The Devil's Touch | Kylo Ren

Por stylesdove

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When a young but bright girl is on her destined path to take her vows to unite with the Lord and become a nun... Más



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Por stylesdove

With a life spent outside of White-Ivy, tranquility would become nothing but a welcomed breath of fresh air, and the poisoning of taught doctrine and creed, will only be replaced by the reliance of one's expedition without the persecution of metaphorical chains pulling them back beneath the cross.

With land to move beyond what the silver gates and white walls, attempt to trap the craze of minds to a small crammed space of utter melancholia, Eve knows that she would be free from the scrutiny of those who worship the light, but torment the dark – though, as Kylo Ren's words sink into her mind, they do not mould as a bandage to all her internal wounds, but instead... inflict more damage to her moral conflict. 

She observed the man kneeling to the ground by her feet – his own, almost as white as the snow if it weren't for the coating of blood that sunk into the ice and between his numb toes. 

Like a passage of augury – everything was unfolding, just as Kylo stood up after hunching over the small opening he had found, and made larger, in the fence. Ice and petals of white snow, are settled in his dark hair and dampening the material upon his knees. The Sister could see her own reflection in his dark eyes, which were slightly glazed over due to exhaustion, but never lacked the fiery spit of the devil which danced behind the blessed rage of his attraction – but there was something worse in the dark brown pools, a vision and an omen of only what the Sister fears would come, if she allowed him to escape through the gate out of hell.

The idyllic bliss of running far away from all this torture, would be soothing for only a sparse amount of time, for Kylo Ren would escape an evil place, but he was an evil person... there was a reason he was kept and contained here, he had done unspeakable things to deserve a life of cages and chains. 

More would die out there, than in here – Eve knows this. The violent nature in Kylo Ren's soul, was dark and twisted, but it was also deeply rooted into his ground vitality. There was no fixing Kylo, there was no swaying him back to their forgotten light, for it wasn't like he refused to listen to the gospel of resistance and irenic – it was only that, passive peace falls deaf upon the listening of his tormented malignance.

The Sister's insides feel like they were being stretched thin, far and wide – her survival wanted to flee the malevolence of the penitentiary, but her morality could only punch visions of Kylo Ren leaving her the second they got into the real world, which she had little knowledge of – and then going on to murder more girls like her, and most likely, her too.

The sight was daunting to say the least. A storm was approaching but it was only the plague of Kylo Ren's darkness, finally crawling through the gap in the fence to mingle with the light of the real world, outside of White-Ivy Manor's territory. 

Living in White-Ivy was rough. It was brutal, barbaric, unfathomable and degrading. What made it even worse was many people didn't belong or deserve to be so savagely tortured by the Father of the halls, who was the most sinister of them all. 

So many innocent souls were dragged here and corrupted, even more so than they were before – but they were packed into cells, for sins that they had bestowed. Nobody truely innocent came to White-Ivy Manor, and nobody escaped either.

But as the silence crept between their misty breaths, Eve couldn't help but also think that Kylo Ren was nothing like those other... animals. He was a monster – a monster who was too big for his cage. She knows that he is determined to snap out of his chains, and if today isn't the day, he will succeed on another – for he is insane and although she was just as crazed for befriending a monster, for the safety of others, the Sister must pull the monster back by his silver lockings. 

Her mind was crumbling, and her heart was demolishing. She was too fragile and too tired to lie or bicker, but there was no determining what Kylo Ren might do after she slowly shakes her head and says with the adorning of sad eyes, "You can't leave, Kylo."

Without even the sparing of a heartbeat – if he even had one, Kylo Ren shook his head and contested, "No – at least, not without you."

His hand extended in the small space between them, his palms and fingers so cold that what little colour the pale man already had, died in the icy touch of winter. 

The shake of his long fingers crushed her conscience a little harsher, and the purse of his impossibly, soft and pink lips, sent her mouth into a fit of tingling. 

Eve tried to swallow roughly but her throat was tight and almost coarse, making her spit swap for sand instead, which almost scratched the muscles in her neck and bulleted into her twisting, uncertain stomach. 

