Cliché: A Chaelisa Football AU

By QueenJulia24

20.1K 942 307

Lisa has made history as the first female player to ever join a football team. It's definitely not a walk in... More

Chapter One: Touchdown
Chapter Two: Spicy Wings and a Plan
Chapter Three: Iced Coffee
Chapter Four: Late-Night Practice
Chapter Five: Wake-Up Call
Chapter Six: Cold as Ice
Chapter Seven: Maybe a Date, Maybe Not
Chapter Eight: Rosie
Chapter Nine: Give 'Em Hell
Chapter Ten: I Need You Too

Chapter Eleven: Family

2.1K 112 51
By QueenJulia24

"Nice catch, Parker!"

The young girl raced to the "end zone" we'd created in our backyard. She was quick, far faster than I imagined. She jumped up and down excitedly as I ran over to congratulate her.

"Was that good?" Parker asked, her eyes aglow.

I nodded. "Yes, it was perfect. You're getting really good at catching those."

"I had a great teacher," she commented. "You think they'll let me join the team this year?"

I placed a hand on her shoulder. "They'd be stupid not to."

"Mom!" I turned to see a small boy come down the steps towards us. "Mommy wants to see you. She said it's..." he whispered the last part. " secret."

I chuckled. "Thank you, Sage. Can I trust you two to play nicely with each other while I'm gone?"

Sage nodded quickly, but Parker only smirked. "Can't make any promises."

"That's my girl," I muttered.

I walked back inside our house, sneaking a few looks back at the kids as I walked. They were tossing the football back and forth and giggling all the while. Looking at them always made me smile. I loved them and I was proud of them no matter what.

I'd been retired from the NFL for only a few years. Tampa Bay had gone to the Super Bowl that year and we went undefeated the entire time. As much as I loved playing for the NFL, I also wanted to focus on my family and I knew fame would only hurt them.

Rosé and I were married by my 6th year in the NFL. I remembered that day like it was only yesterday. Brent was my best man, Maisy was the maid of honor, and Rosé was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. It was truly the happiest day of my life.

After a few years, we decided to start a family. Rosé specifically wanted to adopt. She said she wanted to give the kids there a life she never had. We adopted Parker and Sage when they were only three. The foster care workers told us that they were inseparable since they met, so we decided to take both of them in. They were the sweetest kids alive.

Parker was a lot like me in many ways. She was a bit of a tomboy and liked sports quite a lot. From the minute she saw a football, I knew she'd make an amazing football player. I trained her for years and helped her with her catches and passes and throws. Her confidence knew no bounds and she always worked hard when it came to training. She was one of the more outgoing kids in her class, which I was grateful for.

Sage was more like Rosé. He was shy and reserved but had the kindest heart. He always wanted to make others around him happy. In comparison to Parker, he was less spontaneous and headstrong. He was one of the smartest kids in his grade and was very calculative. However, some of the kids in his class picked on him either for being "nerdy" or "too feminine". He tried not to show it, but I knew it hurt him. Luckily, Parker stood up for him whenever anyone was calling him names.

Instead of picking fights with each other, Parker and Sage always supported each other. They worked together on things, hung out together, and were there for each other when they needed it most. I always loved that about them.

"There you are!"

Rosé hurried down the steps and rushed over to me, an enthusiastic smile splayed across her lips. Rosé hadn't aged a day. She still looked as gorgeous as she did the day we met. Her hair still stayed beautifully curled as it cascaded down her back. Her smile could still brighten my day, no matter how bad. And her eyes were still the shimmering chocolate brown that I could fall into.

"I've been looking for you everywhere," she huffed.

"I wasn't hiding," I replied. "What is it?"

"This came in the mail."

She handed me a shirt that was neatly folded. I raised an eyebrow as I unfolded it carefully. Once I realized what it was, I gasped. In my hands was a small blue jersey with my last name splayed across the back. But I knew it wasn't for me.

"She got in?" I asked excitedly.

Rosé nodded. "Yeah. She's on the team, Lis."

I beamed. "Should we tell her?"

"We can tell her tonight." Rosé whispered. "I don't want to ruin their fun. Besides, then I wouldn't have any excuse to bring out the cake."

"Cake!" My eyes widened. "You made a cake?"

She laughed. "Lisa, you know I can't bake. Not even to save my own life. But I did pick one up from the bakery earlier this morning."

"Is it chocolate?" I smiled.

She nodded.

"With sprinkles on top?"

She nodded again.

"And mini footballs made with fondant?"

"You looked in the fridge, didn't you?" She folded her arms.

"Only a peek." I pouted. "You conveniently positioned it right next to my Gatorade. I had no choice."

"Fair enough," she sighed. "Just don't tell Parker, okay?"

"My lips are sealed," I replied, keeping my mouth shut.

She beamed. "Well, they can't be sealed for long."

"And why is that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because then I wouldn't be able to do this."

She cupped my cheek in her hand, a small gesture that took me back to the beginnings of our relationship. She kissed me softly, her fingers finding their way into my hair. I held her waist as I kissed back, feeling the soft fabric of her dress. Then, I got an idea. I placed my hand on her thigh and lifted her into my arms, something I hadn't done in years. She squealed as I lifted her.

"Lisa!" she giggled.

I leaned in closer to her if I even could. "Looks like I've still got it, huh?"

Rosé smiled. "You always have. Now put me down and help me make dinner."

