Coil of Gold

By LunarOracle

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A dangerous and filthy lie is prevalent throughout the land of Ralium. Nobles and Kings would have their subj... More

I. Troubles of Men
II. Lament of Chains
III. Unmasking of Truth
IV. Burning of Scars
V. Elf of Venom
VI. The Snare of Red
VII. Wrappings of Silk
VIII. Lives of Halflings
IX: Beast of Ink
X: Eyes of Snakes
XI: Destruction of Town Square
XII: Learning of Letters
XIII: Name of the Bird
XIV: Jacklyn of Lukosea
XV: Savage of Venom
XVI: Reputation of Underhill
XVII: Blemish of Red
XVIII: Move of the Pawn
XIX: Serpent of Drake
XX: Doll of Aldrich
XXI: Raid of Steel
XXII: Den of Rage
Map, Author's Note, and Trailer
Fan Art

XXIII: Return of Knights

321 22 2
By LunarOracle

Aira and William rode in. William had the bandit with him, and a rag was over his mouth to keep him from talking. The feeble knight was with Aria, holding onto her as she pulled Exodus' head back. Guards and men came to William's aid, taking the man from him and hauling him away until he was needed further. The others went to Aria, helping the knight down from her horse. Some of the guards had a brief expression of shock with their eyes widen and their mouths parted before calling for a physician.

Some of the guards whispered to one another, finding it hard to understand who the knight was since he no longer looked the part. Yet, the insignia pin of his house stabbed to his clothes was proof. He had hidden the pin from the bandit for months, hoping they would never discover it for it helped him remain a sense of identity in the dark cells.

Suyi was not far behind them, using the shadows as a means of transportation. A few of the guards kept their gazes on her, although they did not make it appear obvious. Suyi came to Aria's side, helping her while she lowered herself from Exodus. Some of the stablemen quickly gathered the horses' reins, pulling them away and into temporary stables.

Suyi nodded her head as she looked up at the vast wall that stretched above as she gave a slight whistle. Turning around, she looked towards the small shops and crowds within the distance of the inner town.  There was a sight smile that crept across her dark skin Aria felt a tugging feeling at her lips as well just from the gleam within Suyi's eyes. However, that feeling quickly faded the moment her eyes landed on a familiar figure who strolled towards them.

Zaydn made his way down the hill with his hair was gathered into a bun near the back while his bangs were tucked behind his ear. He was in a deep maroon robe that had a special pattern against it. William's head fell into his arms the moment he approached. Suyi brought her hands to her lips, whispering something loud enough for Aria to hear.

"By the gods, there's two of them."

"Well, I see your halfling counter grew from one to two on this trip," Zaydn laughed as he moved his hands behind his back. "You must attract them like flies to shit. That and people typically a lower status than you."

"Who are you calling lower than," Suyi chimed while placing her hands on her hip. "For all you know I'm a queen where I live. I noticed you picked up two more flies on your walk over here Eqos, you must attract them. I heard they're attracted to shit."

Zaydn's mouth was agape, as well as Aria's. William laughed to himself. Suyi lifted her hand, giving a rude gesture before walking past him. Aria watched as she ran up the hill, making her way towards the shops that surrounded the small space. William went to his brother, patting his shoulder with a smile.

"Now you see what I've been dealing with," William said. Zaydn pointed over his shoulder and William merely nodded his head. "She's very brash, don't you think?"

"I must say I was not expecting that," Zaydn laughed. "Although to talk about brash halflings wasn't why I'm here. I've come to tell you to run."

Aria cocked her head and raise an eyebrow at the comment from Zaydn. William's face grew pale and a fake smile quickly spread over his face. A woman with long curly, blonde hair began to stroll down the hill. Her dress was the color of the sky with jewels that hung from her neck like a noose.

"Where have you been?" She asked with a voice like honey. Aria lifted her eyes, looking as the woman wrapped her arms around William's neck and pulled him down. Her rose-colored lips pressed against his cheek.

The woman looked at her through the corner of her eye. Aria noticed the woman's gaze and frown as she tried to mouth something to Aria before once again pecking William's cheek. A devilish grin crossed her red lips. Aria looked away, as a withering feeling developed in her stomach. Crossing her arms over her body, Aria looked down at her feet as if to remove herself from the two. She must be his fiance. William placed his hands against the woman's shoulders, pushing her away from his body.

"We talked about this Valorah," he spoke gently. "I just returned from something I needed to do and I'm not going to discuss with you before you start asking me what it was. Now, if you'll excuse me I would like to go see Wolfram."

William walked past her, making his way up the hill to the direction of his family home. Valorah quickly followed behind him, eyeing Aria as she passed by. A breath left Aria. One she didn't realize she was holding. As the two left, Aria looked to see if she could spot Suyi who was gone within the crowds by now. Aria wanted to tell her where Sam's Inn was before she went there herself to see Leo. Just as she was about to take a step, Zaydn called out to her.

