Once Upon A Drunken Mistake

Par miss_liz201

38.6K 1.8K 164

Flora Averwood is not one to believe in love, and it's not because of a broken heart or disfuncional family... Plus

Once Upon A Drunken Mistake
Meet the Characters
00. Prologue
01. Prince Minus the Charming
02. A Royally Fucked Up Family
03. Lights, Camera, Play the Wedding Bells
04. When the Tabloids Get Involved
05. A Royal Makeover
06. The Rules of Being a Princess
07. Another Drunken Night
08. Villa de Valentino
09. The Duty of a Journalist
10. Telling the Parents
11. Winter Ball
12. The Reality of Being a Royal
13. Christmas Charity
14. New Year, New Home
16. The Florence Feast
17. Target
18. Dante
19. New York, New York
20. Belated Honeymoon
21. The Calm Before the Storm
22. To Save A Life
23. A Sign of New Beginnings
24. The Rise of a New King and Queen
25. To Avenege a Lost Soul
26. The Queen of the People
27. How It All Began
28. Trial of a Queen
29. A Not So Friendly Family Reunion
30. To Mourn
31. Meeting Again
32. The War Is Not Yet Over
33. Baby Shower
34. Not All Fairytales End in Happily Ever After
35. Epilogue
Princess and the Fraud

15. Breaking the Walls of the Heart

979 49 4
Par miss_liz201

       Hayden and Flora, like the other guests turned to the far corner of the garden where William and Benjamin were on the ground, punching one another. Indiana stood next to them trying to pull William off of Benjamin.

       "What the —" Flora gasped as William threw a hard blow onto Benjamin's face, but the brunette pushed him onto the ground and returned the gesture.

       "Guards!" Queen Rebecca called out, urging them to stop the fight.

       The royal guards — including Micaela — walked over to the two men and pulled them away from each other. Flora rushed to Indiana's side, holding onto her as she sobbed heavily.

       "All three of you inside now!" The Queen ordered and the three of them walked inside, Flora following her friend in. Hayden walked behind them as his father stood back to apologize for the incident.

       Queen Rebecca pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration as she glared at William, Indiana, and Benjamin. "Have you no decency!"

       The three of them stared at the floor, none of them daring to stare at the Queen. Flora and Hayden stood to the side as Guilia sat on one of the arm-chairs.


       Queen Rebecca raised her palm to stop Hayden from talking. "You are a Lord, you are a royal guard and YOU are a lady-in-waiting." Queen Rebecca said as she pointed at each one of them. "This behavior is unacceptable! And it better not repeat itself or I will have you all banished from these lands, understood?"

       "Yes, your majesty." They all answered in unison.

       "Next time, choose your lady-in-waiting wisely," Queen Rebecca snarled before walking out of the room. Flora clenched her jaw, but calmed herself before she would do something irrational.

       "I am very sorry Flora," the blonde apologized to her friend, tears swelling in her eyes.

       "It is alright, go get some rest." Flora replied and her friend nodded as she walked out of the room. William was about to go after her but Flora pulled him back. "You stay away from my best friend, you have already hurt her enough."

       William nodded as he diverted his gaze from Flora's angry blue eyes, which soon fell upon Benjamin. "And you —"

       "Me?" Benjamin asked as he pointed toward himself.

       "I do not know what is going on between you two, but if you hurt her like this douche, I'll kill you both." Flora warned as she stared between the two men.

       "Yes, your highness." Benjamin replied as he bowed down and left the room. William glared at the retreating brunette, earning himself a whack in the head from Flora.

       "You have no reason to be glaring at him, you let Indiana go, now deal with it." Flora scolded.

William scoffed at Flora's words causing the brunette's mouth to fall agape. She was about to launch at the retreating blonde, but Hayden stopped her. "I'll talk to him," he said. "Go get some rest, it has been a long day."

       Flora nodded and walked up the staircase, her lady's maids guiding her to the correct room. Once inside, they gave Flora a courtesy and walked out the door. Flora noticed her suitcases had been brought up and she walked over to them, pulling out a pair of black leggings and white sweatshirt.

       "Now which one of you is the bathroom?" Flora tapped her chin thoughtfully, debating which of the two doors in front of her led to the bathroom.

       She opened the one closest to her and to her good luck it was the one that led to the massive bathroom. She stared in awe at the marble decorations and walked further into the bathroom. There was a two-person hot tub, a massive shower that had various handles and a place to sit. To the right there was a white door shutter with a toilet on the inside. Flora walked over to the double-sink and washed off the makeup she had on before stripping out of her dress and putting on her leggings and sweatshirt.

