Wings of Fire: The Prequels

By Lolasi2505

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Dust was supposed to be normal. Obelisk was supposed to be powerful. Cloudwatcher was supposed to be dead. Gu... More

A/N: Fun Facts, Playlist, etc. Please Read!


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By Lolasi2505

An event may only immediately affect one but in the end, it affects many. The extent of the effects varies depending on several factors, be it closeness, physically or emotionally, to the original, to the actual event, etc. How soon it affected someone could depend on those same factors.

And despite how it would affect her later, Obelisk was out the door the moment she read Stonemover's message.

I need you. Please, I need you. I'm sorry. I'm not— I'm sorry...

After the last 'I'm sorry', the message trailed off into a mess of scribbles. Even without the scribbles, Obelisk still would've thrown herself out of the fortress with reckless abandon. She slipped past the guards at the tunnel without a word, barely pausing to scowl at the one who tried to talk to or stop her.

The pricks and shivers from the spell settled into her scales but she was too in her head to mind it.

I hope your enchantment works, brother.

"Find Stonemover," Obelisk mumbled, tapping the small compass as she left the unsettling tunnel. The piece of quartz spun for a moment before the stone directed her northwest. Setting an unforgivable pace, she followed it.

Please be alive. I couldn't handle it. Please be alive. I need you. Please be alive.

Over time, the trees cleared and she could fly without much trouble. So she did, giving her aching talons a rest and instead torturing her wings. All the while, her mind tore itself apart and pieced itself back together again in the storm that didn't quite stop from the last time.

When she got into the mountains, the wind lashed at her. It tried to throw her off course but it had no luck. It summoned rain to sink its cold unforgiving claws into her and drive her away, it didn't do any better. No matter the weather, no matter the hardship, Obelisk wasn't going to give up.

Sentences that passed between them passed between the phantoms in her head. They were trying to make her doubt herself and become bitter to Stonemover. Yet, a constant in her life was immovable as time was clear: Obelisk loved Stonemover to the moons and back and further.

"Am I a monster?"

"No no, you're perfect."

"I'm broken. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. It's okay to be broken. It's okay."

"Do you ever stop to think about what you do to those who care about you? Do you ever stop to think about your family, those who depend on you, and what we would do if you drive yourself away from u—?"

"I can't stop! I can't ever stop!"

The bracelet suddenly gave a light tug downwards, Obelisk following it without a thought. A dozen light nudges later and she was in front of a small cave. She landed and shook herself off from the rain.

Her eyes adjusted to leave her to gasp at the sight in front of her. Stonemover was sprawled out on his side, looking miserable in the small cave the two found themselves in. What made it worse was that his scales didn't look like his, they looked like weathered and beaten stone, they were weathered and beaten stone.

He raised his head to meet her eyes, giving her a broken and beaten expression that too easily mirrored hers from their time on the ledge. (Their last time on the ledge, Obelisk realized with a lurch.) "Oh, Stone," she whispered, rushing forward to brush her wing against his side. "Stone..."

It all came out in a flood, a choked sob signaling the broken dam. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"I know, it's okay. I know, you're okay," she murmured, pressing her forehead to his as tears traced scales. "I know."

He continued to apologize, she tried to tell him that he didn't need to but he didn't stop. So she let him and said: "I understand, it's okay. I understand, you're okay. I understand. I know, it's okay..."

He started to say that he was broken, she tried to say otherwise but he didn't stop. So she accepted him and said: "I don't care, I love you either way. I understand, you're okay. I know, it's okay..."

He began with a rant about how he was dangerous and she should leave, she tried to say that she knew he wouldn't but he didn't stop. So she rerouted it and said: "I know you're hurt, it's okay. I don't care that you're broken, I love you either way. I understand that you're sorry, you're okay..."

That mantra repeated throughout the night, netting in unspoken promises, heartbroken thoughts, and unrealized emotions. They stayed like that for as long as possible, tears flowing from years or moments ago. Even when they eventually fell asleep in each other's embrace, the net continued to entangle them further and further and knit their bond stronger and stronger.

Until it was as constant as time and as solid as stone.


Occasionally, things didn't go to plan. Like when the original dragonets of destiny got out a couple of years before they were supposed to. Or like when a couple of captured RainWings got out and escaped through the tunnel.

Obelisk was glad for the second one but the headache from the council wasn't worth it. Nor was it to see the terrified expression on the original dragonet's face. And it still made her sick to look at how the RainWings were treated for something that arrogant cowards decided.

