Once Upon A Drunken Mistake

By miss_liz201

38.5K 1.8K 164

Flora Averwood is not one to believe in love, and it's not because of a broken heart or disfuncional family... More

Once Upon A Drunken Mistake
Meet the Characters
00. Prologue
01. Prince Minus the Charming
02. A Royally Fucked Up Family
04. When the Tabloids Get Involved
05. A Royal Makeover
06. The Rules of Being a Princess
07. Another Drunken Night
08. Villa de Valentino
09. The Duty of a Journalist
10. Telling the Parents
11. Winter Ball
12. The Reality of Being a Royal
13. Christmas Charity
14. New Year, New Home
15. Breaking the Walls of the Heart
16. The Florence Feast
17. Target
18. Dante
19. New York, New York
20. Belated Honeymoon
21. The Calm Before the Storm
22. To Save A Life
23. A Sign of New Beginnings
24. The Rise of a New King and Queen
25. To Avenege a Lost Soul
26. The Queen of the People
27. How It All Began
28. Trial of a Queen
29. A Not So Friendly Family Reunion
30. To Mourn
31. Meeting Again
32. The War Is Not Yet Over
33. Baby Shower
34. Not All Fairytales End in Happily Ever After
35. Epilogue
Princess and the Fraud

03. Lights, Camera, Play the Wedding Bells

1.3K 54 1
By miss_liz201

       The blonde sat on the living room couch with mouth agape and eyes wide in disbelief. Flora chewed on her lip, quietly expecting the lecture that was to come.

"I—uh," her blonde friend stuttered still in a state of shock. "How?"

Flora looked down at her fiddling fingers before turning to look up at her best friend. Her mouth opened and closed as she tried to find the right words to say.

"It just happened." Flora replied.

       "Marrying the freaking Prince of Italy doesn't just happen!" Indiana cried out as she stood from the couch and paced around the room. She ran her hand through her messy blonde curls in desperation.

       "Accidentally mar—" Indiana glared at Flora stopping her mid sentence.

"This is all my fault." Indiana said as realization dawned on her.

"Diana, this is not your fault." Flora assured. "I was the one who got drunk and married Hayden and slept with him."

"You slept with him!" Indiana cried out causing Flora to realize she had just made matters worse. "You gave up your virginity to that douche?"

Flora pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to ease the headache that was forming. It is not like Flora was saving herself for 'the one', but she at least wanted to remember her first time, most of it now was just a blur.

"You have hung out with me too much." Indiana gasped. "You have become the reckless bitch I am."

"In my defense, I only committed one reckless mistake." Flora argued.

"One reckless mistake that beats all the stupid shit I have done." The blonde protested as she sunk back into her seat.

Flora knew that her friend was right, after all this mistake had become bigger than she anticipated. Flora contemplated how she would break the second news to her already frantic friend. Flora took a deep breathe and turned to Indiana.

"There is more." Flora said cautiously.

       Alarmed the blonde turned to face her. "Please, don't tell me you're pregnant."

       "No." Flora was quick to answer, at least she didn't think she was. Flora quickly dismissed the thought.

"Then, what?" Indiana asked getting impatient.

"After you fainted, Hayden and I went to a court to seek an annulment." Flora explained. "However, the judge did not grant it."

"But he is the Prince of Italy, doesn't that give him some sort of power to fix this kind of stuff?" Indiana asked.

"I don't think this kind of stuff happens often to a prince." Flora reasoned. "He did try to use his title to influence the judge, but she still refused saying we had to learn our lesson."

Indiana could not help but snicker at the thought, to which her friend responded with a glare.

"Anyway, Hayden knew that his parents would respond in the same manner and decided that we should remain married for the rest of the year and half of next and then pretend to fall out of love." Flora explained. "That way, his parents would grant us an annulment and avoid further problems."

"That was the prince's bright idea?" Indiana asked in disbelief.

"It is the only way out that we have and either way, his parents are already aware of our marriage." Flora responded. Indiana smacked her palm to her face and shook her head, completely disapproving of her friend's actions. "Indiana, I told you this because I need a favor."

This caught the blonde's attention and she lifted her head up. "What favor?"

"In order to make our marriage more believable, Hayden decided that we should arrange for a fake wedding photoshoot." Flora explained. "And I need you to be my fake bridesmaid."

"So you want me lie?" Indiana questioned with a raised brow. "To the Queen and King of Italy! If they found out I helped you with this lie, I could be arrested!"