       As the brunette stared at herself through the mirror, she ran her fingers over her peachy lips. She closed her eye as she remembered Hayden's lips on her and his delicate touch as they kiss. She soon snapped herself out of the memory. "No, no, no," she scolded herself. "He just did it for show."

       Flora sighed heavily as she tried to forget the moment the two shared, knowing that she could not allow herself to fall in love — however she was already in it deep.

"Could this feeling really be so bad?" She asked herself, but soon shook the thought out of her head as she walked back into her room and plopped herself on the bed. "Dammit Flora."

* * *

"You will be meeting with the Duke and Duchess of Castro, as well as some Lords and noble ladies of the court before heading to the Medici Manor." Indiana explained as the two walked out of the Massaro-Medici Estate.

       Standing behind the gates there were many reporters hoping to get a picture of the princess. Benjamin opened the door for Flora as Antonio awaited for them to get in. Flora held her beige reversible ponchó close to her as a slight breeze blew. The brunette stepped into the car and Benjamin closed the door behind Indiana before walking to the passenger seat.

       Flora looked out the window at the manor. She had stayed two weeks here alongside Hayden, although she barely saw him. He had to attend events in the place of his father and was often caught in meetings dealing with state affairs, meanwhile Flora had to host tea parties and brunches with the noblewoman, viscountesses and duchesses of Italy. The brunette could not complain because they were able to avoid any talk about the kiss.

       "I am so glad to finally be leaving this place." Indiana sighed as she stretched her arms. "Stephanie was getting on my nerves."

       Flora laughed at her friend's distasteful expression, shaking her head. "She's just doing her job," Flora reasoned.

       Indiana turned to her friend with a serious frown. "She would talk shit about you when you were not present, trust me it took everything in me to not kill her on the spot." Indiana replied. "And the way she hungrily looks at Hayden, eww. You need to keep an eye on her."

       "If you say so," Flora said in a sing-song tone, but deep down she knew her friend was right. Although, she did not want to admit it, she lurched with jealousy each time Stephanie made a discreet move on Hayden.

       Flora tried to get rid of the anger rising within her as she remembered those instances. However, a smile appeared on her face as she remembered the different ways Hayden pushed Stephanie away, or asked her to keep her distance from him. The ringing of Flora's phone snapped her out of her thoughts and Indiana handed the smartphone to her friend.

       "Hello," Flora answered as she brought the device to her ear.

       "Good morning il mio amore," Flora's heart fluttered at Hayden's husky voice as he spoke through the phone. "Have you had breakfast?"

       "Yes, I ate with your grandmother this morning before leaving the manor." Flora informed and Hayden smiled after hearing that.

       "I apologize I have not been able to accompany you to these events, my Father has piled me with many princely duties." Hayden said, a frown upon his face, frustrated that he barely ever saw Flora. "Has my Mother given you any problems?"

Flora shook her head slight and assured, "nothing I cannot handle."

Hayden smiled at her response through the phone, proud at how far Flora has come and how she handles his Mother's rude remarks. She no longer stood shyly, taking in the Queen's insults, but rather voiced her own opinions.

"I am glad to hear that," Hayden said. "I have to go now, but I will meet you at Medici Manor."

"Okay, I will see you then."

"And Flora —"

"Yeah?" Flora asked, awaiting Hayden's next words expectingly.

"Please be safe," Hayden softly whispered and the brunette smiled at his soft words.

"You too," the brunette whispered back before the call was ended. Flora smiled down at her phone before handing it back to Indiana.

"Aww, did your hubby check up on you?" Indiana gushed. "Look at you all smiley."

Flora lightly nudged her friend, trying to hide her smile. "Shut up!"

Indiana continued to tease her friend as the car came to a slow stop and Antonio announced their arrival to the Castro Manor. Indiana and Flora were helped out of the car and they walked up the stairs to the entrance where the Duke and Duchess of Castro awaited for them.

"It is an honor to have you here, your royal highness." The Duchess of Castro — Francesca Castro — said as she gave Flora a formal courtesy, her husband bowing down as well. Her accent was thick, but Flora was able to understand her.

"It's is a pleasure to be here," Flora replied, a genuine smile upon her peachy lips.

"I would like to welcome you to our humble home." The Duke of Castro said, as they entered the two-story manor. He walked alongside his wife, her hand in his, both of them smiling proudly at their home. "Built in 1960 by my great-great-grandfather and in them family for three generations."

"That's amazing," Flora replied as she turned too look at her best friend who wore a forced smile upon her face, trying to appear interested in his story.

