SasuNaru • It Was Never Enough

By krystakun_

10.8K 360 314

Sasuke and Naruto are just fine as it is until Kakashi decided to come back into Sasuke's life with intention... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 15

364 8 12
By krystakun_

"Stop giving me that look man. I'll be fine." Naruto said, reassuring the red hair who just pulled over at the side of the road near the college. Naruto said that he could've just travel back to Konoha on his own but Gaara insisted that he wanted to send him off.

Gaara gripped the steering wheel hard before he let go, sighing. "If they, especially that raven ever treats you badly, you know who to call right? I'll be here quickly. Just promise me to give me a call."

"Okay, I'll do that." Naruto promised, already getting ready to go out and bid goodbye to the red hair when suddenly he saw Gaara still have something he wanted to say, he paused.

"I can't believe he doesn't even come to picked you up. He also stopped visiting you after last time. Is he that busy?" Gaara asked.

Naruto recalled all the events that happened along these weeks. He had to take supplementary classes, redo his assignments and assessment in order to achieve the passing mark to advance to the final semester that starts today. Sasuke became his reason of working hard so he really look forward to this day to come.

"He must be, Sasuke mentioned that he helped his brother at his company. I don't know the details but I guess he's preparing to work for his brother after we graduate. He also went to visit his parents overseas so I kind of lost contact with him too. The coverage must be bad over there." That's all that Naruto could say because it's the truth. He haven't talked to Sasuke for few days now.


Naruto opened the door and he got out, he looked at Gaara and he said in reassurance, "Gaara, I know what you're thinking. I trust him. We did agreed to give each other some space so things could work again between us. I'm ready to face him again and tell him my true feelings."

After saying farewell to Gaara, Naruto walked through the college compound, reminiscing those time when they're still freshmen and now they're on their final years. A lot of things happened.

He walked and greeted the familiar faces that he see, exchanging short conversations with some of the classmates from last semester. They all haven't changed much.

Naruto went to the open hangout area. There are few tables around for the students to gather and do a small study group or discussion. He spotted his squad. One of them waved to Naruto.

"Naruto, here!" Kiba shouted enthusiastically.

"I know I've said this countless of times in the group chat but I missed you guys!" Naruto said while running towards them. He added, "Thank god I managed to settle everything down before coming back." Naruto looks around yet he failed to see someone he's looking forward to see the most. Maybe he's a bit late? Did he overslept? "Um, I'm looking for Sasuke. Where is he? Today's the first day of class, is he coming late again?" Plus we had a lot to talk to.

"You don't know about this matter?" Hinata was the first to ask. Her expression quickly changes too. Everyone looks nervous and it scares Naruto shitless.

"You have to calm down and don't freak out okay?" Kiba told Naruto. He wiped his sweat and looked away. "We also learnt about this a few days ago. He was acting normal and didn't show any weird behavior except that he's avoiding everyone. Gosh, we should've see it coming."

"See what coming? Guys?"

Kiba stood up and he screamed out loud, startling everyone. "He's not here anymore!" He sighed in relief when he finally able to say that, couldn't handle all the stress.

"What's Kiba saying was that Sasuke has left Konoha for good. He left right after your first reunion a few weeks ago. I thought he only went back to Konoha because of some emergency but a few days ago I met Itachi at the chancellor's office and he said Sasuke would not be coming back to finish his study." Neji continued with what Kiba just said, seeing that Naruto couldn't seem to understand what he said earlier.

"He left us, Naruto." Hinata repeated the painful fact because Naruto really look like he's not getting it and it scares her.

"Why? I thought we're doing fine. We're supposed to talk about our relationship today. He promised me that." Naruto shouted in denial. He abruptly stood up and backed away from the group.

"I asked Itachi..." Neji grabbed Naruto by his wrist and dragged him back to the table, asking him to sit down. He continued, "He said Sasuke wanted to make things right for you. He didn't want you to be unhappy anymore so that's why he did this. He wants you to comfortably finish your study and graduate."