"Ms. Sparrow, a word if I may?" Aria looked him up and down. He laughed the minute he saw her eyes full of confusion. Zaydn walked up to her, motioning her away from the open street. Aria was reluctant, narrowing her eyes at him before he leaned down to whisper. "What I wish to say is best not heard from the prying ears of servents and townsfolk."

With a click of her tongue, Aria jerked her body towards the alley. Zaydn followed behind. She pushed her back against the concrete wall. As Zaydn stood across from her, she crossed her arms once more and looked up at him with a glare. 

"Take my next words as more of a warning than a demand." Zaydn began. "I do not care about the status you two share with one another, but gossip is beginning to float around the streets. The words of others will begin to hurt not only William but you as well if you do not begin to reflect on what you two do in public."

 "Please use more simple words," Aria said while dragging her hand down her face. "I...I can't understand what you're saying right now."

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry it slipped...I mean I forgot. I'm telling you that you should pay attention to the time you two spend in public. People are starting to say things, and I know you know nothing about being a noble. But, what people say about us is important."

Aria looked down at the ground, kicking out her heel as she threw her head back against the wall. For a moment she closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, before opening them to look at Zaydn. 

"I'm not understanding what you're trying to tell me. What do William and I have anything to do with people gossiping?" 

"Okay look," Zaydn said before taking a step closer. "William is a noble you understand that. He's not only a noble, he's a noble engaged and about to be wed. Right now, people are saying he's more interested in a halfling with no name than his wife-to-be. Do you understand now?"

Aria tapped her feet as her mind riddled with thoughts. Is that why his fiance glared at me?  What does it even matter, they're silly rumors. She dropped her hands down her side before straightening her clothes. As she pulled at the bottom of her shirt, she looked up at Zaydn and nodded.

"This stuff doesn't bother William, but it does not look good and will surely bother our father and Valorah. I'm not saying to never see him again. I know that you two are working together and Will views you as his responsibility. But, please try to limit your time together."

Aria only nodded her head. Zaydn turned away from her, stepping out of the alley before looking back at her one more time. Once he left, Aria pressed her back against the building wall. She trained her eyes on the connecting of the roof that held a small steady drip of water. With a deep breath, she pulled herself up and left the alley. When she reached the small square, she looked through the throngs of people in search of Suyi. An arm wrapped in hers, as Suyi suddenly appeared at her side. With a radiant smile, Suyi squeezed her tightly.

Aria laughed before guiding her down the streets towards Sam's inn. Suyi pointed through the vast buildings and different types of people. She made notes of how the buildings were different compared to the ones from her homeland. Sometimes they live in decorative and colorful tents and some of the cities are with buildings smooth and made from mud or sand. Aria nodded her head, fascinated with the type of culture Suyi lived in.

As they walked, Suyi continued to point back at the market. She laughed at how small it was. To her, markets are grand in size and full of trinkets and items rather than simply food. Aria listened as she continued to ramble on, continuously making comparisons between Lukosea and her homeland. At one moment, Aria noticed Suyi squinted her face. Her nose crinkled and her lips pursed.

"Don't get me started on the smells, Aria." Suyi laughed as she spoke, waving her hand in front of her face as if to fight the odors. "There's such a mix of soft and heavy scents."

"I didn't think many people with magic lived here," Aria said as she turned left onto a path. Their boots clicked against the ground, playing a song with each step they took.

"Sometimes people smell even when they don't practice magic. I don't know well how the Ralium magic works. However, I know similar to my culture certain people are more naturally gifted than others and have to learn to figure out which magic they are most gifted at. However, it's easier for my country when you have people like me."

"Can you smell anything about me?" Aria asked while gesturing her hands down her body. Suyi took a step closer, sticking her nose in the air to smell before leaning back. Her fingers rubbed underneath her chin.

"It's hard to smell anything particularly about you," Suyi said. Her palm became a rest for her head, while her finger tapped along her mouth. "You have magic that is lingering on your skin, such as the man who placed the snake in you. The very smell clings to your flesh. I can only imagine that it must be awful."

Aria bowed her head to Suyi, who returned hers with the same. When they reached the front door of the inn, Aria pushed open the door. To her surprise, Jacklyn stood near the bar in a dress that resembled fire. She turned her head, and the minute her deep eyes met Aria's she smiled. Extending her arms, she bent down to hug Aria briefly.

"Welcome back, darling," Jacklyn sang while pulling Aria away from the door. "I'm so glad I got to see you again before I left town."

Aria looked back at Suyi, who cocked her head to the side at the strange woman. She mouthed something although Aria could not make out her words. Suyi followed behind them, while Jacklyn led Aria to the seats at the bar.

"Leave town?" Aria repeated. Jacklyn nodded her head, taking a goblet on the table to her mouth. Taking a drink, she quickly swallowed as she dropped the goblet.

