Me and the populars twins

By Christy9908

1.9K 50 12

There's this hot nerd in my class, his a bit shy and awkward but he is in the popular peoples group. He would... More

Me and the twins
Twins and science
Tyler and rose alone
Taylor's and Tyler's reputations
A old friend
For a friend
Can i have a hug
Super Powers
Taylor and andy
Fine line
Phone call
Going home
The great escape
Im happy, really really happy
Will update soon
The terrible ending

I spy with my little eye

146 5 2
By Christy9908

"What's your favourite show" Tyler asks.

"I don't watch television" I reply.

"Okay, what's your favourite colour" Tyler asks.

"I don't have a favourite colour" I reply

"What's your favourite animal" Tyler asks.

"I like cats" I reply.

"She has an interest, everybody it's official" Tyler stands up and celebrates.

"Sit down, your creating attention"Taylor says.

"So, are you like a crazy cat lady" Tyler asks.

"Crazy cat lady" I ask.

"Wow" Taylor says.

"A crazy cat lady, is a girl who has a lot of cats because they can't get a boyfriend" Tyler explains.

"I don't have any cats" I explain.

"What's your favourite book" Taylor asks.

"Umm, I like... No, the.. No not that one. Oh 'hatchet'" I answer.

"Hatchet, what's that about" Taylor says.

"It's about a boy who is visiting his father, he gets taken by a helicopter and crashes on the way. He has to survive in the Canadian woods until somebody saves him. He ends up being lost in the woods for like 5 months. He survives by using his hatchet that his mum gave him for the trip" I explain.

"Sounds boring" Tyler shrugs.

"It's not" I argue. "It teaches you to appreciate the little things like how lucky we are to have food and water and not being attack by wild animals. It teaches you to appreciate life in general and I think you could learn from it because you take everything you want without accepting the consequences" I add.

"She got a point, I think you should read it" Taylor says.

"I'm not reading a stupid book" Tyler says.

"It's gonna suck when karma comes to bite you in the ass" I mumble.

"What did you just say" Tyler almost growls.

"Nothing" I reply fastly.

"No, tell me" Tyler stands up. I'm feeling a little more then just a bit intimidated right now.

"I said nothing" I reply.

"I know you mumbled something so just tell me" Tyler growls this time.

I was terrified. I couldn't speak. How could he just order someone like this.

"Dude, your scaring her" Taylor says.

"I don't care, I want to know what she said. Tell me or else" Tyler says. I feel like I'm about to poop my pants.

"Dude, sit down" Taylor says.

"Why" Tyler says.

"Because your making a scene" Taylor says.

"This isn't over" Tyler says.

Then the bell goes. Thank god it's last period. I grab my things and rush out the door. He was terrifying. I make it home in like five minutes and it's a fifteen minute walk... Wow.

I go straight to my room. I listen to my music and stare at my roof. What I mumbles wasn't even that bad. It's just, he was so aggressive. I don't like aggressive people. That really scared me, I thought he was going to hurt me.

Dad walks in. "Hey honey, how was school" he says.

"It was alright" I answer the same answer I do everyday.

"What did you learn" he asks me.

"Nothing, today was just bonding activities with the class" I explain.

"Make any new friends" he asks me.

"No" I reply.

"Naw" he pouts.

"Dad, I'm fine. I don't want any friends" I say.

"Why not" he asks me.

"Because" I say.

"You can tell me" he says.

"Can you just leave me alone" I say.

"We're having Blackmore's over for dinner tonight. Mum and Rachel are really hitting it off as friends" he says. Rachel is the twins mum.

"So if Rachel is coming over, is Tom coming" Tom is her husband.

"Yes, and her 2 sons" he smiles.

"Yay" I say trying not to sound sarcastic.

"Yeah, they'll be here in about ten minutes. I want you to wear something nice" he says.

"Okay" I sigh.

"Hurry up" he says.

"Get out" I say.

"Fine, fine. Love you" he says.

"Yeah yeah. Love you to" I reply. He leaves and I pick out a black dress that has lace about the boob above and all down my arms. It's a really pretty dress. And it makes me look normal. But dad makes me were this stuff. I but in cute black heels that have a black bow on the ankle. And I apply make up. Red lipstick and shadow black eye make up.

"Are you dressed. They're here" dad says.

"Yes" I sigh. He walks in and smiles.

"You look beautiful" he kisses me on the head.

"Thank you" I say. I hug him and he walks out.

"Are you coming" dad shouts as he walks down stairs.

"I gotta thing to do" I shout back.

"Make it quick" he says.

"Okay" I reply.

I shut my door. The Blackmore twins are down there. The one I can stand and the one I'm scared of. Great job me. I sit in my bed for 20 minutes. I should go down there. But there down there. What if he wants to know what I said. I can't even remember. What if he hits me. Why am I over thinking this. I lye on my bed and close my eyes. Just calm down. Nothing bad can happen tonight. You need to do this for your mother. You can do it. No I can't. You've been up here for a third of an hour. Of course they no something's up. Study. Yes, if I study it will look like I lost track of time. Okay. I sit up and open my eyes to see both of them smiling at me.

"What are you doing in my room" I ask.

"Because, were bored and you weren't coming down anytime soon. So we came to you" Tyler smiles. Right, bipolar. I forgot.

"Can you please leave" I ask.

"No" Tyler says.

"Why" I ask them.

"Because, there talking about what a great kid you are. Then they started talking about us, so we had to get out of there" Tyler replies.

"Go to a different room" I say.

"Girls would kill to be you right now" Tyler replies.

"Why would they kill somebody" I say worried.

They laugh.

"Did I miss something" I ask them.

"I like you" Taylor says.

"Why" I ask him.

"Because your so far behind on the world it's funny" he laughs. He laughing at me. I feel like crying, gee thanks.

"So, your room is really messy" Tyler says.

"I know, it's easer to find things this way" I say.

"How does that work' Taylor asks.

"I need a shirt, I have five on the floor. I can't find I pen, I get to play I spy with my desk" I shrug.

"I spy with my little eye a beautiful girl" Taylor says.

"Where" I ask.

They both start to laugh again. I tilt my head. I'm so confused right now.

"I spy with my little eye a hot girl" Tyler says.

"This game is to confusing for me" I say.

They start laughing again.

" I spy with my little eye a cute girl" Taylor says

"Where are these girls coming from" I ask

They laugh even harder then before.

"I spy with my little eye an adorable girl" Tyler says.

"I give up" I sigh.

They laugh more.

"You'll get it one day" Taylor says.

"I don't want to get it" I say.

"I spy with my little eye a girl I want to kiss" Tyler says.

"I spy with my little eye a girl I want to snuggle with" Taylor says.

"I spy with my little eye a girl I want to take on a date" Tyler says facing Taylor.

"I spy with my little eye a girl I have a crush on and won't dump after a day" Taylor says looking at Tyler.

"I spy with my little eye a girl I won't dump after a day but will make it last a year" Tyler says.

"I spy with my little eye a girl who would rather be with me then you" Taylor says.

"Umm, I'm feeling really weirded out by your version of eye spy" I say.

"Hey, would you like to go on a da-" Tyler gets cut off my Taylor hitting him in the nuts.

"Umm, don't listen to him" Taylor says.

"Let's go down stairs" I say. What weird boys.

"Okay" Taylor says. He grabs my hand and pulls me down stairs leaving Tyler on the floor. I see him staring at me,

"Shouldn't we go see of he's okay" I ask Taylor. I don't brake contact with Tyler.

"He's fine" Taylor says.

"Really, he doesn't look fine" I say.

"I promise" Taylor says.

One long night, and it still hasn't finished.

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