THE GODDESS(Various Harry Pot...

By aura_red

57.1K 1.3K 290

•ALPHA FEMALE• ✯"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE DEALING WITH!" The beautiful witch screamed that the snake of a... More

6 years
First lesson
Pranks & protection
Authors note
Year 2-3
Mates? Not an update
mates known
first task
Yule ball
Third task
Another end
not an update
Beginning of the war
Sworn to Secrecy
No more

Trap door

1.2K 30 2
By aura_red

A few weeks after the incident in the forest Aria found herself going to the forbidden door. She talked to Fluffy about ways to protect the stone while he updated her on all of Quirrles attempts to get the stone. Aria just finished her daily talk with the three headed beast when she heard whimpering down the corridor. The brunette beauty ran after the sound as she got farther down the corridor the sound kept getting louder and louder. Her steps grew more and more quickly as she kept getting closer and closer. Suddenly she came to a holt when out of the corner of her eye she saw a elf in a raged pillow case. The elf was shivering in the cold tugging on the little "clothing" he had. Aria walked up to him with a blanket and some other clothing she concord. The elf froze as he saw the beautiful young witch that his young master talked about so dearly. "M-Miss. M-Merlin? How might D..." The young witch spoke up as soon as she heard the poor elf stuttering. "You can call me Aria. Now may I ask what you are doing here? Also are you okay?" She questioned as she placed the warm blanket on the shivering elf. "Dobby is here because he had to get away from his family. I am alright Miss. Aria." Dobby sniffled when she hugged him. "Let me see those burns." She told the elf who looked at her bewildered at how she knew. The elf took out his hands that had burn marks all over them from his master. "Oh my. Here." She covered one of his hands with hers and healed it then went to the other hand doing the same thing. "Thank you. How can Dobby ever repay you?" The house elf asked the beautiful young witch. "If you hear anything bad will happen at Hogwarts tell me. Okay and if anything else happens you are always welcomed at the Tonks household." Dobby nodded and said a good by before he vanished back to his master.

The young witch was walking down the corridors to the common room a night. Suddenly she felt something close to her so she grabbed it. Little did she know that her friends were there under the invisibility cloak. When Aria was shocked to see her friends under the cloak, but her shock soon turned to confusion. "Why are you all here?" The three culprits all looked at each other unsure how to answer. Since the brunette witch was getting no answers she used her Legilimency to see into Harry's mind. "Honestly, you could have just told me that you were going in the trap door. After all I am the best auror there is right now." The girl stated as her friends all face palmed themselves for not telling her. "Sorry, anyways we have to go now." Her cloak bellowed almost like Snapes from quickly walking. "How did you know we were there?" Harry questioned the witch. "Firstly you guys suck at sneaking around." She threw the door open because she placed a silencing spell on the corridor beforehand. "Secondly, I am the heir of Merlin so I can see through the cloak." She levitated a sleeping Fluffy into her hand while shrinking him down to puppy size. "Lastly, I was here beforehand putting more spells and other things to protect the stone. Which I also get a alert when someone comes in the corridor and in the trap door. Now hop in and don't move afterwards." Aria opened the trap door on the bottom of the tiny room. Fluffy started to wake up in her arms letting out a big yawn. Making all the kids awe at the cute sight even if he was just a beast not even 30 seconds ago. Aria jumped down into the Dare Devil's Snare while instantly freezing to sink to the bottom. "Aria!" The three friends screamed after their best friend/crush. They hopped in right after her making her smile at the group and say, "Be still." After she said that the vines of the plant pulled her under where it was safe. Hermonie followed not to long after with Harry and Ron on her trail. Fluffy started to whimper causing her to realize he was still up there. Out of her hands a bright light was shown throughout the dark room instantly killing the plant. The three headed puppy fell into her arms while licking her face in gratitude. The light sound of fluttering of wings came from the door in front of them. "What would birds be doing here?" Ron asked confused. "Their not birds, but keys." Harry and Aria said at the same time. Aria looked around the room to find a key that she knew was the one. "Harry, you see that key with the broken wing. That is it." She told him making him smile. Aria pulled Ron and Hermonie by the door ready to go in. "Oh, and Harry. Be quick with it." Harry grabbed the broom slowly and mounted it just like in the lessons. As soon as he started to chase after the key all the other ones started to go after him. "Well, this complicates things a bit." Ron said to the other two making them nod. Harry was getting scratched up by the key making Aria made. With a snap of her fingers the keys stopped moving towards Harry and froze in place. This made it a whole lot easier to get the key for the lock. Harry snatched the key and threw it to Aria which she unlocked the door. The door swung open to reveal something that looked like a graveyard. "Is this a graveyard?" Harry questioned the group only to have Aria shake her head. "No, it is a chessboard. One that is like wizards chess so be careful."

Time skip to when they go into the last room

Aria placed a protective charm over Harry when she felt an dark presence. "Quirrel! I should have known that this was your doing." She stood in front of the boy who lived shielding him from the Dark Lords eyes. "Ahh! Miss Merlin. A pleaser to always met you for your beauty is unmistakable that of more powerful then a Veela." He told the 11 year old making her cringe. Harry didn't like the way he was eyeing Aria so he stood in front of her. Voldemort growled at the boy for standing in front of his queen. The Dark lord brought up his wand to hit the boy who lived with a spell. "Sep..." "Stupefy!" The goddess was quick to counter with the charm. Quirrel was sent to the wall with a hard blast also knocking him out. "Harry I know this might sound weird, but I need you to touch his face." The boy walked up to the professor cautiously only to have him wake up. "Well Miss. Merlin. Quite the dueler I see." His deep breathy voice sounded through out the room. "As I should be. After all being best Auror doesn't come easy." She snarled at the murder with a glare so deadly that Hades and Death would be proud. "You cheated Death and my Uncle Hades. I promise that these next years I will make your life a living hell even before you die. Then I will let the gods, goddesses, and Death get their hands on you." She bit with venom for the man that made her mother pass. "Oh trust me I will never die. So you will always lose Harry Potter and Aria Merlin. After all that is what your parents did. Now boy come here and get me the stone." The snake hissed from the back of the head. Harry slowly walked forward after seeing Aria nod her head at him. When the Dark lord went to touch the boys back the girl made him not be able to move his hands. The boy who lived saw his parents along with Aria smiling at him in the mirror. Suddenly he saw himself put a red glimmering stone in the pocket of his pants. "What do you see boy!?" The man yelled harshly at the boy causing the girl to place a silencing charm on him. "I see myself with the Quidditch cup, and head boy." The man roughly grabbed Harry boy the shoulders shaking him while trying to get the stone. The female was about to step in when Harry put his hands on the evil man's face. The skin started to turn dry eventually becoming nothing, but dust. The shadow followed the dust and tried to go through the boy who lived body. Only to fail and the dusk like creature went to the exit screaming. However the boy started to wobble with the girl running to to him to save him. The last thing he heard with angelic voice saying, "Your okay. Just stay with me, love."

Author's note.
THANKS SO MUCH FOR 1k READS!! You are all amazing and I just want you to all know that I will be continuing the book just be ready for a twist coming. 🤫 As coach would say, "Bye, love you."

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