Draikan: The World of Dragons

By sweet_Buttercup17

487K 20.3K 2.9K

"Women are sacred. And because they are so, men fight over them. Only the strongest are worthy to mate with."... More

Hello Readers!
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5.3K 243 30
By sweet_Buttercup17

~ Chapter Thirty Six ~

"Kaida wake up."

The soft sound of someone's voice was calling out to me. It sounded smooth and masculine. He didn't sound upset or anxious. He was patiently calling my name over and over.

But how come I can't open my eyes? My whole body is numb as well. I can only see the shadows behind my eyelids and hear the quietness surrounding me once more.

Did something happen to me? I can't remember anything before darkness had taken over. All I recall is my name.

"Kaida, you have to wake up."

There it is again. That voice who's been trying to get me to wake up from my slumber. But who is it?

I felt a sudden splash of cold water landing on my face. My body's automatic response was to spasm in surprise as my arms came up to my face. I quickly blinked and rubbed my eyes to get a clear view of my surroundings.

Not until a moment ago, I couldn't feel or move anything. But the water was like the switch my body needed to get me out of my coma-like slumber.

However, I'm more confused now than I was when I was sleeping.

I'm in a forest surrounded by gigantic trees and plants. The sky peaked through the branches here and there, where sunlight poured onto the ground. Right by my left, there was a small pond of some sorts. It was light blue and it glistened whenever the few rays of light tinkled over it.

I look down and notice that I'm wearing an odd outfit. I wore a white tube top and a white skirt that consumed the entire length of my bare legs. I didn't have footwear, yet the ground didn't hurt. In fact I barely felt the dirt beneath my feet as I got up.

I surveyed my surroundings again, hoping to find the voice of the person who was calling me earlier. But no one was around.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I felt a cold chill run down my back. This entire situation feels weird. The forest seemed familiar to me, yet it didn't look natural.

Usually leaves would be falling from the trees, or rustling about with the wind. Birds or insects should be making noises to fill the air. Yet everything was eerily quiet and still.

I began to get anxious as I walked around. What direction should I take? Where would I end up? I still don't know how I got here. Why can't I recall any of my memories?


I whipped around, my eyes moved crazily from left to right. However, I couldn't find the person who just said my name.

The only thing in front of me was the tiny pond. Where my instincts were yelling at me to go near it. I had a suspicion that the voice was coming from the water.

I walked towards it. Once I was close, I kneeled to get a look inside the water. I peaked over, expecting for my reflection to come into view. But it never did. Instead, the water sparkled before showing me an image.

There was an older guy sitting next to a person laid out beside him. The dark skinned guy blocked my view of this person, but he seemed to care for them. He hunched over the person's body mumbling words I couldn't quite hear.

The guy was shirtless and barefoot. He only wore a pair of pants that contained rips and holes. He had a set of short brown curls on his head. The two people in the image were in a forest, just like the one I'm in, except it was darker there. They were next to a campfire.

Who were these people? And how can I see them through this puddle of water?

"Don't you recognize them?"

I jumped backwards and twisted to see the person behind me. This time, I finally saw someone here besides myself.

I stared at the man before me. He had silver colored eyes that seemed white against his light blue skin. His hair was dark blue and it fell down over his shoulders in a braid. He only wore a white skirt that hung loosely around his wide hips.

"Who are you?" I asked timidly.

He smiled. "I'm known as many things. Mainly the Kelpie."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "What's a Kelpie?"

"It means a shape shifting water spirit."

I slowly got up on my feet and faced the spirit properly. "Then do you know how I got here? Or where I was before arriving here?"

"Take a look at the pond once again."

I did as the spirit told me so and turned around. I looked inside the water once again. The same people were in the same position as before. However, this time they weren't alone. Another man with milky skin and blond hair approached them. He said something to the first guy, causing him to get up and walk away.

And when he did, my heart stilled in shock.

I slowly slid down to my knees as I stared wide eyed into the water. The person lying down next to the fire was me. I was unconscious, and slightly blue. I wore different clothes and my hair was a mess. I even noticed cuts and dried blood on me.

How was this possible? Why was I there and here? Questions were building up inside my head, creating a pile of confusion and stress. I was beginning to get a headache.

I rubbed my temple with my right hand. The pain was getting stronger every time I tried to remember something.

"Nothing?" He asked.

I shook my head as I looked into the pond again. The two men looked familiar. But my focus wasn't on them. Instead it was on myself. Especially on my right hand.

An item that rested carefully on my finger glistened whenever the light of the fire flashed it. I was mesmerized by it. It was a ring that looked like it was made of water.

"I guess it's a good thing you don't recall a thing. It'll make this easier for me."

I turned around and saw the Kelpie shape shifting. My eyes widened in fear as he grew taller and leaner. Black tentacles wiggled themselves free from underneath his skirt. Gills appeared on the side of his ribs. And his fingers extended into crab claws.

The beautiful silver eyes that he had were suddenly popped out of his socket and replaced with fish-like eyes. I wanted to scream in fear of the creature before me. However, upon seeing the fake eyes rolling near me, I suddenly had memories flashing through my mind.

I had fallen off a cliff, met real life dragons, lived with them, and then I betrayed them after falling prey to the siren's trap.

I glared up at the beast before me.

"That bitch actually resurrected you?"

The Kelpie sneered at me with his large fangs that protruded from his mouth. "I have yet to cross over. You see, I must devour the soul of the person wearing the ring in order to complete the wish. A restriction the fairies had laid upon me if anyone were to use the magic from my ring. But that won't matter. I'll be free!"

He suddenly lunged for me. But I effectively rolled away from him. I got up and bolted through the forest as quickly as I could. I needed to get away from that creature and hide myself.

Unfortunately I'm in his world now. This place we're currently in must be inside the ring. The place he lived in for decades, harboring resentment and vengeful thoughts.

I looked over my shoulder, the Kelpie wasn't as close as I thought. However, he's increasing his speed to catch up to me.

I shut my eyes tight and pushed myself harder. I can't believe this is happening to me. The last time I was running through the forest, I was rescued by Kaene. Unfortunately, no one will be able to rescue me here.

I opened my eyes and scanned them around. I needed a place to hide and then plan a way back into my body.

But that's easier said than done.

*** *** *** *** *** ***


Posted: 1/1/21

Happy New Years! I hope everyone was safe and that you enjoyed your celebration.

My first update of the year and I hope you like it!

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