Broken (Ellie x OC/Female rea...

By cotudelam

17.1K 289 56

!This is a sequel to my previous story Reason to Live. If you haven't read that one go and read it now becaus... More

Chapter 1 - Waking up
Chapter 2 - Dissapearence
Chapter 3 - Getting to Seattle
Chapter 4 - Getting our girl
Chapter 5 - Fuck Seattle
Chapter 6 - Allies
Chapter 7 - Know The Truth
Chapter 9 - Is This What You Hoped For?
Chapter 10 - A Normal Life?
Chapter 11 - This Is It
Chapter 12 - Epilog
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 8 - Hope

801 24 2
By cotudelam

The song I put in the media has nothing to do with this chapter, but it's really beautiful and I just put it here so you could listen to it too. It just takes a few minutes of your time. I'm not forcing you! Also there are spoilers but I suppose you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't know the story.

-By Cotudelam

Andrea's P. O. V

--2 years earlier--

I'm walking back and forth in Ellie's living room. I speeded there as soon as I woke up and found a note on my night stand. "Andrea. After last night in the church tower I finally felt happy. But when we came back to Jackson I overheard your argument with Joel. I know you two are not telling me something and how you two are always arguing is not helping me keep my thoughts off it. I love you, I told you many times before, so did you. So how bad can the thing be that you're keeping it from me? I'm going back to that hospital, to Salt Lake city. Because if you won't tell me I'll just find out on my own....... I love you.


I'm reading the note over and over again. What if she finds out about what Joel and I did? I knew I should tell her right away. Even when Joel told me not to, she deserved to know the truth from the beginning. But I was too afraid of hurting her.....Now look what I've done. I was becoming more nervous by every second. Finally I heard the door open. My eyes shot up to see who had entered. And imidetly they met Ellie's eyes. They were all red from crying, but her face had more then saddness in it, also anger. -"Ellie-" I started but she didn't let me talk. -"Don't!" She clenched her hand into a fist. -"Why didn't you tell me?" She proceeded between her teeth. I stayed silent, I just didn't know what to say. -"Why?!" She yelled at me. -"Because I love you!" I replied in the same tone. -"Bullshit! If you really loved me you would tell me!" She continued and walked closer to me. -"I wanted to, okay?! But Joel told me that-! Ughr, fuck-." Tears started rolling down from my eyes uncontrolably, I placed my hands at the back of my head and looked down at the floor. Ellie came even closer to me, she was standing right infront of me now. -"But Joel told you not to." She addded calmly this time. -"Yes." I said and looked her in the eyes defeated. -"Ellie if I told you I would lose both of you...." I tried putting my hand into hers but she pulled away. -"Andrea, I don't think I can love a person that lied to me like this." She said and stepped away from me. -"No...." I said almost unhearingly. -"Please Ellie, don't leave me..." I pleaded with her. -"Andrea.....Joel told me everything, and about your part in all of that....And that you wanted to tell me from the beginning." She looked at me with an expresion I couldn't read. -"I can't love you after that. But we can still be friends..." I looked at her with relief in my face. -"Yes I'd be....I'd be really grateful for that." I gave her a fake smile. But I don't think I can just stop loving her.


I woke up from my dream about that day. Well, it was mostly nightmare for me. But then I realized that Ellie is sleeping with her face burried in my chest and both of my arms are wrapped around her body. Old habits die hard I guess. It feels good to hold her like this again. And after last night, it's just what I needed. I carefully slipped out of the bed. Once I got out Ellie shivered a bit so I put my jacket on her. It's not much but it'll have to do. I took a minute to admire her beauty before I walked out the door. She's so strong.... I grabbed door's handle and walked out of the room. -"Guys?" I called out quietly. No answer. When I walked through the backstage I heard a neigh. I turned my head in it's direction and saw Frost standing at some barell with water. And all around him was a grass that started growing from the floor. I didn't notide him yesterday. -"Hey, boy!" I walked to him and pet his nose. -"I'll have to thanks Hannah for thim. And apologize for how I acted when I arrived, huh?" I asked him. He continued looking at me. -"Yeah, thanks buddy. Catch up with you later." I said goodbye to my horse and continued to the teathre. Once I was on the stage I called out again, louder this time. -"Guys! Where you at?" But again I heard no answer. On my way I glanced at the guitar Ellie was playing earlier. I promised Joel that I'll let him teach me too......later. Now I regret it.

