Lofty Living

Af Renulen

13.6K 170 101

A young man stumbles across a loft, a giantess, who needs his help. He quickly learns that things don't alway... Mere

01: The Loft and the Vuln
02: What a Loft
03: An Important Errand
04: Legally Bonded
05: Terms of Endearment
06: Working Hard
07: At the Market
08: Meeting the Mother-in-Law
09: Sketching What She Loves
10: Bigger Sister
11: An Odd Yet Cute Secret
13: Meeting the Parents
14: A Little Independence

12: Going to Morrow

398 6 8
Af Renulen

     The following morning the bonded pair is already back in Prospect Junction. Florence is wearing a dress, as she usually tends to, made from a bright yellow canvas. The sleeves are only long enough to reach her elbows and the skirt stops above her ankles, allowing her bare feet to be seen. Florence is carrying Jorund in her pocket, her arms wrapped around her mate in a tight and loving embrace, as usual. She isn't just carrying him like this because she enjoys holding him and showing her affection, though this is a primary reason for her. She is ensuring that Jorund is secure where he is.

    As they enter the town Jorund looks towards the ground, wishing that he could walk using his own two legs. He doesn't mind being held by Florence, even if her grip on him is on the tight side, he just wants to have some independence every once and a while. He can only see a couple of problems with him trying to walk alongside her. The first is him trying to keep up with her; with her stature, she has long strides that allow her to cover more ground in a single step than he can while running. The other is for safety reasons, being near her feet while she is walking could be a real hazard. He knows that Florence would watch her step but there is always the possibility that an accident could occur. Giving in to his fate, he leans back into Florence's soft body, cuddling up to her once again.

     The walk to the train station is a short one for the loft, approaching the building within minutes of entering the town. This time, instead of heading straight for the platform like she did last time, Florence stops at the ticket counter. There are several counters where Florence is headed; a couple of large ones, for lofts who want to purchase their tickets, and several smaller ones for vulns. 

      There is only one loft at the counter. She isn't paying too much attention to the pair who are approaching her since she is holding a vuln in her hands and showing him affection. With it being early in the morning, not too many lofts are purchasing tickets. Most who need to travel this early in the morning have already purchased theirs the day before, allowing them to board the moment their train arrives. 

    As Florence approaches, the loft at the counter shifts her attention from her vuln to the approaching loft. The blonde places her vuln on the counter close to her, not before she gives him a kiss which envelops his entire face. Jorund notices how her purple eyes focus on him for a moment, giving him a small wave with a smile on her face. He would have waved back at her if his arms weren't pinned by the embrace Florence has him in. 

     "Hi," Florence says in a cheerful and excited tone, "I'd like to go to Morrow."

    "Sure," the loft behind the counter responds, "will it be a one way or a round trip?"

     "Round trip."

    "And when would you like to come back?"

     "Tonight," Florence answers.

      "So you want to go to Morrow and be back by tonight, is that correct?"

      Jorund can't help but feel that the conversation between his wife and the other loft to be silly. If he was unaware that the town Florence's parents live in is called Morrow he would be very confused. He does chuckle slightly, playing out how such a conversation would happen and the confusion involved. 

     "Is your partner traveling with you or would he like his own ticket and ride in one of the cars?"

      "Jorund isn't my partner, he is my mate," Florence says with a sense of pride, almost as if she is showing off that she and Jorund are bonded. "Isn't that right, Dear?"

     "Yeah," Jorund answers, realizing how he has suddenly been pulled into the conversation.

    The loft behind the counter sounds excited, having met a loft and vuln who are bonded instead of paired. As the two lofts are talking about him and how he came to bond with his mate, Jorund turns his attention towards the man on the counter, his face buried in a book. He doesn't seem to be too concerned with his partner, at least that is what Jorund is assuming. From what he has learned most unions between a loft and a vuln tend to be pairings and he starts to wonder what she offered him in return for pairing with her. He can imagine that it must be money related since he is just sitting on the counter. Another thought pops into his head, is this how a typical pairing is between a loft and vuln? The loft shows all of her affection for him and he hardly reciprocates any of it, to him it just doesn't seem right. This man should at least be grateful for the unconditional love that he is being shown every day.

