By XxXIslaLayXxX

92.1K 625 286

It's all in the title More

OT7(Taekook, Namjin, Yoonminseok)
Not An Update
YoongixBTS Part II
JiminxBTS part II

JinxBTS Part 1

2.9K 23 4
By XxXIslaLayXxX

(I don't know who else is attached to the httyd franchise but this got me addicted to Orchestra so, I'd say give it a try, It may have you bawling  but it got rid of my writer's block, so hey. Oh and John Powell is one of the best composers to ever live.)

Sorority AU
"Good evening all passengers this is your Captain speaking, Our current time is 10:30pm KST time, with an arrival time of 11:00pm KST. We are currently flying at an altitude of 35,000ft, I'd like to on behalf of the aircraft staff, hope you enjoyed the flight and we hope to see you flying with us again, we will be commencing decent in 15 minutes-......."

I zoned out a bit after hearing the time and and distance from the airport, Fatigue and jet lag starting to set in even though I haven't even gotten of the plane.

My mind and body were not co-operating as my eyes started getting heavier and heavier, giving up on fighting it, I let sleep and darkness consume me until we landed.

Time Skip

I awoke to the sound of noisy chatter from other passengers getting their carry-on luggage from where ever it was placed.This led to the creation of 'walkway jam,' since no one is patient enough for the staff to open the plane door.

Once the door was open and everyone started making their way out, I finally got up, after arranging all of my belongings that I sat with back in the designated bags and waited for the way to clear up a bit.

Time Skip

Once I got out of the plane, I made a beeline for arrivals. Going through all the jazz of being searched, I made my way towards baggage collection, the conveyer wasn't moving yet so I just sat on my small suitcase waiting just like everyone else here.

Spotting a coffee shop in the corner of my eye, I thought having a coffee break while waiting wouldn't do anyone any harm. With my coffee in hand, I started scrolling through my instagram as I sipped on my coffee while I waited for my luggage.

Not even a minute later the loud and obnoxious beeping sound resonated throughout the entire area before suit cases came out one by one. Mine didn't finally show until 10 minutes later, once I had everything, I made my way towards customs.

The line wasn't to bad, I got my things checked and was able to be out within 20 minutes. Walking through the crowd of people that accumulated to greet their loved ones.

"Kim Jin-hee?!"

The suddenness of my name being called out shocked me, but nonetheless made a wave of relief rush over me as I saw my assigned guide walking towards me.


"Yes! that's me, welcome to The U.S of A"

Surprised by her fluent Korean must have reflected on my face as her smile got even bigger.

"Yeah I speak quite a few languages Russian, French, Dutch, Spanish, a bit of Mandarin, Korean and Kiswahili. Speaking of said languages we need to wait for 3 more students then we can head of to campus."

"Oh ok"

Heading over to one of the seats, I pulled out my phone, messaging my mum and dad that I landed.

I've arrived

Oh thank goodness, how was your flight? Have you gotten through customs? Have you found the guide? Are you with anyone else?"

Touched by their love for me, I responded to all their questions, looking up to see if anyone else had arrived, I saw Jessica walking towards me with some people tagging along behind her. One of them had fiery red hair, Brown skin, with blue eyes, a round face and baggy clothing.

While the other 2 were identical, I'd like to think twins, although their features were as similar as symmetrical could be, their styles were on the opposite styles of the spectrum and if their facial expressions were anything to go by, so were their attitudes.

"Hi my name is Sofya Romanov and this is my twin Morgan, they go by they/them pronouns and we are from Russia. What are your names?"

(Face wise this what the twins look)

(This is what Morgans wearing)

(This is what Sofya was wearing.)

"I'm Kim Jin-hee, I'm from South Korea."

"My names Ciara London, and I'm from Senegal."

"Nice to meet you all."

"Ok so now that you all know each other. Let's get out of here, I'm sure you all wanna settle down in your new dorms."

"This sounds amazing."

Without another word exchanged between the 5 of us we got our stuff and made our way to the pick up zone. Waiting for us was very large and fancy van.


"Ikr the school's even better, come on let's go."