Guilt was prominent in her wide eyes, and determination was strong in his own. Kylo Ren only ignored the remorse in her gaze and took a step closer – his breath harsh in the subtle cold wind, as if he was secretly unable to withstand through her silence... but then she shook her head again, her eyebrows knitting together as her stare refused to look back to his inviting hand. 

"I can't leave... I have nowhere else to go, and neither do you." She said, eyes now meeting with his narrowed own, "There's a reason you're locked up in here with shackled hands and drugs that are shoved down your throat every morning."

Kylo Ren's fingers curled into a tight fist and his lips flinched slightly – an obvious battle was going on in the war-zone of his own mind, as he heard her treacherous words.

He blinked rapidly as if trying to place himself, his fist falling back to his side, but his white knuckles never relaxed – making Eve slightly weary.  

His raspy tone spoke slow and controlled, as his head tilted back to the fence, "It's easier for the devil to find us in his own cage, than out there, Eve." 

In this very second, with the silence passing with an antagonising suspense of time, the patient felt as if he actually losing grip on his sanity, and becoming what his psychiatrist truely calls him.  

Kylo Ren couldn't seem to understand why she was being so dimwitted, and why she would wish he and her would stay in the very place of hell and destruction. He couldn't stand for it, he wouldn't allow it. 

He glances sideways at his Eve again, and she looks dauntingly broken with the accompany of silvery bruises beneath her tired, defenceless eyes – and when she finally pulls enough strength together to open her mouth and speak, Kylo Ren can only ignorantly tense his jaw at the quiver in her refusal. 

"... But what happens when I escape, hand in hand with another devil?" She whispers, "I may have an absence of faith, Kylo – but I cannot allow you to go out and only pass on your pain. This place is a home for evil, and I apologise when I say that you are no different."

Her heart was thrashing against her ribcage and knocked loud with the steady beat of her pulsing blood, which seemed to coarse her whole body, but forgot the route to her hands – which were so cold that they had become numb and her fingernails had tinged blue. 

She too, felt as if she was going crazy – for the more she stared into Kylo's eyes, the less she wanted to beg for him to stay here with her. Eve felt betrayed by her own heart, though it should never wish to only beat for the black heart behind his own chest, but as they stand on the cushioning of white snow, the Sister felt unsettled that his red blood was almost becoming bland compared to the hidden darkness that was embracing them. 

When his hand lifted between them again, Eve closed her eyes and tried to trick her mind into finding clarity without the taint of his presence to fog up her senses with the fabrication of desire and weak, traitorous devotion. 

Kylo Ren took another step closer, his scarlet footsteps following him, but he only wished that Eve would instead. 

"This is not a home." He uttered, his hand moving to her face and coldly cupping it. When her eyelids fluttered, he could almost see the antagonism between them and her closed eyelids, but she never opened them to look back at him. 

Kylo sighed, " – You know it isn't... and yet, you have never felt the warmth of a home before. When was the last time you felt peace and proper sanctuary?"

The Sister's eyes abruptly snapped open, but only to watch her own past unfold in the darkness of Kylo's own eyes.

The smell of sunflower seeds and fresh bread is what she first remembers, and then she can picture the red polish of her mother's hands, setting the table in-front of her – leaning over the plastic covering with her golden cross dangling from around her neck, right by the steaming loaf which sat in the centre. 

Then she can feel the slight burn of leather beneath her thighs, as the car radio faintly sings with the lullaby of a choir – to which her mother's forgotten face is sitting in the seat in-front of her, humming the tune as she turns her cherry-lips to the man beside her,

And Eve can also still remember the sting from her father's hand wringing around the small expanse of her childish wrist, as he drags her up the stairs of the monastery.

The monastery. That was the most she's ever considered to be a home, and yet, the Sister would never have called it her own. The monastery was some of the roughest years of her life, though she cannot remember much before it – but she can recall one Bible verse that her old Preacher had spoken one day in the church,"– A house not made with hands..."  He had read, and ever since that day, Eve had wondered what that could possibly mean. 

