Falling Farther in the Deep

By jay3ponz

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Hajime Hinata, a boy with a severe split personality disorder. One second he would be his normal self, and th... More



885 29 23
By jay3ponz

Okay so here is the summary for Komaeda's story: Basically, he has frontotemporal dementia and it causes him to be numb and screwy in the head. This causes him to act in an unpolite and inappropriate manner and do things any normal person would be uncomfortable with. This caused him to lose his only friend, Nanami. Because of this, he goes out and meets Enoshima, from there you learn she is now dead, and Komaeda has her arm. Then Hinata gets called to go to his first therapy meet. 

Warning: This chapter will contain slight mentions of depression and cutting. It will be minimal, but I will warn you before it happens. I will also be spoiling seasons 39 and 11 of Danganronpa.

Hinata's Point of view

Room 37, now where could it be? My eyes were fixated on the signs as I slowly walked through the patient-filled hall. Looking around, it was almost obvious that this place got lots of government funding. The tiles on the walls were a glimmering white, and the carpets were a soft-looking grey. Along each of the walls were these very modern doors that almost made people feel like they would be walking into a little home, but from personal experience, I could easily disprove this theory.

I slightly turn my head to the right and see a pair of elevators. Both had a solid metal frame but had paintings of meadows that seemed to come together when the doors were shut. I slowly walked over to the doors and pressed the down button. Well waiting for the painted meadow to disappear from my vision, my thoughts had run over to Komaeda. He was such an interesting boy. Though he seemed to be someone with an exciting past, it was almost as if he was numbed from all of that pain. He really intrigued me, but I wonder if it was the same for Izuru.

"Izuru, I was wondering what you think of Komaeda-San?" I didn't know why I was asking, but since Izuru was technically a part of me, I needed to know his opinion before I decide my true opinion on my 'feelings' for Komaeda. "Well, Hajime" Kamukura responded, "Komaeda seems very... Interesting. He seems to take life and make it something I have not encountered. Maybe it was his luck, but there is definitely something about him that I crave to know about more."

"I honestly feel the same way. He has a past that almost seems clouded with mystery, and judging by how calm he is, he may be here by choice." Our conversation finished as the doors slowly separated showing the first floor.

This floor looked almost identical to the second one, with the plain white walls that almost blind you take your first step in. The pictures hung on the walls were all of the different families, animals, and even musicians. I slowly walked around looking for a sign, or a map that could direct me.

I had to have gone around like a lost puppy for around seven minutes when I finally found it. A navy blue sign with plain Arial that had directions to my room. It was almost ironic that somewhere that acted so sophisticated to use Arial font. Arial was like the Hallmark movie of fonts. It is what you use if you feel so lazy that making an essay or script to even be somewhat intriguing. That was almost how this whole facility felt. This place tried so hard but gave the building no substance whatsoever for the patients staying here.

I made my final turn and was now officially face-to-face with room 37. The large steel doors matched color with the sign I saw earlier. Beyond this door, I was supposed to become a new person. Here, I was going to be warped into a sense of reality I did not even want to experience. Even still, this was what I needed to do to leave this wretched place. I slowly pushed on the doors that would give me some sort of false hope...




What the hell?

Unlike the rest of the building, this room represented the Dancing Script of rooms. It had its own stunning portrayal that made you feel more at home than at a reformatory. This room way a grey/ baby blue, giving a calm aesthetic. Lining the walls were shelves upon shelves with books of countless differing genres. The books ranged from math textbooks to fantasies about really hot elves that are fighting a rebellion. All of the furniture was this dark brown spruce with a white couch that complimented itself in this calming atmosphere. The table has a glass frame on the top with a stunning vinyl player and two hot cups of tea.

Sitting on the couch reaching for the tea was a small girl with a tiny frame. She had auburn-blonde hair and eyes that almost perfectly matched in color. She wore a white button-up with a small dark green sweater that had a little ribbon tied around the second button. To complete her little outfit, there was a brown skirt that almost puffed out like a miniature ball gown.

"H-hello mam," I stuttered out. Sweat was running down my face as I put on a slight half-smile. The young girl looked at me with a slight frown. "Actually," she said, "I'm a he." Darn it, I had been in this room for five seconds and had already ruined any chances of my time with him NOT being awkward. The boy let off a small laugh, "Don't worry Hinata, it is normal for me to get misgendered. I cross-dressed as a kid, but now I work with other people and their identities!"

