Stray kids 9th member

By Plant_1122

59.3K 1.4K 108

(Male reader) After everything that happened with 'him' jyp decided that it was a good idea to add a new memb... More

The news
Meeting the members
Wish me luck
The first live
first fanmeet!
Movie night
Y/n's 2nd vlive
Telling a member
New pups
Tired vlive
Sick day
Did i-? Yes
A call of the past part 1
The argument (1)
The argument (2)
The argument (3)
Someone I know?
Someone I know? (2)
The concert
Passed out
Mr. Choi
Another one
Losing a friend pt.1
Losing a friend pt.2
Published now!
Plane ride

Im lucky

1.6K 45 5
By Plant_1122

Y/n's POV
It's my birthday. The day I was born years ago. One thing I know for sure is that I'm not looking forward to it. I know the members are going to try to make it a good day and I'm thankful for that. However I know for a fact jungkook is going to be busy. Every year since I've been with my family I got a call from jungkook or he would stay with me for the day. Today won't be like that...

    I know he's busy and I should be happy he's so successful but any normal would be disappointed. Right? Maybe I'm just being selfish..  I stand up and walk out of the door. Most of the members are just kinda chilling there the only ones missing are Felix an chan. Once the members notice me han stands up and drags me to the couch. "Happyyyy birthday tiny" he says poking me. I jokingly glare at him before smiling. The members start wishing me happy birthday and messing with me in some way shape or form. Hyunjin wraps himself around me and just stays there. I smile and just start to watch whatever is on the TV.

After around 30 minutes Felix and chan pop up from in the kitchen. "Breakfast!" Felix says smiling.hyunjin jumps up and gets off of me and zooms off to go to the table.Han stands up and pulls me up.I smile and walk with Han. As we're walking to the table Felix wraps himself around me."happy birthday n/n!" I smile and Pat his head. We get to the table and it has a bunch of food. Pretty much an American breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, hasbrowns, sausage, eggs.

     Do I even wanna know how long it took to cook? Felix and Chan stand there looking proud of themselves.the only thing i did last year was have dinner with my brother and his members.its been like that since I became a trainee. I'd spend dinner with bts and pretty much be alone for the rest of the day. It's kinda nice having people around on my birthday. We all sit down and start eating.

    "So y/nie what do you want to do today?" chan asks patting my head. What do I wanna do? Usually I just sleep during my birthday.. "Im not exactly sure. Do you guys have any ideas?" I ask as I take a bite of bacon. The guys just shrug. Felix seems to have an idea cause he aggressively put his hands on the tv. "How about this. You really like watching movies  right?" I nod and he continues."what if we rent a movie theater not a whole one but like one room and we can watch what ever. Not only that you can invite a few friends. It's only 100$ with unlimited food and snacks" Felix says smiling. I actually really like that idea. This is also a chance for the members to meet a few of my friends.. The members seem to also like this idea. I nod smiling at them.

     "Any movie in general. It doesn't have to be new right?" Felix nods. I know exactly what I wanna watch. Most people want a funny or chill movie to watch. But I wanna watch Annabelle. I know for a fact at least two of my hyungs are not going to be happy about that..
      {Time skip}
Theo, Eunwoo , Kyoko, and shota are coming together and are meeting us there. They have absolutely no idea what movie we are watching and neither do the hyungs. Well Chan and Felix know. The rest of them have absolutely no clue. The other hyungs seem a bit nervous about the movie. "So you only invited 4 friends?" seungmin asks looking at me. I nod. Fun fact one of my friends kyoko who is the only girl in my friend group  highly biases seungmin. I'm dead serious she literally loves him
     "Yep. Also a fair warning kyoko  biases you so if she kinda freaks out for a bit don't worry she'll be fine... Probably. " seungmin seems a bit shocked about that but nods. Eunwoo biases Felix,shota biases pretty much everyone. I'm theos bias cause I'm great..

We arrive and see my friends joking around.kyoko seems to be teasing shota about his height. Thats something that kyoko does with me and shota cause we are shorter then her. I wave over at them and they all run over engulfing me in a hug. they let me go after a minute.

       "Everyone these are my friends. Friends these are my members but i think you all know that. Friends introduce yourself." I say smiling. They all introduce themselves one by one Theo being the last to introduce himself. Kyoko is trying to keep her calm but is failing a little. "So what movie are we watching?" eunwoo asks leaning on kyoko. I just smirk and turn towards the hyungs. "Come and find" we walk  into the movie theater and Felix talks the the staff. The staff hands Felix a tablet and points to theater 4.

We get inside the theater and we all just pick random seats. On one side Felix is next to me on the other Theo Is next to me on the other side. My other friends are being chaotic in the row in front of me and the other members are in the row behind me.

        "Y/n shouldn't you warn everyone on the movie..?" Felix whispers to me. Maybe I should. Well they can't exact leave now so okay. I nod at him and stand up. "Just so you know were watching Annabelle" I said before sitting back down. Kyoko is not exactly happy cause she hates scary movies and seungmin hits the back of my head. Finally the movie turns on..

      I randomly feel a hand intertwine with mine.. It's theos. I turn to look at him and he just continues to watch the movie. Theo always does tiny flirty things when we're around each other. We're not dating of course.. but if we could we would. "Pay attention to the movie bubs" Theo whispers to me and I nod. I swear he will kill me one day.

The movie is over after awhile and shota is absolutely terrified. Not like pee his pants he's just a little paranoid now. I mean kyoko is too but but not as much. Theo doesn't seem to affected  by the movie. He's standing next to me but he seems to be a little irritated. My members seem to be discussing something but I have no clue. Theo groans and puts his phone in his pocket. "You okay?" I ask turning towards him. He smiles at me and shrugs.  "My mom and my step mom went on a urgent trip and I left my keys at home so I'm kinda stuck" on thing about theos mom and step mom is the fact that they both are high up in a company. So emergency trips come up often. "Do you have anywhere to stay?" I ask. He shakes his head no and he sighs.

    "Y/n be nice and invite your friends to have dinner with us" chan says flicking in the back of my head. That hurt a little. "Right sorry hyung. Do you guys wanna come for dinner with us?" I ask turning to my friends. Eunwoo kyoko and shota say that they can't but that they hope I have a good rest of my birthday.  Theo  is the only one who agrees

"Are you sure? I don't want to intruden on your guy's time together" theo says looking at all of us. "Theo nobody minds you coming. We asked for a reason dummy" I say  smiling at him. He nods and leans on me. I swear he's so tall and bigger then me but for some reason him leaning on me constantly happens. 

We get into the van and Theo sits next to me. In the van it's me, Theo, Minho  ,hyunjin and han. Normally this wouldn't be terrible however I now realize that I'm surrounded by people who find it very entertaining to tease me. Not only that my members are perverted especially Minho. Han an Minho start messing around. Actually change that. They are kinda flirting like normal. Theo looks at me and mouths. 'Your members are more attractive in person' I nod and laugh a bit 'Trust me I know.' He points to hyunjin. I nod and we both start to laugh .
       "How's flirting going back there?" Jisung asks smirking at us. I glare at him and Theo smiles. "I'd say it's going pretty well. What do you think y/nie?" Theo says smirking at me. I hit his arm and look out the window. They all tease me for a bit of time before Theo wraps his arm around me. "I'm regretting my life decisions" they all laugh and the car ride. I'm glad these are the people I get to spend my birthday with..

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