Heading around the back of the we were met by a man in uniform, offering out his hand with a smile, it was obvious that he loved his job as a genuine smile set over his face. Smiling back I as I handed him my things, with one last appreciative smile, circled back around the van, my jaw dropped as the interior of the vehicle had been revealed.

All of us clambered in after each other, all still in awe of the amount of money the school seemed to have. Heading off with the radio on a reasonable volume that did little to hide the awkward 'silence,' thinking of topics to develop a conversation but was beat to it by Sofya.

"This is awkward, I don't like it, let's talk."(S)

Letting out a light giggle at thick Russian accent and her somewhat successful attempt to lighten up the mood.

"Same just.......don't know what to say, yah know?"(C)

"yup, i agree with you on that Ciara."(J)

"Anyway now that the mood is a bit lighter, why don't we just play and introduction game?"(S)

"sure, how do we play?"(J)

"We'll start with 5 fingers up and go around in a circle asking each other questions, but once you've answered the question you put your finger down, if not keep it up and you'll get too in the next round."(S)

"Fine with me."(C)

The game thankfully worked and helped us learn more things about each other like Sofya was an amazing skater, she even participated in the olympics once and won bronze. Morgan loved to read and skate, Ciara was into basketball and drawing, but we all shared one common interest in music.

A few more minutes rolled by and sooner or later we made it to the school and it was massive to say the least. The drive-way looked like it stretched on for miles on end, the garden was massive, and the building even bigger.

Coming to a halt at the entrance, hopping out one after the other as our things were unloaded by what I could only guess was a bell boy, this school is another type of rich. Looking up to see Jessica at the top of the stairs, I jogged up to meet her since I was seriously jet lagged and wanted to get some sleep before the assembly tomorrow.

"Hello girls, so as you can see we are finally at campus and I know you all wanna sleep so I'll have one bell boy or girl take you to your assigned sororities. Have a good rest and see you all bright and early for assembly."

After our parting goodbyes, we all got taken in opposite directions, I was assigned to, I think her name was Kiki? I don't know, but she's really nice although it was quiet most of the time we made small chat every now and then.

Eventually we made it to the house and let's just say it was massive, like freakishly big. Kiki told me that the girls that lived here were all daughters of extremely powerful figures when it came to the school and it's funders.

This slightly intimidated me, but I had to get used to it for the next couple of, hopefully, years. Walking into the very contemporary looking mansion, which terrifies me cause everything looked breakable.

The house was quiet which meant that they were either all asleep or out somewhere, hoping it was the second one, Kiki helped me bring my stuff upstairs. Before she left we switched contacts cause I could use a lot of help and she was also a student here but just worked part time for extra credit and money.

My room was large with creme walls, a king sized bed with 2 bedside tables, a study desk on the far right with a fridge next to it and a small shelf hanging above it, while on the other side of the room was a balcony. There's 2 doors next to the desk both on opposite side of the study area.

With curiosity currently holding the strings of my life decisions, I crossed the room walking towards them choosing the one on the right revealed a large and fully furnished bathroom. Walking towards the other door that behind the door hid a larger than most walk in closet.

While in awe of the entire room, I almost forgot about my jet lag, almost, before it hit me like a train with all the disrespect possible. Pushing it to the side, I turned around to get my stuff so I could get ready for bed.

After getting my stuff together, I rushed inside the bathroom not caring about anything else since having a bath and getting into bed sounded so sexy to me right now.

____________________________________Time Skip___________

", .......she"

Catching bits and pieces of a conversation I could hear around me, shuffling to set myself in an upright position. After rubbing the sleep out of my swollen eyes. Once I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I was met with 6 pairs of beautiful eyes staring back at me, blushing at how intense their gazes are.

"*ahem* H-hi I'm Kim Jin-Hee but you c-can call me Jin, I'm 25 and I-I'm your new sorority member."

After a few more seconds, a girl the I can only describe as a bunny, broke into a smile pouncing onto bed energetically.

"Hi Jinnie-unnie, can I call you Jinnie-unnie? Well I'm Jeon Jun-gguk and I'm 20 but you can call me Kookie, Welcome to our sorority!"

Slightly intimidated by all of their auras, it gave powerful, rich and to be reckoned with. Shaking my head to remove all unnecessary thoughts as it started to wander.

