JATP one-shots

By xx_sunsetswirl_xx

15.6K 388 349

Hey! welcome to my book! this book tbh is just a way for me to get out all my story ideas for jatp lmao- but... More

Christmas in the studio ~Juke~
over thinker ~Willex~
A/N: Question? (sorta idek-)
stubborn ~Willex~
chaotic texting
burst of jealousy ~Ruke~
incorrect quotes
new feelings ~Lalex~
incorrect quotes pt.2
A/N new story!
midnight stars ~Juke~
incorrect quotes pt.3
jatp Q&A!

talk ~Juke~

1.2K 25 6
By xx_sunsetswirl_xx

Hey guys! back with another update! this was suggested by KayIeemarie It really warms my heart to see people care about, and like what I write. It truly does mean the world, so thank you :)

more Juke, because y e s

also, this is going to be a bit of a sad one so get your tissues-

and they are also together in this one, important detail that should be mentioned !!



Julie and Luke were in another one of their fights again, usually the couple would just disagree on something simple and then fight over it for two hours, then forgive each other right after. It didn't happen that often but, when it did it wasn't a delight to be around, to say the least.

"Luke! I know you were sneaking in my room, just admit it!" She slightly yelled at him, as she followed him out the studio.

"I told you I didn't a million times! what more do you want? I even apologized for something I didn't do." He said, then he finally stopped walking to turn around to her. "Jules, why would I do that? I mean, I know i'm a bit of a nosy person..but not that much."

Julie looked up at him, her eyes were glistening with tears that were surely about to pour out any minute. She swallowed a little then let out a choke sob, and clinged on to Luke tightly. "I-i'm so s-sorry today has been s-so h-hard and I took it out on y-you." She buried her head into his chest.

Luke looked down at her and felt his heart almost break at the sight. He felt even worse then he already did for yelling back at her. Then a thought came upon him.

why was today so hard for her?

"Did something happen when I wasn't near you at school? cause if so tell me who and we'll have a little chit chat." At this point Luke had his two arms wrapped around her, as a sense of protection and comfort. Julie shook her head no, and said. "You're around me 24/7 as a guard dog. I'm pretty sure you would know." She laughed a little through her tears and let go.

Julie didn't want to tell him. Well, she did but she didn't want to drop all of her emotional pain onto him. Even if it's Luke, the most kind, understanding, sweet person she's ever met. "I just need some alone time right now, okay?"

Luke nodded at her wishes even though it killed him to stay away from her. He watched as she went into her house. The boys were about to be here for practice, so he was glad he wasn't entirely alone. Something in the back of his mind was telling him that he did something...did he? Luke sighed softly and dragged his feet a little as he walked back inside to the studio.


Not even a minute later the boys entered the studio to see a sad Luke on the couch. Reggie and Alex both gave each other a look. You see, even though Luke is pretty intimidating when he gets in certain moods. There's one mood where he acts like a little toddler, the "I've been away from Julie too long" mood. Believe it or not, but Luke can be pretty needy, and when he gets this way he refuses to practice. The only way to get him out of his slump is to go see Julie.

"Hey dude, you okay?" Reggie asked even though he knew the answer to it.

Luke flopped his head on one of the pillows and stayed there. "No, I did something wrong and I miss Julie." He stated plainly, his voice being slightly muffed by the pillow. Alex, and Reggie both nodded slowly to this. "Why don't you just check on her, if she tells you to go away.Respect it." Alex said the last part very clear. Julie was like a little sister to him, and he wasn't about to see this go down badly.

He moved the pillow away from his face and said. "Okay, fine." Luke walked out of the studio and knocked onto the door. A familiar face opened it, but it wasn't Julie it was Flynn. Now he really thought he did something wrong, Julie probably had Flynn over to gossip about how bad of a boyfriend he was.

"Oh..hey Luke. i'm assuming you wanna see Julie?" Flynn said. Luke nodded, Flynn gestured him to her room where she was. He knocked on her bedroom door. "Hey Julie, um- can I come in?"

Julie let out a little tear and said. "y-yeah, i-i g-guess." Her voice was full of hurt, as she called out. Luke opened the door and turned to face Julie. She was on her bed with her hands wrapped around her knees, and her knees to her stomach. You could obviously tell that she had/has been crying by the way her face was red. Luke sat down next to her, and gently started rubbing her back. She didn't have to tell him to do that. He just did.

"I'm sorry I've been so distant, and weird.." She looked down at the comforter on her bed. Why was it so hard for her to say it? Luke would understand. It's Luke. After a couple of silent minutes of them just sitting here she finally let it out."Today's the day my mom died.."

Julie couldn't look Luke in the face, she felt so weak and vulnerable. Today was already hard enough. Then she felt arms go around her. Luke had immediately teared up and hugged her.

"You won't go through this alone." He whisperer a little into her hair, reassuring her. Of course Julie hugged back and mumbled a little. "Thank you."

A few hours had passed. Luke texted the others that practice was canceled and since then Julie and Luke had been cuddling, and Julie was starting to get everything out.

"I couldn't of done this without you." Julie said, releasing a little from the tight cuddle they were in. She knew this would't solve everything, she knew that she would still miss her mom more than anything, but to know she always had people beside her.

That was a gift

Luke looked at her. "You're strong Jules, but that doesn't mean that you don't need support."

She nodded and gave him a kiss, it was longer than their usual's though. He kissed back closing his eyes a little. After the kiss was finally over Julie said.

"I think i'm ready to talk."


Thanks for reading, this one was a little sad for me to write because I heavily relate to Julie having lost someone close. I tried to make it feel authentic and not forced, and really show that Luke will always be there to support her

Thank you again to the person who suggested this! I do take requests so if you have some, don't hesitate to comment, or even dm me!


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