Alpha William: The Alpha King

By Cheyxxe101

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The Blood Moon Book, section Thirty of Rule Nine, page twelve, paragraph four line six "An eldest son, taking... More

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Chapter 1: Seven Days Left
Chapter 2: Six Days Left
Chapter 3: Five Days Left
Chapter 4: Four Days Left
Chapter 5: Three Days Left
Chapter 6: Two Days Left
Chapter 7: One Day Left
Chapter 8: Coronation Day Part 1
Chapter 10: Eros and Xenia
Chapter 11: First Order of Business
Chapter 12: Big Deal
Chapter 13: Loud and Proud
I love you guys
an update
Hello Everyone

Chapter 9: Coronation Day Part 2

3.7K 116 3
By Cheyxxe101

"Love is a great emotion, but I believe it's not just about romance; it could be love for nature, people or relationship" -Rani Mukerji

"Here they are the new King and Queen of Windier!" The doors opened of the church, the young couple stood applause meet them when they reached the end of the first step. The crowds were delightful a new reign was starting, the media outlets lined up on the outskirts of the forest. Both the King and Queen stood waving at there people, they stood smiling watching the crowds cheer in happiness, the homes of thousands watched them waive, thousands gathering in large crowds to cheer them on, but one group resented the new reign. 

A storm was coming and the more Iris stood outside the more she could feel it in her bones that something bad was going to happen, what that was she wasn't sure but something was coming and the outcome wasn't going to be good. Another minute waiving Iris saw something past the crowd of news's outlets, a pair of red eyes stared back at her, heavy blood eyes sent chills down her spine. A soft bump to Will the pair starred into the distance and multiple eyes were starring at them. Will looked towards his father and soon a full protection was wrapped around the building and the pair entered the carriage. 

The annual tower of the village was a custom the King and Queen have to do to show solidarity towards there people that are below them. Iris was still not at ease with the eyes watching, but turned towards her people. Mothers were crying, babies screaming, young girls were admiring Iris watching her white hair flow in the wind. Young boys were shouting at Will puffing there chests out to reach the build of there new King. 

The carriage stopped at the smallest part of the village were the poorest people and those who do not have a title, a wolf, a family or choose to be close to the rouge territory. This part of the parade was always the most watched, but Iris choose to stop and get out of the carriage. A young wolf layed on the ground panting and scared, this must have been his first shift. Iris could sense the pain he was in and soon noticed his back paw was broken, she smiled and approached the wolf slowly. The young pup backed away slowly but noticed her female alpha wolf come through and the young wolf became submissive. Iris held his paw, the small amount of glow entered her body not enough for people to notice but enough for the paw of the young wolf to be fixed. 

"That was very kind of you." A gentle voice approached her, a young woman stood looking at Iris 

"He was injured, I couldn't just watch. Is he yours?" She spoke softly holding the pup in her arms 

The young woman slowly shook her head, "He is my child." 

Iris smiled, she imagined her life with children many times, but the reality of that happen is a miracle chance. Like herself her child would have a lot of medical troubles but she would risk anything to have children. She handed over the pup, the young mother smiled and kissed his head. 

"I wish you the best and wish you nothing but luck for motherhood. If you need anything please do let me know. What is your name?" 

The young woman eyes gleamed with tears "Heather your majesty." 

"You may call me Iris, if you ever need Heather please do not hesitate to reach for me." 

"Thank you, your-Iris." 

William stood looking in awe of what his mate was doing, she stopped everything to help a pup gain his foot back. She stopped the parade to help a single mother gain her happiness back by helping the only that ment something to her. William stood next to Iris and smiled at the young woman. 

"Heather if you ever need anything, like my Queen has said please reach out to us, we will try to accommodate the best we can." 

Heather cried "Thank you, both of you. He is my only reason of living and this gift of healing is the most sincere gift I have received in my life time. I will never forget this and I will never forget your kindness." 


Arriving back at the house William and Iris were greeted by there families. The pair walked towards them, the coronation part was over, but the ceremony was just beginning. Together they walked into the house and both parents swarmed them with hugs and gratitude's where both mothers were crying. The girls gathered Iris towards the upstairs room to change into the evening gown where the ceremony will take place of a gathering where top officials come to congratulate. William was dragged down to the basement where the men are dressing in there finest suits and there hair waved back by gel. 

Iris got away from the group and headed to Will's room where she found the most comfort. She was getting overwhelmed from all of the glam, from the crowns, from the people watching her, to even overwhelmed to smiled. She stood on the balcony where they spent the most time together, looking out into the field watching the sky, the clouds and the stars dancing above them. She felt someone was in the room and when she looked around she noticed that Sammie was standing in the door way of the room. 

"I saw the door open and didn't know if he would be in here." 

Iris turned to the door and smiled a little, "All the men ran to the basement, I couldn't even get a sentence in when we got back."