I opened the double door to the main hall and saw Jesse and Hannah sitting hand in hand across of a sleeping Dina. When did that happen? When Hannah saw me she nodded her head for me to follow, and so I did. We went upstairs and Jesse and I leaned on the railing while Hannah crossed her arms on her chest. -"She had a rough night. Barely could keep water down." Jesse said. -"You should've woken me up." Ellie said walking to us. -"Oh, I didn't know you where up. Did I wake you?" I asked the sleepy girl walking to us. -"No it's fine." She replied. There was a moment of silence before Hannah spoke. -"Is she pregnant?" I looked at Ellie and she looked at me. Well, she's a doctor. There's no point in lying now. -"Yeah." Ellie said. She exhaled and looked to the celling. -"Shit, I was actually praying I'm wrong." Hannah said. -"Look, I know why you all came here. But we gotta get her back. She needs real care and as much as Hannah wants to she can't do much here-" Jesse said when Ellie interupted him. -"Yeah I know." Ellie said defeated. -"But I can't just leave Tommy behind." She added. Tommy. Just hearing his name reminded me of yesterday.....I gotta know the whole truth. -"How about you two take her back?" Ellie asked them. -"She's not gonna leave without you." Jesse said. -"Screw it. Let's get Tommy." Hannah said right after. We gave her a confused look. Jesse pulled out a map. -"We disscussed it. Tommy hasn't found Abby in the aquarium yet. We'll post up there until he does." He said pointing at the map. -"Okay. Hannah can you open the door for us?" I asked her. -"What? No, I'm coming with you." She protested. -"And leaving Dina on her own?" Jesse said. -"He's right. Dina needs you. Stay with her." Ellie sided with us. -"But, I wanna help you guys." Hannah argued. -"You're helping us by staying here with Dina. Besides we don't know what we're getting ourselfs into. We need your medical skills to patch us up later." I smiled at her. -"Hannah. You need to stay safe. Do it for me." Jesse asked her with sweet voice. -"Okay. But the next action is mine." She joked. -"You got it." Jesse replied and kissed her forehead. It wasn't hard for him, considering how tall he is in comparison to Hannah. Ellie gave me a shocked look. -"When?" She mouthed out. I shruged my shoulders in response. -"You wanna tell Dina that you're leaving?" Hannah asked mostly towards Ellie. -"Yeah." She replied. -"I'll just meet you out front." I said and left for the door. I really don't need to see them saying goodye. I tend to get....pretty jelouse.

We left after Ellie said her goodbye with Dina and Hannah locked the door behind us. We found our way through the car baricades and broken roads until there was a kind of normal road again. -"Did you talk to Dina about the baby?" Jesse asked suddenly. -"No, we really didn't get the time to talk about that. But I didn't tell her that you know. If that's what you're worried about." Ellie replied. -"Cool." Jesse said. -"Actually Jesse, when did it start between you and Hannah?" I asked and cought him blushing. -"Uh, we haven't officialy started dating. I'm planning on asking her once things here ge-" I grabbed Jesse's arm and dragged him into cover because I saw Wolfs ahead. We hid behind a concrete road block. Ellie motioned with her finger at her lips to be quiet.

I saw six Wolfs when I peaked out of our cover. -"Okay, let's try sneaking around them." I said to Ellie and Jesse. -"With that dog running around. Yeah I don't think so." Ellie replied. I peaked again and saw that they really had a dog there. -"Shit. Well how about we-" Once Jesse tried telling the plan he got interupted by one of the Wolfs. -"What ya got there boy? You smell something?" The dog went straight to us. What now? I can't throw a bottle they would saw it. Fuck this. I pulled back the string of my bow and first killed the dog's handler. -"Jacob!" One of the Wolfs saw that. I turned to the dog and it wanted to jump me. Luckily Ellie killed it with her knife before it did. -"Behind the road block!" The Wolf that heard us yelled. Ellie pulled out her rifle and shot at the Wolf. BANG! He layed dead in a few seconds. Jesse didn't hesitate and joined our gunfight by shooting at the incoming soldiers. BANG! BANG! He also took out one. Finally a shots came in our direction, not hitting us. I decided to make a run for nearby shop, so I waited for the soldiers to stop shooting and sprinted towards the window. A shot flew by and hit a window next to me. I didn't stop and jumped to hide in the shop. Ellie has used to distraction of the soldiers and gave a clear headshot to one of them. BANG! While I gave headshot to the other. Boldly Jesse ran up to the one remaining and slashed him with his machete.