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why do you still crossdress?"

"Well, when I was younger, I used to do it to get away from bullies. It was a common thing for the strong to bully the weak, and I was the weakest boy there was. For years it had gone on like that until my friends Ishimaru and Owada came to protect me. As time went on, I did try to get stronger, but I just couldn't. Thankfully, with the help of my bros, I became much more confident and have a way better self-esteem. I wear skirts now and again because they are really fun to wear!" I looked at the male with a smile. It was amazing to see how somebody could bounce back from something, and on top of it seem so much happier, even after getting misgendered.

"Come sit down Hinata." The smaller boy smiled at me as I sat down and reached for the tea. I brought the cup to my lips as my 'therapist' began speaking.

"It is really nice to finally meet you! My name is Fujisaki Chihiro, and I work as the identity specialist here due to my past experiences involving it." I gave a little hum nodding my head as he continued, "Because you obviously don't exactly know anyone if I am not helping you properly you can ask for a change. No hard feelings at all if you do!" Fujisaki seemed very kind and was definitely someone I felt I would become close to.

Out of nowhere, the doors slammed open, revealing another figure. This boy had a navy purple that was lighter at the tips "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-"

Fujisaki let out a giggle, cutting the boy off in the process. "Don't worry Ouma-Kun, I was just acquainting myself with one of the new people for our sessions."

"W-w-what do you mean by 'new people' exactly?" The youthful-looking boy, who I assumed was named Ouma, mumbled. Though, in all honesty, I was thinking the same thing. "Well," Fujisaki explained, "Due to you and Hinata here having similar reasons for being here, we decided to make this into a group session. What better than to have you with someone that will understand you better than I do?" Fujisaki gave us both a big smile as I turned to analyze Ouma a bit more. He seemed very tiny, only around 150 or so centimeters. His eyes were a pale purple but were glossed like a young pup's.

"S-so," he stuttered out, "Will anyone else be joining this 'group session?'" Fujisaki stood up and went over to Ouma, slowly bringing him into a hug. Then, almost out of nowhere, Ouma began crying. "Please don't so this Fujisaki!" he sobbed, "You know that I don't get along well with people. What if he hurts me? What if they all hate people like me?" It was awful. His once-bright eyes were now puffed red, well snot dribbled down his nose. "This will only be a group of four Ouma-Kun, and one of them is me! Well, this may seem like a struggle, I can say that I will be there to support you along the way." Ouma looked down slightly as he looked at Fujisaki with a small smile poking at his lips. "Thank y-you Fujisaki-San"

"I'm only doing my job Ouma."

Right then and there the door separated for the second time that day since I arrived. This boy was taller, probably around 170 centimeters. His hair was a navy-teal, and his eyes were this golden amber. Though, unlike Ouma, This boy's eyes were as dull and boring as the Arial font.

"What's up?" The boy casually said as he flopped on the couch, "My name's Saihara Shuichi, and I'm here for the Danganronpa meet and greet!" At the word "Danganronpa", his eyes shone like a kid at a candy store. He looked over at me with a smile.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Hinata-"

"-So," he began, "Have you seen season 39 of Danganronpa? I love all the characters, especially the ultimate reader. I never even knew that could be a talent! They do make the perfect protagonist, though, with her ability to relate the murders to past crime books, and the 'antagonist' is done so well. Man, she is the ultimate spy! It is really cool that she actually saw the first murder happen, but didn't say anything because she thought it would be fun! Those two are such a ship-" Saihara cut himself off as he turned over and saw Ouma sitting on the couch near Fujisaki. In no time at all, he leaped over and was snuggling up with Ouma with an even bigger smile plastered on his face. "Ouma! I thought you didn't like Danganronpa?"

"I-I don't Saihara-Kun, this is a group therapy session."

The blue-haired boy's face fell. "W-what, but the speaker lady said this was a group Danganronpa fandom meet-"

Right at that moment, you could hear the doors click as all three of us turned to see Fujisaki putting his keys away. "Great, now that you are all here let's begin by getting to know each other. Who would like to go first?" I stood up slowly as all eyes turned on me. "Now, all you have to do is state your name and why you are here," Fujisaki explained. Perfect, all I had to do was openly say I committed mass murder of law officials and countless innocents. Great~

"Well, my name is Hinata Hajime, and I am here for having severe schizophrenia which resulted in split personality disorder. My other half, named Izuru Kamukura, has committed countless murders of innocents and law officials."

