The Malfoy Girl

By ridingintokansas

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Priscilla Malfoy had no intentions of falling in love with Fred Weasley. But sometimes, life doesn't give yo... More

Priscilla Eliana Malfoy
The Quidditch World Cup
The Scar
A Tale of Three Schools
Spells in the Study
The Goblet of Fire
Cause for Celebration
Beaters & Broomsticks
Mail Day
The Yule Ball
Close Quarters
The Final Trial
The Burrow
The Order
Double Disappointments
The Woman
The Astronomy Tower
Baneberry Potion

Dumbledore's Army

310 4 8
By ridingintokansas

"Are you okay?" Fred asked her immediately as she left her Potions class.

She was surprised to see him the second she stepped out of the room, as if he had been waiting there.

Before she could even ask, he explained himself as they fell into step toward the dining hall for lunch. "I tried to find you after you left, but I couldn't, so I came here to wait for you."

She blinked, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Y-you... came here and waited for me?" She asked quietly.

He nodded.

"That class is an hour long."

He nodded again, unfazed.

Her face flushed red as she turned back to the hallway in front of them. A small smile spread across her face as she leaned against him as they walked. "Thank you." She said quietly.

"Of course," he nodded, wrapping an arm around her back to rest on her waist. "But you didn't answer my question."

She looked up to meet his gaze. His eyes, usually crinkled in the corners by a grin were wide and glazed over with worry. Priscilla blinked before glancing back down the hall. "I'm fine."

Fred said nothing, only continuing to stare down at her with concern. "Are you sure?"

Priscilla chuckled at his worry. "Freddie," she grabbed his hand, which engulfed her much smaller one. "I'm fine. Promise."

Her sparkling smile was enough for him to put the issue to bed as they approached the doors to the dining hall. "I told Seamus off good for that one."

"I had no doubt you would," Priscilla laughed as she recalled hearing his creative insults as she had rushed out.

The pair joined George and Lee Jordan, who Priscilla had only spoken to a handful of times, towards the center of the Gryffindor table.

George greeted her with a simple "Hey, Sillie." and Lee said hello as well.

The four fell into casual conversation while picking at their plates. Then, George piped up again. "Did you hear about that thing Ron wants us to go to later?"

Fred shook his head, "You know I tune him out whenever he's talking."

"I guess Harry's hosting some sort of secret meeting," George explained. "Something about the Dark Arts class. Umbridge isn't supposed to know."

"If we're doing something behind that toad's back then I'm in." Fred grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. He, no doubt, hoped Harry was organizing some sort of mass prank on the woman.

George's eyes flickered over to Priscilla, who had been quietly picking at her salad. "Sil?" He asked.

The girl looked up, shrugging, "Sure, if he'll have me."

"He will." Fred confirmed, squeezing her hand. "It'll be fine."

Later that day, Priscilla walked with Fred and George to the Hog's Head Inn in Hogsmeade.

"Luxurious." Priscilla made a face at a goat that babbled as it dragged its fat belly across the ground.

"Not all of us can afford five star hotels like you, Malfoy." Fred teased as they found their way to the room where a small crowd had formed.

There was an uncomfortable silence that swept across the room as Hermione, Harry, and Ron stood at the front. Finally, Hermione stood to awkwardly greet everyone. "Um...hi."

Her peers blinked back at her.

"We've gathered everyone here today because we need a teacher. A proper teacher." She explained.

Whilst she explained that with Voldemort back, they needed all the help they could get, Priscilla watched as the trio was met with resistance.

"How do we know we can believe him?" One student pestered. "Maybe if Harry could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..."

"Alright, I'm not gonna talk about Cedric so if that's why you're here, you might as well clear out now." Harry snapped, before turning and muttering something to Hermione, undoubtedly something about this whole thing being a bad idea.

"Is it true you can produce a patronus charm?" Luna's voice broke through the tension of the room.

Everyone's eyes turned to Harry, who continued to look mildly uncomfortable.

"Yes." Hermione replied confidently, "I've seen it."

"Blimey, Harry!" Dean exclaimed from his spot in the room. "I didn't know you could do that!"

"And he killed the Basilisk!" Neville added.

"Third year, he fought about a hundred dementors at once." Ron boasted from the front of the room beside Harry.

Priscilla knew Harry was no stranger to the Dark Arts, but she had no idea he was so experienced.

Harry shook his head "Look, it sounds great when you say it like that, but I didn't know what I was doing half the time-"

"He's just being modest," Hermione insisted, but Harry wouldn't have it.

"No, I'm not." He snapped. Taking a breath, he turned back to the crowd. "Facing this stuff in real life is a lot different than school. In school, if you mess up, you can try again. But when you're a second away from being murdered, or watching a friend die, it's... you don't know what it's like."

A heavy silence fell over the room as Harry slowly sat back down.

Priscilla turned to glance at Fred on her right, and then George on her left. Fred brows furrowed tightly in thought, while George looked solemnly at the floor in front of them.

Mustering up all the courage she had, Priscilla stood from her seat in between them.

All eyes turned to her, including Harry's from the front of the room.

"You're right, Harry." She began, "we don't. And if we want to stand a chance against Voldemort," several students cringed as she voiced his name, "Then we're going to need your help."

Harry stared at her, and then glanced down at the floor, deeply in thought.

"He's really back?" A meek voice squeaked from a small chair on the other side of the room. A small boy with red hair and freckles was staring worriedly at Harry.

Finally, Harry agreed to teach them. They called their club "Dumbledore's Army" in admiration of their headmaster, and Priscilla signed up as fast as she could.

Once Priscilla and the twins had put their names on the sign up parchment, they began to gather their things to leave.

"That was something back there." Fred murmured to the girl, elbowing her gently.

She shrugged, "I just said what everyone was thinking."

"Priscilla," Harry called after the pair as they started toward the exit. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Priscilla turned to face Harry, confused, before glancing up at Fred, who was shooting a warning look at Harry.

"I just want to talk," Harry raised his hands in defense. "It'll be quick."

Fred glanced back down at Priscilla, who nodded her confirmation.

"I'll be just outside," he tried to say casually, though it sounded more like a warning.

Once Fred and the others were out of the room, Priscilla approached Harry.

"I, uh..." he began, scratching the back of his neck. "I owe you an apology."

Priscilla began to shake her head, "It's fi—"

"No, it's not." He sighed, slumping against the desk that held the sign-up sheet. "I heard what Seamus said to you."

Priscilla felt her face burn as she glanced down at her shoes.

Harry continued unperturbed, "It made me realize something."

The girl's gaze raised once more to meet his.

"If we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doing exactly what Voldemort wants. He wants us divided so we're easier to take down." He said determinedly, "We have to stick together at all costs."

Priscilla gave him a small smile, nodding in agreement. "I'm excited to work with you, Harry."

"And I you. You're an exceptionally powerful witch, Priscilla." He smiled, "I'm glad you're on our side."

This time the girl in front of him returned his smile with a wide grin. Something about being called powerful by the Chosen One himself made her giddy. "Of course." She replied proudly, nodding to him before turning to find Fred.

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