Once Upon A Drunken Mistake

By miss_liz201

38.6K 1.8K 164

Flora Averwood is not one to believe in love, and it's not because of a broken heart or disfuncional family... More

Once Upon A Drunken Mistake
Meet the Characters
00. Prologue
01. Prince Minus the Charming
02. A Royally Fucked Up Family
03. Lights, Camera, Play the Wedding Bells
04. When the Tabloids Get Involved
06. The Rules of Being a Princess
07. Another Drunken Night
08. Villa de Valentino
09. The Duty of a Journalist
10. Telling the Parents
11. Winter Ball
12. The Reality of Being a Royal
13. Christmas Charity
14. New Year, New Home
15. Breaking the Walls of the Heart
16. The Florence Feast
17. Target
18. Dante
19. New York, New York
20. Belated Honeymoon
21. The Calm Before the Storm
22. To Save A Life
23. A Sign of New Beginnings
24. The Rise of a New King and Queen
25. To Avenege a Lost Soul
26. The Queen of the People
27. How It All Began
28. Trial of a Queen
29. A Not So Friendly Family Reunion
30. To Mourn
31. Meeting Again
32. The War Is Not Yet Over
33. Baby Shower
34. Not All Fairytales End in Happily Ever After
35. Epilogue
Princess and the Fraud

05. A Royal Makeover

1.1K 48 4
By miss_liz201

       It had been a week and still no word from Hayden. The news circling the incident of last Saturday were just beginning to die down as the royal family refused to make a statement on the topic.

"Maybe they resolved the issue?" Indiana mused as she set her empty bowl inside the sink.

"Maybe," Flora agreed as she rested her chin on her palm. "But he did say we wouldn't be able to go through with the annulment."

"Well, the thing that is certain is that you have work in twenty minutes." Indiana reminded.

Flora turned to their kitchen clock and realized her friend was right. She drank the remaining coffee and placed the mug inside the sink. She placed the freshly ironed polka-dot shirt on over her white singlet and slipped on her black heels. Indiana grabbed her bag and began making her way toward the door.

"Good morning!" Zander chirped as he poked his head through the now open door.

"How do you have so much energy this early in the morning?" Indiana grumbled as she held the door open. "Anyway, good luck on your presentation today you too. Bye!"

"Take care!" Flora said as she buttoned up her shirt and tucked it into her pastel pink pants.

"Your ready Flor?" Zander asked, his icy blue eyes turning to the brunette.

       "Yesh." Flora replied, as she took the hair tie from her teeth and wrapped it around her brown locks.

       Flora grabbed her black purse and keys on her way out. After making sure the door was locked, she followed Zander down the corridors to the stairs.

       "You look nice by the way." Zander complimented, running a nervous hand through his beach blonde curls.

"Um...thank you." Flora said with a shy smile.

The two walked in silence as they stepped out of the elevator. They stepped into the nosy streets of New York City, but the awkward silence among them continued.

"It's crazy the whole royal scandal from last week ." Zander stated. Thankfully, none of the tabloids were able to get a clear picture of Flora's face and expose her identity. "I wonder who the lucky gal is."

"Yeah," was Flora's only response.

       "Who would have thought that the playboy prince would finally settle down." Zander said in disbelief.

       "Where you able to practice your part of the presentation?" Flora asked, trying to divert his attention from the subject.

       Zander turned to Flora with enthusiastic smile spread across his face.

       "I memorized every part." He said proudly. "I know we are going to ace this presentation and get those positions as junior editors of Glitz and Glam Magazines."

Flora could not help but smile as she too shared his excitement. This presentation could guarantee her official position at Glitz and Glam Magazines after her internship is over. Her smile soon dropped though as she realized this could be put at jeopardy with the situation she was in.

"Flora, you okay?" Zander asked, the concern visible in his eyes.

Flora forced a smile on her face and nodded. "Yeah." She answered, but Zander was not convinced.

The pair soon neared the tall brick building that housed the headquarters of Glitz and Glam Magazines, a famous gossip magazine. They walked through the revolving doors and entered a busy lobby.

"We got this." Zander stated as he placed a hand on Flora's shoulder. Flora's gaze turned to his hand and Zander pulled it away shyly.

"Let's go." Flora said, offering Zander a smile to ease the awkwardness.

The two entered the elevator and exited when they reached the fifth floor. There were many cubicles aligned, one row after the other.

"The boss is waiting for you in the conference room." Zander and Flora turned the petite girl peaking over her cubicle. "Good luck guys!"

