White Lies ✓

By but3rfliez

200K 5.7K 16.5K

All your life you've fought to prove yourself. Whether it was through school, work, or your personal life. Wh... More

Author's Note
1 - Dust Bunnies
2 - Bright Lights
3 - New Girl
4 - 800 Degrees
5 - Impulse Control
6 - Carpooling
7 - Setbacks
8 - Cloak and Dagger
9 - Sweet Dreams
10 - Emergency Calls
11 - Team Player
12 - Insomniac
13 - Predispositions
14 - Narcotic's Anonymous
15 - Swipe Right
16 - Surrogates
17 - The Devil On His Shoulder
18 - Just Tonight
19 - Concussions and Apologies
20 - A Nice Goodbye
21 - A Dangerous Backfire
22 - Long Distance
23 - Homecoming
24 - Spencer's Letter
25 - Bittersweet Victory
26 - Damsel in Distress
27 - The Twilight Zone
28 - Long Time No See
29 - Internal Affairs
Playlist - White Lies

30 - Family Dinner

4K 142 390
By but3rfliez

"And you're absolutely sure we've got to go?" Spencer said, looking up at you from his spot on the couch. 

You rolled your eyes. "Yes, Spencer, we're going."

"They're gonna be all weird, you know that. They were weird all day today." 

"They're just excited, you know that. Especially for you. They've known you for way longer, and from what I've heard, you've been single for most of it."

He frowned. "I wasn't single for all of it," he grumbled. 

You laughed and sat next to him. "We're gonna be late."

He smiled. "Good."

You kissed him and stood up, pulling him to his feet. He followed you out to the car, pouting all the way. 

"Knock it off, Spencer," you said. "It's gonna be fun. Rossi's parties always are."

"You're right," he said, climbing into the passenger seat. "You're right." 

"Of course I am," you said as you started the car. 

The drive was quick and quiet, and soon you were parking your car in Rossi's driveway. Spencer took your hand as you walked to the porch and squeezed it once before knocking on the door. 

"Come on in!" A voice called. 

You pushed the door open and walked inside, pulling Spencer along with you until you arrived in the kitchen. 

"Hey everyone," you said cheerfully.

Rossi waved you into the room, but refused to stop talking, for he was explaining to JJ, Will, and Prentiss the best way to prepare whatever he was making for dinner. Spencer left your side then to talk to Morgan and Garcia, leaving you to turn to your boss.

"Where's Haley?" You asked.

"She couldn't make it," he said, offering no further explanation.

You could tell he didn't want to talk about it, so you decided not to press the matter. You walked around the island and opened the fridge, pulling out sodas for both you and Spencer. As you handed it to him, he slyly slid his hand around your waist and pulled you closer, earning an eye raise from Morgan. 

"Hey, Spencer, can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked, pointing behind him. "It'll be quick." 

Spencer shot you a look, and you shrugged, so Spencer followed Morgan down towards Rossi's office. 

While they were gone, Rossi called you all to the dining room. You walked in with the rest of your friends. When Morgan and Spencer entered the room, Morgan took the seat next to you, earning a scolding from Garcia.  She forced him out of his seat and kindly gave it to Spencer, who patted your leg as he sat. 

"What was that about?" You whispered.

Spencer cringed. "He tricked me."

"What are you talking about?"

He lifted his arm from his lap, and pulled the loose fabric of his sweatshirt back, revealing a very graphic image drawn in sharpie on his cast.

"Oh my, Spencer," you cackled. "There's a dick on your cast."

He shushed you quickly."You think I don't know that?" He whispered. "Don't say anything, Hotch warned me too, but I didn't think about it."

You giggled. "That's gonna be there for a while."

"I know it is," he frowned. 

You swallowed your laughter and turned back to the rest of the team. Rossi explained in detail the pasta dish in which you were all eating, not letting anyone eat until he was done with his tangent. Finally, he quieted down, and you all started your meal. 

"Rossi, this is amazing," Garcia said.

"Agreed," you chimed in.

Rossi smiled and shook his head. "It's nothing special, just a little family recipe. My grandmother used to make it on special occasions."

"God bless you grandmother," Morgan said, shoving a forkful of noodles into his mouth.

You and the team laughed and returned to the small conversations happening around the table.

You leaned close to Spencer and whispered in his ear. "If we'd stayed home, we wouldn't be eating food this good," you said. 

He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Hey, takeout isn't that bad, you know."

"Yeah, but takeout seven times a week is, maybe I'll ask Rossi for some recipes, we should have some real food too."

He grinned and grabbed your empty plate, stacking it on top of his and carrying it to the kitchen. Rossi, JJ, and Hotch helped as well, clearing the dirty dishes from the table before Rossi returned with a tray of zeppoles. The second he set the tray on the table, it was empty. You bit into the sweet bread and groaned.

"This just keeps getting better and better," you said.

"Well, hopefully, this helps make it even better," JJ stood up. "Will and I have some news."

You and everyone else sitting around the table turned to look at them, that's when you noticed JJ's hand resting delicately on her stomach. 

"I'm pregnant!" She said. Will stood and wrapped his arm around her waist. 

"Oh my God!" Garcia jumped up and hugged JJ tightly.

"Careful now," Rossi said as he walked over to her. He patted Will on the shoulder and hugged JJ much more gently than Garcia did. 

You and Spencer both stood and pulled her into a group hug. "I'll need to talk to you two later," she whispered. 

You nodded as you pulled away from the hug. "Of course."

"Boy or a girl?" Morgan asked as he shook Will's hand and hugged JJ. 

"A boy," she said brightly. "We found out his sex on the way here, so we thought now would be the best time to tell you all."

Hotch smiled. "Jack's been looking for a friend," he said as he shook both of their hands. 

Garcia pulled JJaway from everyone else, peppering her with questions about names, baby showers, and nursery color schemes. Will stood by you and Spencer, restarting a previous conversation between him and Spencer. 

 You grabbed the second round of plates and carried them to the kitchen, finding Rossi working on the dishes stacked in the sink. One by one, the party started to disband. Hotch left first, followed by Morgan, Garcia, then Prentiss, leaving you and Spencer to linger in the living room with Will and JJ. 

"So," JJ stated. "We've been thinking about it, and we'd like you two to be the godparents if that's alright."

Spencer looked at JJ, then at you, then back to JJ. "It would be an honor," he said.

You nodded. "Of course we will," you said, pulling JJ into another hug. 

She smiled. "I'll call you about the specifics, but all that is a ways away. Let's just hold off on telling the rest of the team for a while? I don't want anyone's feelings getting hurt."

You nodded. "Our lips are sealed."

She hugged the two of you again, and Will waved goodbye as they left. You and Spencer both said goodbye to Rossi on the way out the door. Spencer offered to drive home, and like before, he kept his hand on your thigh the whole drive. After he pulled into your usual parking space, instead of getting out of the car, he turned to look at you.

"Hey, Y/N?" He said quietly.

"Yes, Spencer?" You said back, mimicking his serious tone. 

"I just wanted to say, well, I-, er."

"Spit it out," you joked.

He looked away from you. "I love you."

Your eyes widened, but Spencer was still staring down at the steering wheel. 


He didn't look up.


Still nothing. 

"Spencer Reid, look at me right now."

He turned towards you. You reached forward and took his face in your hands and pulled him to you. "I love you too," you whispered. "I think I have for a while now."

He grinned "Really?" He asked, a small crack in his voice.

You smiled and kissed him softly. "Really."

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