 Sammie smiled "Men, typical." 

The girls stood in silence for a moment before Iris spoke "I never got to fully introduce myself, I am Irsabeth but I go by Iris." She reached her hand out. 

Sammie reached Iris and shook her hand "I never got to introduce myself as well, I am Samantha but I go by Sammie." 

"I just want to let you know that I dont hate you or dispose what you did a few days ago." 

"I wanted to apologize to you personally for awhile now just never had the chance to." Sammie sat on the edge of his bad grazing his sheets "That isn't like me, but Will has been my best friend since birth, I always thought we would be together but I knew I wasn't his mate but chose to keep those feelings for him."

 Iris sat next to her placing her hand on top of hers "I know from what he has told me of how deep your friendship goes and I never want to stand in between that. He was your friend before I came here. I never had friends, but I wish I had one like you."

 Sammie let a tear fall "You are a lot nicer than I thought you were gonna be." 

Iris smiled "I can say the same thing about you." 

"As your Beta I promise that my professional title and my feelings towards Will wont come between whatever it is that we will become. I am trying my best to get those feelings a way but it is difficult."

"You shouldn't rush your feelings, I literally came out of no where and you've known him your entire life. But I will let you know that we are planned to marry by two weeks time I feel you deserve to know since Will has been given you your space." 

Sammie sighed "I was wondering when that would happen, but thank you for letting me know." 

The silence grew for a few seconds Iris stood straightening her dress and handed her hand out to Sammie "Come lets go and get this over with, the sooner I get out of this tight dress the sooner I can wear my sweatpants." 

The girls left the room walking towards the other room were the girls were getting ready. It didn't take much for Iris to get ready since her hair was still down and the crown was being polished she got away for a few minutes of rest on her head. Sammie had spoke to Will's mom and I can see the relief in Will's moms face when she finally got to talk to Sammie about what had happened. Sammie was like May's second daughter and for there fight to happen it hurt her to see Sammie hurt, May knew the feelings she had towards Will and everyday it broke her to know that there relationship would never be anything more than a friendship. 

When it was time both the gentleman and the woman gathered in groups walking towards the ballroom where it laid vacant since the last ball. Right outside of the house the ballroom was connected to the outside patio that overseas the garden where May has spent tedious time decorating. Soon the couples would take there spots, the old beta and omega with there mates, the old King and Queen aligned on the left stairwell while the new omega and beta with each other and the new King and Queen stood on the right side. 

Will took in Iris as she kept fiddling with her dress, the way the dress flowed to the way her hair was pinned to the way the crown sit on top of her head. He was in awe of what his mate was like, gorgeous. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it before wrapping there arms together and waiting for there que to go. 

"How are you my queen?" Will spoke as they moved down the stairs 

Iris smiled "How are you my king?" 

Will chuckled "I cannot wait to sleep in my bed with sweatpants." 

"I told Sammie the same thing!" 

"I had heard you spoke to her how was that?" Will said she could hear the sadness in his voice, they stepped down lower as Daniel and Sammie were called as the new Beta and Omega. 

"She apologized for her actions and is really sorry. She is hurt Will." 

"Presenting for the first time as your royal highness King William Timothy-George Junior and her royal highness Queen Irsabeth Resin!" 

The two descended down the stair case where crowds of friends, family, councilmembers and some royal influences from around the world applauded them. The young couple were praised for there outstanding rank and especially Iris was praised for being the sweet Queen she has made herself to be after helping the pup. The image of the two were panning out to be the ideal King and Queen Mr. George had made them out to be. 

Iris grasped onto Will's forearm tightly, the crowd was massive and she wasn't used to the spotlight nor used to being around this many people. Her eyes danced around the room searching for her mother the one person who truly understand her stress for all eyes on her approach. When they reached the bottom of the stairs Will moved Iris towards the dance floor where the two were to dance towards the royal tune. 

The two gathered at the center of the floor and soon they were dancing away, tireless nights trying to practice the foot steps had served them well. They danced flawlessly and carelessly. Will's arm shifted into the air followed by Iris's arm bound together, there eyes meet and there they stood looking into each others eyes. Will smiled and when they got close again his lips kissed the side of her temple and she smiled. 

The night grew longer, the two made there rounds throughout the ballroom. Saying there greetings the couple made there way towards the door where they soon escaped. Laughing they found themselves in the garden where Will's mother spent majority of her time relaxing. 

"Did I mentioned that you look absolutely stunning tonight." Will spoke holding Iris against his waist 

She smiled "I think I can say the same thing about you, your highness." 

He gripped her waist tighter "Why my queen, you are something else arent you?" 

"I never thought that this is where I would be when I turned hundred and twenty years old."

They stopped "You're a hundred and twenty years old?" 

Iris froze "I said that out loud didn't I?" Shit  "Yes I told you that you didn't want to know how old I was." 