"Thank you Naveah." Zander and Flora replied as they made their way to the conference room.

Zander opened the partially fogged glass door and they stepped into the room. Flora's heels clicked against the marble floor as they walked over to the projector. Sitting at the head of the table was the CEO, Marie Cortez and their manager, Daniel, sat to her right.

       "Good morning Miss Averwood and Mister Emil." Mrs. Cortez greeted.

"Good morning." The pair replied in unison.

"You may begin to set up as we wait for our guest." Daniel explained.

Flora and Zander turned to each other with confused expressions but shrugged it off. As Zander connected the computer to the projector, Flora pulled out her flash drive.

"Please excuse my tardiness."

Flora froze at the familiar voice. She prayed she had heard wrong, but when she turned around she faced her accidental husband.

"It is a pleasure to have you here, your royal highness." Mrs. Cortez said as she extended her hand out for Hayden to take, but his gaze was focused on Flora.

He shook off the shocked expression and composed himself. He shook hands with Mrs. Cortez and then Daniel's before proceeding to greet the pair. He quickly shook Zander's hand and turned to Flora. The couple nonchalantly exchanged a formal handshake, trying to remain as discreet as possible.

"This project will not only guarantee your position as junior editors, but it will give you the opportunity to partake in the exclusive interview regarding Prince Hayden and his partner." Daniel explained.

"You may begin whenever you are ready." Mrs. Cortez said as the three of them took a seat.

Flora turned to Zander who pulled up their PowerPoint. Flora grabbed the clicker and their presentation appeared on the screen.

"My colleague and I decided to have the Glitz and Glam Spring Edition magazine inspired on the Las Rosas festival." Zander explained as Flora pulled up the images for their inspiration.

       "Ximena Navarrete would be our front cover model," Flora continued as she clicked the button to go to the next slide. "And it would cover the hot scoops from Las Rosas after party."

       "Not only that but we would also cover the Adopt-Me puppy event and bring awareness to it." Zander added.

"Along with this, we would have the models display the new collection from Aurora Hathaway." Flora continued attempting to avoid Hayden's piercing gaze, but it was to no vain.

        "We would hire models from the—" Zander stopped trying to remember the agencies name. The nervousness was getting to him and Hayden's presence was not helping.

       Flora's eyebrows furrowed together as she saw Hayden whisper something to Daniel and Mrs. Cortez before all three of them stood up.

"From the—"

       "That will be all." Daniel interrupted. "Flora and Zander would you wait outside while we discuss some matter."

Flora and Zander silently nodded as they packed their belongings and exited the room. Flora glanced at Hayden one last time before the door closed behind her.

"How'd it go?" Naveah asked as she emerged from her cubicle.

"I blew it." Zander huffed as he sunk into his desk chair. He placed his face inside his hands in frustration. "I am sorry for ruining it Flor."

Flora walked over to the saddened blonde and patted his shoulder. "It could have happened to anyone." She comforted.

Zander looked up to the brunette and placed his hand over hers. He gave her a grateful smile and Flora returned a slanted one. The clearing of a throat caused the pair to look up. Standing there was Hayden, Mrs. Cortez and Daniel. As Flora noticed Hayden's glare, she removed her hand from underneath Zander's.

"Zander, Flora, his royal highness was very impressed with your idea and has decided to award you the exclusive interview which means you also have your guaranteed jobs as junior editors." Mrs. Cortez announced.

"Thank you so much." Flora and Zander said in unison.

"Congratulations." Was Hayden's only response before walking away. Mrs. Cortez and Daniel followed suit.

Zander engulfed Flora into a hug and she patted his back, a bit taken aback. She slowly pulled away as the phone in her pocket vibrated. She looked down at the message she received.

We need to talk. Call me when you can. It read, as Hayden's name appeared next to it.

Flora bit her lip and looked at the direction Hayden had left, oblivious of Zander's concerned look. Without a second thought Flora rushed after Hayden.

"Flora, what's wrong?" Zander asked causing Flora to stop and turn back to look at him.

"I have a family emergency." She answered before speeding away. She spotted Hayden turning down the hallway toward the elevator corridor. "Hayden."

"Hayden." She hissed again as she too turned in the same direction, but the elevators doors had already closed behind him.

       "Your royal highness," the brunette turned to the familiar voice.

Benjamin stood there in a black suit and tie, the royal guard pin attached to the lower collar of his suit. His dark brown locks were combed back neatly and a clear earpiece hung on his ear, the wire going into his black dress shirt.

