The Kindness Of A Sunflower (...

By sunflowr6

201K 3.8K 1.2K

ON HIATUS When a simple act of kindness can change a girls life. Paige was just enjoying her life with her f... More

Author's Note/Introduction
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven

twenty one

3.8K 89 47
By sunflowr6


october 30, 2020

My eyes gently start to open at the feeling of some kind of feathering on my face.

Harry flutters his eyelashes on my cheek giving me small little butterfly kisses. My back was pressed against his chest, his arms wrapped around me. I look back at him to see him smiling down at me.

"Hi beautiful," he says, his voice still raspy from just waking up.

"Hi," I say turning around in his arms and snaking mine around his neck. I nuzzle my head into bare chest and feel him press a kiss to my head. He rolls us over so he is now on his back and I am straddling his torso. He brushes a piece of hair that has fallen over my face behind my ear.

"It's performance day," he says. I lean down once again and nuzzle into his chest, once again, wrapping my arms around him like a kola.

"I'm nervous."

I feel the vibrations from his chuckle beneath me. I feel him shift below me and I am suddenly being lifted out of bed. I squeak at the sudden movement. I am still in the kola position, my legs and arms wrapped around his torso, gripping onto Harry as he carries me down the stairs and into the kitchen. He gently puts me down on top of the island in the middle of his kitchen and pulls back a bit.

He puts his hand on my thighs and I keep mine around his neck. He nuzzles his nose against mine with a grin on his lips and I laugh.

"Now. The most important part of a show day is how you start it off. A good breakfast."

He places a quick kiss on my lips and walks towards the fridge.

"Now my darling, are we in the mood for pancakes or french toast?"

"Hmmmm. Tough choice Styles. I think I'm gonna go with pancakes."

He pulls out fresh berries, milk, eggs, spinach, mushrooms, and vegan sausage. He then goes to the pantry to pull out even more random ingredients.

"Alright Lowe, since you're the coffee expert, how about you make use of two lattes."

I give him a little salute and walk over to his little coffee station.

"You know for someone who just drinks black coffee you sure do have a pretty big set up."

"I like to experiment sometimes but it's mostly for Gem. She's the coffee connoisseur," he says cracking an egg into a bowl and mixing in cheese, spinach, and mushrooms.

I grab two cups from the shelf and put in the espresso grounds. The machine starts up and the smell hits my nose in the most amazing way. I turn around to look at Harry. He is stirring up the contents of the pan and then goes over to a small bowl on the counter and mixes it up.

He looks incredible.

He is still standing there in just his grey sweatpants still lacking a shirt. His hair is messy as he runs his hand through it, concentrating on his cooking. I just stand there and smile. I would be the luckiest person on the planet just to wake up to this everyday. Harry turns to look at me and grins.

"What are you looking at?" he asks me, continuing to stir the pan.

I walk over to stand behind him and wrap my arms around him from behind. I press a kiss in between his shoulder blades and then press my cheek into his back.

"You," I say.

I feel him chuckle and turn around in my arms. Both of his hands go up to hold my face and his lips find mine. His lips glide over mine smoothly and his tongue runs across my lower lip. My lips part and his tongue slips in to meet mine. The coffee machine buzzes signaling it has finished its brew. Our lips separate and he looks in my eyes with his thumb circling my skin.

"You are beautiful," he says, giving me one last peck. "Now. You have coffee to make and I have eggs to keep from burning."

I turn around to walk back over to the machine as he gives my bum a little tap.

We ended up eating our breakfast on Harry's balcony overlooking the city. I rested my legs on his lap and he used my thighs to balance his plate. He had made us scrambled eggs with spinach, cheese, and mushroom with pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouse, vegan sausage, and freshly cut up berries.

Harry was currently in the shower and I was cleaning up the kitchen. I then went on my phone to check my social media and make sure I didn't have any emails or texts.