The silence loomed over the two Will spoke softly "You are old...that is hot." 

Iris laughed "I never heard that before." 

He grabbed her waist pulling her closer to him, he lowered his head towards hers and kissed her softly. Her hands landed on his chest, the two stood there sharing an intimate moment. Pulling back Will took his hand, grabbed hers and placed them onto his chest. 

"I do not care how old you are and the fact you will out live me, you are my partner. I love you for you." 

Iris looked up at him "You love me?" 

Will smiled "I have wanted to say that to you for awhile now, you do not need to say it back, but I wanted you to know how I felt. We are to be married in less than two weeks, we are now King and Queen and I have found you being the best mate you can be."

A tear slid down her cheek Will was to quick to wipe it away. "I never felt this strong to someone in my entire life. I want to say it back, I truly do, but all of this is a lot from me to handle." 

"And I understand. You more than me have been thrown into a lot since your arrival almost three weeks ago. I never want you to feel overwhelmed or this is to much. When you said to take this slow, I meant it when I said we will and can." 

Iris kissed him hard, the force direct to him was to show her gratitude, her force of potential they have together, her force of passion she hopes to share with him. Her kiss was to show her love through action rather than words. She did love him, but she needed him to know who he was before she could say it. 

"What was that for?" Will smirked 

Iris blushed resting her head on his chest "To say thank you for everything you have done for me and my family since we have been here." 

The pair stood there silently swaying to the music up above them. The stars were dancing across the sky, the family members inside looked down towards the newly crowned couple in awe. Will's parents smiled towards each other romancing on the night they did the same thing when they were crowned. Together everyone swayed with them, the village gained hope for the new couple, the country watched the soft bounding between mates and the world saw the compassion they shared towards the country they were going to lead. 

When Iris looked up she was about to speak something to him when the sound of a gun clicked in the air. Will's wolf took over, but before he could do anything the pain exploded within him. Iris gripped onto him looking to see where he was hit when she herself felt that exact pain, she was shot somewhere to. 

"Rogues!" A guardsmen spoke before he was shot as well 

Daniel and Sammie leaped from the balcony transforming into there wolves protecting the pair on the ground. More guards shifted into there wolves charging after the rogues into the woods. Only a few stayed in there human forms, but most were already shifted in there wolves. The attack was aimed towards the new couple and soon a full out battle was being unfolded in the middle of the garden. 

"We need to get you two inside, now!" Sammie spoke shifting back into her human form 

Iris clutched to Will's side, she could feel his energy draining. She couldn't shift in front of all these people, but she had to help those on the battle field, she may not have a choice when her people were getting killed. 

"Sammie I need you to take him inside!" 

Sammie grabbed onto Will's side blooding flowing out of his back and side "I know Daniel will take you inside!" 

Iris heard more gun shots "NO!" 

She shifted into her moon goddess and ran into the battle field. She swung her energy towards the rogues in the woods, the force was enough to startle them onto there backs giving way towards the guards to harm them and kill. Iris floated through the way shielding those she could from the roaming gun shots lingering in the air. One by one she was able to throw shields over those who weren't harmed and where to fling her energy to those who were injured. 

Will stood fading into darkness watching his mate fight for there people, fighting for those who have been injured and fighting for him. "Will come on we have to get you inside!" Sammie spoke 

"I need to stay!" He spoke trying to shift but his wolf knew he was injured 

"Stop it! You are injured you need to be taken care of!" Sammie spoke holding up and forcing him to walk "She is handling herself just fine!" 

"I need to stay here!" Will could feel the pain spreading whatever was in those bullets was creating more pain 

"Daniel help me get him inside! Iris has it covered out here!" Sammie shouted to him and soon Daniel shifted into his human form and together the friends dragged Will in kicking and screaming 

The guests stared in awe as they watched Iris in all of her Moon Goddess appearance, her parents holding onto Will's cried from the pain of seeing there children hurt. The fight lasted only a few minutes but for those guards fighting it felt like forever, they were able to kill those who shot at the King and Queen and were able to detain some in human form to surrender. The guardsmen killed or harmed were under the protection of Iris there Queen, there future and there Moon Goddess. 

In matter of seconds the silence took over, Iris stood watching the death take over, watching the field. Her heart broke, she could feel the energies draining out of those whose lives were lost, she could feel the mate bonds breaking and she could feel Will's strength from across the field. His soul was coming through and soon he was glowing red, he ripped from Sammie and Daniel. Fire ignited the grounds and Will stood looking at her worried of what he was doing, he was walking towards her. 

"Eros..." Xenia spoke reaching towards her soulmate 

"Xenia..." Will's mouth spoke but he didn't understand why he was speaking like this but before he could do anything he dropped to the floor. 

Xenia pushed through Iris and layed her hand on top of his chest "I am here Eros, we are together again." 

Eros smiled holding her hand "Together again." 

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