For the Empire - Inganno

By LJRae0328

37K 1.9K 867

[Book 1] Stella and her father had no choice but to move in with her Uncle Timo, in New York, in refuge, afte... More

Author Note/Playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 40

518 25 17
By LJRae0328

We step out onto the deck, and the sun has now set completely, and there's a cool breeze blowing; the scent of the salt air is thick.

Music from a guitar carries over the sound of the ocean waves crashing on the shore in the distance.

Most of the party-goers are busy with themselves, but a few look over as we walk further out, and the sound of laughter reaches my ears. The paranoid part of me wonders if the laughter I hear is at my expense. I lift the hood of the sweatshirt over my head to cover my face.

Humiliation settling in the pit of my stomach as I scan the crowd. I slow down and stop walking, and JP turns back to me, his brows creased. "What's wrong?"

I look down, wringing my hands in front of me. "I pretty much announced that I'm a virgin to everyone here, JP," I say quietly.

JP holds his hand out to me. "So what? You're my virgin."

My stomach flutters as I reach for his hand and he gives me a charming smile and then brings my hand to his lips, kissing the palm of my hand. His sweet gesture makes me weak in the knees, and then his large hand covers mine as he interlaces his fingers with mine.

Holding his hand provides the reassurance and comfort I need at that moment as he leads us through the crowd. Still, I'm grateful for the darkness of the night that has set in, so no one can see my face, which is probably as red as a tomato as people glance at me.

Annalisa walks over to me, engulfing me in a big hug. "Glad you guys had your talk." She smiles as she holds me at arm's length, then turns to JP, hooking her arm with mine.

"JP, this goes without saying but just so there's no confusion; you hurt her, and I'll kill you or castrate you, depends on my mood." Shrugging as she smiles at him, with an evil glint in her eye.

"I'm not going to hurt her, Annalisa." He grabs my hand again, squeezing gently.

"Well, you've been warned. Now, if you don't mind, I'm taking my gorgeous friend here to grab a drink." She starts pulling me away, but JP doesn't let go of my hand, and I look back at him.


"What? I just got you to myself. You can't blame me for not wanting to let you go so soon." He smiles, pulling me close to him, and places a soft kiss on my lips.

I don't think I'll ever get used to the feelings he gives me. Annalisa clears her throat, impatiently and I pull away, "I'll be back." Giving him a quick peck.

I turn back to Annalisa, smiling like a fool. She rolls her eyes at me, chuckling, and hooks her arm in mine again, steering me towards the drink area.

"I can't believe I announced I'm a virgin; I'm so embarrassed," I say to Annalisa, looking over the crowd. Unfortunately, I still catch a few glances in my direction, which only adds to my ongoing humiliation.

Then I see JP watching me, a smile playing on his lips. I tuck my hair behind my ear, looking down as I smile; my stomach flutters being at the receiving end of his smoldering gaze.

"Don't worry about it; you're probably never going to see these people again. I can't believe that Connor turned out to be a total dick. Their group left, by the way." She mixes a coke and rum drink for me.

"So what happens now, with you and JP? Are you ready to sleep with him, and I'm not talking about the usual spooning you two have done here and there." I look over at her with wide eyes. I forget how blunt she can be at times.

"I don't know...I mean, I want to, but I'm supposed to be leaving soon, and he's getting involved with my uncles' business with each day that goes by..."

"Charmaine, we are not talking marriage here. We are talking about two people who just came together and like each other. It's natural to progress into something a little more...physical.

Not to mention, you've known each other for longer than most people date. You know everything about each other. So, really it's like you're on your 15th date, right now."

She does make some valid points, as I consider her words.

"Let's not forget, you two went from first base, straight on through to third base." 

I laugh, realizing she's right. She puts her arm around me as we sit in an open area next to the bonfire.

Then the realization hits me like a ton of bricks. "Wait, so I'm no different than any other girl he's been with after all." I purse my lips, looking into the fire.

"That's not what I'm saying at all, Char. You are different because, well, it's you." She laughs. "Just don't overthink it, girl, I know how that big brain of yours works!"

"I don't even know what to do, to you know..." I whisper, looking around, making sure no one can hear me. "Pleasure him..."