Her emotions weren't bettered by running into Morrowseer directly after taking care of a fainted RainWing caused by Mastermind's shortsightedness. "Morrowseer," Obelisk greeted him with a curt nod that was returned. She took notice of the dragonets beside him with a curl of disgust at the elder. "Why are they here? They have no reason to be near the labs."

"He's Mastermind's son," Morrowseer said gruffly, jerking his head at the original dragonet. "Why are you here? You have no reason to be here either."

"Is he, now?" she took a closer look at him, making him fidget a little at the scrutiny. "I can see the similarities. What are both of your names?"

"I'm Fatespeaker!" said the supposed substitute without hesitation. Her grin accented her healthiness and her extra markings, almost making Obelisk jealous for Wit's sake.

"Starflight," he mumbled, his eyes flitting over her in observation. Timid as he was, his health also showed easily.

I know I was just taking care of a patient but by oblivion, healer mode deactivate.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm—"

Morrowseer cut her off in a growl, "I asked you a question."

"I'm trying to be polite but sense you're allergic to it, I'll answer your oh so important question," Obelisk sassed, taking a little bit of pride at the surprise that flickered across Morrowseer's face. "I was checking up on Mastermind's subject since she fainted. Actually, Fatespeaker, Starflight, can I ask you two to get her water if Mastermind shows her to you? She was still unconscious when I was there."

"Why would they do such a useless task?" Morrowseer asked before the two could answer.

"A useless task that shouldn't even have to be done if the council wasn't mostly run by arrogant fools," Obelisk scoffed, glaring at Morrowseer who was once again shocked by her sudden aggression. "And unlike you, some dragons have emotions beyond arrogance and will help those less fortunate than them."

"Where was the help for us when the volcano erupted?!" Morrowseer shot back with a small roar, becoming bigger than her and looming over her.

"Did we ever ask?! Maybe we should've done that before spitting at the RainWings' hospitality and giving them a reason to spit back!" Obelisk growled, bringing herself up to be bigger and fight back. "If anyone in the council could see basic sense and look past their superiority complexes, they could actually comprehend the sense of talking to the most peaceful tribe of Pyrrhia about land!"

"We will not lower ourselves to begging to those worms!" Morrowseer snarled, baring his teeth as if warning Obelisk that he was about to bite his type of sense into her.

She didn't listen, well, more like she didn't care. "Begging is not talking! And if you won't lower yourself to do it then go choke in the ash clouds for all I care! I would've left the island by now if the council wasn't endangering everyone in that blasted ash cloud!"

"We're doing no such thing!" Morrowseer bristled, a rumbling growl settling into his chest as well.

Obelisk barked out a harsh and jagged laugh that made Morrowseer flinch. "Those ash clouds are making you delusional."

"Listen here, you—!"

Finally, Morrowseer's volume reached a point that Mastermind couldn't ignore. "No, no!" he shouted, interrupting Morrowseer's rage and reply.

She didn't listen to the scientist, shoving past Morrowseer instead. It didn't move him much but it was enough to get his attention. "When the cards all fall into place, your arrogance will get you killed," she whisper-hissed, quiet enough that only Morrowseer heard. The look from Starflight said otherwise but she simply nodded at the dragonets as she took her leave.

Now she just had to be somewhat rational for the council meeting, lovely.

The next couple of days were filled with headaches from Obelisk trying to curb everyone to be somewhat rational. One of those days just had to include trying to take care of the SkyWing dragonet who got slashed by the now-deceased SandWing's tail. Once again, lovely.

The healers were called for the council meeting as always but Obelisk stayed back for a little while to sort through everything. Rather than immediately leave for the council meeting, she stayed in an abandoned room in earshot of the infirmary. That was the right thing to do, seeing as she could follow Starflight, Fatespeaker, and the SkyWing to help.

"What is the meaning of this?" asked one of the guards, the rest turning their attention towards the dragonets.

"My orders, let us through," said Obelisk, landing to drag all of the attention to her. Doubtful looks led her to continue before time could be wasted with questions.

"The SkyWing was hit with a SandWing tail and is very close to death. There isn't time for someone to get the cure and then come back without him dying. These two are with me because he won't get attacked immediately and she wishes to accompany her friends."

"Who are these orders from?" asked the head guard.

"Morrowseer's orders were to not let the only SkyWing of the prophecy die, I'm doing just that," said Obelisk, stepping forward with her wings expanded by the slightest amount that radiated authority. "Unless you wish to incur his wrath and by extension the queen's, you'll stop wasting all of our time and let us through."