When I open up my Instagram, I see a new little addition to the stories at the top. I see that Harry had posted something on his story but unlike the other times I had seen his little icon, there was a green ring encircling it.

I had been put on his close friends list.

I chuckle to myself softly honestly finding it a little funny that he even had one but I tap on it non the less, curious as to what he had put on there. My mouth drops slightly at the image that now covers my screen.

It's a photo of me but you couldn't tell it was me cause it was the back of me.

He must have taken it when he was in the city earlier in the month. I'm staring out the window of his bedroom but I don't have on a shirt. The comforter covers my lower half and my hair is splade across my back and shoulder. In the bottom corner he put "what a view..." I smile. What a freakin cheese ball.

Before my mind could even start to panic about who had seen this and what they would think, a pair of arms snake around my middle and I jump slightly. Lips pressed against my cheek from behind and droplets of water hit my ear.

"Seems like you have found the new addition to my list," Harry whispers.

I turn around to face him.

"I did. Honestly surprised you have this. Who all is on here?"

"There is no need to panic or worry about anything. I trust everyone on there. It's just a way for me to share regular stuff without people flipping out. To try and retain a bit of normality."

"But I thought you had your creepy stalker account for that," I say grinning at him.

"Ha ha very funny. No, that account is for looking at other people and stuff like that without too much attention."

"But seriously who has seen me basically topless."

Harry lets out a slight laugh.

"Your fine. It's like Mitch, Jeff, Sarah, James, and the boys."

I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Okay so I'm gonna ignore the fact that your best friend and his girlfriend along with your manager and a famous TV host basically know we hooked up and have seen me without my shirt," I say while Harry laughs, "but who are 'the boys'," I ask, giving little air quotes.

"Ya know like Niall, Louis, Liam, Zyan."

I stare up at him. I am speechless.


"Yeah. I still talk with them once in a while and we are all still friends. Even Zyan and I patched things up."

I cover my face with my hands blushing furiously.

"Awww. You're adorable. Don't worry. It was a beautiful picture and I wanted to show that beauty to some of my friends. My trustworthy friends. They would never see anything more of you because if you didn't already know I can be a very jealous person and I don't like sharing. I wouldn't put anything out there that's for my eyes only."

I wasn't worried about his friends saying anything. I know Harry trusts them and we agreed last night in the car coming home we could share with friends that we were seeing each other on the downlow as long as we trusted them not to make it public knowledge.

"Hey," I feel Harry pull my hands away from my face and look down at me. "I want to show you off a bit. So I did. And now it's time to get you ready for rehearsal because tonight we get to show you off to the whole world."

He smiles at me and leans in to place a sweet kiss on my lips and takes my hand to go upstairs and get dressed.


It was now dinner time for the crew and performers.

Rehearsal and sound check had gone really well. Harry and I had both gotten dressed at his place, him in a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt with a cardigan thrown on top and myself with a pair of leggings and one of Harry's hoodies. Actually one that I would be stealing. It was his black one with his name on the front from his first tour. It was very warm and smelled like him.

We both pulled up to the back of the arena and were greeted by Jeff who led us inside where we started working on the show. Harry ran through some of his songs with the band and tweaked a few things here and there. I sat in a seat in the sea of chairs and watched in awe. Even in rehearsal, he has this natural flair for performing. It's just captivating to watch him sing.

After a few run throughs it was time for us to map out our song and what we would do.

Falling was going to be like the fourth song to the end. It had been decided that Harry would be on the main A stage and I would sing from the smaller B stage in the middle of the arena. It would start in a complete black out and as we each started to sing the lights would rise. The lighting they designed for the song was beautiful. Blues and whites filled the space and made you feel almost like you were under water.

We both had done our sound checks and I had been walked around to be shown how I would get to the back of the arena without being seen and then how I would be led to the side of the main stage for the end. Harry had decided that at the end, he wanted me to come out with the rest of the band to bow.

