fucked and you're not but because you could never fuck her like he can. Sensing your desires, Kylo's head snaps in your direction and he snatches your blindfold off. His eyes bore into yours as a mischievous smirk appears on his face.

"You... want... to... fuck... her... like... this?"

Each word accompanied a thrust.

Biting your lip and curling your legs up into your chest to hug them close, you nod into the face of the master of your heart. And then... you're throwing your head back and closing your eyes as you're pulled into Kylo's mind.

He focuses on feeling Rey's tight pussy gripping his cock so that you feel it. You are no longer merely lying on the bed next to them... you are thrusting an organ that isn't yours into the beautiful woman below you.

You feel her begin to spasm around you, no...him, as you slide in and out. Kylo's hand moves to Rey's clit. She cries out below you, to you. Your mind feels like it's being split apart until you force yourself to focus on Kylo's experience, pushing all other sensations to the background.

So this is what it feels like to fuck with a cock, you think, as Rey sputters and squirms.

Her orgasm clenching around the organ inside of her sends you reeling. Kylo's laugh snaps you back into your body. He pulls out of Rey as she rolls onto her stomach panting and... giggling?

She is just as overwhelmed as you feel.

You open your eyes to watch Kylo shift over to you, pressing his torso against your legs, which are still curled up against your chest, effectively immobilizing you. Bracing himself with one arm, he caresses your face. His amber eyes are swimming in rapture.

Your body aches for him but you do nothing, still under his spell.

"You are... incredible," he says, drawing out the final word, a bouquet of emotion blooming behind his words.

He's done playing games.

His lips close over yours as he pushes himself into you. The pressure resulting from your compressed angle is intense, causing you to gasp at being filled. He begins slowly thrusting, savoring every inch.

When your breathing becomes too heavy to sustain kissing, he leans back and shifts your ankles up over his shoulders. Once in position he slams back into you, fully sheathing to an unfathomable depth.

He pauses to savor it as sweat drips from his hair onto your chest. You watch his closed eyes flutter as you playfully clench around him. Stretched, filled, and so very eager.

Collecting himself, he resumes his thrusting, using the Force to manipulate your clit as he slides in and out. Your brain is blissfully empty of thought as you concentrate on all of the sensations of his body dominating yours. The angle has him hitting a place deep within you didn't know existed. The pleasure is enormous and it's hurtling you toward climax as you dig your fingers into his shoulders, crying out.

Kylo's moans and grunts mingle with yours as he fills you with cum, your cunt clenching around him as your toes curl and your vision goes fuzzy. The ferocity of your orgasm has your emotions bubbling over.

As you come down from the high you're laughing and sobbing against his chest. And as he pulls out a pang of regret reverberates through you. He gathers you into his arms and kisses your tears, tasting them. Your only thought is one of astonishment.

As your breath normalizes you realize you're squeezing Rey's hand. You turn to her and she's smiling at you with an expression of reverence. Kylo rolls into the space between you and you each curl up under his arms, wrapping your legs around his, relaxing into satiated silence.

— — —

You are sitting next to Rey on her ship again, watching the engine kick up waves as the island and Kylo disappear on the horizon.

She's dropping you off in Okiwaan before she leaves Edoterra. Her plan is to return her students to their families until a time when it is safe to resume Jedi training. Fearing sending any signals from the island where Kylo is with the prisoner, she waits until you are far out to sea before sending a transmission to Ahch-To. In her message she warns someone named 'Chewie' to keep an eye out for Resistance or Republic operatives.

"I'm safe. Things didn't go as planned on Coruscant but we're going to fix it."

Her eyes fall under the shadow of uncertainty as she speaks.

"I'll be there in a few days. Please tell the others to start making the arrangements to leave Ahch-To. Tell them... tell them I'm sorry and that I'll explain everything when I get there."

She cuts the feed and stares out to sea, frowning.

"I'll miss you," you tell her.

At that, her frown is replaced by a knowing smile. She nods in affirmation. She would miss you too.

"I'm estimating I'll be gone about a month including travel," she says. "Don't let Kylo talk you into anything too risky. I think this is a good, solid plan. Are you ready?"

Shrugging, you mumble, "I guess so."

She drops you off near your bungalow. Before she leaves you give her a long hug, pulling back to lean your forehead against hers.

Be careful. Come back to us in one piece.

You rub the tip of your nose against hers. With a nod and meaningful look through damp eyes, she's gone. You watch the ship disappear completely before turning to go inside.

Standing just inside, you look around at your things. You remember the pride you had felt when you first moved in. The pleasure you took in decorating your space, setting up a makeshift studio, and stocking the small bar with your favorite bottles. Now absent of the most important things in your life it doesn't really seem like home anymore.

Before Coruscant you had thought about selling the place. Now it made sense to keep it, at least for now, so that you'd have a place to stay while on Okiwaan. You'd been wearing the same few outfits for weeks and it felt good to have access to your wardrobe again. After changing you lay on the couch, nodding off, your mind running scenarios for how the sheriff might react to you showing up.