The head guard hesitated before stepping aside, the rest following. "Be quick."

"By nightfall," she promised, nodding at the dragonets. She led the way, the three scrambling to follow.

Quiet confusion followed them until they started flying, Obelisk willingly taking up the rear. "Why?" Starflight finally asked, Fatespeaker glancing back to add on her curiosity to his.

"You know my position," is all Obelisk said, keeping her face blank of her amusement as Starflight's eyes comically widened. They fell quiet again, the only sound in the tunnel becoming the flap of wings.

Fatespeaker took off as they neared the end of the tunnel, emerging into the light to scream and get cut off. Starflight pushed the SkyWing out before following, Obelisk on their tail. A SeaWing, MudWing, and a couple of RainWings awaited them.

"Stop right there! Don't move and put your talons on your head and surrender and claws where I can see them!"

Obelisk barely hid her amusement as another RainWing shouted something. The MudWing and SeaWing tackled Starflight in a hug when they realized who he was. They chatted for a moment, the RainWings taking the unconscious SkyWing away in a hammock of sorts, before the MudWing thought to ask about Starflight's conscious companions.

"She's my friend," said Starflight, motioning to Fatespeaker who was gagged. "You can trust her. Her name is Fatespeaker — she's the alternate NightWing I told Glory about. And she..." Starflight trailed off for a moment as he gathered his thoughts and stared at Obelisk. "She helped us get past the guards but I don't know much about her."

"I never got to introduce myself," said Obelisk, respectfully bowing her head for a moment towards the suspicious SeaWing (who kinda looked like Fin) and curious MudWing. "I'm Obelisk, a healer and one of the far few sensible dragons on the NightWing council."

"The council that decided that it was okay to take and torture RainWings?" the SeaWing glared at her, her claws twitching with aggression.

"I may be highly revered in the council but my word doesn't go above the queen's. If I had it my way, we would've asked for a small chunk of land or the ability to visit frequently," said Obelisk, barely reacting to her aggression with more than a raised eyebrow.

And yet, time was of the essence. "We can argue all day about how idiotic the council is but we don't have time. Starflight and Fatespeaker can go speak with the queen about the matter and I can stay here if it's needed."

"That'll work," the SeaWing agreed, turning to Starflight to talk further. Obelisk let them do as they wished, taking in the rainforest as she waited to be addressed again.

"Obelisk, right?" the MudWing spoke to her as the two NightWings followed a RainWing into the trees.

"Correct, and you are?" Obelisk said, ignoring the glare from the SeaWing to focus on her companion.

"Clay," he said with a nervous smile. "Do you by chance know Morrowseer?"

"Unluckily, why?" she asked, the disdain in her voice enough to get both of the dragonets curious.

"He's the only NightWing who we know, other than Starflight, Fatespeaker, and Deathbringer. Do you know Deathbringer?" Clay asked, nervously rambling a little bit.

"Only the name," said Obelisk with a small shake of her head.

"Do you hate Morrowseer or something?" the SeaWing asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"A little," Obelisk admitted with a small shrug. They looked startled at that, glancing at each other before staring at her again.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Clay asked, gesturing to the fruit pile nearby. "I don't think NightWings get much to eat."

"We don't but I'm fine, thank you," said Obelisk with nothing more than a grateful nod towards the MudWing. They lapsed into silence after that, not much else to say.

When Starflight and Fatespeaker returned with three RainWings and an odd little golden dragonet, the SeaWing posted a couple of RainWings to watch both the tunnel and Obelisk. The duo kept giving her uneasy looks but Obelisk ignored them. After a while, Starflight and a RainWing returned to speak with her.

"Obelisk, was it?" the RainWing asked, holding herself with absolute authority. Obelisk nodded, curious to see where this would go. "I'm Glory, Queen of the RainWings. Why are you here?"

"My tribe has no right to keep your subjects behind bars and torture them with experiments and the general unpleasantness of our island. I'm here to attempt to right at least a few of those wrongs and give both my friends and I a chance here if it is needed," said Obelisk, bowing her head in respect to Glory.

"Just for your friends and you? What about the rest of your tribe?" Glory asked after a moment of silent processing.

"I acknowledge that many of them have no chance at redemption in your tribe's eyes and I do not wish to tempt fate. The only dragons I would ask a place for would be healers," said Obelisk, raising her head to look at Glory full on.

"They would be acceptable," Glory agreed with a small nod. "To make sure of their place here, could you review a map with Starflight and I of your island?"