"As you wish." I smirked.


"Parker, we have a surprise for you," Rosé said sweetly.

"A surprise?" Parker questioned. "What is it?"

"You'll have to find out." She winked at the young girl, then turned to me. "Lis?"

I simply nodded and grabbed the box that had been under my chair for the entire meal. I pulled out the folded jersey and handed it to Parker, who looked a bit confused. Once she unfolded it, her face lit up with joy.

"I'm on the team?" she squealed.

"Yes, sweetheart." Rosé smiled. "You're on the team."

Parker immediately put the jersey on, smiling brighter than I'd ever seen before. It reminded me of the first time I got on a football team. I was immensely happy that she was able to achieve her dreams. But I knew it would be hard for her. I knew she'd face many struggles, just like I did. But I still had hope for her. She was a strong and confident girl who could overcome any obstacle thrown her way.

After dinner, I carried Parker into the living room, twirling her around a bit as I did so. Rosé followed suit with Sage curled up in her arms. We always sat on the couch together and watched TV after dinner. Typically, we'd fall asleep there and wake up at strange hours of the night. Rosé and I had a bet that the parent to fall asleep first had to do the dishes the next morning. Normally, it was me doing that job.

But tonight it was Rosé. She fell asleep with Sage in her arms, making me smile at the sight. I tucked him into bed and then did the same to Parker. Sage practically fell asleep right away, but Parker was always a challenge. Our similarities were truly uncanny.

"Mom?" Parker piped up.

"Yeah?" I finished tucking in the blanket around her.

"Do you think I could be as great a football player as you?" she asked.

I beamed. "Parker, you're going to be even better than me. You know why? Because you have something that I never had. You have confidence. And I couldn't be prouder."

Parker grinned as I kissed the top of her head. I turned the lights out, giving a final goodnight wish as I walked out the door.

Every time I tucked the kids into bed, I felt a sense of pride. Ten years ago, I wouldn't have expected my future to have a beautiful wife and two amazing kids of my own in it. But I couldn't be happier. I wanted to always be there for them, no matter what. As much as I loved playing in the NFL, those weren't the happiest years of my life. The happiest years of my life were spent with my family, the people I loved the most.

I walked over to Rosé, who was still fast asleep on the couch. Even now, she was still adorable when she slept. I gently touched her shoulder and gasped. It was as cold as ice. I frantically looked around the room for a blanket. As luck would have it, a dark red one lay on the back of a chair. I quickly grabbed the blanket and draped it over Rosé.

Only it wasn't a blanket.

"I remember this." Rosé pulled it towards her.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Umm-hmm." She sat up and nodded. "I remember when you gave it to me. I remember wearing it every time I saw you. Back then, I thought it was the only way you'd notice me. I didn't expect this jacket to reflect my last name a few years later."

"Rosé Manoban," I chuckled. "I like how that sounds. I always have."

She wrapped her arms around my neck, moving into my lap. "Lisa, thank you."

"For what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Everything!" She beamed. "I didn't get to have a real family, but you gave me the best one I could ever imagine. Our little babies are now the sweetest kids in the world. And you? You're the most amazing wife."

"Is that so?" I asked.

"Yes, it is so," she giggled. "You're my favorite."

"That's fortunate," I replied, brushing a lock of hair out of her face. "Because you're my favorite."

She smiled, the most beautiful sight to behold. Her lips lightly touched mine, causing my heartbeat to accelerate. Her kisses would never grow old to me. They always made me smile. They always made me feel invincible. They always made me feel loved. And I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

"Lis, I'm sleepy." She pouted as she buried her head in my shoulder. "Take me to bed?"

"Nice try," I scoffed. "Those dishes aren't going to do themselves."

"Fine," she sighed, begrudgingly getting up from my lap.

I teased her as she cleaned the dishes, which she only laughed at. We'd been married for six years and we still teased each other nonstop. It was just part of our relationship, I suppose. Our teasing was never mean spirited or cruel. Rather, it was playful and cute. Just like us.

Rosé finished her last dish, then turned to me, a stern look on her face.

"Now will you take me to bed?" She said it more as a command than a question.

"What's the magic word?" I teased.

She walked closer to me, her hand trailing up my collarbone.

"Please?" she said in a voice barely above a whisper.

I smirked. "Okay, I'll take you, since you asked so nicely."

She rolled her eyes. "You're so dramatic. Now c'mon. Put those muscles to good use."

"I'm not as muscular as I was," I chuckled. "I've lost a lot since then."

I picked Rosé up in a swift movement, her tiny frame falling right into my arms. She giggled adorably as she kicked her feet a bit, just like a little kid. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she nuzzled her head into my chest.

"You're still my tough, strong football player, no matter how muscular you are," she whispered.

Rosé was close to sleep by the time we got to our bedroom. I laid her down on the bed, brushing her hair out of her eyes as I did so. I climbed into bed next to her, my arms winding around her waist. The fabric of my jacket still surrounded her and I attempted to remove it. She giggled and turned to face me.

"No," she said softly.

"You want to sleep in a jacket?" I asked.

She nodded. "It's my wife's. And it's warm."

I chuckled and pulled her closer if that was even possible. "Your wife is a lucky girl."

"It's me who's the lucky girl," Rosé beamed. "Goodnight, Lisa."

"Night, Rosie."

I kissed her temple and turned out the light.

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