"Did Hayden send you?" I asked bringing my arms to cross over my chest.

"I was sent by the Queen Mother, your royal highness." He responded, a blank expression rested on his face, his eyes revealing no emotion.

"Flora!" The near voice of Zander caused Flora to panic. She grabbed Benjamin's arm and pushed him into the nearest elevator.

"What the?" Benjamin's blank expression turned to one of surprise as Flora pressed the 'close' button multiple times hoping it would cause the doors to close faster.

"Close, close, close." She chanted as Zander's voice grew closer. The brunette sighed in relief as the doors soon closed.

"You really need to learn to keep your hands to yourself." Benjamin mumbled as he wiped away the invisible dirt of his suit.

Flora rolled her eyes at the comment. "Like you kept your hands to yourself last time. And, is that anyway to speak to your princess?"

Benjamin returned the same gesture but gave a slight bow. "I am sorry your royal highness." He apologized.

"I was just kidding," Flora answered as a slight smirk tugged at her lips. "Why did the Queen Mother call for me?"

Benjamin pulled out his smartphone from his interior coat pocket, dialed a number, and handed it to the brunette. On the other side Queen Mother Guilia appeared.

"Good morning Flora," she greeted with a warm smile. "I hope I did not interrupt anything important."

"You didn't," Flora assured.

"I requested Benjamin to escort you to Antoni's salon for a makeover." She explained. "A few witnesses gave a detailed description of your appearance to the media and we have decided it is best we maintain your identity hidden until your marriage is officially announced at the annual winter ball."

"So, you want me to change my appearance?" Flora asked with scrunched eyebrows.

"Yes, but fear not, they will only be slight changes." She assured.

Flora nodded knowing she could not object, after all she needed to keep this a secret from those close to her, for as long as possible. She still had to find a way to break the news to her parents back home.

"There are also other, topics, I would like to discuss with you." Queen Guilia continued.

"Okay," Flora nodded once more.

"Benjamin, make sure that Princess Flora arrives in good shape, and that you are not followed." She warned to which Benjamin nodded.

"Yes, your majesty." He replied.

Without another word Queen Mother Guilia ended the video call. The silver doors opened and the pair stepped out. They received a few curious glances and Flora soon realized that it was evident Benjamin was one of the royal guards. She placed distance between them as she quickened her pace leaving a perplexed Benjamin behind.

"Your royal highness," he quietly called as he discreetly chased after her.

As Flora shooed him away, it dawned on him what the brunettes plan was. He slowed his pace, staying a few feet behind her.

The pair soon reached the parking lot and Benjamin led Flora to the black Range Rover with tinted windows. He opened the door for Flora and helped the brunette inside the window, before rounding the car and taking the driver's seat. As Benjamin began to drive Flora looked down at her phone. With a sigh she dialed Hayden's number and brought the phone to her ear.

"Hello il mio amore." Hayden answered causing Flora to roll her eyes as a slight smile tugged at her lips.

       "Your highness requested that I call him, so what's up?" Flora asked.

"I wanted to apologize for not contacting you after the incident." He began. "I have been quite busy bribing media outlets to retain the information on your appearance, which would cause your identity to be exposed."

"Your grandmother asked that I change my appearance just in case." I informed.

       "Another brilliant idea from my mother." Hayden muttered causing Flora's brows to knit together.

       "Why did you not inform me about the exclusive interview?" Flora asked, remembering the events of this morning.

       "My mother suggested that I, we, do an interview to calm the media." Hayden explained. "I was not fond of the idea at first, but now I am relieved that you will be part of the team that will write the article."

       "And why is that?"

       "I am quite confident you will not write false information in the article that could jeopardize exposing the truth of our relationship." Hayden replied to which Flora nodded. "I have other matters to attend, but I will keep you updated."

"Bye," Flora whispered before the call was ended. She ran a hand through her ashy brown locks and rested her head on the car window.

*        *        *

        "We are here your royal highness." Benjamin announced as he parked in front of a tall brick building.

       Benjamin stepped out of the driver's seat and opened the door for Flora. They walked up to the glass doors and the doorman opened the door, tipping his hat as they walked in. A line of empty leather barber chairs aligned the windows and left wall.

       "Your royal highness," one of the receptionist greeted as she gave a courtesy. "Her majesty is awaiting for you in our private section."

       Flora followed the raven-head up the transparent stairs. The girl opened the double doors of their private section. The Queen Mother sat on one of their couches discussing with a blonde in front of her.