"Of course," Obelisk nodded along, quickly following the two into the air and towards the village.

Invisible RainWings led Obelisk back to her home. The guards fell from the sleeping darts, giving way to the unlikely invasion force. Once they were back on the island, Obelisk simply nodded towards Starflight (and hopefully Glory) before taking off.

She went to her room first, grabbing a messenger bag and Stonemover's communication scroll before quickly moving on. Her next stop was the library (empty much to her glee), where she grabbed an empty scroll and one of the various ink pots.

She quickly began to write out something to help her.

I enchant this scroll so all conditions written on it affect where it is placed and they can be edited as one wishes. These conditions start to take effect once this scroll is turned over three times, the one turning it either says or thinks 'Conditional scroll activate', and it is placed in or on what will be affected. The conditions will stop after removed from the affected thing for more than a minute, although holding the scroll and saying 'Conditional scroll deactivate' will do so sooner. This scroll can be summoned by placing a talon into the affected thing and saying or thinking 'Conditional scroll to me'.

- The affected object/place is much bigger on the inside and the infinite dimensions of the inside do not affect any other objects/places. The dimensions will expand in accordance with how many items/living beings are in the affected object/place. The weight of the affected object/place will be as light as it was without these objects/beings.

Closing up the inkpot, Obelisk quickly activated the scroll and placed it in her bag. Without any further ado, she began shoving scrolls into it. When she realized that that would take too long, she grabbed the enchanted scroll again to add on something else.

- When one says 'Summon all blank from blank to the origin', whatever replaces the first blank will be summoned to the affected space as fast as possible without harming the summoned items or destroying the surrounding area unless one says 'At the cost of blank' after the first sentence (the blank in that sentence specifies what can be destroyed and/or harmed to get the items). All that is summoned will come from whatever replaces the second blank.

"Summon all scrolls from the NightWing library to the origin," said Obelisk, watching in awe as the scrolls jumped to do her bidding. In a flurry of activity that somehow didn't hit her, all of the scrolls were gone. Repeating the process with a few other items, Obelisk didn't take much time before heading for the hatchery.

Luck was on her side, Intuition, Wit, and Empathy all in the hatchery to say so. "Everyone," Obelisk called, bringing their attention away from the egg in the nest they surrounded and to her. "We don't have much time, follow me. Bring the egg."

Intuition did it without question, Empathy and Wit more reluctant to follow. "Where have you been?" Empathy asked, readjusting the makeshift sling that Obelisk had gotten her a week ago or so for her egg. Least to say, Obelisk was prepared to leave.

"The rainforest. I helped the NightWing dragonets of the prophecy and got into good favor with the RainWing Queen. She's open to letting you stay," said Obelisk, picking up the pace as the fortress shook from tremors of the volcano. Not good, not good at all.

"So we're just abandoning everyone else?" Empathy asked. There was no edge to it, more of an ask for confirmation than a jab at Obelisk.

"We'll stay back for as long as possible but if the RainWings start leaving without us, yes," said Obelisk, throwing herself into the air just as more tremors started up. Smoke poured from the volcano, making everyone cough a little as it got into their lungs. They aimed for the tunnel, landing on the outskirts of the gathering.

A RainWing shimmered into existence and nodded at Obelisk and her group, approving of their presence. "Go," Obelisk said, pushing Intuition and Empathy into the tunnel to have them start running immediately.

Wit paused, processing her hesitation and glance towards the gathered NightWings quickly. "Are you crazy enough to stay here?!" he yelled, motioning towards the volcano that belched more ash and smoke.

"I-I can't," Obelisk decided, choking up a bit as she followed Wit.

Whether I like all of them or not, they are my tribe.

Wit started to push her along as she faltered, getting Obelisk to smile a little before she was suddenly running. Wit let out an indignant squawk as he was forced to keep up.

Then again, this is my family.

They emerged on the other side, a calm rain storm countering the thundering volcano they were just at. A group of RainWings who created a perimeter brandished spears at them, not letting them pass. The biggest out of them stepped forward, authority radiating from her.

"Are you Obelisk?" she asked, pointing at the correct dragon.

"Yes and these are the friends who I wish to vouch for," said Obelisk, stepping forward to be at the head of their group.

"Wait outside of the perimeter, Glory will speak to you in time," the dragon motioned to the others, getting them to clear a path that the NightWings quickly took advantage of. They huddled together, making sure that the egg was getting most of the warmth.