"But he said," Naruto was lost for words. He thought hard, recalling when did it all went wrong. Then it hit him. Naruto recalled what Sasuke said back then when they met again for the first time at Suna.

"Can I hug you for the last time?"

Naruto felt like his world suddenly crumbled again. That was the sign and he dismissed it. Sasuke already planned it way back. He didn't want to reconcile, he ran away instead. Naruto covered his reddening eyes, while his eyesight already blurry from the tears that already came streaming down to his cheek.

All of them didn't know what to do. They all thought that Naruto knew about it since they must've been talking to each other a lot pass these few weeks but Sasuke really hid it well until the end.


Several months passed, season quickly changes too. Everything went back to normal, minus Sasuke's absence. Everyone has been studying well for the final year, finally accepting the fact that Sasuke might not be coming back.

It's not like they didn't try to reach out to Sasuke, Neji pulled all kind of connections that he had but still he couldn't find the raven. Itachi also didn't give out much help as he stated that he only wants his brother to be happy.

Naruto stopped caring for the raven's whereabouts. All he did was focusing in studying and attending classes. After that he would go back to Sasuke's apartment, the only place that Sasuke's scent still lingers. Sometimes he would cry because every nook and cranny of that place would reminded him of the memories he shared with the raven. Then one day, he moved out from the apartment and stayed in much smaller place, saying that he couldn't take it anymore.

"Dude, don't tell me you going to bail on this one too? It's my birthday? And well, Neji too. But more importantly I'm your best buddy, how could you?" Kiba said in horror while he's clinging to his dear friend Naruto.

They're going to the library to borrow some books for their final year project when Kiba suddenly inviting the blond to his and Neji's birthday party tonight. Because everyone's been busy, the date always get pushed around and now they really have to celebrate it tonight, since they'll get super busy later.

"I know, it's not like I didn't want to join you guys but I'm tired." Naruto said while dragging another human load @ Kiba with him. Usually he would mess around with him but nowadays he feels so drained.

Kiba wanted to retaliate and try his luck again when suddenly a man and woman stopped in front of him and Naruto. They were Kiba's classmates from the same course.

"Yo, Uzumaki? There's a man waiting at the cafeteria for you." He said to Naruto when they crossed path with each other coincidentally.

Naruto quickly turned and he raised his eyebrows. A visitor this time around? Gaara? "Who is it?" Naruto thought it might be the red head but Gaara would usually give him heads up first if he's coming to visit. Plus after Gaara learned about Sasuke's disappearance, he went loony about it, thank god his siblings were around to calm him down. So Naruto doubt that the red head would come here anyway.

"Wait, he did told us his name earlier but I can't remember. He's wearing a nice piece of suit and he smells great." The taller man laughed while earning some playful punches from his girlfriend, probably jealous of her boyfriend praising other people in front of him.

"The name's Uchiha something, he said you'll definitely come running if you heard his nam–oh?" The girl didn't even get to finish her sentence because Naruto already went sprinting to the cafeteria. "Is he alright?" She asked.

Kiba shakes his head and just grimly smiled. "I hope he didn't put much hope yet he did. Again." Kiba said while thanking the clueless lovebirds for passing the message.

"I'm sorry that I'm not the man you're hoping to see." Itachi smiled while offering a seat to Naruto, who just arrived and looked so disappointed with what he saw.

Naruto knew he shouldn't behave like this but he couldn't help himself. He told himself countless of times that he should just move on but some part of him still believe that Sasuke will be back. He put a strong facade in front of everyone but everyday he feel like breaking down.

"Wasn't the the daily text messages enough? Why you have to come here?" Naruto asked while he took a seat across the older Uchiha. He recalled ever since the start of last semester, he would always received text messages from Itachi, sometimes calls too asking how he was doing etc.