Until, Kylo Ren had touched her. 

Now, it all made sense.

The Sister had never had a home. She once related to the humbling of the peaked sanctuary, but with the demolishing of conviction, Eve had nowhere to fit in – until Kylo showed her what a place of comfort and passion could truely contain. The patient felt like the embodiment of a place of refuge, and everywhere else in which she could explore without the scowling eyes of God, all at once.

"– A house not made with hands..." 

Perhaps, they are the very hands themselves – Call her crazy and a looney, but Eve can only believe that her heart was almost carried in his shackled hands.

They still stand in silence, almost forgetting about the manor standing tall behind them, all together as his hand meets the chill of her cheeks. 

The Sister's eyes move briefly to the faint, almost hidden hole in the fence. It was a far-fetched escape, one that would result in greater punishments than the cruel, Father Hux could ever inflict. Her soul is already slithering through the gap, but her intellect is standing its ground and saying, there was no way that they would make it through the trudge of the forest, and that Kylo Ren wouldn't plague the rest of the world with his sickening malice.

The Sister's eyes move back to him. 

Her home may be his hands, but he had used them for many sins and acts that were purely whispered by the venomous tone, spat by the devil... and though Kylo had hurt her just as many times as he had pleasured her, she cannot allow his malice to convert to the flesh of another. 

For he was her's, just as much as she was his – and their insanity only bleeds between the tangling of their crazed minds, and beating heartstrings. 

His thumb brushed over her bottom lip, "Tell me, angel..." 

Kylo Ren's tone had dwindled into a warmer rasp, something softer – but his eyes were yet to grow wide and pleading, although the dark brown which she had grown accustomed to over the passing weeks, still held the power to capture her mind and twist it to think in the ways he wished, as if he was a manipulator – but she only enjoyed the change. His prominent scar still cuts deeply across the right side of his face, magnified by the white background and silvery glow of the sky above – it wasn't fair that he was so alluring, for Eve never really stood a chance whenever he looked at her with the beauty of a saint, but the mind of a fiend.

She wanted to tell him all that was on her mind, and what was currently smashing her heart into tiny pieces, only to glue them back together and so-on – but she couldn't, for Kylo Ren didn't own a heart, let alone would ever feel the same adoring proclivity in which she struggles to understand. 

And if she had spoken the truth, Kylo Ren wouldn't have understood, either – for he didn't own a heart which could beat with emotional disposition. He was a man who only loved watching other people's melodramatic hauntings come to life by his own apathetic tendencies. He made no wishes, he had no affections other than lust. So although, he had a beat in his chest coming from a heart, even Kylo Ren knew that it was only a heart of stone.

"Never." She lied.

He nodded, for that is what he had ignorantly presumed would fall from her petalled lips, "If you never leave here, you will never truely know. I know places in which nobody would ever find us, places where not even the Lord could keep his eyes upon you anymore." He said – his voice a delicious rumble that sent a shiver up the Sister's spine in spite of her inner conflict.

Eve flinched, but still pressed her cheek further into his warming palm. At a bit of a loss, she then rose her own trembling hand to his arm, and wrapped her fingers around his wrist, almost hoping that he would let her go – but she never pulled, and neither did he pull away.

Eye's flashing with perpetual despondency, the Sister glanced up at him and lingered for a second on his lips, which he helpfully moistened against the drying of winter's breath.

"Kylo..." She whispered with regret.

There was no changing this time. There was no moulding to his benefit, for she could only think about the shackles around his wrist that her fingers flinched at when they met the biting coldness. 

That muscle beneath his eye, twitched again and his blunt fingers dug a little deeper into her fleshy cheek, but she didn't give him the satisfaction of wincing. Just the breath of his spoken name, hung in the chilling air, sharper than any blade and more harsh than any cut he could create with it – for it still meant that she wasn't going to willingly leave... and he would never leave without her.