After we had finished rehearsal, Harry had taken me backstage to show me my dressing room which was next to his and then we ended up taking a quick nap on the couch.

Harry was underneath me and had his arms wrapped around me tightly. My legs were fitted between his and my head lay on his chest with his on top of mine. Overall it was a pretty comfortable position.

We had been woken up by Jeff who had come by to tell us it was time for dinner. We both had gotten up and walked into a room filled with people and food.

I seriously wouldn't have eaten anything if Harry hadn't been there to basically force me to. I was nervous and my stomach was in knots making me less hungry, but also the fact that thousands of people were about to see me and probably be judging me the whole time was another factor.

But I'm not going down that rabbit hole today.

I will be okay.

I am stronger than that.

Dinner ended quickly and I was soon being whisked away by Alessia to my dressing room to get ready. With a quick peck on the lips to Harry I am being pushed out the door and into my dressing room.

"Okay. Here she is!!"

Alessia unzipped the garment bag to reveal the dress I had seen yesterday with its alterations and a few more details to the gown.

It really was beautiful.

Alessia helped me into the dress and zipped me up. It now hit the floor at the perfect length. The slit in the leg had been cut a little higher but secured at the top so I wouldn't have to worry about flashing the entire crowd.

"Okay, so yesterday when you were trying it on I felt like something was missing so I added a few things."

She pulls out a mesh like fabric and pulls them up my arms creating a puff sleeve effect. I slip into the gold heels she had picked for me and I smooth the skirt of the dress. She turns me around to look in the full length mirror.

I am speechless.

I have always felt like the ugly duckling in my group. I know I am pretty but I never really feel it because I am surrounded by people who are fucking drop dead gorgeous, but right now I feel like a princess.

A goddess.

Funny because that's the theme of the dress.

My skin looks smooth and even from the makeup that was applied to my face, you can see my skin glowing. Happiness. I looked happy. My eyes today were a little greener and my lips tinted red. My hand goes up to fiddle with the ring clasped around my neck.

"Alessia. This is beautiful. Everything you have done. I--I can't thank you enough."

"Aw my dear the beauty is all you," she says smiling at me.

"Hey Paige have you seen my phone. I can't find it and I--" the door to my dressing room swings open to reveal Harry.

He was also dressed in his costume for the night. He walks in looking around but completely halts when he sees me. "I--" Harry's mouth moves but no sound comes out. He just stands there and stares at me.

He looks so handsome.

He had some kind of 1920's mobster thing going on. Not gonna lie to you, he looked hot in the pin striped jumpsuit.

"Harold. You weren't supposed to see her yet," Alessia says rolling her eyes and scolding Harry.

I giggle slightly.

"I'm sorry I just needed to grab my phone and wasn't thinking. Paige. You look--you look like a goddess."

"Well that's good cause that's what she is supposed to be. She is Asteria, goddess of the falling stars. Thought it was fitting."

Harry walks over to me. It will never cease to amaze me that even in heels, he still hovers above me. He leans in to give me a kiss. His lips are soft against mine but I pull away shortly after they connect.

"Hm make up. Macey will kill me if she has to do it again."

He looks at me with a smile on his face and he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"You look amazing."

"You don't look to bad yourself Mr. Mobster," I say smiling.

He laughs softly.

"I'm glad you know what I am. It's not very over the top. Saving that for tomorrow night," he says with a wink.

"Your phone is on the counter by the way,'' I say after a few seconds of us just staring at each other.

"Oh thank you." He reaches over to grab it. "Perfect timing. Jeff says it's time."

I take a deep breath and nod.. Harry takes my hand and leads me out the room and down the hallway to the stage. He kisses the back of my hand and turns to face me.

"Paige. Everything is going to be fine. Better than fine. Great. You're going to be incredible. Don't worry and I will be right there with you." I give him a timid smile as the lights go down, my nerves increase. He cups my face and gives me a kiss. I let him, not caring about my face.

