Falling Farther in the Deep

By jay3ponz

7.3K 252 217

Hajime Hinata, a boy with a severe split personality disorder. One second he would be his normal self, and th... More



1.2K 44 63
By jay3ponz

Hajime's Point of view

     Walking into my room was a boy about my age. He had a very frail build and was a good 180 centimeters. He had very pale skin and hair that resembled the snow on a winter morning. He had on the same as me, a light blue gown with white vertical stripes running down it, and a small nametag on his chest. The one difference was that he had a dark green jacket with faded red squares on the upper left side. Looking down at his hands, I noticed one of them had long red nails that seemed to shine from under the sleeve. What really stuck out though, were his eyes. His eyes were this dulled grey-green the seemed to almost stand out on the pale backdrop they were placed in. They were honestly hypnotizing.

     "Hello, you must be my new roommate. Hinata, right?"

     "Yeah, that would be me." I gave him a slight smile, but he didn't return it. "So... What's your name?"

     "Oh... How rude of me to not introduce myself to someone as excellent as you. I am Komaeda Nagito, no need to remember it though. You seem way better than m-"

     "Oh don't say that! I mean, I can't really say for myself how I see you since we just met, but so far you seem like a great guy! If anyone here is scum, it would be me. I'm just some lowly reserve course."

     "You're a reserve course?" Nagito looked at me. The poker face he once held melted into a frown. His eyes shot daggers at me, almost causing this familiar memory to reform.




     "You know no one likes you, right? RIGHT?" Kaito yelled as he kicked me in the face again. Kaito came to Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Astronaut. He was one that preferred the way the school was before the Reserve course was in place. He had so far had been the reason for 6 kids quitting, and I was going to be number seven.

     Kaito knew that he was allowed to get away with attacking us too. There was no way I could fight back, even if I wanted to. Harming ultimates was strictly against the rules. On the other hand, any ultimate student could practically do whatever, even if it involves hurting us reserve course.

     "Why'd you even come to this school you mistake. No one wanted the reserve course program in place, but you normal people just HAD to be SPECIAL." Kaito kicked me in the gut this time, causing me to start coughing out blood. 

     "W...why d-d-do you do this t-to ...me." I couldn't take it anymore. Tears were falling down my face, and blood was dripping from my mouth. My world was slowly cracking at the seams. That was until Maki came.

     Maki was here as the ultimate assassin, but honestly really cared for people. A lot of the murders she committed were on pedophiles, serial killers, and even everyday pickpocketers. Maki, though cold, actually cared for lots of people.

     "Kaito... Don't do this." She said in her usual monotone voice, "You know the reserve course is hope for those that haven't found something special."

     "But Maki Ro-"

     "C'mon Kaito, let's go." With that, Maki pulled Kaito away. Leaving me whimpering on the ground."




  "Hello? Hinata? What happened?" Nagito was staring at me with concern written all over him. Did he actually care? Probably not. He just needed to keep me alive well I'm at the hospital. "Sorry Komaeda, I guess I was never the biggest fan of being Reserve Course. It was my dream to one day be the ultimate something. But... Judging by your reaction to my student placement, you were a Hope's Peak prodigy?" Nagito nodded his head, "Yeah, I was there as the 'Ultimate Lucky Student' which was really nothing special. I was just there because it made the school look better."

     "Heh, I guess we were in the same boat. The school only brought the Reserve Course in because we pay lots of money to get even the slightest bit of hop-"

     "No." I looked up at Komaeda, giving a slight hum in the process. "What do you mean?"

     "Well, from the moment they're born, people are clearly divided into those who have value and those who don't. Worthless people will never be able to become someone with value, no matter how hard they try, 'Hard work leads to success'... what a misunderstanding! The world isn't that simple. No matter how hard a small dog tries, it'll never become a big dog... No matter how hard a penguin tries, it'll never be able to fly... In other words...a worthless person will always be worthless, no matter what he does. You don't 'become' a talented person...you're born with that potential, and you, Hinata, clearly don't have the talent required to even have a sliver of the hope the ultimates possess." (Okay so most of this quote is from Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. Yeah... Just know I don't take credit for it in any way possible.)

     I looked up at Komaeda in shock. Is that... What everyone thought of us? I should've known. Izuru knew. He had always told me that the ultimates hated people like us and that letting him take over would give me a real talent. Maybe he was actually right. Maybe I am a worthless scum. Maybe I don't deserve any friendships. Maybe... I don't deserve Izuru.