Kylo Ren almost wants to spit on his own internalise strife, for he should just turn barbaric and force her through that sharp opening, and keep her to his cruel, egotistical self, forevermore – but he doesn't want to hurt her in this very second, for even he is too exhausted to play the physical game of predator and mouse, right now.

The clouds above are dark but the sun tries to peak through and fill the cold land with actinic brilliance, which only reflects on the small layer of water above the enchanting colour of her eyes. He can almost picture the way she would look in heaven, if he had never cursed her with his own immorality. Wings, strong and defined as they would spread around her, but not cage her in with the feathers only fluttering softly from her back... but he had clipped them to ensure that she would never be able to fly away from him. 

Kylo Ren almost smiled demonically to himself, and the devil on his shoulder was cackling – for as the sky darkened once more, Kylo knows that there is another way to make her take his hand. After-all, she has been weak since the moment she fell to her knees before him, on day one. 

"Eve – one way or another, you're going to die here, and so am I... but even if I have to claw my fucking way to freedom, I'm not going to let that happen for I will force you to come with me, no matter if you wish to or not." He fought against the merciless smirk that tugged upon his lips. 

She still continued to fight, " – But how many other people will die with the sparing of my own life?"

Kylo's breath hitched in his throat. He had presumed that she was cautious of her own safety, not the existence of other mortals. Kylo Ren took a deep and shuddering inhale, but he didn't speak. 

"Stay." Eve breathed softly, as he closed his eyes.

He silenced the whispers of his own devil and focussed on her own voice for a second. Oh, the things that she unknowingly had done to him. He should just snap her neck now and kill her for the pure fact that she had slightly been able to wither his ghastly soul – but her neck remained untouched, and so was her vitality. 

With the devil silenced – Kylo's thoughts were clearer than they had been in years. No longer filled with insidious, incessant hushes of violence and the greed for power, he opened his eyes and stared at her in wonder, just in time to capture her lips move while she uttered, 


Fear ran through her veins at the mere idea of staying in White-Ivy, but there was no denying further fear would be passed on, outside of the gates if Kylo Ren crawled through them. When his eyes opened back to her, they were darker than the Sister had ever witnessed them to be before. 

His lips were thinly pursed, scar prominently dug into the tensing of his face and even the burnt wounds upon his temples, looked threatening. For a split second, Eve frets that he was about to force her with violence, like he had done many of times before, and she winces merely at the idea but remains in his holding. 

Kylo Ren was staring deeply into her mind, it seemed – the same way he does whenever they are playing chess, and he's searching her gaze to figure out what her next move could possibly be, despite the fact that he is always at least five moves ahead of her pawns, already.

There was something evil in his mind, something that was rubbing its hands together and scowling – and it made her feel uneasy, but she merely swallowed her nerves and tried to keep her own face unreadable, just as she would when they were hunched over that checkered game.

And just when Eve thought that he was about to harm her, instead, Kylo only leaned in slowly and pressed his cold lips against her own. 

His big hand finally curled around her neck, but made no effort to squeeze this time as she struggled, willing against his grip until it actually did tighten. Eve was shocked, eyes flying wide only to flutter back closed when she found undeniable comfort from the softness of his addictive lips.

She knew what he was doing, he was using his sharpest tool of them all, his most deadly and threatening – Kylo was using her own passion and intimate worship in which she held for him, against her... and it was working. 

A lock of his raven hair fell from behind his ear and tickled their smashed noses, itching their numb skin but also feeling like silk. When she moaned into his mouth, Kylo bit down on her bottom lip, relishing in the taste of the blood which gravitated to his own tongue. 

And only when her knees began to buckle and surrendering tears slipped through her eyelashes and down her cheeks, did Kylo Ren pull away – leaving a strand of saliva to be the only thing attaching them physically together. 

The Sister was breathless and her shoulders dropped with known renounce, for there was no way she could refuse his offer or demand now, for she would do anything he says, so long as he says them with his hands. 

Kylo Ren smirked, eyes glazed over with intense passion and pride, while his own lips were wet with spit and her blood. Eve rolled her lips together and when the scarlet from her bitten lip painted her lips, some trickled to her chin, and Kylo grinned – his fingers moving to wipe his favourite colour away from her beauty.

