Invisible Smoke ➵ l.s. (editi...

By leia-organas

15.7K 435 344

❛ Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes? ❜ In which a Rebel intelligence officer's lif... More

summary + playlist
a new hope
empire strikes back


187 8 0
By leia-organas

could you tell me what's real?

Elara propped up her head with her hand, as she kept an eye on the Falcon's path. Han sat next to her in the pilots seat, and hadn't really said much of anything for the couple hour they'd been sitting in there together other than teaching her some of the controls and when he left to grab a bottle of water. As the crew took turns watching their path, this turn had fallen on her and Han.

"So, I take it you're feeling better?" Han broke the blanket of silence that had fallen over the cockpit.

"Yeah, uh, I just had a migraine. I used to get them all the time, so nothing too bad." She lied.

"It seemed pretty bad to me. If I'm being honest with you, it scared me a little."

"I mean, there's not exactly many doctors in the middle of space." Elara joked in an effort to sway the smuggler's anxious demeanor. Not that a doctor would've helped.

"Yeah. Luckily, Leia talked me into making sure I had adequate first aid stuff on board. I guess that uh, it would've been worse without it." He tried to hide the smile resulting from his own mention of Leia's name.

"How have you survived without it Han? She described it to me like you had nothing."

"Hey, now I try to keep it stocked," he pointed a finger at her, "but having to rescue your boyfriend all the time uses it up."

"That's fair. I don't know how he's still alive," she smiled fondly at the thought of Luke, "speaking of boyfriends, I take it you're Leia's now?"

Han's jaw fell to the floor. "What are you talking about? We're not–"

"Say whatcha want Han, but it doesn't change the fact that I walked in on your little make out session back in the cave." She smirked.

"You saw?"

"Yep. And I see how you two have always been around each other. A girl knows when her best friend is in love." She shoots him a wink just to rub it in.

Han sighs defeatedly, before cracking his signature grin at the epiphany for his rebuttal. "As a matter of fact, Leia said the same about you and Luke. You two were so obvious, and I bet you don't know she made a bet with me about if you guys would finally have your first kiss."

"Oh I know, and if you're talking about that party, that was not our first kiss. Far from it as a matter of fact." She raised her eyebrow in a manner that said 'try me'.

"It wasn't?"

"You're surprised? I always thought he'd told you, or that you knew, I mean, if it was that obvious."

"He never said anything to me. Force, I might owe Leia even more now."

She spun the seat to face Han who was now leaving the cockpit. "Not if she doesn't know."

"She doesn't?" Han raised an eyebrow.

"Not unless you tell her," she stood up, "on a more serious note Han, you should probably go talk to Flynn."


"Because you just should, trust me, Solo," Han opens the cockpit door, but she reaches out to grab his arm, "also, if you hurt her, just know, I'll kill you."

"Ow," he pulled his arm away from her, "you've made your point. Also, if I may ask, how long before the party did you guys–"

"Wouldn't you like to know, Solo? Get outta here and go talk to Flynn." She playfully shoved him out of the cockpit.

Once he was gone, she dug a tiny bottle of liquor out of her pocket, and for the first time in a little over a year, took a sip, drowning her promise to Luke along with it.


Elara dangled her feet off a top bunk in the Falcon's quarters. She played back holo recordings of Luke in order to give herself some semblance of his companionship again. Though it had only been a month since their escape from Hoth, to her, it seemed like an eternity. She missed every aspect of the blond Tatooinian farm boy. His sandy blond hair, deep blue eyes, gentle touch – she longed for it all.

"Hey, Ellie? Are you in there?" Flynn quietly rapped on the door.

She mumbled her response. "Yeah."

"Han wanted me to ask if you'd like to play holochess with us? We're all getting ready to play." Despite his continued feelings for Leia, he'd settled his differences with Han, and even became the best of friends with the smuggler.

The brunette boy gently slid the door open, laying eyes on the hologram in her hand. He shot her a comforting smile. "You miss him, don't you?"

"Yeah," she shut off the hologram, "I don't even know if he made it off of Hoth."

Flynn offered up a hand to help her down from the bunk. "I'm sure he made it out, Ellie. He always does. C'mon, doing something fun will take your mind off it."

She reluctantly accepted his hand, and slid down from the mattress. She tagged behind him into the Falcon's main hall, nearly getting trampled by Han and Leia barreling towards the cockpit. Leia called out behind her. "Sorry!"

"Force, what is wrong?" Elara takes off after them.

"We're almost to Bespin!"

haha I know I said I would get this up at 3 today butttt I got into a minor accident today on my way home from school (I'm ok) so it got delayed

anyways I hope you enjoyed! This chapter is not the best but I hope you enjoyed anyways! chapter 2 of cardigan coming tomorrow :)

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