Annalisa laughs, shaking her head. "First, don't be so corny about it. And I'm sure your innocence is a big turn-on for him, anyway. Second, that's why you have me." She smiles proudly at me.

After several minutes of me blushing furiously from her 'enlightening' me on things to try, I feel strong hands on my shoulders, squeezing me. I look up and see JP's handsome face, smiling down at me.

"Can I have my girl back now?" 

I melt at his irresistible smile. Has he always been this cute?

He nudges me forward enough so he can sit behind me, and his arms wrap around me; I lean back into him, placing my hands over his.

Heather walks up to the bonfire, holding hands with a good-looking, tall, dark-haired guy. He nods in our direction, and I can't help my face flush, remembering what I thought of her. Heather smiles at me as she sees I'm now in JP's hoodie. I smile back at her, and I feel JP squeeze me; I look up at him, and he leans down to kiss me.

"Great, is this how it's going to be now? You two always sucking face?"

I pull away slowly and see Joey walking towards us to sit on the other side of Annalisa; she rolls her eyes at him, turning away from him a little.

"Come on, babe; we should join in the fun, too." He wiggles his eyebrows at her, pulling her onto his lap, and puckers his lips towards her face.

"Knock it off, Joey!" She pushes his face away, and he ends up giving her a sloppy kiss on the cheek and her neck. "Stop it! You're doing that on purpose." She laughs as she still pushes him away.

"Hey! Leave her alone; she asked you to stop."

We all look over and see Oliver watching them, with an angry expression, on his face. Joey lets go of Annalisa and stands up, walking towards Oliver. Annalisa hurries to catch up and gets in between them. "Joey, don't."

"Gotta problem, bro?" Joey glares at Oliver.

Oliver doesn't back down, though, and straightens himself as he walks up to Joey. "Yeah, bro. You. You're my problem. She doesn't want you touching her, let alone kissing her, so back the hell off."

"JP, maybe you should stop them before something happens," I say as I watch the two men stare each other down.

"Joey knows what he's doing," JP responds.

I frown as I look back at Joey. Both he and Oliver are face to face now, their noses practically touching. "Why don't you mind your own business, man," Joey tells him.

"You think you're some slick Casanova, but she isn't having any of it. You can have any other girl here, so leave her the hell alone. She was with me first."

Joey laughs loudly, which only seems to infuriate Oliver more. "You sound jealous, dickhead. But you know, I've been called worse things by better people; still, I like the way you try. So tell you what, asswipe, I'll give you a free lesson.

You clearly have never been around Italian women," Joey taunts him even more. "Our women don't need some knight in fucking shining armor to fight their battles for them, bitch."

"You think she can't see through your bullshit? You've got 'hit it and ditch it' written all over you. Just because I like her doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with her." Oliver states.

"Oh, I see, so...when you don't like a girl, you do sleep with her. Got it." Joey rubs his chin, continuing to bait Oliver.

"Hey, I'm standing right here! Don't talk about me, like I'm not even here!" Annalisa tells them both, angrily.

Joey turns to look at her; however, before he says anything, Oliver sucker-punches Joey, catching him off guard. 

Annalisa rushes in to try to get to Joey as he sways, and they both fall. Vince and Jimmy move in quickly and pull Oliver away.

"Dammit, Joey. Are you okay?" Annalisa asks Joey as she sits up, he's leaning on her, and he groans as he moves his head slightly, hissing.

She leans back to get a better look at his face. "Joey, we need to get you to a hospital; you probably have a concussion."

He shushes her. "Hold still; it hurts when you move." She freezes, and then he starts moving his head.

"Okay, that feels better...." Joey keeps nuzzling his head on her chest, and she catches on quickly to what he's doing and rolls her eyes.

"Joey!" She stops him by yanking hard on his hair. "God, Joey, you're obviously fine!" He laughs as he pulls away from her and helps her up. She shakes her head as she brushes the sand off her. "You should put some ice on that, though." She refers to the red welt on the side of his face that's starting to show. He just shrugs in response.

Annalisa sighs and grabs his arm, leading him to where the drinks are. I turn to JP and see he's watching them, too, an amused look on his face. He looks down at me and chuckles. 

