A Ninja? ( Twisted Wonderland...

By LittleAkime

146K 3.8K 2.3K

(Y/n) was on a Mission with her team when they were attacked by ninjas and (y/n) got taken to a different wor... More

Chapter 1: mission gone wrong
Chapter 2: talking raccoon?
Chapter 3: entrance ceremony
 should I be SUS? 
Chapter 5 - The card of Ace 
Chapter 6 : 100 Windows and fishy little fishes
6k special: the Day you become a child [1]
Chapter 7 -dwarfs mine
Please read this
🥀Down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 Down the Rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🍰The apology🍰
23K special: fnaf 
🦁Long live the king🦁
Y/n info
🦁Long live the king🦁
My weird dream
🦁Long live the king🦁
This will not be tolerated
🦁Long live the king🦁
A little rant
Another weird dreams
53k Special: the day you become a child [p2]
How dating (y/n) will be 
🦁long live the king🦁
🦁Long live the king🦁
🦁Long live the king 🦁
New story y'all
I wanna do a little Q&A
A little apology gift
New cover
I need help...

chapter 4 - Ramshackle Dorm

7.2K 185 95
By LittleAkime


Now that everyone is gone it's just me and the headmaster I turned around to him giving him my full attention.

Crowley:"[coughs] Now then,I'm terribly sorry about this but..."

You:"I can't be here" I interrupted him already knowing what he's thinking.
" I can understand that, it's obvious I don't belong here I have my own home and school that's way different than this" the headmaster smiled softly.

Crowley:" thank you for understanding, now come closer to the mirror and picture your home in your mind as clearly as you can the Dark Mirror could bring you back safely" he said gesturing me in front of the mirror.

I stood in front of the mirror and close my eyes taking a deep breath I pictured myself in The village hidden in the leafs my home ,my Academy, my friends I felt myself smiling Picturing myself sitting with My friends from different teams laughing and enjoying each other.

Crowley :"oh Dark mirror, Guide this lost one Back to the place they belong".


I glanced at the mirror then at Crowley quite nervous.

Crowley:"once more...oh Dark mirror! Guide this-"

"It is nowhere "

You/Crowley:"AH!?!?" both of us yelled I I glared at the mirror.

"The place where they belong
Does not exist in this world"

The mirror narrowed its eyes at me and I stared back neither of us blinked I don't even know if that thing blinks.' What does he mean that my home doesn't exists' I kept glaring at the mirror but fear is starting to rise inside of me does that mean I'm never going back?

Crowley: "that's impossible...well...the impossible has been on a parade today "exclaimed Crowley.

You:"what do you mean?" I turned around looking at the older man.

Crowley: this is the first time it's ever happened since I become the headmaster that is..."he paused for a second"Tell me..where exactly did you come from?"

I stayed silent for a moment 'should I tell him where I am from? Maybe I should he may help me go back ,but what if he is dangerous? I can't put the village in danger I promised I'll protect them with my life'I looked at Crowley he seemed to be waiting for my answer I looked down at Coconut in my hands he looked back at me and seem to know exactly what I'm thinking and he nodded his head Agreeing that I should tell him I trust coconut more than anyone so if he tells me to lie or tell the truth I'll do it.

I looked back at Crowley though you can't tell because of the hood that's covering my face.

You:"I..I'm from Konoh Village or the village hidden in the leafs "When I said that the headmaster looked confused.

Crowley:"well that's an odd name for a place"

You:'and you telling me twisted Wonderland isn't?'

Crowley :"Hmm. I generally know where all my students come from but I don't know if such place" he put a hand on his chin search in his mind for any place that relates to mine.

You:' this is not good, does that mean I'm never going back?there is no way I need to go back there is still something I need to do. A goal I need to achieve to get my revenge ' my anxiety started to kick in I tightened my grip on coconut he noticed my fear and he put his hand on mine rubbing on it and looking at me with his big Brown eyes reassuring me that everything will be fine he always knew how to calm me down.

Crowley:"Do not fret Young man" Crowley said he seemed to notice my panic and trying to comfort me" we shall go to the library to see if we can find any information"

You:"Hai" I said in a low voice keeping my head down and following the headmaster behind going out of the mirror room and followed him to the library.

The walk there was silent neither of us talked not that I want to anyway my mind was in another place trying to take in everything that happened today from going on a mission with my team to fighting Zabuza to falling in a river that is not even that deep and being pulled down to a mirror reaching its hand to me to wake up in a coffin and a talking raccoon trying to burn me alive then meeting the headmaster telling me I'm in twisted Wonderland and a boy school to a talking mirror with a mask that is telling me that my place doesn't exist ' my head is hurting with everything that's happening'.

