Gaming Your Way There (kiriba...

By moldywonderbread

31.5K 1.3K 1.4K

No quirks/aged up Kirishima and Bakugo are some of the most popular Twitch Streamers/ Youtubers. They both pl... More

I Think I Like the Idiot
Its a Fucking Guarantee
Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay
Some of the Family
Dont Call Me Man
They Fuckin Know
Boyfriend Tag
Heartfelt Rants
Its Mental Illness Ain't It?
Panic and Relief
Im a Little Off...
New House, New Doubts
Speed Running Emotions
Hes Adorable
We Did That
A/N (plz read)
Secrets Out
Cats Out of the Bag
We Have a Pool?
Roof-Top Picnic
Fuckin Canada
Its Him...
The World's At Peace

Sweet Talking Gets You Somewhere

926 50 12
By moldywonderbread

I found this photo. You're welcome

Also the chapter lengths are gonna be varying now to make the story flow better!
Jiro pov))

After Kaminari's outburst he comes running out of the hallway with an angry blonde on his tail. A disappointed looking red head follows as Kami gets chased into the kitchen and Kiri gets there before Bakugo. Kirishima grabs Bakugo's waist and i turns to let him go onto the couch.

"No killing your fellow blondes." Bakugo flips him off, making Kiri sigh. Kaminari's scared ass walks out of the kitchen and rushes behind Sero.

"Thanks Kiri!" Bakugo rolls his eyes and tugs his boyfriend to fall over to back of the couch and land on the floor in the middle. Kiri sighs and looks up at his explosive boyfriend.

"Paybacks a bitch Red. Deal with it." Mina gasps at the name.

"Bakugo has a pet name for Kirishima! Aww you guys are adorable!" Bakugo looks up and rolls his eyes.

"Oh fuck off Pinky." Kirishima gets off the floor and lays down with his head on Bakugo's shoulder. "Oi! Shouldn't you fucks leave so we can pack and I can sweet talk the landlord?" I roll my eyes.

"My god if you want us gone just say it." He holds direct eye contact with me.

"I want those fucks out of our apartment." He gestures to Sero, Kaminari, and Mina. I quirk a brow.

"Not me?"

"You're the badass. I can handle you. It's the idiots who can't spell 'particularly' that need to go." I smirk lightly as Kaminari throws his hand up.

"That's not fair! I have dyslexia!" Bakugo turns to him.

"Tough shit."

Kirishima eventually convinces Bakugo to let them stay as Bakugo works his magic with the landlord. And to say Kirishima had heart eyes when Baku left the room is an understatement. He laughs to himself and smiles like a kid in a fucking candy store.

"What got you all smiley?" He blushes and looks at Mina.

"What do you think?" She giggles and walks over to him.

"What about him?" He sighs and looks over at her.

"If you're trying to get me to rant it's not gonna work."She quirks a brow. What's she doing this time?

"So if I were to say Bakugo's not that strong and definitely not that smart you'd just sit there? Well this'll be fun." Kirishima clenches his jaw. I bet he's trying to tell himself she's just messing around. She doesn't actually mean it. "Sero, you can admit when you see a person who's bad at video games right?" Sero nods. "Great so you can admit Bakugos horrible at video games."

"Hey! No he's not! Now you're just trying to make me mad!" Mina smirks and turns back to Kiri.

"So defend him." Kirishima sighs, feeling out his options.

"Fine. One, he is strong! He can carry me and i weigh more than him! And he's smart to! He had all A's when he was in school on top of playing with me every night! and he's amazing at video games. He beat Five Nights at Freddys 4 in 5 hours! All of it! Including the extra night. I'd like to see you do that!" He pouts and Mina looks close to exploding.

"Awww! Kiri you dork!" He blushes and looks away.

"You made me." She giggles and throws her arm around his shoulder.

"Come on Kiri. Ranting about him felt a little good." He sighs.


"That's the spirit! Anything else you wanna say about him when he's gone?" He shakes his head then freezes, blush getting so much worse.  "Spit it out!" He looks away and drops his head in his hands.