"Did he plan that?" I ask.

JP shakes his head. "No, I doubt he knew he was going to get punched." Then, he laughs, "But he probably banked on that guy doing something stupid to impress Annalisa."

When Annalisa and Joey join us again, Joey's got a small bag of ice on his face. Then, someone else starts handing out crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate to make s'mores.

"Yo, JP. Why don't you play us something?" Joey calls out, nodding over to the guy playing his guitar. JP shakes his head at first but then I turn to him.

"Please?" I ask him batting my eyelashes at him. He laughs at my attempt to persuade him. The guy with the guitar hands it over to him, and I move to sit next to Annalisa so that I can face him.

JP clears his throat. "This is an old song but a classic. Feel free to join in if you want." He smiles over at me, and my stomach flips in response.

He begins strumming the chords to the song, "My girl."

Annalisa nudges me a little as she notices, as I do, JP is only looking at me while he sings, and I can't help the smile that comes across my face.

I had forgotten how well he could sing and play. By the time the song ends, everyone was joining in, singing along with him. 

I couldn't help notice several girls smiling at JP, whispering and giggling with each other during the song. I move back over to sit with him, and he pulls me onto his lap.

"I forgot how talented you are, John Paul." I wrap an arm around his neck and shoulders, running my fingers through his thick hair.

He laughs, "It's been a long time; I'm honestly surprised I remembered the chords and the words." He nuzzles my neck, taking in a deep breath.

"Well, it was great. And it's a good thing you're mine, cause now I don't have to fight off any of those girls who are giving you, I want to do you eyes, over there." I tell him jokingly. But there really were several girls who were giving him flirty looks during the song.

JP bursts out laughing, throwing his head back at my comment before turning my face to his as I was still making eye contact with a few girls, giving me stink eyes. "They don't stand a chance against you, principessa mia." He kisses me long and slow, and I feel like I'm melting.

"Say it again," He asks as he pulls away.

I'm still recovering from his kiss before I focus on what he said. His eyes are looking so intently into mine.

"You're mine," I smile, biting my lip.

He stares at my lips before he reaches up and pulls on my lip to release it. "And you're mine, beautiful." I kiss him before I snuggle up to him, enjoying the warm glow of the fire and being in his strong embrace.

As the party winds down, several people have left or paired off. I don't know where Annalisa is, and I feel myself nodding off against JP's chest. He picks me up gently and walks us back to the house while I'm in a drowse like state.

"Which one is her room?" I hear him ask.

"The first one on the left," Annalisa tells him quietly. "Hey, maybe you should stay with her... don't give me that look...I was just going to tell you, she had a pretty bad nightmare last night and woke up the whole house in the middle of the night. Tobias and Jimmy thought someone was attacking her..."

"I'll stay," JP tells her.

The room is dimly lit from the moon's natural light, shining from the large floor-to-ceiling windows. He lays me down on the bed, and the bed dips as he lays down behind me, pulling me up against him, holding me close.

I don't feel tired anymore, as butterflies fill my stomach when I feel his warm hand reach under the hoodie and rests on my stomach. I turn around slowly and look at him. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He whispers to me.

"I don't mind." I reach up and touch his face. He turns his head and kisses the inside of my palm.

My body buzzes with electricity as he moves his hand slowly on my back, under the sweatshirt. I move forward and press my lips on his and push him back gently, and then I move on top of him, and he sits up.

"Char, what are you doing?"

"Continuing where we left off, I hope..." I chuckle. I lift his shirt over his head and pull the sweatshirt over my head. I run my hands over his strong arms and down the dips and curves of his chest and abs.

"I don't want you to feel like we have to do anything, Charmaine." He tells me quietly. His fingers move up and down my thighs leisurely but create warmth on my skin.

"I know, but I want to and...I want you to touch me, John Paul, like you did that night..." My face burns from blushing, and I am grateful for the very dim light of the room.

His hands move from my thighs up my sides, causing me to shudder. He moves his hands over the bikini top I'm wearing, and I reach to undo the strings, but he stops me. "Let me, please."

I bring my hands back down, and my heart starts to beat rapidly as his hands reach around me to undo the strings on my back. His eyes never leaving mine.