     Jorund can not imagine being so indifferent towards Florence. She is a beautiful loft and does everything she can to show her love for him and he shows his appreciation by being affectionate and loving towards her. He leans back into Florence's body once again, realizing how lucky both of them are to be in a loving relationship.

      With her ticket purchased, Florence steps away from the counter and begins to head for the platform. As they are moving away, Jorund watches as the loft reaches for her partner and immediately embraces him. While it certainly does not look like he struggled, he did not look too enthused about being picked up. As Florence continues to walk farther from the ticket counter, he loses sight of the pair. 

    The platform is just about empty with only several other lofts waiting for their respective trains. Most are sitting while others are standing as if they are expecting their train to arrive at any moment. Jorund is looking at everyone who is waiting, though he is paying extra attention to a loft family. They look like a typical family consisting of a mother, two daughters, and a father. The mother seems to be in her early twenties or looks to be so anyway. After meeting Mayor Jodie, he has learned that these women tend to age very well. She is watching her two daughters, who seem to be three years apart with the oldest looking to be eight years old. They are both sitting on the platform, playing contently with their dolls; which look like they could be vulns at their size. The two aren't so much playing with the dolls as they are hugging them. When he looks to the father, that is when the family does not look so typical. The father is a vuln and is much smaller than the rest of the family. He is being held in the arms of the loft, his partner, looking as though he is content watching his daughters entertain themselves.

      Florence is looking at the same family Jorund is, though her mind is somewhere else. Watching the two little girls play brings to mind her own desire for a family. While she would be happy having two daughters herself, she is fond of the idea of having a big family. Of course, with how intimate she and her mate are when they are in the bedroom such an outcome seems to be very probable.

     Florence sits down on an empty bench, the only thing she can do as she waits for the train that will be taking her and Jorund to the town of Morrow. She looks down at the small man who is still in her embrace, smiling at him as he seems to be very comfortable with where he is at. She moves her hand so that she can rub her fingers on his head; watching as he leans into her finger, his eyes closed with a content smile on his face. Such a reaction only encourages her to continue doing this, seeing how much her mate enjoys such a simple action from her. 

     "Dear," Florence moves her fingers away from Jorund's head, which is more than enough to turn his attention to her. She begins to lift him out from her pocket and towards her face, her lips puckered as she begins to pull him closer. Jorund does not need her to tell him what is about to happen, already aware of the token of affection he is about to receive. Jorund wraps his arms around Florence's cheeks as she kisses him, looking as though he is hugging her. The kiss only lasts for a couple of moments, the couple soon gazing into each other's eyes. Jorund finds Florence's sapphire-colored eyes to be very beautiful, one of the first things that drew him towards her. The way they shift through different shades allows him to see a different beauty every time he looks at her. "I love you so much," Florence says with a warm smile on her face."

     "I love you too, Honey," Jorund replies.

       The sound of a train whistle blowing draws their attention, followed by the engine and the screeching of the brakes as metal slides against metal. The train is pulling into the station, slowing down gradually as it is pulling into the station. The first thing to enter, besides the engine, is the cars. Jorund counts about four passing by the platform, figuring that they will be stopping further ahead, where vulns like him will be boarding; then come the flatbed cars. Most of them seem to be empty, with only a couple of lofts occupying them. As the train comes to a complete stop, some of the passengers begin to step onto the platform while others remain as this station is not their stop. Lofts begin to remove their footwear, the ones who are wearing footwear at least, as the conductor shouts the reminder of Prospect Junction being a vuln populated area. 

     Florence gets up from her seat, placing Jorund back in her pocket before she wraps her arms around him and ensuring that he is secure. She makes her way to one of the empty cars, choosing the one that is closest to her. The car is a simple design, with two wooden seats that are across from each other, allowing two lofts to face each other. There are short walls behind each seat, allowing one to lean back without fear of falling backward. She takes the seat at the back, preferring to face towards the engine so that she can watch the scenery approaching instead of going.  