"Maybe, I was wrong." He muttered deep, sending vibrations into her own chest, as Eve suddenly became perplexed.

Maybe, he was going to stay? 

She held her breath and hoped that was the case, for there was no denying that her feet were already willing to follow him through the hole in the fence, despite the claws of her morals, clinging to the bricks of the Manor's courtyard, beneath the snow.

When Kylo's hands moved back to her cheeks, his chains cupping the bottom of her chin – she finally felt so content, for his bleeding feet were only solidly planted in place. It was as if he had finally listened to her, instead of forcing her to do as he says, for he knew she always would. For the first time since she had met Kylo, she felt as strong as him, balanced, and complete. The Sister closed her eyes, revealing in the heat his hands now brought to her... but then the coldness of his tone, woke her nerves right back up. 

"– It seems that in-fact, I don't even have to force you... for you have always willingly been mine."

Echoes of writhing pain twisted down her spine as the shudders ricocheted with fear, right down every bone. His hands left her face and his shackles clanked as he returned them back in-front of his body and took a step back, to watch the terror form on her face. 

Kylo tilted his head to the side and said nothing, awaiting a reply from her in the silence as snowflakes danced innocently between them.

Anger and self-hatred flared and soared through every vein in her shaking body, and the unnerving calmness coming from Kylo's sly smirk, was the most antagonising thing she had ever seen. The power has shifted once again, though it had never moved from Kylo Ren's grasp, ever before. 

Eve could never hate him, but she hated what he did to her. Shaking with dismay and dread, she could not fathom another way to make him stay – and that was what made him one of the best serial killers in the country. Patient 727 was cleverly cruel and cunning, and a complete sadist when it came to the time he got whatever he wanted with his acquired skills. 

She's panicking on the inside, her tears only a slight inkling for him to suspect that she is still fighting against her own inclination to him. It was a classic case of Stockholm Syndrome, and a tough one in which Kylo knows will never be cured. 

The Sister's watery eyes flicked back to the fence, and she wanted to scream and swear at her heart's foolishness for making itself so breakable for Kylo's greedy hands of shattering. It was a torturous feeling of breath and heart stopping within her chest, as her lips are left cold but her desire still sits hot in her stomach. 

"Please, Kylo." She tiredly tried to beg, but even the Lord and Devil, knew that she would end up following Kylo Ren, wherever he went.

Her chin wobbled and so did her faint words, "Don't make me do this."

He was only comfortable in chaos. Claiming souls before they could claim him, and although Eve was never a threat, he still found pride in his domination over her frailness. The patient hummed low, and casually moved back to her after reaching his hand into his left pocket and retrieving a cloth of scrunched up white. 

As he made his way back over, bleeding crosses still forming in the snow with every step, Eve knitted her brows at the cloth in his hand, only to widen when she realised what it was as he unfolded it and pulled out a set of keys which were wrapped inside.

It was her underwear, which he had kicked secretly beneath his bed a couple of days ago – and the keys... were her's, which he had swiped from her pocket that day, also. 

Her heart paused completely in the midst of an erratic beat – and as her blood also stilled, Eve wondered if she was dreaming, or hallucinating. She had to be insane, for this cannot be real... but it was. Kylo Ren has the keys to the locks of White-ivy, and how she hadn't of realised that her's were missing, was unfathomable. 

Horrific dots were hovering at the edges of her eyes, threatening to knock her out before her heart finally carried on when she gasped in shock.

Kylo Ren only breathed in her fragile sound, and sighed it contently back out upon the icy-stillness of her face. She didn't question him, nor did she try to fight anymore. She had lost and she was already preparing to pull her broken but captured-self together, and crawl through the snapped wires, possibly even leaving her veil of creed behind. 

When Kylo flicked through the set and found the longest one, the master-key to White-Ivy, the Sister didn't flinch when he held it beneath her wobbling chin and dipped her eyes back to his looming face above her. 