Jesse wiped the blood from the machete to his pants. -"Okay. That's done." I said and both Ellie and Jesse nodded and so we continued on our way. The streets became more and more flodded. We climbed onto a bus to have a look around. The streets were now completely flodded. -"Hey, look. That's where the aquarium is, near that big Ferris wheel." Ellie pointed in the distance. -"Well, that's not exactly close." Jesse said. -"Yeah. And look. There's a storm coming so if we want to reach the aquarium in one piece, I say we hurry up." I added. -"I guess we have to swim through this part, follow me." Ellie said and jumped in the water. We jumped in soon after her. -"Jessus! That's cold!" I said when I emerged. -"Really? That's what you're worrying about right now?" Ellie chuckled at me. -"Well, what am I suppose to worry about?" I asked her. -"I don't know......Maybe how will it go with Abby." She said with anger in her voice. And the mood is ruined. -"I tend to keep an open mind for things like these. You know I was never into following plans anyway. So why waste the time making them?" I replied. -"Hmpf. Good answer." Jesse chuckled too.

Our conversation got us through the flodded part of the city and we got into some building again. We climbed up high in the building to look how much we moved. Not much. -"Shit this is gonna take longer then I wanted." Ellie sighned. -"Or we can use that." Jesse pointed at some WLF arriving in a boat. -"Good one. Let's go." I said and we watched to where the boat went. We were able to arrive to the same building where the Wolfs were but in the upper floors. We could still hear a chatter from their radio. -"Hey, team Beta two. Are you nearby area eleven? Over." The voice asked. -"Yeah, why? Over." One Wolf answered. -"Team Delta four and Gamma five are not coming in. Last reports were of a sniper shooting. Can you go check what has happened? Over." The voice ordered. -"On it Base. Over and out." Some of the Wolfs used one boat to get away. Good for us. Me and Ellie wanted to drop down to the water but Jesse stopped us.

-"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked us. -"Going for the boat." Ellie replied. -"What? No. You heard them they're talking about Tommy. We gotta help him." Jesse told us. -"We don't know that." I tried convincing him and he gave me a confused look. -"Who else would it be? Come on." He insisted. -"Jesse we need their boat." I said. I just don't really feel like seeing Tommy just yet. -"I'm going for Tommy." He said determined. -"Jesse if you do this we're not saving your ass again." Ellie said a bit mean to him. I just looked at us and understood that none of us is going with him. -"I really hope you make it." He said and ran off to help Tommy. I looked at Ellie and she looked at me. -"Why didn't you go with him?" I asked her. -"I don't know. I guess I don't want to take any chances with Abby running off." She said cold. Oh, Ellie.......Don't think like this. -"And you? Why didn't you go?" She asked me. Should I tell her? I mean I hate lying to her but....this is not a good time. -"Um, I just- I didn't want you to go alone." I lied. Her face told me that she doesn't believe it but she didn't pay much attention to it. Instead she looked at the water below us. -"Ready when you are." I said and once she nodded we jumped to the water.

SPLASH! SPLASH! We were lucky none of the Wolfs cought the sound, we would be fucked. We quietly swam to the solid ground without being noticed. -"There's the boat." Ellie pointed not too far from here. -"Right. Then let's steal it. How fast do you think you can start it?" I asked Ellie. -"Pretty fast if you cover me." She replied. I nodded and we sprinted to the boat. Ellie imidietly got to starting the engine. -"The trespassers!" One of the Wolfs yelled. BANG! -"Come on Ellie!" I said as I fired a bullet at the Wolf. -"I'm trying!" She replied. -"Then try harder!" BANG! I fired another bullet and almost fell to the water as the boat started moving. -"Hold on!" Ellie yelled and drove the boat out to the open. -"Yeah, thanks for the warnning." I said and sit opossite of her once we were out of the woods.