"The Lord Esposito of Vittorio along with his wife Lady Esposito and Lady Greco of Cavour." Fabian, the Duke of Castro, informed as they walked into their main living room. Two woman and a man sat around the small table with tea and treats.

       "Your royal highness," they greeted in unison as they bowed down.

       "Please make yourself at home." Duke Fabián urged the brunette to take a seat and join the groups. Indiana stood to the side as did Micaela who had accompanied them inside while Benjamin and Antonio waited for them outside. Flora sat next to Lady Greco. The young lady of Cavour had long ginger locks of hair, vibrant blue orb like eyes and freckles scattered around her cheek and nose area.

       "It is an onore to meet you," she spoke softly, her accent thick, but her statement comprehensible.

       "It's is a pleasure to meet you —" Flora looked around at the other guest with a smile. "All of you."

       One of the maids walked in, bringing more treats for the guests and took the liberty to Flora a cup of tea. As she poured the warm liquid onto the white porcelain cup, Fabian eyed her intently.

       "I will be back with a whiskey to celebrate the princess's presence." Fabian said as he eagerly walked after the maid, trying to be discreet, but failing miserly.

       "Probabilmente sta per baciarsi con la cameriera," Lord Esposito muttered earning a nudge from his wife. Although, Flora did not know much Italian dialect yet, she still had learned a few phrases with Benjamin's help and knew what Lord Esposito had insinuated.

       Francesca did not seem pleased with his comment and with a clenched jaw excused herself from the room. The four guests stared at each other, sitting in awkward silence until Gina — Lady Esposito — spoke up.

       "Lady Greco, where is your marito?" She asked, turning the attention to the young red-head.

       Lady Greco stared down at her palms and answered, "he is with Re Esteban, asking for a royal loan of noventamila euro."

       "Per quale ragione?" Lord Esposito asked.

       "Mio marito...he trusted in the wrong people, they stole our money and all we have to sell are our uvas. I came here to make un accordo with the Duke, but he will only offer una miseria for the best grapes in Italia!" The young woman burst into tears and Lady Esposito tried comforting her, but to no vain.

       Lady Greco excused herself as she walked over to the restroom, three pitiful stares followed her until she left the room.

       "Duke Fabian always wants things for a pittance!" Lord Esposito shook his head angrily at this. "If only it was coal she was offering, I would pay more than what she is seeking from the king."

       "Isn't Duke Fabian owner of a large coal mine?" Flora asked curiously.

       Lady Esposito nodded, a frown forming on her lips. "Yes, but Principessa, he sells the half a tone of coal for twice the price of a full ton, eighty-five euros per half a ton."

Flora frowned, but soon a smirk appeared on her lips as a solution popped in her head. She quietly took a sip from her tea, calculating the rate of success of her plan.

* * *

Flora sat on the couch, a glass of lemon soda in her hand. She flipped the pages of the book Guilia had gifted her, tapping her finger on the hard book cover. With a pout, she slammed the book shut and let it fall onto the gray couch. The bored brunette placed her drink on the coffee table and slumped into the couch.

Hayden walked into the lounge, unnoticed by the bored brunette and smiled as he set eyes on her. He walked over to her, plopping down next to his wife. "How did the visit to the Castro Manor play out?" Hayden asked, startling the spaced-out brunette.

Happy that she finally had someone to talk to, Flora smiled at her husband, but soon frowned at the events from earlier today and the new found information on Duke Fabian.

"I found out some news on the Duke of Castro." Flora said and Hayden turned his full attention to the brunette. "Only Lady Greco attended today's event, her husband was—"

"He was with my father, he wanted a royal loan of ninety-thousand euros." Hayden finished the brunette's sentence. "However, father could not entrust those funds to him as there was no concrete evidence we would get that money back."

"I figured as much, but I think I have a solution." Flora said and Hayden raised an eyebrow, curious as to what his wife had to say. "Lord Greco has an abundance of grapes — the best grapes — which Duke Fabian is in need of, but he will only offer ten thousand for fifty crates twice a month which is not nearly what they are worth. Then he has coal that he is willing to sell to Lord Esposito, but only ten tons for thrice its price."

       Flora awaited for Hayden to realize what she was getting at and smiled when his mouth fell open. "Duke Fabian is making himself rich by buying products he needs for a pittance and selling his coal for more than its worth. And he has the audacity to ask for a royal loan of forty-thousand euros!"

       "He is playing it smart, I'll give him that." Flora said as she tapped her chin. "But he is taking advantage of the Italian lords in need."

       "What do you propose we do?" Hayden asked, knowing his wife had something up her sleeve.