Sorry Macey.

His tongue gently laps around mine and my hand goes up to the wrist by my face. I lean into him and as our lips part.

"I believe in you," he whispers.

I close my eyes and nod nuzzling my head into his palm. He leaves me with one last kiss on my forehead and walks off toward the stage, the music starting up and getting ready for his entrance. He walks on and starts the show with so much energy. The crowd is wild and screams are the only things I can hear until he starts to sing.

Golden fills my eardrums and I smile. I watch the concert from my little spot off to the side, until a crew member comes up next to me and says it's time to walk back. I hear Adore You start and I know I'm next.

I walk back to the doors at the back of the arena and wait for the end of the song. I hear the last chords of the song and I go through the doors to wait by the base of the stage. The lights turn completely off and I only have the glow tap on the stairs to guide me.

I reach the stage where my microphone is standing on my stand and take a deep breath.

Here we go.

The piano plays.

And I start to sing.

"Are you falling out of love with me, cause I'm falling like you fall asleep, I'm falling into you, falling into you, falling into you."

I feel the lights go up on my face and I look out to the crowd. I met with sounds of cheers and screams. People look surprised but not in a bad way. Then I hear him. I look up to the main stage and I see him.

I see Harry.

He is staring dead in my eyes. His voice flows through me and then mine joins him. We are singing together. The beauty of this song hits me full force when I hear our voices connect and blend together. To hear two people sing in pain but be in the same room separated. It's beautiful.

We get to the bridge and Harry sings.

"And I get the feeling that you'll never need me again."

And then it's my turn.

"How can I live if I never see you again."

Our eyes never leave each other in that moment. We are locked together. I feel him through his voice. Even though he is not right next to me, I feel him. We continue and finally we reach the end.

The piano notes ring out, signalling the end of the song and the crowd erupts. I never really noticed how quiet they were until the end. They clapped and screamed and cheered for the two of us. A grin broke across my face and I looked at Harry whose face mirrors mine.

"Everyone please give up for the wonderfully talented Paige Lowe," he says, gesturing to me. I smile out and wave.

People cheer as they look at me. I smile once more at Harry and then leave the stage. My hands are still shaking as I push to open doors to go back to my spot on the side of the stage.

I take a breath.

I did it.

I did it.

I have a huge grin plastered on my face as Jeff comes up to me to take me back.

"Amazing job girl. Truly incredible. And they loved it," Jeff says to me, giving me a hug.

"Thank you. I really hoped people liked it."

I watch the rest of the show with a smile on my face and dance around with Alessia who has joined me backstage. She had watched the beginning part from the crowd.

Harry was playing the last song, Fine Line, right now and I was beaming. The song came crashing to an end and the crowd went wild. Harry stepped forward to give a bow and looked over to me with a smirk.

He ran to me and his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into a hug and lifting me off my feet to spin me around.

"You did it baby. I am so proud of you," he says into my hair. He puts me down and kisses me. It's brief, as he then pulls me by my hand on stage, but it still leaves me breathless.

The crowd once again erupts as we walk on.

The band comes down to join us. Harry's arm is wrapped around my waist as we bow and stays there as we come back up.

"Thank you all so much for coming out tonight and I hope you had a good time. Remember to treat people with kindness and always spread love. Thank you," he says into the microphone.

We all bow one last time and walk off.


a/n: AHHHHHH!!!! It happened dudes. So cute. Very much happy. I am sorry it took me so long to update but dis one was a long boi so hopefully you're not too upset. BUT. I HAVE GOOD NEWS. My plan is to update every Sunday at 5:30 EST. Hopefully this will keep me on track to update more and write more. I am really excited for what all is in store for this story!! Make sure to vote if you like it and share it with your friends!! I love reading comments so make sure to lemme know what you guys think!!! Anyways have a lovely day you beautiful hooman and I hope you enjoyed it!!! Be nice to people!! Until next Sunday!!!


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