"Well, umm I guess it's more of a question. But uhh, how do you know you love someone?" Mina gasps and jumps off the couch. Sero's mouth pops open, Kami gasps, and I quirk a brow.

"Do you know what loving a family member is like?" He turns to me in his reddened state.


"It's like that, but you notice it developing. You realize you'd do anything for that person. That you'd put yourself before them 1000 times in a row." I feel my own blush building. "And Kiri, if you have to ask that question, you love him." Mina's looking at me with curiosity all over her face.

"Who's the lucky person that got you to love them?" I look anywhere but the person who asked that.

"None of your business Kaminari." Mina suddenly gasps and I shoot a glare at her.

"Dont worry. My lips are sealed." She giggles to herself and I want the couch to swallow me whole.

"Okay, then can I ask you how you know you love them?" I sigh and turn to Kaminari. If he wants to know he can know. 

"They treat me like I'm worth something. They treat me like I'm special. It probably has something to do with their stupid puns and pick up lines." Sero's eye brows climb his face. I nod at him, knowing he got it ans Kaminari shrugs.

"They seem nice! You gonna ask them out anytime soon?" Thank god I don't have a crush on someone smarter.

"Maybe. We'll wait a little longer." Mina squeals and jumps into a hug.

"My little Jiro all grown up!" I hug her back.

"Yeah yeah. I'm fine."

Bakugo pov))

"Well Mr. Bakugo I'm sorry but I just cannot let you off early. No matter how sweet you're being."I sigh. I new this bitch would do taht. I reach into my pocket and grab to $300 cash. I put it down on the counter.

"All this. For you to end the lease. Yes or no." She seems taken back I would do this. "I won't tell anyone else about this. It'll be our little secret." She hesitantly reaches out and grabs it. She flips through making sure it's actually real before looking up at me.

"Fine. But I swear you better be gone by the 16th." Eijiro's birthday. Sweet.

"Oh easily. Don't worry sweetheart." I wink and walk away. I hear his giggle and roll my eyes. I fuckin hated that.

I get back up and see all the fucks talking. I grab Eijiro's hand and yank him up to kiss me. Mina gasps and Kaminari laughs. I let him go and he falls back on the couch.

"Remind me to never call you sweetheart I felt like a fuckin old lady." He nods, obviously a little dazed from the kiss. I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer. "But I managed to get us out of it." I walk back and take a sip of it. "But I also may have took all my emergency money with me."

"Katsuki! Oh my god." I shrug and yank Eijiro closer. 

"It was worth it. I don't wanna have to listen to the two idiots above us fuck eachother through the wall anymore." Kirishima blushes heavily and I get a laugh from the others.

"Well didn't the have to listen to us?" I quirk a brow and every one goes silent.

"I know I'm loud but there's no way I'm that loud. And neither are you."

"Well, you kinda are that loud." I blush and shove him away.

"Only cause you're a fuckin tease." He winks and I roll my eyes.

"My god it's a train wreck but I can't look away." My head snaps to Kaminari.

"Shut the fuck up Sparky. At least I can actually pull people." He frowns and I flip him off.

"Katsuki, what exactly did you have to do to bride her? She's an ass." I turn to him with confusion apparent. "The landlord."

"Sweet talked her. And the $300 bucks cash."

"No, like whatd you say?"

"Called her sweetheart, gave her a smirk, flirted. Why do you think I kissed you? Needed to get her the fuck off my ass." He pouts and I sigh. "I don't like her. Promise."

"How do I know that?" He has that fucking gleam in his eye, he's trying to fucking tease me.

"Shut up Ei. I know your game." He does the stupid fucking puppy eyes and I let out a long breath. "How can I make it up to you?" He smiles and I roll my eyes. "You little fuckin faker." He kisses me suddenly and I shove my head forward. This fucker wants a kiss I'll give him one.

"Well there they go." I flip off whoever said that when Eijiro tries pull away. I let him but frown.

"You call that a kiss? That's a pretty unmanly kiss." I smirk to myself and turn back to the group while I take a swig of beer. Only a matter of time now.