      Florence stretches her legs out, propping her bare feet against the seat in front of her, her long toes curling over the corner and onto the actual seat. Her eyes are on Jorund, his eyes focused on her feet. It was only yesterday that he had confessed to her that he had a sexual attraction to feet, a foot fetish. A smile spreads across her lips, finding joy in how her mate can find such a simple pleasure about a part of her that most would ignore. She starts to wiggle her toes, Jorund's gaze fixated on their movement as though he is watching her strip. She can't help but giggle at this, it is as if they share a secret between each other; one that she enjoys.

     "Excuse me?" A feminine voice, followed by some sniffling, grabs the bonded couple's attention. Jorund quickly turns his gaze away from Florence's feet, for fear of what this woman would think if she were to catch him. The loft looking down at them with her blue eyes has long blonde hair, which is done up in a ponytail that stops right before her thighs. Her dress is a simple design, made from tan canvas material. "Do you mind if I sit across from you?"

       "I don't mind," Florence answers with a warm smile on her face.   She pulls her feet back, inviting the loft to sit down. Her toes disappeared beneath the hem of her dress, out of Jorund's view. He is disappointed that he is unable to enjoy the view of his wife's feet. Though he knows that he will have plenty of opportunities to admire them.

      "Thank you, I hate riding on a car by myself," the loft says as she sits down, "I'm Denise, by the way."

     "Florence," she looks down towards her vuln, continuing with her introduction, "and this is my mate, Jorund."

       Denise finally notices the vuln, wrapped in Florence's embrace and she can see just how content he looks. "Aww… he looks so cute." Jorund rolls his eyes when he is called cute, a motion that goes unseen by both lofts.

       The start of their conversation is interrupted as the conductor shouts, "ALL ABOARD!" signaling that the train is ready to leave the station.  With the sound of the whistle blowing and a sudden jerking motion, the train begins to pull out of the station and head for its next destination. 

     As the train begins to approach its ideal speed, the two lofts begin talking again. Jorund is enjoying the scenery as it is passing by, Florence's and Denise's words simply becoming background noise to him. He can imagine that the two giant women are talking about him, he tends to be a popular topic when others learn that he is Florence's mate instead of her partner. The conversation is irrelevant to him, with his wife rubbing the top of his head he is lost in the affection he is being shown. This comes to an abrupt end when Florence stops at the sound of Denise sneezing.

     "God bless you," Florence says.

     Denise moves her hands away from her mouth, sniffling again. "Sorry about that," she apologizes, "I think it's allergies." Her attention turns back to Jorund quickly, the sneeze only being a minor distraction for her, "How did you two meet? It had to be something special if you two bonded."

       "I was in trouble," Florence answers, "and Jorund came to help me. A vuln had tricked me with the promise of a pairing, next thing I know I felt something hit me in the back of my knees and I was being tied down." Jorund looks up at Florence, having a strong feeling about where her tale is going. "Jorund was beaten unconscious when he had tried to rescue me. Luckily he had managed to loosen the ropes which had me bound so that I could free myself and help him out." Yesterday, her sister had advised her to change up the story of how they met.

      "She nursed me back to health!" Jorund interjects, interrupting Florence before she could go any farther with her account. "When a beautiful woman takes such good care of you in your time of need, you can't help but fall for her." He leans back into Florence's breasts, sinking into her soft flesh, "When she offered to pair with me, I told her that all I wanted from her was her love; she has shown me unconditional love every day and I have shown her the same since." He looks up at Florence, his gaze fixated on her sapphire eyes as he clutches the medallion which hangs around his neck, "I am glad that I bonded with her."

       Florence leans her head down, kissing Jorund on the top of his head. Denise coos at the story she has been told, unaware of the slight changes Jorund has made to the story. She sniffles a bit, her nose still feeling stuffy. She watches the couple as they continue to exchange affectionate gestures, hoping that she will be able to find a vuln as loving and affectionate as Jorund is.

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