"Flora," the Queen Mother said as she noticed Flora's presence.

The blonde in front of Queen Guilia turned around and greeted Flora with a wide toothy smile.

"Indiana?" Flora asked, confused as to why she was here.

Indiana jumped out of her seat and walked over to her friend. "Flora, I went shopping with the Queen Mother of Italy! And I'm having tea with her now!" The giddy blonde squealed.

Flora chuckled at her friend's excitement. "I hope she did not give you much trouble." Flora said, directing her gaze to the Queen Mother.

"We had a splendid time." Queen Guilia assured.

"I helped her pick out outfits for you." Indiana stated with a happy grin. "And THE Antoni Russo retouched my roots!"

Indiana ran her fingers through her freshly straightened blonde locks, showing them off to Flora.

"I accidentally ran into your friend this morning," Queen Guilia explained.

"She was looking for you but you were at work, and then she asked me to accompany her to the Aurora Boutique before sending this hunk," Indiana patted Benjamin's shoulder. "To pick you up."

"I had Benjamin delivery your new clothing to your apartment prior to escorting you here." Queen Guilia informed.

"You are going to look amazing." Indiana gushed.

"Good afternoon your majesty," everyone directed their attention to the famous hair stylist Antoni Russo. "And your royal highness."

He walked over to Flora, bowed and kiss her hand before proceeding and doing the same for Queen Mother Guilia.

"Your royal highness would you sit here, please?" Antoni asked and Flora walked over to the chair.

"With Flora's consent, a darker shade of brown would be preferred." Queen Guilia stated. "Is that alright with you Flora?"

Flora nodded and replied, "Whatever the Queen Mother deems best."

"A darker hair tone would go best if she is to proceed with the spray tan." Antoni agreed. "Let us begin."

Antoni's assistant placed a black cape over Flora and clipped on the back. Antoni grabbed the tools he needed and began working on Flora's hair.

"The matters I would like to discuss are the winter ball and—" Queen Guilia paused as she mixed the sugar into her tea. "Etiquette classes."

"Etiquette classes?" Flora asked as she stated at Queen Guilia through the mirror.

"My daughter requested that you be trained and given etiquette classes." She explained. "The life of a royal, especially a princess is very rigorous and requires that you learn how to properly address someone, greet them and such things."

"If I am to carry this charade for the next five months, I would have to be trained in order to not make a fool of myself." Flora agreed.

       "It would be best if we begin with your training as soon as possible. The winter ball is right around the corner." Queen Guilia stated. "You must make a good impression."

       "Will we have to travel to Italy?" Flora asked and Guilia shook her head.

       "The annual winter ball always takes place in New York at the Lafayette Memorial Palace." Queen Guilia replied. "It is mainly held to allow wealthy commoners to mingle with royalty and for eligible young ladies to find a partner from the high society including lords, dukes and even princes."

       "So like Bridgerton." Indiana commented causing Queen Guilia to turn to her with a perplexed look. Flora let out a slight chuckle.


       Indiana shook her hand dismissively. "Never mind," she replied.

"After your marriage to Hayden is announced we would like for you to visit Italy." Queen Guilia continued. "Even if this marriage had an unusual start, you will be known as the princess of Italy, future Queen and will have to make an appearance to your people."

       Flora nodded as she stared at her reflection. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined herself being married, especially not to a prince. Nonetheless, she was here, the Princess of a nation and she would have to give everything she had to keep this charade going.

       "You will also have to choose ladies in waiting as it is custom of ours." Queen Guilia added.

       "Indiana," Flora replied without hesitation.

       "Oh my god, I'm going to be a lady in waiting!" Indiana squealed and the pair chuckled.

"Now, as for the etiquette courses, would it be alright with you if we start tomorrow evening?" Queen Guilia asked.


"From six to probably eight." The Queen Mother replied.

"Yeah, that will work." Flora nodded.

"Very well, I will send Benjamin to escort you to the estate." Queen Guilia answered.

Let the training begin.

Hey my lovelies! Kind of a filler chapter but I still hope you guys enjoyed it. So I don't know if you noticed but for some places I'm calling Guilia (aka the Queen Mother), Queen Guilia. I did because I did not want to keep saying Queen Mother Guilia whenever she exchanged dialogue. However, if it is confusing let me know or if you have suggestions on what I should call her when she talks let me know. Thank you so much for reading. I'll see you next week. Xoxo 💋💋

v v v Flora's Makeover v v v

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