"They could throw me in their dungeon!"


"Or worse, they could have me BEHEADED!"


The frantic blonde turned to her friend meeting Flora's desperate gaze. She recalled the many times Flora had been there for her: when her parents divorced, when she fell off her bike and broke her wrist, even her first car accident. She knew she could not deny Flora the help she sought, especially not after everything they have been through together. Indiana took her seat back next to Flora and enveloped her in a reassuring hug. She rested her chin on Flora's ashy brown locks.

"My bridesmaid dress better make me look smoking hot." Indiana joked, causing the brunette to chuckle.

* * *

The two friends stood in the back alleyway of their apartment building waiting for Hayden to arrive. Indiana brushed through her blonde curls readjusting them for the fiftieth time since they left their apartment.

"Diana, your hair looks fine." Flora stated as she swatted her friend's hands out of her hair.

"I am meeting the Prince of Italy, I have to look presentable." Indiana pouted.

"Just promise me you won't faint again." Flora replied and Indiana's cheeks turned a light shade of red.

"Oh, shut it." Indiana said. "Your prince charming is late."

Flora pushed the down the gown in her arm back so she could view the time on her phone. Hayden was indeed ten minutes late now.

"I wonder what is taking him so long." The blonde next to her shrugged her shoulders as a response to Flora's comment.

       "I still don't get why you decided to use that old thing, when we could have easily bought a new dress." Indiana said.

       Flora looked down at the white gown covered by the clear plastic bag. A smile formed on her face as she flattened out any wrinkles.

       "It's my something old." Flora grinned. "My grandma gave it to me before she passed away."

"That reminds me." Indiana opened up her nude clutch and rummaged through it. "This is your something borrowed."

Indiana handed the velvet box to Flora. Inside there was a pair of earrings, but not just any earrings. They were the Evans heirloom, passed down to every bride on their wedding day.

"Indiana." Flora turned to her friend with a grateful smile. She enveloped her friend in a hug. "Thank you."

As the pair pulled away, they heard the sound of tires running over the concrete gravel. Two black Lincoln Navigators entered the alleyway and parked in front of the awaiting friends. Antonio stepped out of the first vehicle and opened the door, the chauffeur for the second car copied his actions. Hayden stepped out of the first car, flawlessly like always.

       "Oh my god, it's the actual freaking Prince of Italy." Indiana commented. Flora quickly grabbed Indiana's arm and held her steady.

       "Don't faint." She whispered back to a starstruck Indiana.

       From the second car a tall dirty blonde man stepped out. He adjusted his grey suit and combed his fingers through his curly locks.

       "I'm in heaven." Indiana quietly squealed. Flora rolled her eyes, but a small smile played on her lips nonetheless.

       "Hayden, you did not mention how beautiful your fake wife is." The dirty-blonde stated as we walked over to Flora and kissed the top of her hand.

"Accidental wife." Hayden corrected. "Flora, this is a very close friend of mine—"

"And confidant." The man added and Hayden simply dismissed him with an eye roll.

"This is William Delacroix, Lord of Milan." Hayden introduced. "William this is my wife, Flora Averwood."

"Pleasure to meet you, your royal highness." William said as he bowed.

"Just Flora." The brunette replied. "And no need to bow or anything."

"As you wish, Just Flora." William teased.

Flora couldn't help but giggle at Williams humorous antics. She also couldn't help but wonder how he and Hayden were friends, especially with Hayden's serious demeanor.

The loud clearing of a throat caused everyone to turn to the blonde standing next to Flora. She gave them a small wave accompanied by a toothy smile.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your accident husband?" Indiana asked her friend.

"Hayden, this is my best friend Indiana Evans." Flora stated. "Indiana, this is Hayden my husband."

Indiana gave Hayden a small, sloppy courtesy and he returned an amused look.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance Miss Evans." He politely greeted as he shook Indiana's hand.

"It is an honor to meet you, your royal highness." She replied, but before Hayden could retrieve his hand, the blonde tugged at bringing Hayden down to her height. "Break my friend's heart and I will kill you, understood?"

       Flora's eyes widened at Indiana's threat while Hayden rushed to take his hand out of the blonde's grip. William stood next to the trio attempting to hold back his laughter.

       "Indiana, I don't think it is a good idea to threaten the PRINCE." Flora advised through gritted teeth and Indiana nodded in agreement.

       "You are right." She turned to Hayden with a friendly smile. "I am sorry Prince Hayden."