In the Library

Crowley: "there really is nothing" we were now in the library looking at every book that could lead to my home " not only the world map but it's not right written in any history"Crowley closed his book turned around looking at me narrowing his eyes" where are you lying to me?"

I slammed the book that I was reading close, coconut was now on my shoulder and my hood was pulled down so you can see half of my face I turned around to him given him one of my glares if looks could kill he'll be dead right now ,does he really think I would lie about something like this?is he serious ?he's not the only one that wants me gone I did not ask to be here.

You:"NO! Why would I lie about something serious I wanna leave too you know I didn't ask to be here I was taking against my will and you have the nerve to accuse me of lying about my home!?" I was so close to let my anger out and destroy this whole place but I don't want to go back to my old ways.

I took a long deep breath trying to calm myself down "I just want to go home..." I whispered lowering my head looking at the ground coconut was rubbing his head on mine trying to comfort me God I love this monkey so much.


Crowley was taken back at his outburst but heard what he whispered at the end guilt and sympathy growing in him he moved closer to the Female or he thought was a Male put a hand on his back and rubbing it up and down trying to comfort the student ,you wanted to step away because you hate being touched there seeing how sensitive it is to anyone's touch but you didn't want to be rude so you stayed in your place

Crowley:"from the looks of all this...it's save to say that you're from a another world"

You:"how can I go home then?" Crowley looked down thinking.

Crowley:"hmm, do you have any sort of identification? Like a wallet or something?"

You:"No all I have is this Rope and my friend coconut"I said moving my hands around my body seeing if I have anything on me looks like all my stuff I've had are gone even my my bag my aid kit my kunai and my notebook that hade all type of Jutsu and The forbidden one and some I've created myself.

Crowley:" well this is a dilemma..."Crowley sighed Finally taken his hand off of me.

Crowley:" I can't let someone magic-less enter this school..."

You:' did he Forget about the huge tornado I made earlier? but he's going to throw me out isn't he? Well he's not the first person to do that' I thought lowering my head feeling kind upset but why? He's not the first one to do that so why am I kind disappointed?

Crowley:" however as an educator, I can't just toss a penniless teen out into the street."

At his word I lifted my head up looking at him with wide eyes' he isn't going to throw me out he's actually going to help me?!'

You:" then what am I supposed to do?"

Crowley:"Hmm.." there was a second of silent until he made a loud"Aha"Scaring coconut in hiding in the Rope hood.

Crowley:" there is an unused building in campus it was once used as a dormitory in the past if you clean up a bit you'll be able to sleep there"he explained "I shall allow you to live there and I'll look through for a way to return you to your home" he said with a closed Eye smile.

You:"you will?" I asked eyes filled with hope.

Crowley:" but of course I am gracious"

There was a moment of silent until I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him hugging him burying my face in his chest I was so happy that someone was willing to help me , back home if I asked a stranger for help they will either just ignore me or just tell me to piss off, until I went to konoh everything being better

You: "thank you" I said in a whisper" normally people will ignore my cry for help or just tell me to deal with it myself or even try to kill me so thank you so much i'll try my best to help as well"

He seemed Surprised at my action but Softened after hearing what I said He Hugged back and patted my head feeling sympathy for someone he doesn't even know

Crowley:'damn what did this Child go through will then I shall provide him with things to survive and look for a way to get him home for I am so gracious hee,hee'

Crowley:" you welcome young man now we should head there now, it might be old but has a curtain charm to it" he smiled I let go of him and backed away nodding and we headed out.

Ramshackle Dorm


You:"some...charm this place has" I muttered looking at the building it looked to be a three story house and it looked like it's going to fall any minute The place looked more dead and old than a graveyard we had to jump over the fence because We couldn't open the gate that's how old this places is.

Crowley:"Right,right follow me inside"Crowley dismissed we walked up the stairs and to the door the moment he put his hand on the handle the door fell off I glanced at Crowley who just looked at where the door used to be at.

Crowley:" [cough]...don't worry I'll get that fixed come on now" we walked in and it looked way worse than the outside made me wonder who made the phrase 'it's the inside that matters' cause it looked worse than the outside.

The place looked like it hasn't been entered in many years there is Brokenwood falling wallpapers turn up curtains and couch fabric holes everywhere on the ceiling the floor and the walls I can see water dripping from the ceiling and the whole place is covered with layers upon layers of dust

To be quite honest I wasn't bothered ,yes the place looks horrible but I can fix it as long is a shelter then I don't mind how it looks It's just needs a bit of cleaning and fixing here and there and the place will look good as new I already have been helping around the village with building houses or rebuild them I even build my own house so I'm good at engineering I quite enjoy it believe it or not I love fixing stuff.