I feel the tension release of the fabric as he undoes the strings, and then he trails his fingers up my arms slowly as he reaches for the knot behind my neck. Finally, he tugs on the end of one of the strings, letting the top fall, and I move it to the side. His hands move back down my chest, over my bare breasts, and he cups them, squeezing them gently.

I'm starting to breathe hard and try to calm down, but his slow movements build the anticipation within my body.

He moves away from the headboard to come closer to me.

He leans down, giving me wet kisses on my neck, licking and gently nipping, making his way down until he starts licking one of my nipples and blows on it lightly.

A moan leaves my lips as he covers my breast with his mouth. His other hand is kneading and squeezing my other breast; then, he switches sides while I rasp out his name.

I feel his erection grow under me, and I push myself on him. He moans with my breast still in his mouth. He moves and turns us, so I'm on my back as he continues his pleasurable torture on my breasts.

He tugs my shorts down and pulls back, looking down at me. "I want to try something, you trust me?" His deep voice is husky, filled with desire. His hand travels down over me but stops as he waits for my response.

"Yes, I trust you," I say breathlessly.

He nimbly undoes the strings on the bikini bottoms and removes them from me.

Okay, this is happening, I think to myself, trying not to freak out.

"You are so beautiful." JP says as his eyes take in my bare body. I don't want to argue, but I know I look different because I haven't been eating like I usually do.

He brings my focus back to him as he trails his hand slowly from my knee until he starts rubbing my bud of nerves throbbing with expectation. His hand moves down as he slips a finger into me, and I gasp at the sensation. The tightness in my belly starts to grow, and I moan loudly.

I whimper as he pulls his finger out of me and moves up to my face. "Ssh, baby. I'm going to make this all about you, princess." He leans over me to kiss me.

I feel his movements as he pulls his shorts and boxer briefs off, and then he presses himself up against me. I grab ahold of his arms, wanting to enjoy the feeling of being so close to him, completely naked, kissing him desperately.

He breaks the kiss and starts moving down my chest, taking his time over my breasts again. He continues to kiss and nip at my skin as he works his way down.

His large hands push my legs apart but my instinct to close them takes over. "Relax, baby." He tells me as he pushes my legs apart again.

He kisses my inner thighs, and my legs start to tremble from that alone. But what he does next nearly makes me scream as I feel his tongue slide up and down my slit.

I moan shamelessly as he starts to kiss me down there, and his tongue starts moving around, exploring me in the most intimate way. I call out his name as the sensations coursing through my body begin to build through my core.

His tongue moves inside of me at one point while his fingers rub my clit. I feel myself losing control, and my legs are starting to shake harder, and my toes are curling.

I grab onto his hair, not meaning to pull it hard, but I can't help it. He groans into me, and the vibrations of his mouth send me over the edge as I ride a wave of ecstasy, my legs stiffening, and I clamp a hand hard on my mouth to keep from screaming out; he pulls himself up quickly and I feel something warm spread over my stomach, and he groans loudly, "Fuck!"

I'm still coming down from the huge wave that came over me, breathing heavily; I can't move.

I feel entirely at bliss in my current state of euphoria.

I'm vaguely aware as he gets up to walk into the bathroom, and he returns after a few moments and rubs a warm washcloth over my stomach gently and then wipes me down there, too. I try not to squirm at how intimate the action seems, considering what he just did to me.

He walks back to the bathroom, and I sit up, grabbing the shirt he was wearing and put it on. When he comes back from the bathroom, he slips his boxer briefs back on, then pulls the blanket over us, and then brings me closer to him. I turn so I'm holding him, my arm draped over his stomach and my leg over his.

I nuzzle myself into him. "That was amazing, JP...I didn't know it could feel like that." I whisper into his chest as I trace his tattoos.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that to you. I knew you would taste good, princess." 

My face gets warm, and I bury my head into his chest. "JP!" It sounds muffled, and his chest vibrates as he laughs.

I sigh, my eyes feeling very heavy now. JP starts moving his hand in small movements, up and down my back, and it feels heavenly.

"Goodnight, JP."

"Good night, my beautiful princess."


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