Twin Mafia's Lover.

By lovingthemafia

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An innocent boy capture the heart of a Twin Mafia leader. #btsfanfic #bxb #bottomtae #taekook More

23 (M)


26.5K 971 69
By lovingthemafia

Tae :

It is my routine to take a break here at the park before I continue my work at the club. Everyday I will pass through this park and one day I just decided to hang out here after my day job instead of going home.

I will sit at the same chair at the far end near the pond where nobody really come here. It is hidden and that's why I like it here. It is a good place to rest and it feels like home here with the big tree as my shelter. It is my secret place, a place where I won't be stare at or being judge by other people.

1 hour, that's all I have for myself, to relax but it is enough for me to keep me sane in my insane life.

"Excuse me young man?" I turn around to see an old man with a cane in hand.

I immediately stand up and help him to sit down.

"I'm sorry sir.. I didn't notice you have been waiting to sit here." I nod a bit and apologise to him sincerely. He must be tired standing for too long.

"You are not at fault young man, don't apologise. Please sit next to me, don't just stand there." He tap slowly at the empty space next to him but I can't.

"Its okey sir, enjoy your time, it is peaceful here. I will have to make a move."

I try to excuse myself. I don't want people to hate me.

"Please stay, don't make me feel bad plus I could use some companion and maybe a new friend." he said smiling at me.

I feel bad when he said that. I look at my watch, I have 45 minutes before I need to leave. I hesitate at first then taking my seat next to him.

I see his face, a handsome old man. He has good looks, good vibe around him. The way he talks, very soft too.

"Are you always here at this hour?" he asked me.

"Y... Yes.." I don't know why I stutter.

"I always come here too but always in the morning but today I have something going on in the morning. It seems we share this place but on different schedules."

He look at me and I just nod. I start feeling anxious if he is going to judge me.

"You are a shy one aren't you?" kids nowadays are very straightforward and....beyond but you are different."

I don't know how to answer him. He seems nice but I don't want to say something wrong and making him hate me at the end.

Suddenly he chuckle while looking at me. I keep looking down, my face turn beet red and I don't know why.

"Son, you don't have to be shy with me. My name is Jungmi and yours? If you don't mind being my friend?"

I look up to see smiling face, a lovely face just like grandma. He reminded me of her.

"M.... My name is Kim T..taehyung." Stuttering again even when I tried not too.

" have a deep nice voice, I didn't notice it earlier."

"Thank You.." I said shyly.

"You came here everyday?" I just noded.

"A very peaceful place isn't. I never thought there is someone else who knew about this place other than me."

"Yes, I like this place too, the trees and  the lake and its hidden. Far from all the noise and craziness outside. "

"We share the same opinion and the same reason of why I am here too. I guess we are alike."

I am glad when he said we are alike make me feel like i am not the only weird people around.

Suddenly his phone rang and he answered. Seems like he need to leave.

"I have to go. I hope to see you again Taehyung." I help him stand and he signal me that he can walk on his own and ask me stay until I have to go.

I look at him walking away and I sit down again. I still have a few minutes before I have to leave.

That old man, he seems nice, he even look nice and the way he talk to me without those judging eyes I always receive making me feel comfortable. 



What a nice boy, he is handsome and innocent. Untainted and pure in my eyes. I know I just met him but he give that kind of vibes. He didn't even recognise me, usually people quickly walk away from because they are scared of me but this boy is feeling shy but trying his best to attend to an old man like me.

He is perfect, maybe he is the one I've been looking. I need look for one more.

"Lee, do a background check on Kim Taehyung. I want details."

"Yes Boss."

This people ruined my time with the lovely boy. I was about to get to know more about him and now I have to deal with some bastards.

I've had enough of this job, being a mafia leader is a demanding work at my age. Its about time I step down and let my sons take over. They have been helping me ruling the mafia business by my side and I can see that they are ready to take over the business. I want to step down and rest. I am too old for this world.

Kim Taehyung, I am surprised to see someone on my private chair I call it. He is just sitting there looking into the lake, there is a sadness on his face. The numbness on his face I can see it.

He seems very shy, maybe because lack of self confidence. A boy with face like that should have higher self confidence but he is totally different, so humble, very soft in his movements even talking, his respect to elders, I could see the good qualities in him in a few minutes I sat with him. A rare diamond indeed. If only....

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