"I just want to see for myself how you're doing. You haven't been telling me much in the messages. You're avoiding my calls too." Itachi said while sipping the coffee.

Naruto glared at the older Uchiha and he sighed in defeat. He frustratingly said out loud, "Because you wouldn't tell me Sasuke's whereabouts so why should I treat you nicely."

"Naruto, I'm so sorry. You can ask me anything else but not about Sasuke. Why don't we go out this evening. Let me treat you to something good okay?" Itachi asked, already looking at his phone probably wanting to book a table at some posh restaurant that Naruto never heard of.

Naruto shakes his head, and when it caught Itachi's attention, he spoke truthfully. "I have plans tonight. We're celebrating Neji and Kiba's belated birthdays."

It was partially true. Kiba was talking about it with him earlier and he wanted to decline it like how he usually did but now he had no choice but to go, because he didn't want to accept Itachi's offer. He feel bad about this but he rather be at a party than be alone with an Uchiha. It'll be a torturous night.


They're finally celebrating Neji and Kiba's birthday in a club that's been reserved, courtesy of Hinata because it's the birthday of her two most beloved persons. There's also close acquaintances and classmates that were invited to the party. It's also  been half year since Sasuke left.

"What are you doing Naruto? Eat up." Kiba gushed in excitement, seeing that the waiter already done serving the food and drinks. Their table was a bit private and separated from the crowds so that's why it took a while to set it up.

"Today's his birthday too." Naruto said quietly. He gaze upon the wallpaper of his phone that showed the exact date of today; 23 July.

Everyone went dead silence. How could all of them forget it. It's just that they didn't expect Naruto could come to the party too, because he's been declining to attend for days.

"Come on, why don't we light up some candle for Sasuke too?" Neji clapped his hands loudly, gaining attention to himself. He gave signal to everyone to follow what he's doing.

"Yeah, let's do that!" Kiba said while ushering Neji to light up the candle again. He sliced the cake and Neji put a pink candle on top of it before giving it to Naruto.

"Happy birthday teme." Naruto said while he blow the candle off. His tears finally fell after so long of holding back. He felt Hinata's hand on his back, comforting him.

"Cheer up! We're here to celebrate our birthday remember? Drink up guys! Neji's treating us!" Kiba shouted while he raised his glass and everyone in the club followed him while cheering for him. Neji on the other hand began opening his wallet to see if he brought enough money for tonight.

After a few rounds of drinking, Naruto feel light headed and he decided to go out for some fresh air. He abruptly stood up and turned to the exit, the world around him suddenly went swirling, a sign that he might have drank too much of the beer.

He accidentally bumped shoulders with a man who cladded in dark blue suit on his way out, Naruto tipsily said, "n—am sorry!" Naruto groaned, he felt like he could pass out anytime. He shut his eyes for a while and suddenly feeling his body almost floating in the air.

Shikamaru who walked out from the club too were too shocked to process the scene in front of him. He saw Naruto being unconscious in someone's embrace, but more importantly he knew the man too well. His lips carved into a thin smile, rubbing his eyes to see if it's playing trick on him while looking at the person in question.


Naruto have been staring at the thin air for quite some time, still processing. All of his squad and him have an early class and submission for today so that's why all of them can't skip class.

Kiba groaned in pain while he kept pressing his temple. "It was really a bad idea to celebrate the birthday last night." He said while glaring at Neji who still trying to sleep for some more.

Hinata who just arrived with a tray of coffee quickly distributed all of it to everyone while giggling. She passed one to Naruto while saying, "Where have you been last night?"

"Yeah, you said you're going for some fresh air but never came back." Shikamaru asked.

"Didn't you guys brought me back to the apartment last night? My clothes got changed too." Naruto said while in bewilderment. He knows everyone including him got hangover but to forgot about what had happened last night seems a bit overstretched. Except for him, Naruto would remember nothing if he started drinking. That's why he rarely did that.