       Flora stood up and paced around, hoping Hayden and his parents would agree with her plan. "It is very simple really...we buy Lord Greco's grapes, for a fair price, of course and trade them off to Duke Fabian in exchange for a delivery of twenty-tons of coal twice a month. We will sell that coal to Lord Esposito, again for a fair price and use the income for school fundings."

Hayden smiled proudly at Flora and abruptly stood up, taking her in his arms and holding her close. Flora was taken aback by the sudden hug, but melted into Hayden's arms. "You are brilliant!"

"Thank you," Flora giggled at Hayden's enthusiasm. Hayden pulled away, but his proud smile did not leave his face as he caressed Flora's face.

"I will make sure my parents approve of this." He assured and Flora smiled up at him gratefully. He ran his thumb over Flora's soft rosy cheek and stared into her light blue eyes. "Does Indiana have anything planned for you for the rest of the day?"

Flora shook her head gently. "She is occupied with Benjamin."

Hayden raised an amused eyebrow, but did not question her statement. "Well, I have something I want to show you."

"What is it?" Flora asked, but instead of answering Hayden took Flora's hand and led her out of the main lounge. They walked through the manor's halls until they reached the large fields. Hayden stopped when they reached the manor's stables. "We have horses! Why am I even surprised?"

Hayden chuckled at the brunette's reaction and walked over to the stable lad — Matteo. "Your royal highnesses," he greeted with a formal bow.

"We would like to ride for a bit." Hayden answered. "Please prepare Midnight and Miele."

Flora approached Hayden shyly and said in a quiet voice, "Hayden I don't know how to ride a horse."

Hayden smiled down at the brunette and pulled her into a side hug. "I am going to teach you, il mio amore." He assured as he took her hand and led her deeper into the stables.

Flora stared in awe at the horse and had the urge to pet them. The stable lad and his son stood preparing the horses that Prince Hayden had chosen. A tall black stallion stood proudly and Flora stared at it astonished.

"That is Midnight, our best stallion." Hayden informed. "Would you like to brush him?"

Flora nodded and Matteo walked over to hand the princess a brush. He guided her and showed her how to properly brush the horse. "You're so handsome," Flora grinned as she petted the horse.

"This is Miele, our Buckskin mare." Hayden said as the stable lad's son brought the golden mare forward. Flora walked over to the horse and gently ran a hand over her head.

       They walked out of the stable and into the vast open field they had available to them. Hayden placed a black velvet safety helmet hat on Flora's head and handed her some riding boots. The brunette took them and slipped them onto her feet before walking over to her designated horse — Miele.

       "Gather your reins and don't loose hold of them." Hayden instructed as Flora walked up the mounting stool and he helped her on the horse. "This is how you hold the reins. Now to move forward, you're gonna squeeze lightly with your lower legs and move your reigns slightly forward."

       "Okay," Flora nodded as she did as Hayden instructed her and Miele began to move forward. "Woah."

       "You're doing good!" Hayden assured as he moved along with Miele. Flora grinned proudly as she held onto the reins. "Now to stop, your going to close your fingers on the rein and put some weight on your heels. If you lose control of the horse, you'll do the one-rein stop, you'll pull the one side of your rein to your side."

       Flora followed Hayden's gestures and asked, "like this?"

       Hayden nodded in approval, smiling up at the brunette. "Those are the basics —" Hayden mounted Midnight and joined Flora's side. "Ready?"

       "Ready," Flora said confidently and the two motioned their horses to move forward. Flora grinned at Hayden as her horse began to pick up speed on her command. "Slow poke!"

       Hayden shook his head, but chuckled nonetheless as he chased after his wife. The two rode happily, grinning at one another, enjoying the moment as the sun began to set behind them. Matteo stared at the couple smiling, glad to finally see the prince happy and with a genuine smile on his face.

*        *        *

       The brunette tossed around in her bed and heaved a sigh as she stared up at her ceiling, her arms resting on her forehead. It felt weird sleeping alone in such a massive bedroom. Since they had the Medici Manor to themselves, Flora and Hayden no longer had to share a room. With a smile lingering in her lips, Flora remembered Hayden and her riding through the fields.

       "Ugh, why do you make me feel like this?" Flora huffed as she pushed the covers off from her and sat up. She looked down at her phone and noticed it was four in the morning.

       Flora stepped out of her bed and walked down the corridors, hoping that a warm glass of milk would help her sleep. Her eyebrows knitted together as she neared the kitchen where the lights were on. The brunette was surprised to find Hayden, sitting on one of the stools with a mug in hand and a worrisome expression on his face.

       "I'm assuming you can't sleep either?" Flora mused as she stepped into the kitchen. Hayden looked up at her and gave her a small smile before turning his attention back to his mug.