"Yes yes," Jacklyn said. "I have a show in another city to the west."

Aria blinked, and she turned slightly towards Suyi. Suyi merely shrugged her shoulders. Jacklyn placed her long hands over Aria's and curled her fingers so that her hand was in hers. She gave her a smile.

"You must simply come to one of my shows one day," Jacklyn pleaded. "The next time I perform in Lukosea I'll make sure you're invited and given brilliant seats."

Suyi tapped her fingers against the table, creating an unfamiliar beat. She lowered her head, resting it in her arm while waiting on the two. Aria could see her but wasn't sure what to say. Jacklyn leaned over, waiting to speak before Suyi's eyes landed on her own.

"Would you like to come too? I would love to have you as well," Jacklyn said. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting. I'm lady Jacklyn Underhill, but you can call me Jackie or Jacklyn."

Suyi nodded her head as her fingernail scraped along the wooden table. The grinds of the gears in her head turned before becoming unjammed. Her eyes went wide as she jolted her body up and slammed her hands against the table.

"Wait you're related to that sturdas!" Suyi yelled. Jacklyn looked back at Aria while dropping her hands from hers. Aria shrugged her shoulders once Jacklyn's gaze wandered to her.

"Is she talking about Will or Zay?" Jacklyn asked.

"She's talking about William," Aria said.

Jacklyn nodded her head while reaching for her drink. Suyi flipped her braid over her shoulder, sending it to her back. A grumble spilled from her lips, but they were words they couldn't make out. Aria noticed Sam's dark hand parting the curtain to the door that led to the back. He was carrying a tray of tankards, so his eyes were focused on those.

"I would argue that Zaydn is more of a sturdas than William," Jacklyn said. Sam lifted his eyes from Jacklyn's words, noticing Aria and Suyi. Without a word, he took two tankards from the tray and placed them before Suyi and Aria.

"I agree," Sam chimed. "Zaydn can be a handful and closed-minded at times. I blame his father more than anymore."

The mention of the word father caused Jacklyn to flinch. Aria noticed her hand reach for the wrist that a golden bracelet covered. Yet, Aria remembered seeing a small patch that appeared to be a purple hue on her wrist. Aria looked away, knowing not to pry even though she knew that the bruises of that kind were done by tight chains.

"Where's Will?" Sam asked while he pulled out a bottle from the shelves below. He took a knife to the cork, driving the blade until it popped off. He poured a dark purple liquid into Suyi's and Aria's tankard.

"He more than likely went to see his son," Jacklyn said. "I know it pains him every time he has to leave him behind with our father."

Sam slammed down a tankard against the table. Aria jumped, seeing the glare across his eyes. He pursed his lips. Pushing the tankard, he placed another one down ignoring what he had just done. He turned around, reaching into a black box and pulling out a rolled leaf of some kind. Sam placed it in his mouth, holding a nearby candle to the end and catching it on fire. The smoke trailed through the air, carrying a lingering smell like burnt trees.

"You let him leave that boy with him,"Sam said. It wasn't a question, Aria could tell by the low growl in his voice. "I wouldn't leave that boy with him simply because of what he does to you children."

"I didn't have a choice." Jacklyn lowered her head as she spoke. Sam merely scoffed at her words, blowing a cloud of smoke from his lips.

He picked up the bottle setting on the table, tipping it back as he brought it to his lips. Aria watched as he drank the bottle dry. When he finished, he threw the bottle at the wall behind him. Aria and Suyi flinched. Sam placed his hands against the table behind, looking down at his hands. Silence hung in the air. He placed the weed back into his mouth, sucking in before he breathed out smoke.

"Are we not going to talk about something," Suyi said. Jacklyn and Sam looked towards her, while she took a quick drink from the tankard. "That shit has a little shit?"

Sam let out a hoarse laugh. Smoke flowed from his mouth as it climbed to the air. Jacklyn pushed herself from her seat straightening the folds of her dress skirt. She touched Aria's shoulder, giving her a soft smile before heading towards the door and leaving.

Aria's eyes lingered towards the door, expecting someone to walk through. When she turned back, she stared at her own reflection on the silver lining on the tankard. Her reflection a man smiled back at her, wrapping his arms around her neck. She jerked herself around. Looking over her shoulder, she expected what was not there.

She looked up at the second floor as the thought of Leo crossed her mind. Her fingers inched towards her wrist, where the snake laid dormant. As her hand clenched her forearm, she knew that Leo will ask about it once he sees it. 

She excused herself. Leaving Suyi behind, she climbed each crying step. Her fingers twitched, burning with sensation. She placed them near her neck, remembering the sight of the man's weed-like grin. She rubbed at her arm. The tattoo remained, but she could not say if they were truly coming or if it was fear.

Here's the long-awaited update! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope you have an amazing day!

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