Nagito's Point of view


     "What?" I spat at him. I honestly didn't really care at all for him. Being a reserve course, he probably thought that he was so special for just using daddy and mommy's money. There is no point in caring for someone that was going to be so stuck up and spoil-

     "I'm very sorry. It's obvious that you don't like me... heh. It honestly makes sense. I mean, as you said: You don't "become" a talented person...you're born with that potential. Yes...just like you. That's why I look up to you. Ah, just to make it clear, this isn't anything like an aspiration. Aspiring means...I wish to become something like that, right? I'm not that shameless. I know that I am worthless and that you probably want me out. I'll talk to the nurses immediately." (Part of this is also from the Danganronpa franchise. Sorry I just felt these quotes were perfect for the story. I may try to make them my own when I have more chapters)

     What, Hinata was... Apologizing? Maybe he's not like all the other pricks in the Reserve Course. He seemed genuinely concerned about the fact that I hated him. Possibly though, this could all be an act... Yes... An act by Hinata to lure me into false security. There was no way he could actually be this kind of a person.

     On the other hand, he may be lying about the Reserve Course. I mean, look at him. At first glance, Hinata had an average build, with only being a good 179 centimeters. As you look a little closer, you notice that he has toned muscles. As you look a little more, you also notice how delicate his hair looks. It is a soft brown with little spikes surrounding this one large spike. And his eyes. Oh, they were the perfect shade of olive to match his tanned tones. He almost looked like an anime protagonist if you wanted an honest opinion.

     Then, in what seemed to be out of the blue, Hinata fainted. What happened almost immediately after had me jumping out of my skin. Right as he hit the ground, Hinata-Kun bounced right back up but seemed to be different. The emotion-filled boy that I was talking to moments ago was gone. Gone, and replaced with this numb person.

     "Nice to meet you... Komaeda. Correct? My name is Kamakura Izuru." So, that's what Hajime was here for. He must have some form of split personality disorder. I began to speak when Kamakura cut me off, "I already know what you are going to ask. For one, yes, I am a split personality that differs greatly from Hajime." Hajime? A first name basis is normally reserved for loved ones. Did the personalities get along or something? "Secondly, yes, Hajime and I are very close, even with our distinct backgrounds." Dang, it was like this dude could read my mind. Now, I was certain Hajime lied about being a pesky Reserve Course. "No." Izuru looked at me with a slight glare, "Hajime is a Reserve Course student. I, however, was deemed as the ultimate talent. Certain talents include Detective, writer, chef, psychic, babysitter, killer, survivor, luck, hope, despair, fashion model, animal caretaker..."

     Wow. Kamakura was perfect. As Kamakura kept listing off talents he possessed, I felt a tint of pink slowly rising onto my cheeks. He is the definition of everything I have ever wanted to see in my ultimate friends. He has countless talents, and can fully be seen as the ultimate hope. Someone that is able to do anything. Kamakura wasn't lying when he and Hajime were different.

     "Komaeda? Are you even listening?"

     "Hm? Oh, Kamakura I am so sorry. Trash like me gets the chance to listen to your hopeful voice and listen to you speak, but I just sit here dazing off. Wow. I am such a scumbag aren't I?"

     "Yes." I gave a little hum and stared at Kamakura. He seemed to be extremely blunt, and not caring for how others feel. I guess he was right: Kamakura is nothing like Hajime. Kamakura continued, exclaiming, " I hope you know that calling yourself trash is inexcusable." He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look down at him, "You should feel remorse for what you have just called yourself."

     "I apologize Kamakura... Now, what is it you wanted to tell me?" Kamakura's eyes slowly looked me up and down before grabbing my arms. A large blush spread across my face as I looked away. He was very close. So close, in fact, that I could feel his breath slightly on my chest. I slowly mustered up any courage I could and looked down at Kamakura's eyes. They seemed to hold some sort of light, but it was locked far away in the depths of his soul. 

     "You don't seem to be as boring as all the other people Hajime has spoken of," Kamakura explained, "Do not hurt him... Or I swear that you will never see the light of day." I nodded slowly as Kamakura and I sat down. Once again, he seemed to get very close and not even notice that my cheeks had gone from this large blush to a deep red color over my entire façade, without any way to cover it. Kamakura looked down as he added, "I must be going now. Please take care of Hajime." With that, Izuru fell on my lap and immediately bounced up again. Hinata rubbed his eyes tiredly before coming to a realization of sorts. "Oh my goodness Komaeda are you okay!? Izuru must have come out! Did he-"

"Hinata, your therapy session starts in 10 minutes," the disgruntled intercom voice boomed above us. I looked over at Hinata only to see he was looking down. Hinata seemed to look somewhat embarrassed. Was I really that awful? That was when I remembered just how close we were sitting. I slightly scooched away with a dusty rose also forming on my cheeks.

"So... Komaeda, may I ask what you are in here for?"

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