Giving Them The World ✔

By RA2995

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Alisha is a 25-year-old woman who has twin daughters who are 4 years old. Alisha and her daughters are stuck... More



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By RA2995

Emilio's pov

Freya called my phone letting me know that they lost sight of Mara. Fuck! How did she get away with three people watching her from different angles!

"Alright Freya let me know when you get eyes on her again" I say hanging up and putting my phone in my pocket. I walk around the gang house looking for Lewis. I had a few people I needed Lewis to train.

"Hey Lewis, there are a few people in the gym waiting for you to train them" I say when I see him. He nods his head before walking away. I do some work in my office for a few hours. I get into my car with a sigh. While driving home I call Freya.

"Anything?" I ask. I hear her take a deep breath.

"No we've split up and searched everywhere. We can't find her boss" She answers. I pull up to my house seeing another car. I turn the car off my eyebrows squishing together.

"Someone's at my house, gather your siblings and meet me here" I say. I shut my door silently. I pull my gun out walking up to the open door. I hide around the corner of the walk way when I see movement. Two people walk out holding a knocked out Alisha. I raised my gun and shot one. The other shoves Alisha into the car. Before jumping into the driver side. I shoot a tire as they drive away. Someone in the passenger seat stuck out of the window shooting me in the shoulder.

I hold my shoulder walking over to the guy. I shot him in the head as he tried crawling away. I look over seeing a new vehicle pull in. Freya and her siblings got out rushing over to me. I see something shining under the moonlight. I walk over picking it up. I held it up, it was a necklace my mother gave Mara for her 10 birthday. I turn towards the siblings.

"You had one fucking job! To watch my sister and when you guys lose her ass she comes and takes Alisha-" I cut myself before running into the house looking for the kids. I find them crying in my closet. I held them as they cried telling me what happened.

"Alayah watch them, get them cleaned up and make them hot chocolate. Greysen you can track down that car. They couldn't have gotten far whole a popped tire. Freya got this bullet out of my freaking shoulder" I grunt walking to my bathroom. I get the first aid out handing it to Freya. I sit on the toilet lid. I take my shirt off for Freya. She grabs the tweezers and starts searching for the bullet. I clench my fist as she moves the tweezers around in my shoulder. Freya finally found the bullet pulling it out. Freya started to stitch my shoulder up. She backed away when she was done.

"I want everyone out looking now, send the word out" I say. Freya gave me a stiff nod before walking out with her phone texting.

I walk downstairs seeing Alayah and the twins. They sat at the table drinking hot chocolate with Alayah. Alayah was making them laugh and forget about what happened to their mother. Alayah stopped drinking her hot chocolate jumping up.

"I was waiting for you to come down before joining the others" She said as I shook my head.

"You can stay and keep the girl's mind off Alisha. I'm joining the others. If anything happens here call me" I say heading to the door. I hope in my car and head the direction the car went. I spent all night along with my gang searching but we came up empty handed. I send everyone home to rest. At 8 I would have people searching cameras around the town for the car.

I walk into my house around 4 in the morning. The lights were all off beside the tv. I walk into the Living room seeing Alayah watching tv.

"You can leave and get some rest now," I say. Alyah jumps up pointing her gun at me before instantly lowering it.

"Sorry didn't know it was you. The girls are in your room sleeping and went to bed around 9" She says before leaving. I walk into my room and take a shower before getting into bed. I wrap my arms protectively around the girls.

A few days have gone by. I had everybody working on trying to find Alisha. I wasn't stopping at anything. We worked in shifts so everybody got some sleep.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I look over at the girls who were on the couch watching tv. I open the door seeing Mara. I keep my cool acting like I didn't know it was her. I need to somehow put a tracker on her.

"What do you want?" I asked, sending her an annoyed look.

"I came to see if I could get mom's number" she asked, pushing her way into my house.

"Oh please come in" I grumble. Mara walks into the kitchen. I open my hand. Mara looks at my hand confused.

"The phone Mara if you want her number then give me the phone" I say. Mara handed me her phone. I go to her contacts and put in Freya's number. If she calls we'll be able to track her phone signal. I hand the phone back before pointing to the door she huffs but walks away.

"You may want to be in my mom's life but I'm not accepting you back after you left her" I say shutting the door behind her. I call Freya and tell her what's happening so she is ready.

I walk over to the couch and watch tv with the girls. It didn't take more than two hours before Freya sent me a location. She said they were waiting there for me and that Alayah was on her way to watch the girls.

Alisha's Pov

I've been locked in a cell. It was cold and dark half the time. Mara showed up a few times to beat me to get information out of me. They wanted to know stuff about Emilio's gang. I was excited that I was right about his job. I didn't know anything about his gang since he kept me away from it.

Mara's beatings were nothing compared to what my ex did to me. I had light bruises on my stomach and sides. Her punches sucked. My kids hit harder than her. Nobody else came down to her but her. I'm guessing she runs this group. It wasn't much judging by her. She was weak and a weak leader results in bad followers. I studied the door everytime it was opened making out much of what was out there. There was another door that was heavily secured. There was a scan pad and a punch code.

It didn't take me long to figure it out. I hear noises upstairs before Mara comes running in looking frantic. She left the door open but it shut a minute later. A figure lurked in the shadows.

"He's come for you. But he'll only be looking at a bead body" Mara says opening the cell.

"I'm sorry to break it to you Mara but if you plan on killing me with your fist you're gonna need a new weapon. You're punches are shit I barely feel them" I grumble as she walked into the cell. I see the shadowed figure walk out. I was now looking at Emilio. His eyes roamed over me. His sister was clueless to him being here.

"Good thing I brought this" She says pulling out a knife.

"That still won't work because she has me," Emilio says. Mara turned around wide eyed. Emilio ripped the knife out of her hand.

"How'd you get in here?" she asked.

"You left the door open dumbass" I mutter. Mara glared at me.

"I thought you would have done better considering the life you were raised in" Emilio laughed.

"Oh I did that's why only I can enter and leave this room. So you kill me and you'll both die in here" she laughs smirking at Emilio. I look over at Emilio shaking my head while smirking.

"I may not have been raised in gang life but I figured out how to leave the first day" I mutter looking over at Mara. She scoffed at me before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah and how would that work?" she asked.

"Your hand is all I need-" she cut me off smirking.

"You need more than my hand dip shit" She sneered.

I glare at her before gripping her hand and forcing her to the door. I place her hand on the scanner. I punch in the code. The door pops open.

"Not that hard to figure out, asshole" I glare shoving her toward Emilio. He slit her throat with the knife he took from her. He then shot her in the head.

"Took you long enough to find me" I grumbled walking out. I see dead bodies littering the floor but I keep walking out of the house.

"What do you mean took me long enough. You were only here a few days" Emilio grumbled following after me.

"How'd you know about the gang anyway?" He asked. I turn around smiling at him.

"Since the day I found you in the kitchen shouting into the phone. I had my suspicions and your sister confirmed it plus my siblings almost slipped a few times" I shrug. Emilio lets out a laugh, nodding his head. Freya and Greyson pull me into a hug.

"Alright she has some kids to see," Emilio says. My brother and sister let me go. Emilio held open my door and I got in. He shut the door after telling them to clean up. We drove home in a comfortable silence. Emilio held my hand the whole way home. He rubbed circles on my hand. I think it calmed him when he did it.

I got home and was greeted by my girls. They were happy to see me and never left my side the rest of the day.

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