"Thank you K-kookie."

Giving her a gentle smile, as she did, as the other's stood at the foot of the bed with uncertainty evident in his eyes but it wasn't mean girls kind of uncertainty. After some awkward silence, Kookie offered that we go for breakfast, nodding in agreement, she got up and left the room with rest tailing after her.

Letting out a breathe of relief that I didn't know I was holding before getting up to get ready for breakfast.

Making my way down the hallway to the grand staircase, at the bottom stood the girls all wearing different outfits with a similar colour scheme, Jun-gukk was wearing a maroon skirt and a flannel top tucked into it, with black knee high high heeled boots to complete the look. The other girls who i had yet to learn their names were all wearing clothes with a similar colours.

(Jun-gukk's outfit)

(Jimin's Outfit)

(Tae-hee's Outfit)

(Min-Joon's Outfit)

(Hee-seok's Outfit)

(Yoon-ji's Outfit)

"Hi Unnie! are you ready?"

"Y-yeah I'm ready."

"Great! Oh and before I forget, This is-"

"It's ok Kookie we'll introduce ourselves, Hi Jinnie-Unnie, I'm Min-Joon and I'm 24 and i am the sorority house leader. Welcome"


"Hi Unnie, I'm Yoon-ji, I'm also 26 and yeah......welcome."


"hey jinnie-unnie, I-"

"-This is Hee-seok, she's 25 and next to her is Jimin and she's 23 along with Tae-hee, sorry I just really wanted to introduce you guys. hehe."

"it's fine, but either way it's not good to interrupt your unnies when they are talking, so what do you say?"

"Sorry Unnie, do you forgive me?"

"Of course kookie"

She said while grabbing her face and planting a kiss on her nose, I have no problem with it, it's just that I feel like it was very personal and that I was not supposed to see that.

"Are you ok Jinnie-unnie? Did that make you uncomfortable?"

"N-no, it was just unexpected cute b-but unexpected. Sorry If I made y-you feel weird."

"It's ok, we need to go for breakfast anyway. Let's go!"

Filing our way out of the mansion with Min-joon leading the way, there was a bit of small talk but it was mainly them asking questions and me responding to the best of my abilities. As we closed in on the canteen their demeanours completely changed stone cold and emotionless, even Kookie's, the closer we got the closer they were to me.

I could feel and hear people looking and gossiping about us, shifting at the sudden spike at attention I immediately looked at my yellow vans. Starting to feel like I was sticking out like a sour thumb since I broke the colour pattern.

(Jin's Outfit)

Making our way through the tables to the serving area, while the others still kept up their facades, I was shocked by what they had to offer. The cafeteria was very aesthetic but with a touch of hogwarts to it.Grabbing what we could, we continued our way towards a booth in the furthest corner of the cafeteria but not before bumping into Kiki.

"Hey Kiki!"

"Hey Jin"

All though they were still keeping the same expressions I could she in their eyes that they were glaring Kiki down.

"Everyone this is Kiki, Kiki the Kim sorority."



Their replies in unison were non the less terrifying, pushing that aside, I could tell Kiki wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible.

"S-so we go?"

"Yeah, um so girls, I kind of asked Kiki to help me understand the school better before the assembly started. Is it Ok, if I leave you for a bit?"

Looking at each other before Min-joon finally nodded, a smile broke out across my face as before I could think my next actions through, I hugged her, immediately letting go once I realised what I was doing. Jumping back and quickly apologising as the cafeteria was over come by a deadly silence.

Slightly panicking, I grabbed Kiki's hand, bolting for the cafeteria door and out of them with out looking back.

Min-Joon's Pov

Watching as she scrambled for the door with her new friend being pulled behind her. A soft smile set on my face as the look of excitement played in my mind over and over again like a broken record player.

Once I realised that the entire cafeteria was still staring, I put on my RBF and glared them back into their gossiping walking towards our table with rumours starting to formulate, usually I'm not bothered by these cause university students are as good as senior's in High school. For some reason I wasn't having it with these rumours, especially the ones bashing our new sorority member.

"Listen up you twats! I better not hear anything about y'all bashing our new Sorority member or the upcoming summer exams will be the least of your problems! Got it!?"