You wake up a little while later, groggy, wondering if it had all been a dream... Kylo, Rey, Coruscant, the island... all a dream. A jolt of panic shoots through you. Looking down, you find the lightsaber still hooked to your belt. You close your eyes and reach out to the Force, feeling its pulsing energy.

It takes you several tries to get your speeder started. You barely register the time it takes you to travel to the station until you're parking in front of the brutalist structure, climbing the steps, gut twisting with apprehension. The entrance slides open as you approach. You see the same receptionist from before seated behind the desk.

You approach cautiously, clearing your throat to get their attention.

"Yes?" They ask, without looking up at you.

"I'm here to speak with Sheriff Laundsky."

You shuffle back and forth on your feet, failing to control your nervous energy.


"Uh... no, sorry."

You frown. They don't acknowledge your response but eventually you hear them speak into their earcom.

"Your name?"

Not realizing they're speaking to you at first, you give it to them.

"Uh huh, yes sir, she's standing here in the lobby."

Turning their attention back to you, "The sheriff will be here to retrieve you shortly, have a seat."

Before you can lower yourself onto the chair, the hatch slides open and the short, furred sheriff emerges, beelining toward you.

He extends a paw-like hand for you to shake.

You take it, distracted momentarily by his intimidating long nails, sharpened to points. Uncomfortable at your lingering touch, he pulls away and steps backward.

"Here to report another death?"

"That's not funny."

Based on the grin he wears, he is quite pleased with himself.

"Let's take a walk to my office."

He leads you through the hatch and down the blinding white hallway to a door labeled 'Sheriff R. Laundsky'. He types in a passcode and a lock disengages. You follow him inside and are pleasantly surprised by how comfortable the space is, more like a lounge than an office. Its dim lighting and earthy toned decor are a relief from the harsh lighting of the rest of the station.

"So," he says, taking a seat behind a large wooden desk gesturing to the chair across from it. "What brings you here today? Accepting the job offer?"

"Well... yes and no," you reply.

You watch his eyebrows rise, he had not expected that answer.

"I am not really interested in a career in law enforcement... But, I have given a lot of thought to what you said about my skill set coming in handy. I was wondering if you had any side jobs or maybe just anything you need help with?"

Suddenly you're very self-conscious, remembering how keen he is at reading you. He definitely knows you're after something but he's polite enough not to immediately react to that fact.

"Interesting. Your club isn't keeping you busy enough?"

"Well... no, not really. And it definitely doesn't provide many opportunities to exercise my abilities."

His shoulders tense at the words. Feeling very small and uncertain, you wait silently as he mulls over your offer.

"Alright, kid. I've actually got a suspect in custody right now that isn't cooperating with interrogation. Do you think you could try to help us get some answers out of him?"

You nod as a genuine excited smile appears on your face.

"This will have to be off the books. Pro bono. You okay with that?"

"Yes? ... Sure."

He stares at you, brows furrowed, confused by your inflection. He seems to decide that he is willing to put up with you, even if he doesn't quite understand you.

There's something nice about the way he carries himself. You aren't used to being around authority figures like him. Kylo's dominance treads a different line entirely. Both men seem to regard you with respect making you wonder at what point in your life you'd become respectable. The thought almost makes you laugh out loud but you catch yourself.

"The suspect in question was caught with forged credits, acting as bagman for an organization operating here in Okiwaan."

He pauses to make sure you are following.

"We have had very little luck attempting to infiltrate this organization. As you know, a minimal system of governance and law enforcement is the will of Okiwaanins. Because of this we have very limited resources or precedent to move on something as extensive as what we fear we may uncover here. We will need substantial evidence to back up any actions we wish to take."

He stands and walks over to a painting hanging on the wall behind his desk. Staring at it as he continues speaking.

"If you're thinking its drugs or the like, we did too... for a time. But disturbing reports have been coming in from residents. Reports of missing children."

He turns to face you.

"We need names and any information he may have regarding the whereabouts of his cohorts. I don't pretend to understand your abilities but it doesn't seem like it would be far from the mark to ask, is extracting information something you can do?"

You nod again as your mind begins to race.

Without a second thought he wants to throw you into an interrogation room with a suspect? Your skills display must have impressed him last time you were here. Either that or he was desperate. When you showed up today there was a big part of you that assumed that the sheriff would turn you away and erect a duracrete wall between you, ending any hope you had about getting on his good side. This, however, was unexpected. He was asking you for help. If you didn't fuck this up, you would surely be in his good favor.

No pressure.

You're standing outside of the interrogation room that you had previously occupied after having killed a man. As the ringing in your ears subsides and you realize Laundsky had been speaking to you.

"Are you even listening?"

He practically barks at you.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting..."

You turn to face him, letting your words trail off.

"Tell me now, if this is a mistake."

His maroon eyes look crimson under the shadow of his annoyance.

"No, I'm ready. You can count on me."

"Alright," he says, pacing the hallway to calm down. "Let me do the talking. Don't do or say anything. You're to observe. We will reconvene out here to discuss a potential strategy... if one presents. Got it?"

"Got it."

You decide against asking any of the million questions bubbling up in you.