       "It is fine." Hayden said.

       "But just know I am watching you." Indiana gave Hayden a deadly stare as she brought her index and ring finger to her eyes and turned them to point at Hayden.

Flora face-palmed herself and shook her head. William on the other hand burst into laughter, earning himself a glare from Hayden.

"Are you sure you don't have any other friends?" A now nervous Hayden asked to which Flora shook her head.

"Just this one." She said as she patted Indiana's shoulder. "Now, shall we get going?"

Hayden diverted his worrisome stare from Indiana and nodded.

"Miss Evans, why don't you accompany William?" Hayden suggested and William snickered.

"Are you scared of a girl, your highness?" William teased.

"Shut up." Hayden growled and Flora bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing.

"Come with me, Milady." William said as he extended his arm for Indiana to take.

"Gladly." She replied as she skipped toward William and the pair entered their designated car.

Antonio opened the door for Flora and Hayden to enter.

"Your highness." He said as he held his hand out to assist Flora in getting into the car. She wanted to protest, but she knew she had to get used to this royal treatment and name.

Flora stepped in, followed by Hayden before the door was closed behind them. Antonio exited the alleyway, the second car following right behind.

* * *

The vehicle came to a slow stop in front of a small brick building. Flora's eyes wondered around and she could not help but feel that she had been here before. The chapel was located on the greener side of New York, near the outskirts of the state. The couple was able to step out of the car, with no one near to recognize Prince Hayden or his companion Lord of Milan.

"Shall we get this over with?" Hayden asked and Flora nodded.

The couple entered the chapel that was decorated with white lilies. At the end of aisle stood the priest, his face so familiar to Flora, yet she could not place her finger on where she knew him from.

"Your highness." He greeted with a slight bow of the head.

"You made sure we are the only people here?" Hayden asked to which the priest nodded.

"All of my assistants where told to take the day off and this ceremony has not been mentioned to anyone." The priest explained.

"Very well." Hayden said, before turning to the second chauffeur. "Gabriel you may begin to set up."

Gabriel nodded and made his way back outside. Antonio accompanied him and soon they arrived with camera equipment.

"The chauffeur is going to take these photos?" Indiana asked, a bit perplexed.

"I studied photography in my youth, ma'am." Gabriel explained.

"Do you have a restroom I could use?" Flora asked and the priest nodded.

"Right down this hall, to your right." He explained as he opened the door to a back corridor.

"Indiana could you help me?" Flora asked and Indiana walked over to her friend.

They entered the very spacious bathroom and closed the door behind them. Flora stripped out of her clothes and Indiana helped her slip on the dress without damaging her makeup or hairdo. Flors stared at herself in the mirror, running her hands down the silky fabric flattening out any wrinkles.

"This is really happening." Flora said. The dress, the hairdo, everything made it so real.

Indiana turned to look at her friend through the mirror as she clipped on the earrings. She smiled at her friend and gave her a side hug.

"Yes it is," she replied. "And you make one hell of a bride."

       Flora chuckled at her friends comment and returned the hug. If Indiana had not been here, Flora would not be able to do this.

       "Let's go get you married." Indiana joked and the brunette followed her friend.

       The two stepped out and they found that Gabriel was directing people into their spots, well only Hayden and William.

       "Your highness, would you step right here and interlock your hands with Prince Hayden?" Gabriel requested and Flora nodded as she stood in front of Hayden. "Now stare into each other's eyes."

       Flora looked up and locked eyes with Hayden. As the anti-social person she was, she could not keep the connection for long and soon looked down at the floor, a bit embarrassed. Hayden gently tilted Flora's chin and restored their eye connection. He offered her a one sided smile and Flora smiled back. As she stated into Hayden's dark espresso eyes, Flora's mind was swarmed with resurfacing memories.

       "Your highness, I do not think it is a good idea." The priest argued to no vain.

       "Just marry us!" Hayden ordered, his sole attention on the brunette in front of him.

"Hayden Matteo Valentino, do you take Flora Imani Averwood as your—"

"I do." Hayden was quick to answer without letting the priest finished.

Hayden grinned at the brunette causing her to let out a giggle. They balanced each other through their locked arms as they each swayed side to side.

"Flora Imani Averwood, do you take Hayden Matt—"

       "Yes, I do!" Flora replied and she giggled once more.

       "By the power vested in me—Okay then, you may kiss the bride." The priest let out a frustrated sigh as he left the drunken couple kissing in the altar.