       "Just a small quarrel with my father," Hayden replied. "Would you like some warm milk?"

       Flora nodded as she took the seat next to Hayden. "Is it about my proposal?" Flora asked as she took the mug from Hayden's hand.

       "No, he actually approved of it and sent out the proposals. It is another matter...an unimportant matter." Hayden assured, but he would not meet Flora's gaze which worried her. Before Flora could press on any further, Hayden finally looked up at her. "What about you, what is on your mind?"

       Flora bit her bottom lip nervously and her gaze fell to the warm liquid in her mug. The truth was that, her feelings for Hayden weren't the only thing on her mind, but the news she had received from her parents yesterday before going to bed.

"I know we've only known each other for a short while, but I am here if you need someone to talk to." Hayden assured and Flora turned to look at him, a soft smile on her lips.

       "Remember when we first met, you said you don't believe in love and I snapped that I didn't either?" Flora asked to which Hayden nodded, smiling at the memory. "As a little girl, I did believe in it especially with my parents being madly in love...until I saw what love can do to a person."

       "What do you mean?" Hayden asked intrigued.

       "I have an older brother, Lennon." Flora said and this surprised Hayden as he was not present at Thanksgiving dinner nor mentioned. "He's in jail for third-degree murder and class A felony, sentenced to  thirty-years in prison. The last time I saw him was five years ago on Christmas Eve...we were at the bank depositing his check when all of a sudden we heard screaming and gun shots."

       Tears trickled down her cheeks as the memories resurfaced. The screaming as people tried to rush to the exit. The way she was swarmed in the crowd, losing sight of her brother among the herd of people.

       "My brother knew who the perpetrators were and went after them." Flora continued as she stared blankly at the wall. "His girlfriend Sam was one of them, ever since he met her she was bad news. Manipulating my brother, physically abusing him and having him cover for her when she would go out to sell drugs — all for the sake of love. He was willing to take the blame for her crime that day and allowed her to runaway, while he was caught with the body of the woman she had killed. He let himself be wrongly accused because of that woman."

"Oh, Flora." Hayden brought the brunette into his arms, wiping away her tears and tucking her brown locks behind her ears.

Flora looked up to meet Hayden's gaze. "Since that day, I promised myself I would not get manipulated by love. I wouldn't allow it to enter my life and ruin it."

"It won't though," Hayden assured. "You cannot allow what happened to your brother to scare you —"

"— I know —"

"— and you should allow yourself to love because Flora love can be good —"

"— I know —"

"— because I-I love you —!"

"— I know!" Flora's eyes widened as she processed his last words. "You love me?"

Hayden scratched the back of his neck shyly. He had not meant for the last few words to escape his mouth. "I do," Hayden sighed as he stroked Flora's cheek gently. "I wanted to wait to tell you, like Indiana had advised, but I love you Flora. Each day I fall for you a little more, as cliche as that may sound."

Flora stared at Hayden, a warm smile creeping onto her face. She cupped his face in her hands before bringing him closer to her until their lips connected. Hayden was taken aback at first, but melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Flora's waist and brining her even closer.

As they pulled away, they leaned their foreheads on each other trying to catch their breathes. Flora was the first to look up and said, "let's give this, us, a chance."

"Really? You meant it?" Hayden asked his eyes wide in disbelief as an excited grin appeared on his face.

"Yes," Flora giggled and Hayden stood up and picked her up. Flora squealed as Hayden spun her around, closing her as close as possible.

"I vow to make you the most loved and happiest woman alive." Hayden promised. "I'm yours Flora, all yours."

Flora smiled up at her husband and whispered, "and I am yours, completely."

Hayden leaned down and locked lips with Flora. He smiled into their slow kiss, happy that he had accepted him. He would stay true to his vow and make sure all Flora ever experienced was happiness. Now that he had her, he would never let her go. He brought her close, making sure this was not just a dream and she would disappear. Flora wrapped her arms around Hayden as they pulled away and rested her head on his chest. Their hearts beating faster than ever as they held onto each other, not wanting their new found happiness to vanish. Although nervous, Flora new that this was the best decision she had made. They both deserved a bit of love and happiness in their lives.

A/N: OMG!! They both finally confessed their feelings and Flora has accepted love into her life 😭🤧. And Flora had a brother! What do you think Hayden was worried about? Let me know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote. It took me forever to write this chapter and make it as special as possible so I do hope you guys enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for reading and I'll see you next Monday with another update — or maybe sooner 😉 Remember to stay safe my lovelies xoxo

Song: Falling Like the Stars - James Arthur

v v v Medici Manor v v v

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