Joining The Navy seal

By Xx_Mia_W_xX

22.1K 524 27

my grandfather was in the navy seal my dad was and died in the navy seal my big brother is in the navy seal ... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
Chapter 7
-Chapter 8-
Chapter 9
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-

-Chapter 6-

1.1K 29 1
By Xx_Mia_W_xX

"but you punched me" I heard a voice behind me say

I looked behind me and saw my brother

"you are a different story"


he chuckled 

"Can we talk?" he asked and I nodded

"I will see you guys later," I said and they nodded 

we walked in quiet until we got to a hidden spot outside where no one can see us. there was a bench and we sat on him. Nate took a deep breath and started

"I'm sorry," he said. I know how hard it is for him to apologize, he hates doing it and he does it only when he absolutely has to so I appreciate him for doing that

"I know my first reaction was too much but you have to understand where I'm coming from," he said and stopped again I nodded him to continue

"I have been through so much here, the things I saw here were so horrifying I wish no one ever needed to see that especially my little sister," he said and had a sad expression on his face

"I met incredible people here and I love my team but even I almost didn't survive here unless my team and the fact that I have a family back home," he said without looking at me in the eye, I didn't know all that

"I changed here, for better and for worse and I don't want you to change, I don't want you to lose the innocence your eyes holding or the joy in them and lastly, I don't- can't lose you" he looked at me in the eyes while saying that and the honesty in them destroyed me. 

"ugh now I feel like the bad man here and I can't be mad at you" he chuckled, he knew I couldn't be mad at him the little- 

"I just want you to understand my reaction, and I'm sorry for what I said because I know you can handle it, I just don't want you to need too," he said rubbing his face with his arms in frustration

"ok I listened to you now I need you to listen to me, I know you don't want me to see horrifying things but that's selfish because there are people, kids who don't have the choice, and I want to help, help to save them and destroying the bad, I want to be the one who kills those bastards and I yes maybe I will change but that something I need to sacrifice but I will try to stay myself as much as I can and about my innocence, I lost that the second dad died, I saw how cruel the world can be. he was a good man he was good at what he does and he died saving his friend. if I die then that is the way I want to die in or at least knowing I helped. I can't just live a normal life I tried but I can't. you saw me grow up, you know me better then anyone else, I need this" I looked at him with my eyes begging him to understand, to not make this hard for me

"Okay," he said looking at me. I couldn't look at him, what I just said to him broke him, he knew he can't stop me even if he wanted to but worse, he knew he feels the same way, and it's not fair for him to stop me from doing exactly what he does

"when I wanted to join here you didn't stop me, you helped me. I know how hard that was for you but you still stood by my side when I told the family so I will do the most I can to help you here and I will be by your side, always" he said and looked at me straight in the eye and I knew what would come next, I said the same thing to him when he joined

"but promise me you won't sacrifice yourself and won't ever give up until your last breath" when I told him that of course I meant it but now when he saying me that I can see he knows I can see the meaning is much deeper 

"I promise to not ever give up and do the most I can," I said. he smiled and chuckled. when I told him that he said I promise but I knew he didn't and I'm not going to lie to him so I promised what I can

"you are so much like him, much more than me" he said softly, when my dad died I was ten but Nate was twelve and he remembers much more than me about dad so when he said this I wanted to cry

"for the better but for the worse too," he said smiling sadly 

"I love you Nate" 

"I love you too Sky" we got up and hugged

"and just so you know I'm so so proud of you, and dad would have been too" he whispered while hugging me and I hugged him harder


Author note: 

ok so I know it's a short chapter but I wanted to do one just for this conversation. 

I hope you like it. I put a lot of effort here and I wanted it to be perfect

PS: I love their sibling bond so much!

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