"He went there." Kaminari mutters it and I smile to myself. I feel a hand slip into mine and I can tell it's Eijiro's.

"You wanna hold my hand now? Cute." I feel his head by my ear.

"I know what you're playing at bunny I'm not letting you win." A blush shoots to my face and I look away.

"Did i hear bunny?! Bakugo likes pet names?!" Sero's mouth never fucking closes.

"Where the hell did you get that idea!?"

"You blushed and he said bunny!" I groan and slam the rest of my beer. "So is it true?"

"No it's not fucking true." Eijiro kisses my cheek.

"Katsuki can you grab me some water."

"You can get it yourself." He sighs and flops dramatically over my body. I grunt and look down at him. He's in the mood to play. "What got into you?"

"Nothin." I quirk a brow.

"Sure Ei. Sure." I look back up to see Sero and Kaminari talking in hushed whispers while Mina and Jiro and laughing. "The fuck happened?"

"Nothing. Just you guys being frikin adorable!" Mina winks and I roll my eyes when I feel Eijiro's hand on my inner thigh. I grab it and yank his head by ear.

"Hands off. If you forgot the fucks are over." He winks and I quirk a brow. He squeezes my thigh and I blush heavily. "I mean it Red. Knock it off."

"What if I say no?"

"Then we're gonna have a problem." He grabs the waistband of my pants and I immediately push my hips up and make him fly into the back of the couch.

"I told you hands off." He turns around with a glint in his eyes.


I feel myself getting tired but I'm not about to admit to that. I'll just get teased for it and fuck that. I think Red noticed.

"You okay Suki?"

"'M fine. Be right back." I get up and walk into the kitchen. Coffees to obviously. Tea? No that'll make me sleep. Ahh fuck it. Beer. I grab another one and come out when Kiri grabs it from me. "Oi fuck off. You're not my mom."

"But I'm your boyfriend and I care about you."

"I don't get drunk from two beers dipshit." I snag it back from him and flip him off.

"It's like watching a married couple."

"Oh fuck off Ms. Romantic." I sit back down on the couch and Pinky pouts.

"Lighten up a little Katsu, she's just being nice."

"Sure." He suddenly smiles.  

"Is it past your bedtime?" I roll my eyes.

"Piss off."

"Awww is Bakugwo tirwed?" I flip Kami off and Kirishima sighs.

"Come on. You aren't gonna be mean because you're tired." He grabs my wrist and tugs me in the direction of the hallway. I roll my eyes and rip my hand out of his hand.

"I can walk you idiot."

"I forgot how cranky you get when it's past your bedtime."

"Piss off."

"You've said that." I push past him and slam the door to my room. He wants cranky I'll give him cranky. That bitch. I rip my clothes off and immediately get in my bed. I see Outlaw out in his cage and maybe I need to sleep with someone other than Ei. I sigh. But I don't want to get out of bed. I roll over and fall asleep almost immediately.

Kirishima pov))

I sigh and walk back out.

"If we have to deal with that when he moves in I'm gonna go metal." I shake my head.

"I think he just didn't want to get teased about a early bedtime. I'm sure he'll be more reasonable."

We continue to talk till I start feeling tired myself.

"Not to kick you out of anything but I'm feeling pretty tired myself." I yawn into the back of my hand.

"Alright. I think Kami fell asleep a while ago anyway." Jiro nods to the blonde that fell asleep on her face shoulder. "I'll see y'all later." She shrugs Kaminari off her shoulder before shoving him softly so he rests against the couch. "Mina you comin with me?" She nods and quickly hugs Sero and me before following Jiro our the apartment.

"Alright man. I'll see ya when you need help with packin." I stand as he does. "Oh and just know even if Bakugo is a little difficult he likes ya." I smile.

"I know that. You live with Katsuki as long as I have you kinda get to know him." He sends me a smile before heading out the door.

I head back into Katsuki's bedroom to see him knocked out and snuggled into the other pillow. I smile and walk over. I strip of my shirt and slide in behind him. He presses back into me and I lightly lay my arm over his waist. I kiss the back of his head before falling asleep.

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