The waters in the flodded parts was already strong in some places. It's good we found the boat. We road through some Scar infested area but their arrows only scratched our boat. Nothing too serious. But then we ended up in a shop and there was a metal gate there. -"Hold on, I'll open it." Ellie said and got out of the boat. She walked to a chain next to it, but when she pulled it, it was stuck. I looked up and saw some sort of a metal pipe that was preventing the chain from moving. -"There, on the second floor." I said to Ellie and she followed my line of sight. -"Shit, well let's get up there. I wanna get to the aquarium already." She replied. I sighned at her comment but we went to the second floor of the shop.

In the upper floor there were a lot of bodies, fresh. It was mostly Scars. -"Fuck, this just happened." I said to Ellie while examing the bodies. They were killed by a great force. Some of the parts of their bodies were completely smashed in. -"Ellie. What do you think it was?" I asked. -"I don't know. But I don't think I wanna find out. Let's just open the gate and get outta here." She replied. I saw a door probably leading to the pipe, so I walked towards them. CRACK! The wooden floor under me broke and my right foot got stuck in the floor. While the floor was still creaking. It's breaking! -"Andrea, hold on!" Ellie started running to me. -"No no no! Ellie don't-" CRACK! When Ellie and me combined our weigth the floor didn't hold and we both fell with it.

-"Oh shit.." I grabbed my head as I looked for Ellie. She was laying next to me. She nodded at me. -"I'm oka-" RAAAARGH! She was cut off by an enormous roar. We looked at it's direction and saw a bloater. We both got up quickly as it charged at us, we dodged. -"I wondered if these fucks were in Seattle!" Ellie yelled. The bloater once more charged at us and I shot him with my shotgun. BANG! I just stumbled back and threw one of his spores at me. I jumped to the side. -"Shit! I almost forgot they can do that!" I said to Ellie. -"Doesn't matter. Eat this motherfucker!" Ellie yelled and threw a molotov at the thing. It didn't drop dead. So I slidded a mine under him and it went off. BOOM! -"Man.....Fuck these motherfuckers." Ellie came to me and gave me a highfive. -"I remember they were harder to kill." I chuckled back.

Once we moved the metal pipe out of the way we could open the gate easily. We went back to our boat and headed to the aquarium. We road to the open sea to get there, it wasn't a long way. But the the motor of our boat died. -"Not now. Not now!" Ellie tried starting the motor again but it didn't. Then a big wave came and we both fell to the water. I emerged and looked for Ellie. -"Ellie!" I yelled. -"I'm okay swim to the sho-!" Another wave came and cut of Ellie as the water swallowed her once more. Me with her. When I emerged for the second time I wasted no second getting to the shore.

I crawled out of the water and Ellie's caring hands helped me up. -"Are you okay?" She asked. -"Yeah. You?" I asked in return. -"Yeah, let's get in there." She said and walked to the aquarium. -"Wait, aren't we suppose to wait for Tommy and Jesse?" I said. -"Well and what if they're already inside?" She replied with question. -"Then we wait until they come out." I said. -"Andrea, ughr. Let's just get in there and find Abby. I'm sure Tommy and Jesse are either inside or they will join us soon." She insisted. I sighned. I don't like where this is going.... -"Lead the way." I said finally.

Getting actually into the aquarium was harder then we thought. We went through hallways until we arrived at some room with surgery stuff in it. There was blood on the metal table of the room. -"What the fuck happened here?" I whispered to Ellie. Ellie shugged and we kept walking until we arrived at the kitchen that was also a bedroom it seemed. There were six sleeping bags all over the place. Six? So she's not alone. When I went to search one of the bags I heard a grow behind me. I turned around and a dog jumped me. -"Andrea!" Ellie rushed to me and kicked the dog off of me. Then it ran at me again but this time I stabbed my knife to it's neck, I stabbed two more times just to be sure and when the dog stopped moving I layed it down on the floor. -"Shit. I hope nobody heard that." Ellie looked around but everything seemed quiet. -"Guess not." Just as I said that we heard a muffled voices. Ellie motioned for me to be quiet and I nod and stand up. We follow the voices until we arrive at a double door. With a quick check Ellie nods at me and I nod back. We enter the room.