Crowley:" It'll at keep you out of the rain"I just nodded Not saying anything still looking around the place.
"I am going back to research ,make yourself at home " he turned around getting ready to leave

You:" wait..."He stopped dead in his track turn around to me tilted his head a bit.


You:" thank you so much again I really do appreciate it" I said bowing giving him a small smile though he can't see it from the mask.

Crowley:" but of course young man I am the most gracious of all" he give me a closed eye smile" oh yeah don't go wandering around the school good night" he said turning around walking to the front door or The falling door picking it up and put it back in place in his way out.

When he finally left I let out a very big heavy sigh I looked around seeing empty boxes and falling off furniture I sigh for the fifth time today did some hand signs and used a shadow clone jutsu and made two clones one start taking small boxes and putting them inside the big ones then put them in a corner and the other one picked up Falling chairs and put them in their places I saw a closet at the end of the hallway walked up to it open it and there I found the cleaning supplies picked them up and start cleaning ,coconut swiping dust off of some desks well I'm mopping the floor  I was cleaning the floor near a window and looked outside to see it started raining heavily

You:" it's coming down harshly"
???:"Tell me about it"I turned around slowly to see...


You:"oh it's you?" I said looking down at him

Grim:"Haha! You got the stupid look on your face like a spider being attacked with a water gun" he fell back clenching his stomach.

You:'what?' "First of all you can't even see my face Second what you just said  Doesn't make any sense at all third, how did you get back in anyways? You were thrown out , and I wasn't scared" I really wasn't it's very hard to get me scared anyway I was more surprised at how I didn't sense him I guess this please doesn't have any chakra.

Grim:"HA yes you were, and I had no trouble sneaking back in!" He exclaimed smirking" if you think getting thrown out will make me give up, you gotta another thing coming"

I smiled a little under my mask my eyes Softing at his Determination him and Naruto are really are alike both having and clinging to a goal

You:"Naruto..." I mattered Remembering my Best friend

Grim:"what was that?!" Grim said looking at me with his big blue eyes

You:"nothing " shaking myself out of my thoughts"what made you want to enter this school anyway?"I asked Crossing my hands over my chest

Grim:"simple! I'm a genius that's destined to be the greatest magician, I've been waiting for the Ebony Carriage to come pick me up " his smile now turned to a sad frown "but..."

You:"it never did?"I asked feeling quite sad for him and I can't help but feel guilty he's been waiting for this he's whole life and I just took it when I didn't even want it

Grim:"no..."he answered looking at the ground but quickly scoffed crossing his paws"that dark mirror obviously doesn't have an eye for these sort of thing. That's why I came here on my own, not letting me in would be a waste! Humans just don't get it" he exclaimed putting his smirk back

Then a drop of rain fell onto Grim's head causing him to freak out

Grim:"Ah cold,cold! The roof is leaking"

You:"I can tell" I said looking up at the ceiling turning my head I saw coconut running up to me jumping and hiding inside the hood and Shaking Poor baby He hates rainy days and thunderstorms I picked him up in my arms and hug him trying to comfort him"we'll have to find some buckets"

I lifted my head up seeing Grim running to a chair and hiding under it

Grim:"My adorable ear fire is gonna be put out at this rate,Magic should fix that leak up real quick"

You:"it would"I said Looking up at the dripping ceiling then back at him"but I don't have what you call magic"

Grim:"Eh?! Liar! I saw you making copies of you and making them clean and don't forget the tornado at the Ceremony"

You:"that wasn't magic ,that where I came from called jutsu It's a performance of Pacific hand signs to-" I was going to explain what a jutsu is until he cut me off laughing

Grim:"pfft you can't use magic!? You're useless, and jutsu? What the hell is that I never Heard of magic like that"

You:" well I was going to explain it until you interrupted me" my eyebrow twitched at what he said but decided to ignore it and took a deep breath"why don't you help me and fix this with your magic then?"

Grim:"help you? No way! I'm just a regular cute monster that's staying in a place for shelter" He said with a Smug face but then turned to a surprised when I picked him up by his bow and headed to the door

You:"then I guess you sleeping in the rain I'll give you one of the boxes to hidden under until it stops"

Grim:"Ehh?!Ok ok I'll do it but you'd better have a can of tuna ready if you even want my help "

You:" Deal " I said and dropped him on the floor I wasn't Actually going to throw him out it was just to Scare him a bit and get him to help me" let's go I saw some buckets in the closet"

Finally it's here 😭 I'm so so sorry for the wait but I AM HERE and I finished my exams and do you know what that means two full weeks of chapters or at least I'll try I finish this while being sick so isn't that great but hope you like
Love you all and see you in the next chapter my loves


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