The hatch slides open revealing a stocky, pale man with stubble and messy blonde hair. One of his eyes is black and swollen shut. His lip is split. He's sitting with his cuffed hands on the table. His good eye takes you in, failing to hide his surprise. You try to make yourself small as you stand just inside the hatch. It closes behind you, and an extreme claustrophobia settles in. Laundsky stands across the table from the suspect. He clears his throat emphatically, drawing the man's attention away from you.

"Rawu Karthin. Now that you've had some time to sit and think, I'm going to give you another opportunity to give us the information. If you refuse, my colleague and I will be utilizing a new interrogation technique. I suggest you don't wait to find out what that might be."

Rawu's good eye darts from the sheriff to you and down to the lightsaber hanging at your hip. He looks nervous but doesn't speak. Laundsky lets the thick silence hang in the air for a small eternity before letting out a long low whistle, shaking his head. That sets him off the man off.

"You're bluffing. You can't do shit."

The man's voice is grating and shrill, like a trapped rodent.

"You'll regret holding me here. You don't want them knocking on your door, no sir, you do not want that."

Laundsky lets out a low chuckle, unfazed by the man's attempt at a threat. He stays quiet, hoping that Rawu would keep talking. His instinct is sharp.

"You think I'm scared of some girl? You have no clue, bucko!"

A sound akin to laugh escapes him.

"You can't do shit. If you knew the kind of crap that was going on right under your noses..."

Laundsky cuts him off by slamming his fist down onto the table.

"Tell me about the missing children."

His voice is powerful but Rawu barely reacts. His expression twists into a grotesque smirk. He lunges at the sheriff, grabbing the bothan's fist with his cuffed hand, rising to tower over him. This time he is threatening.

As you feel a wave of fear roll off of Laundsky, instinct causes you to raise your hand and use the Force to push Rawu back. He falls back into his chair, sliding backward until he and the chair hit the wall with a clang.

Laundsky looks at you, ears pressed back against his skull. Fear is still etched across his face as he nods a silent 'thanks'.

Rawu is now completely focused on you. He looks half crazed. You meet his gaze. Preparing to use the mind trick on him.

"You will stop resisting. You will answer the sheriff's questions."

Your voice sounds foreign to you as you watch his expression go neutral. He repeats your commands. Laundsky eyes you for a moment before accepting your action. Against his better judgment, he would not let this opportunity go to waste.

You move back to your spot near the hatch and keep your focus on Rawu as Laundsky proceeds in questioning him. You listen to his answers as you feel Laundsky's disappointment building. You continue to make sure Rawu doesn't slip out of your control.

As the minutes tick by it is becoming apparent that the arrogant bastard had been putting on. Based on his answers he is the lowest level scum, doesn't know shit about fuck. He's dumb and unobservant, the perfect kind of idiot you would only entrust with the simplest tasks. Like running credits. His only real asset being his intimidating size.

"Can I speak with you outside for a moment?" You ask the sheriff.

He nods and follows you out of the hatch leaving Rawu in his chair, head lolling, still out of it.

"I can go inside of his mind."

"You can what?"

Laundsky stares at you, mouth agape.

"You're not going to get what you need by asking. But I can go inside of his mind and I may be able to uncover some clues in his memories. I may be able to see the ones he's dealing with, maybe even identify locations. Do I have your permission to do this?"

"And you've done this before?"

"Yes, once. Just to be clear, it isn't... not painful on the receiving end. And obviously... no guarantees."

His eyes narrow as he thinks over your proposition.

"You're full of surprises."

You read the undertones. He'd want more answers from you after this.

"I give you permission."

You're shaking in anticipation of using your power against this stranger. Your apprehension seems to stem from the potential of what is in this mind. If you had time, you'd analyze why it is you aren't afraid to hurt him. Instead, you're only afraid of what evils you might see.

You take a deep breath and lift your hand to his temple. You close your eyes and visualize the Force moving around you and within you, creeping out of your palm in tendrils and entering his mind. As you breach him, he tenses up and lets out a low yowl but he doesn't fight you further, still under the stupor of your mind trick.

The images come in flashes.

It is just as horrible as you feared. His life is a sad collage of abuse. You see that he was beaten as a child, grew up to inflict abuse on those around him, turning to drugs to cope. His addiction-addled brain made you feel sick. At times he had been homeless, in poverty, beaten and hopeless.

The hardest part of this experience is feeling the conflict in him rippling through the trauma that he carried. His tough guy act was a facade. You have to push away the onslaught of memories and focus on the recent ones in order to get what you came for. There is no sense of time passing while delving in his mind but once you think you have what you came for, you concentrate on backing out of there.

A moment of panic grips you. The path back to reality remains obscured.

It's so dark in here.

You imagine yourself crawling out of a deep pit toward a pinpoint of light that grows larger as you approach it. And then you're back in the interrogation room, running your sweaty palms over your pants, letting out a long shaky breath.

"I got what I could."

Your voice comes out in a whisper.

"Can we go now?"

Laundskyis visibly shaken from watching your efforts. He offers you his arm to steadyyou and leads you away from the now unconscious man in the interrogation room.You want so desperately to be back on the island, cradled in Kylo's arms. Youwant to be far, far away from this place.

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