"We will leave at midnight." He said, and if he didn't have the keys in his hand, Eve would have laughed – for there would be no way for him to escape his cage, unless he had the key to unlock it. 

Her stomach sunk and so did her lips. He stirred her core like thrashing winds of domination. Kylo had the ability to almost tornado her previous fights to a place she once had dared not to enter, a place in which the devil sat on a throne – but she wasn't so sure if Lucifer saved that spot for himself, or merely warmed it for Kylo Ren. 

His eyes were cold and dark, his sinister energy, unaffected by her defeat. His other hand moves around to cup her cheek again, and the keys clink against his shackles but upon the set, there is not one small enough to fit into the lock upon his cuffs. She swallows roughly against the silver chains, and flutters her sad eyes closed as yields herself willingly over to him, again. 

Kylo Ren's voice was soft and sincere, but the smirk etched in his expression was almost menacing – but he was only doing this for the best. They needed to leave White-Ivy, even if that did mean a demon was let loose once again upon the land of the free. 

 "Meet me by the Virgin Mary." He said before he pinched the tip of the key further into her flesh, and then abruptly pulled his hands back down to tuck it into the folding of her white underwear – which he kept at the bottom of his pockets, always. 

As she wheeled him back through the halls of White-Ivy, for presumably the last time – Eve looks to the spirits upon the glass windows, who all seem to wear the same grave face as she had, as her morals begun to flatten into despair.

She wants to trust the man sitting in the wheelchair, but she knows that there is no curing his thirst to kill – he would only crave violence, the second he is free and the Sister isn't sure if she is more fearful for her own life, or whoever his eyes lay on first.

There is an ache in her heart, one in which she hasn't ever felt before, and cannot distinguish, nor disguise as she shuts the cell door after wheeling Kylo Ren in, with a promise to meet him by the Virgin Mary statue, when all lights have died dark and the halls are as empty as the glass eyes upon the windows. 

There was no denying that Kylo Ren was manipulating her, by using her own weaknesses for him, against her. What they had, was far from love – for Kylo Ren never had the capability to feel anything further than libido and lust, and Eve had never received enough love to even decipher what that meaningless word could mean.

All Kylo could bring, was temporary bliss whilst only masquerading the manipulation of passion, with his soft touches that he knew could coerce his angel to do anything he desired. 

The Sister was nothing but a puppet on a string, and Kylo was the puppeteer who moved her with her own heartstrings, which had coiled around his long and warm fingers. He pushed her and pulled, tested boundaries and cheered when she broke them all for him.

Eve knew that he was evil, but she still couldn't regain power back over her her body and all acts of sincerity and devotion that she had placed right in the trappings of his own claws. 

When her boots are clicking down the halls and away from the sounds of the screaming patients of the eastern-ward, her mind really takes the quietness as a place to scream. Her nerves were frayed like the end of a tangled, broken wire and in her building anxiety, her crazed mind constructed elaborate rationalisations, about how and why everything that could happen after midnight, would turn out alright and for the best – but still, the nagging voice in the back of her dead-ended brain spoke of nothing but doom ahead.

There's a certain desperation which comes with defeat. She wants someone to almost chain her to the walls, or lock her in a cage so she doesn't meet the man by the statute, for her soul has pleaded allegiance to his black one, and there is no escaping the ice in her veins, which will force her to meet him at midnight, for he was a fire and she was his loving, ignorant moth.  

Her eyes are wet and her dry mouth wants to cry out for help, but not even the spirit in the sky would listen to her pleas anymore, no matter how loud she cries or tries to fight against what her heart is forcing her to do. 

There is no angel which will be sent down from the dark clouds to save her with a pull of one hand as Kylo Ren pulls at the other.

But suddenly, as she turns a corner and nearly crashes into a chest which had the cross hanging right above the beat of a more ruthless heart than Kylo Ren's... Eve just knew that it was Lucifer, himself, who had sent up someone to help her refrain from joining sides with his biggest opponent to the throne of hell, instead. 

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