"I said, Got it??!!"

A mumbled chorus of yes' rang through the cafeteria. Sighing and sitting down as I could feel my voice going hoarse, not really minding as my thought process got clouded by Jin-unnie's smile, I could feel the rest of the girl smirking but I ignored it.

Jin's Pov

As Kiki and I walked through the gardens with the only noises between us were the occasional hums of random tunes. I couldn't tell whether I wanted to stay in the same dorm as the group seeing as I had made an absolute fool out of myself.

"Hey Kiki? Quick question, can I stay with you guys for a tonight?"

"Sure, my roommates won't mind, but is It because of the lunch hall accident? Wanna talk about it?"

"Thanks, Yes and No, I'll let it float into the back of my mind by itself. Yah know?"

"No but I'll pretend like I do. Anyway today we plan to go into the city, wanna come? The city is at it's peak during ungodly hours."

"Sounds fun! I've actually been meaning to ask you if you could help me around the city, but turns out I won't need to."



"I guess that's our cue."

Doing as the lady over the intercom said, we started our trek towards the hall with me trailing behind her. As we walked down the hallway, I could sense the judgemental eyes on my skin, making me feel an uncomfortable itch, quickly grabbing Kiki's hand, I sped walked past everyone while trying to contain a panic attack bubbling in my throat.

As we entered the large hall, it was somewhat designed as courtroom infused with a lecture hall. We quickly found our seats in the back row as the, who, I'm guessing to be the principal, started to address the school.

The assembly ended not so long after it started, Kiki suggested that we head over to her dorm now. As we got up, I noticed that the girls from the sorority were walking towards us, in a panicked moment, we got up and shot out of the hall.

On the way to the dorm, we ran into Morgan, Sofya and Ciara.

"Hi girls, what's up?"

They all responded with hey's and hi's.

"Where are you off to in a hurry, and who's that?"

"Oh yeah, girls, this is Kiki, she's a new friend of mine, and I'm heading to her dorm because we are heading out later tonight but first she is going to show me the entire school."

"Ooh sounds fun, can we tag along?"


"I see no problem, why not."

Lightly celebrating, we all made our way to her dorm, sharing stories as we went along. Finally reaching our destination, we opened the door to find 2 other people already there.

"Kiki, great, you're here! Who are they?"

"Didi, this is Jin, Ciara, Sofya and Morgan, Girls, these are my sisters Waithera and Tiye."


Greetings were swapped back and forth before we all got up to leave. Filling out of the door, only to be stopped by,

Kiki forgetting her phone.... waiting patiently for her to run for it, small talk picked us as we continued to find out new things about each other. Once she was back, she took the lead, taking us to the classrooms that would be buzzing with life once classes started next week.

"So this is the humanities wing, with all things related to it."

"Kiki, just a quick question, What is your major? I'm also curious about the rest of you?"

"Well my major is Psychology and I have a minor in Marine Biology." (K)

"My Major is The Art's, but I'm studying mainly Art and Design."(W)

"I'm Studying Medicine."(T)

"Kinda floating not gonna lie, but I'm here on a sports scholarship."(C)

"My major is Music, with a minor in sports."(M)

"Mine is similar to Morgan's but swapped, My major is Sports and my minor is Music. What about you Jin?"

"Oh, my major is Marine Biology."

As we walked on, we passed the science labs, more lecture halls and the Performative Arts block. Although the walk gave me time to clear my thoughts, It also had be on high alert for the girls dodging them like the plague, although my efforts would eventually go to waste, I kept it up as much as I could.

Before I even realised it was already going to 8, that's when i realised I needed to get my things from the house I felt the blood rush from my face.

"G-guys I need to run to my dorm and get my stuff, I-I'll be back."

"I'm coming with you, incase......they are there."

"Thanks Kiki."

Smiling softly at her and saying goodbye to the rest, we walked side by side back to my dorm As we reached the door, we were both shocked, to say the least, when it suddenly flung open revealing Min-joon and the rest of the girls.

They were all in lose and quite frankly exposing outfits making blood rush up to my ears. Unknowingly missing the smirks I received as my eyes made eye contact with my shoes, glaring at the slight stain on them.