       Flora's eyes widened as she realized this is where they got married. And that was the same priest that married them.

       "Now, if your highnesses are okay with it, a kiss." Gabriela said.

       Hayden shrugged and began to lean down. Before their lips could connect, a loud slamming of a door alarmed the couple.

       "I thought you said there was no one else here." Hayden hissed.

       "There isn't supposed to be." The priest argued.

       The second double-doors to the chapel opened revealing the Queen Mother. She stood there with her blonde locks wrapped into a neat chignon, a knee-length lace dress hugging her body and an opened nude-colored trench coat on top. 

       "Grandmother." Hayden said, but it came out as whisper that only Flora heard.

       "Care to explain yourselves?" She said unfazed. 

       "Your majesty we—I, umm." Flora stumbled through her words while Hayden stood there frozen in place.

       "It is not what it seems." He finally stated. "We are—"

       "Faking photos for a wedding that never happened." The Queen Mother stated. "Antonio confessed everything to me."

       Hayden turned to Antonio with a deadly glare in his eyes, but Antonio simply shrugged.

       "I live to serve the royal family." He said.

       "And I had my suspicions." Queen Guilia replied as she walked closer to the couple. "Please leave us alone."

       Everyone except Hayden and Flora made their way out the door as quickly as they could to avoid the argument that was about to unfold.

       "As much as I love you Hayden, I know you." Queen Guilia stated as she took a seat. "I know that you are not one to settle down. Especially after you turn down every suitable wife."

       "It was an accident." Hayden confessed. "We were drunk and we got married."

       "We tried to get an annulment but they did not grant it." Flora added.

       "And your parents would have told you to learn your lesson." Queen Guilia said and Hayden nodded.

"That is why we agreed to remain married for the remainder of the year and ask for a divorce." Flora explained.

"You know, I believe that things occur for a reason." Queen Guilia stated. "This marriage, although not planned, can bring you so many opportunities."

"I know what you will suggest, but no." Hayden replied, knowing exactly what his grandmother had in mind. Flora stood there perplexed.

Queen Guilia turned to her grandson. "It could finally ensure the stability of the crown's future."

"No." Hayden hissed.

"I could offer you an alternative solution." She continued.

        "I said no."

       Flora's lips formed a straight line. "What would you have in mind?" She asked.

       "I want Hayden to find love, to settle down and I feel like he could find that with you." Queen Guilia explained and Hayden pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "If you would like, you could remain married for only four months and if you fall in love then everyone ends up happy. If you don't, I myself with ensure you get the annulment."

       "It would take less time." Flora said.

       "And I would make sure that Flora would not get harmed." Queen Guilia continued. "You know your parents would blame her for the divorce."

       Hayden reflected upon his grandmother's words.

       "Hayden, this could change everyone's perspective of you. They would stop contemplating whether you are fit to take over the crown." Queen Guilia said. "However, if you are certain this marriage was a mistake, I will go with you tomorrow and use my influences to obtain the annulment."

       "That is what we want." Flora nodded eagerly. "Right Hayden?"

       The raven haired boy stared into space. His mind deep in thought and a worrisome look overcame the brunette next to him.

       He couldn't possibly be considering the first option, could he? The brunette thought to herself.

       "Hayden." She called out once again.

       "Yeah, we agree with the latter." Hayden replied, but his tone sounded unsure.

       "When you both are sure about your decision, let me know." Queen Guilia said, directing her gaze to her grandson. "Flora."

       The brunette turned to the Queen Mother. "Yes, your majesty?"

       "If you do decide to stay married, I would like you to have this." Queen Guilia handed Flora a round glass box with gold rims. Inside there was a sapphire ring. "Take it as your something blue."

       "I—" Queen Guilia took Flora's free hand and placed the ring on it as a sign of assurance. "Thank you."

       Without another word the Queen Mother made her way out of the chapel, leaving behind an even more confused couple. Hayden stood there, a hand on his chin contemplating his grandmother's words. The brunette stood next to him with mouth still agape as her finger held onto the priceless royal heirloom.

Hello my lovelies! I am so sorry for the late update. I had the chapter finished but forgot to upload it. Anyway, I do hope you loved this chapter. What do you think Hayden and Flora will do now? Let me know what you think, feedback is always appreciated. I'll see you guys next Monday with the next update. Bye my lovelies and please remember to stay safe. Xoxo 💋💋💋

v v v Flora's Dress, Earrings, & Ring v v v

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