Saiki X Reader (HIATUS)

By YukiAshley

53.8K 1.8K 2.3K

(Y/n), a 16 year old otaku who wants to live a life full of animes and manga. But how can she do that? "Nothi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5
Author's Note and Explanation
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Halloween Special
Author's Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

878 25 27
By YukiAshley

Had been days since the meet and greet of my parents and Saki-sa- no- Kusuo. He insisted me to call him in his given name. Soo yeah. Now I call him Kusuo and sometimes- just a tiny little bit times- that I call him Saiki-san.

Just a little, okay?

"More like, every time."

It's just a little bit.

Anyways, my mother and father approved of my relationship with Kusuo. But they still don't know that we're still in the MU level. Not the boyfriend and girlfriend level.



But yeah, today, we informed mom and dad that we'll go to somewhere.. Umm..   We'll be going in a... date!!! Tomorrow!!! And now, I'm picking dresses to wear.

"You don't need to pick. Anything suits you."

Don't make me blush in the light. It's embarrassing..


Now, here I am, in my room, with Saiki-san talking to me telepathically even though he's like.. I don't know the exact measure but he's like far away. I still can't memorise his powers and the consequences of each of them.

"You messed my name again."

Oh. Lemme see.

"You went and read if I was right about the messed up name."

You were right..

"See? Every time."

Shut up. It's just this once..

I pouted as I heard him chuckle in my brain. I don't even know how I can hear that.

I heard a knock in my door, specifically, my wardrobe door, which is inside my room. Oh yeah, I'm in my wardrobe which is, like, the same width and length of a normal house. And don't get me started in my room.

'Well, Sai-Kusuo, I need to get ready. They're here. And for you, not to meddle on the middle of my clothe picking, Imma wear my germanium necklace. Bye bye, love you.'


... Fucking tsundere. But that was kinda cute...

I heard another knock in the door.

"Come in!"

In cue, the door opened and two of my most favorite uncles went in.

"(Y/n)!! We're here with our special clothes which is hand picked by your handsome twin uncles!"

Uncle Kaoru and Uncle Hikaru.

If you already read the manga of Ouran High School Host Club, then proceed. If not, then proceed with caution. This is kinda a spoiler. Welp, Uncle Tamaki and Auntie Haruhi being married is expected from the start so I made them that here. So yeah. But my memory is fuzzy rn so I think this is wrong.. welp, my story, their character. I'll just borrow them. Credits to the owner.( ̄ヘ ̄;)

They had their own company of their clothes. And now, they came with their best dresses in their clothe line.

I once told them not to but they both are stubborn so I just allowed them. With them, saying that every time I'll go somewhere whether with Kusuo or not, they'll be in charge of the clothe I'll wear.

"Welcome home, Uncle Hikaru, Uncle Kaoru. When did you come back to Japan? As far as I know, you two went to Spain as soon as the talk was over."

"We came back as soon as we can! While doing that, we contacted Daisuke to check our clothing line for the best dresses so it's not just us that picked dresses for you. Us, Daisuke, and Haru picked them for ya!" They said simultaneously.

Oooh. Now I'm excited!

"Okay! Let's try the dresses, can we, please? I'm really excited!"

"Of course! All of the clothes in our company is yours. So don't hesitate to come in one of our shops! It's all over the globe so feel free to come!"

"Of course, Uncles!!"

The first dress I tried on is a pale pink dress. The skirt was flowy and it reaches down above my knees. And the top was beautiful with flowers in the outline.

Uh. I suck of describing clothes. So just look at the picture. Thank you! -Author.

You've tried your best Author-san!

Thanks, (Y/n)! Also, pictures not mine. Credits to the owner!

The second dress:

The third dress:

The forth dress:

Oh fudge. The dresses are beautiful. It's hard to choose from all of them..

Yeah! That's why, I thought a great idea for you to pick one dress.

How, Author-san?

Let you pick!!

Hey, my dear readers! You'll be the one to pick what you'll wear in the date or the next chapter! Just comment in the picture of the dresses and that'll be counted as a vote.

And if you'd like to pick your own location date, you can comment here! Well, I have a few ideas on mind, but I'm afraid that ya'll won't like it.. So yeah! Comment what ya'll have in mind and the most commented date location or dress will be in the next chapter.

I'll wait in the next two days for the results! Thank you all!!!!


Thank you all for the reads and votes! Make sure you comment on what you feel about this chapter for me to know if you all enjoyed it. Enjoy ya'll, my dear readers! Love you all!


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