"What were you saying? You went back on your own? I knew it, I had troubles getting these drunkards back home but you just went on your own?" Kiba said in rage while shaking Naruto's shoulder but he stopped halfway when he felt dizzy. He laughed sheepishly when Neji said it was him who caused troubles yesterday.

"Did I really go back on my own? To his place on top of it? I could hardly remember." Naruto said, because earlier he woke up at Sasuke's apartment, not his. He rarely went there these days. "The dream I had last night feels surreal too." He said to everyone. He exchanged looks with Shikamaru but the latter look away soon after that.

"What kind of dream? A wet dream?" Kiba guessed and he earned slaps from Hinata and Neji for being too vulgar in the morning.

Naruto shakes his head disapprovingly. "I dreamed of him last night. It felt so real," Naruto said while looking at his hand, opening and closing it. "I almost can feel his warmth."

"That's it Naruto, you're never going to drink ever again, or else you will start hallucinating about that Uchiha." Kiba suggested while everyone nodded in unison.

Later that day, he received a call from someone he didn't expect. After class, he took an uber to the hospital. The call was from Lee, saying that Sakura already entered the labor room and she wanted Naruto to be there. When he arrived, Naruto saw Lee crouching at the floor after the doctor said something to him. He's crying too.

"Lee, is everything alright? Sakura... and the baby, are they alright?" Naruto asked while breathing in and out, he shouldn't run so fast.

"Naruto, Sakura's fine. The baby's healthy too. It's a baby boy." Lee saying while he continues crying. He can't believe he's now a father. He thanked god for giving him another chance to redeem himself. He swore that he'll be a great husband and father to both of his beloved.

Naruto comforted Lee while giving him a hug. He also congratulated the young father. "Come on, you have to be even stronger now. Let's go and see Sakura and the baby!"

Both of them went inside a room that was decorated with balloons and congratulations words, both of Sakura and Lee's family must've dropped by to visit earlier, Naruto thought to himself. He saw Sakura lying on the bed with the baby in her embrace.

"Congratulations Sakura. Your baby is so cute." Naruto said in a muffled voice as he peeked through  Lee, when the latter took the baby from Sakura.

"Thanks, so how are you doing these couple of months?" Sakura asked, adjusting her body so that she can talk to Naruto comfortably. She took a few months of from the college because of her pregnancy. Naruto told Sakura everything back then, so she already knew that Naruto and Sasuke already reconciled and the part when Sasuke quit college and left Konoha.

"First few months were hard, I kept thinking about him until there's no more tears left for me to cry but then, I've realized that I need to embrace the fact that he's no longer around... and look at me, I'm halfway through this semester and going to graduate soon! I guess life's good?"

"Ugh that bastard. Lee I told you we should beat him into pulp when we gotten the chance to do so!"

"Sakura, language." Lee chuckled while he covered his baby's ears and whispered to him that he should never listen to his mother's cursing.

"Why all you guys want to do was beating him? He didn't cheat on me. He left because of me." Naruto said in confusion between laughs and tears. Even Gaara wanted to do the same.

"Because you deserve the best and only the best! Forget about him. It's his loss anyway for leaving a fine guy like you." Sakura said angrily. When Lee told her to calm down and think of her condition, Sakura changed the subject, "So tell me Naruto, have you thought about what you want to do after graduation? It's around the corner you know."

"To be honest, I don't quite sure what I want to do after this myself. It's been a hell of a journey and to think that it's coming to an end... I'll miss all of these later, that's for sure." Naruto said while laughing sheepishly.

"I wish you all the happiness in this world Naruto, I'm so sorry for the things I did back then." Sakura said with tears in her eyes. She extended her hands to Naruto and he took it, hugging her next.

Naruto laughed when Sakura's cries became louder, reassuring that it's all in the past and Sakura doesn't have to worry about him anymore, and Lee only smiled while comforting his now awaken baby.

Everything will be fine.

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