-"People don't come back from that island, Owen!" A girl I recall as Mell yelled at Owen. -"Then don't go! Go back!" He yelled back at her. -"Fuck you Owen." She said and turned around to walk out the door. That's when she saw us. Me and Ellie were standing with our guns raised. -"Hands up!" Ellie ordered. -"You're the girls from Jackson. What do you want?" Owen spoke first. -"Abby. Where is she?" I asked. None of them said anything so Ellie pulled out her map. Oh shit. Not this. -"You. Come here." She told Mel, but Mel didn't move. -"Fucking come over here!" Ellie yelled at her in a way even I flinched. -"Point where she is on this map. And you, please match up." I explained to them. -"Okay." Mel said and went for pointing out Abby's location. -"What the fuck are you doing?!" Owen snapped at her. -"She's fucking dead anyway. It doesn't matter." Mel replied. -"Listen I'm sure we can co-" Owen started walking to Ellie but I stopped him. -"Stay the fuck where you are! Please don't make me." I yelled but the last part I said quietly. -"We just want Abby. Tell us where she is and you can get out of this." Ellie said. -"Bullshit! We tell you and you're just going to kill us." Owen replied. I waited for Ellie to say that we're not going to. But she never did. But she just wants Abby, right? -"Point where she is." She instead continued with Mel. Mel again hesitated. And I could see Ellie's loosing her patience.

-"Fucking point!" She pressed her pistol closer to Mel and in that moment Owen used my distraction and ran for Ellie. For a while they wrestled for her gun but then it went off. BANG! BANG! For a while I didn't know who was shot but then I saw Owen's bloodied shirt. -"Owen!" Mel yelled and charged Ellie with a knife. -"Ellie!" I pushed Mel and she ended up trying to stab me instead. Her knife was almost at my throat when I dodged and grabbed the knife in her hands. She held it tight so I had to make both of us fall until I could finally stab her to her neck. I turned to Ellie who tried getting something out of Owen until he was still alive. -"Where's Abby?" She asked. -"She's prgrh." Owen wanted to speak but couldn't because of the amount of blood in his mouth. -"Where the fuck is she?!" Ellie pressed her gun against Owen's neck. -"Pregnant." He said almost unhearingly, then he died. What? I looked at the body of a woman at my feet.

No, no, no, no! I quickly unzip her jacket to have a better look, but as soon as I did that it confirmed. She had a belly, a big one. No, what have I done? I fucking killed a pregnant woman! I fucking killed and unborn child! I-I can't breath. Oh God. I started hyperventilating. -"Andrea. Andrea look at me." Ellie tried turning my head from looking at the corpse. -"Breathe, calm down and breathe." She told me, but it was clear that even she felt bad for what has happened. This shouldn't have happened. -"I....I didn't know. Oh God, I swear I couldn't tell! I'm so stupid!" I yelled at myself. Ellie pulled me in her arms and I swear I was crying my eyes out to her already wet jacket. -"I'm so sorry." I said into her chest. -"It's okay, let's just get out of here." She said and we slowly got up. When we did Tommy and Jesse walked in and Ellie imidietly aimed her gun at them. I didn't. I couldn't. -"Woah, woah, woah! It's just us." Tommy spoke and Ellie put her gun down. Jesse walked in and saw Mel's body, so did Tommy. -"I'm sorry." I repeated to them. -"Let's get outta here." Tommy said and we followed him. All the way back to teathre Ellie had one of her arms wrapped around me whenever she could. But I couldn't even registered how nice that felt. Because of what has happened.....

You know. I just think I won't be apologizing for the longer chapters anymore. Because they're all longer then I originaly intended to xd. But anyway I hope you know I love you for reading this story! Comment and vote, I would really apriciate it!

-By Cotudelam

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