I looked over at the others in the room. Unlike Komaeda, they seemed scared of me. Ouma had widened eyes that had tears slowly rolling down his face. Saihara, on the other hand, had more dry anger towards me. I tried to go over and comfort Ouma, but Shuichi stood up and forced me back onto the couch. Saihara then slapped me. "That's what you get you monster! You're worse than the mastermind!"

"Boys, stop!" Fujisaki yelled as he tried to get in the middle of us. He then pushed me deeper into the couch and sent Saihara over the table. I repositioned myself as Saihara went back near Ouma. Fujisaki sat back down and began once again, "Okay... Ouma why don't you go next."

Warning: This is where I discuss depression/self-harm

"H-hello, my n-name is Ouma Kokichi. I have b-ben put h-here because of s-severe depression. S-sorry, I-I know t-that seems like v-very little, but l-let's just say I have gone t-too far on more than o-one occasion."

You can read again

"I-I'm really sorry Hinata for w-what happened by the way..."

I looked over, "What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong." Ouma looked at me, tears still falling down his shining eyes, "W-well It's my fault S-S-Saihara-Kun attacked you." I went over to Ouma and pulled him into a hug, completely ignoring the yelling coming from Saihara. He honestly reminded me of my classmate Souda.

I looked down at Ouma and tried my hardest to give him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry," I assured him, "I promise that I'm not mad, and I definitely won't hurt you. Promise!" With that, I pulled Ouma into another embrace. I went back to sit down as Saihara stood up with a proud smile shining on his face.

"My name is Saihara Shuichi, and I am the ultimate detective! I honestly don't know why I'm here, but I don't really care! I also really love the show Danganronpa. The characters are just so perfect. I mean, season 11 episode 03 was just SO good! It was the first time I have ever seen the monokumas glitch because they executed the mastermind! It was so cool. It was sad that such a despair filled season was cut short due to it though. The protagonist reminded me of my beloved Ouma-Kun here. They both are really shy and seem to have a knack for solving mysteries, sort of like my Danganronpa OC-"

Fujisaki cut off Saihara by placing his hand on the mouth of the blabbering fanboy, "Saihara is here due to his Danganronpa obsession. Because of it, he has not only given multiple threats but has even planned out murders based on people he did not like."

"Hey, those murders would have been done for good reasons! It's not my fault I wanted to protect Ouma-Kun," Saihara retaliated, placing his arms around the frail boy. Ouma immediately responded by laying in Saihara's lap, giving them this vibe of a married old couple: Sweet and wholesome.

"So, do you guys know each other?" I questioned. Ouma looked up and with a slight smile spoke. "Yeah, we are roommates here and actually were friends in middle s-school."

"Yeah," Saihara added on, "Ouma is honestly one of the sweetest things you will ever meet. He is just a little floof and is so perfect at everything he does." That is amazing. To have known someone for so long to be this close with them? I wish I was able to have a friendship like that: Where you can lay next to each other, spill secrets, and even just sit in a comfortable silence both doing different things to pass the time because, as long as you are together, nothing seems to be boring.

Our group actually began speaking, and it actually turned out to not be all that bad. I mean, we had a few petty fights over the layout of the building and how I seemed to be stupid for finding the meadows somewhat dystopian, but we overall were able to get along like normal people. Maybe that was the point of this group, to be introduced to people that may help you find a true identity.

I smiled to myself, thinking of the hurricane of time that was today, that was until someone broke the silence in my mind.





It was Fujisaki, panting as he ran up towards me.

"I... was wondering if... you would be willing to let us meet Izuru at next week's meeting?"

A/N: Okay so I just wanted to say thank you all for almost 283 reads! Like, I know for a fact that my bro Marina isn't reading this because she is not in the fandom, so that means that all of you found this as a 1-3 (now 4) part story and went, "Yeah, this doesn't look that stupid, I'll try it!" Also, I know Chihiro is the ultimate programmer (and my third favorite THH boy), but I thought he would be perfect as an identity specialist with... You know... His past.

Also, Quick question: Are there any characters you want me to work in the story? I'm thinking of adding a few characters that you think would fit this story as patients or doctors!

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