"Obelisk," Glory's voice broke them out of their huddle a little, all of them turning to look at her. A NightWing stood by her side, looking at all of them with a certain judgmental look in his eye. "Do you need anything right now?"

"Just a guarantee that no matter what happens, you give Wit more shelter," said Obelisk, nudging the addressed dragon.

"But what about the egg? I can provide heat for myself but..." said Wit, glancing at the egg as he spoke.

"I'm sure you can take care of your little sibling for the night. It's important that both of you are safe," said Obelisk, nudging his wings with hers before looking back at Glory. "Can I have that guarantee?"

"Yes," said Glory, a soft smile across her face. Not much else could be said, everyone too occupied with the large flood of NightWings that suddenly started. RainWings tried to calm down the newcomers to little avail

Glory found her perch, clearing her throat and raising her voice to speak to all of the NightWings when the flood stopped. "NightWings. Your home is gone. Your queen is dead. But this is your chance to start over. If you mess it to, you'll lose this home too.

"You'll treat these dragons with respect, and in return, because that's the kind of dragons they are, they will be much kinder than you deserve. Tonight you'll stay right here. I don't want any NightWings wandering off until we can count you and write you all down. You will each be assigned two RainWings to keep an eye on you.

"And yes, if you're feeling like perhaps we don't trust you very much, it's because we don't. None of you are welcome in the RainWing village until you earn that trust. We will find you somewhere else to live."

Someone complained and Glory rightfully snapped back at them. Mastermind was outed for his actions quite quickly. To add to what was about to be organized chaos, a couple of dragons burst out of the tunnel.

A second or two later, two more followed with a flare of heat. Clay and Starflight touched the ground, Starflight collapsing from his wounds. The SeaWing shouted for everyone to get back as someone shot a sleeping dart into the dragonet.

The same type of hammock as before was brought in, giving Obelisk an idiotic idea. "Keep Glory to our deal," Obelisk mumbled to the other three before stepping away from them. They couldn't respond, she was already in the air by the time they could.

"Clay," said Obelisk, startling the MudWing as they both followed the RainWing-carried cot.

"Obelisk? What are you doing?" he asked, his surprise as clear as day.

"I'm a healer and I want to help. No offense to the RainWing healers but I don't think they're used to burns," said Obelisk, only getting a nod from Clay in return.

That's how she spent the rest of the night and most of the morning in the healer's hut.

"We need to find someone."

"I have a few ideas and— Well speak of the devil! Obelisk!" Obelisk looked up from her work, meeting the gazes of Deathbringer and Glory calmly.

"Your Majesty, Deathbringer, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked, tying off the last bandage before stepping around Starflight and towards them. The couple of RainWing healers who had been with Obelisk for most of the time paid attention, obviously wanting some gossip.

"We were coming to check up on Starflight, why are you here?" Glory asked, glancing between her friend and the stranger with a hint of worry.

"I'm a healer and I wanted to help. Not many of yours have ever seen fire, much less attempted to heal burns," said Obelisk, glancing briefly at her patient before focusing on them again.

"Will he be okay without your assistance? We want to talk to you in private for a moment," asked Deathbringer, looking at the two eavesdropping healers when he said 'in private'.

"Yes," said Obelisk, nodding at the two healers who nodded back. "Should I just follow you?"

"Yes," said Glory, leading the trio out of the healer's hut and to a different hut. She stepped in first, leaving the NightWings to follow as she sat on top of her rather floral throne. "Deathbringer, why do you suggest Obelisk for this?"

"She's reasonable, not easily swayed for reasons of greed or pride, and efficient," said Deathbringer, taking his place by her side as he spoke. "She's good with compromises and she loves her tribe."

Glory nodded, studying Obelisk as she remained mostly blank, save for the confusion in her eyes. "Obelisk, would you be open to having a talon in what should happen with your tribe?"

"If needed. Greatness, although she doesn't act like a queen, deserves to have a say as well if she wants it," said Obelisk, getting a grin from Deathbringer and a thoughtful look from Glory. Huh?

"For now, she hasn't said that she will. But a matter needs to be discussed so..."

Their discussion continued for a little while, Deathbringer always looking smug in the background while the other two discussed things like housing, food, what to do for eggs, the interaction between the two tribes, and so on. It was only after Obelisk finally stepped out of Glory's little throne room did she realize that she had somehow become a diplomat for her entire tribe. Fun.

Then again, it didn't have to be fun to be important. And important it was.

For her tribe, she could at least do this much.

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