"Unnie, where have you been?"
"O-oh, I was with Kiki and some friends, w-we were exploring the c-campus."

Embarrassed by my stuttering, I felt more blood rush to my ears by the second. As we stood in the door way, I didn't seem to her the conversation that went on around me, but the next thing I knew I was being pulled into the house. I felt myself collide with a chest and immediately retracted when my hand came in contact with her breasts.

Wishing that the floor would just open up beneath me and swallow me whole, over time it became my number 1 goal. I didn't realise that I was brought back into a hug until I felt hands slither around my waist, trapping me there in the firm but comfortable embrace.

"So I heard you were having a sleep over at your new friends house, were you not gonna tell us about it? hmm?"

"Give her a break Joonie, she's still new and your embarrassing the poor girl like a nagging mom."
"Ha ha ha, funny Unnie, got the whole crowd laughing with that one."

Watching the interaction between Joonie and Yoon-ji was interesting, cause as soon as Joonie said that, I could feel the air get tense as Yoon-ji's facial expression changed drastically, giving of a 'just you wait' kind of energy. Wriggling out of her grasp for the second time, I bolted up the stairs but before I even got halfway, I felt an arm grab mine.

I turned to be met with Kookie, turning around, I was so ready to pull away when She spoke up but she wasn't the Kookie I first met, this felt like a whole other person,

"And where do you think you're going Unnie? Did anyone say you could leave? You didn't even ask us, that hurt me Unnie, I thought we were supposed to get to know each other?"

Looking down in shame, I felt my eyes well-up with tears as the realisation hit my like a train, I had been so focused on  myself, I failed to realise that they were probably hurt by my actions.

"Aw baby, don't cry honey, we're not mad at you, we just need better communication from you, ok?"

"O-okay, I'm s-sorry."

"Don't worry baby girl, we don't hate you ok?"

Nodding into her shoulder, felt myself get picked up and taken upstairs, the fatigue of today seemed to catch up with me as drowsiness started to kick in. Feeling myself being placed on a bed, who's bed? I could not care less.

"W-wait, w-what about Kiki?"

I heard a grumble come from somewhere in the room before I got my answer.

"We told her tomorrow, for tonight you would stay here and get used to the dorm before exploring. Is that okay?"


As sleep continued to tempt me in to its warm embrace, I heard someone ask a question I never thought I would here in my life.

"Joonie can we change you or do you want me to take you to your room?"

My once calm face erupted with blood as her question rang in my ear like a bell, and surprisingly I was actually considering my options, as much as I wanted to change myself, my limbs felt to heavy to lift by myself and the bed was heavenly. On top of that, I didn't want to go through the embarrassment of having my sorority members see me partially naked on the second day.

After a couple more minutes, unable to muster enough courage to ask them to change me, I just nodded before burying my face into the pillow closes to me. Feeling there smirks burn through the back of my head, I buried my head deeper, smelling the scent of apple and cinnamon.

I heard the door open and close, before hearing it do the same thing less than 2 minutes later, that was not enough time for me to mentally prepare myself for what happened next. I felt smooth and slender hands skillfully trace down my skin as I laid on my stomach facing the headboard,

After a couple of seconds I felt the hands slide under my top, the fingers brushed against my back sending shivers down my spine. Once my top was finally off, I felt the hands reach for my waist to turn me over, obliging, I was met with Jimins smiling face, it almost felt sinister but it was also so cute that I ignored it.

Once I was finally out of my day clothes and into my pajamas, I was so close to sleeping, I couldn't even careless about my surroundings but I still felt myself being lifted up as the blanket was pulled back, I felt the bed appear under me again and I wasted no time snuggling into it again.

Everything else went by in a blur, but what I do remember is the bed dipping and something touching my forhead before everything stopped. Blushing at the contact but nonetheless comfortable and somewhat happy that they were clingy.

I'm alive and back so this will have parts, cause I'm just looking at everything else I have to write down and this chapter would've come out in December if not so yeah, this is the light stuff  it's gonna get heavy soon,

In what way? Not sure (yet)
Am I bad author? probably
Hotel? Trivago

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