Part 5 Battlestar Galactica:...

By Treadstone17

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The first fleet to travel from Earth to the Twelve Colonies has arrived. As Admirals Lee Adama and Kara Thrac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

15 0 1
By Treadstone17


The Doctors were cautiously optimistic that Captain Nicholas Bond would recover, but it would be a long, arduous process for the Captain. His arm was set and would heal properly, they believed. The gunshot wound had done some damage, but the damage wouldn't be long-term.

The infection in his butt still lingered. His buttock was slow in starting to heal, no doubt because that piece of metal had sat in there for two weeks and hadn't been cleaned. The fever had come down, but was still at 101 Fahrenheit, but wasn't budging from there. Doctor Patel had told the family that until it broke below 100, she would keep him sedated. Once the fever broke, she thought the healing would speed up.

The other concern was how long he had had the fever, and would the infection cause any lingering neurological problems. Patel didn't think so, but she had no way to know how long his fever had been up around 105. That could do some damage to his brain. It was just too early to tell.


The evening after his Meeting with his Commanders, Justin Bond sat near his son, with the projections Lee had given him. Lee was correct: using two Terran Class Battlestars would give them a smaller margin for error if more problems arose. He studied the brief through the night, only pausing to get a drink or a bite to eat or go to the bathroom. He also checked on Nick every now and then and also on Natalie. She had not left, save for short breaks, since Nick had arrived back.

He was still pouring through the report, sitting on the couch near his son's bed, when Natalie come over and sat next to him.

"Anything wrong, honey?" Justin Bond looked at her. "Do you need anything?"

"Governor, I haven't slept in at least thirty hours. I'm just emotionally and physically exhausted. I don't want to leave, but I need some sleep."

Justin Bond got up and went to a closet in the room. He pulled out a pillow and a blanket being stored there. He brought them back to the couch. He sat down, and put the pillow next to his thigh, and handing the blanket to Natalie. "OK, kiddo, nap time. You put that blanket on and lay down here for a while and get some sleep. I have some studying to do still." He gave her a warm, loving smile to ease her mind somewhat.

"Spasibo, Governor", then she paused, and moved next to him, kissing him on his cheek. "I mean, Spasibo Papa." She lay down and was asleep in five minutes, Justin Bond's arm on her shoulder.

He smiled down at the young woman, happy that the love of her life had been returned to her. As she was sleeping peacefully he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Justin Bond studied Lee's work most of the night. At 0900 the next morning, he advised Lee he would ask for four Terran Class Battlestars to join the next fleet.


Admiral Caprica Baltar was on the Laura Roslin holding a meeting with Commander Chase Carrico, General Trevor, and Captain Mathers. While the situation on Canceron had not resulted in bloodshed, as it had on Caprica, there were tensions in and around Hades. Blade Scroggins had informed the other factions about the intentions of The Fleet for the long-term, and it had received a cool reception. No overt hostility had been shown, but people there were thinking seriously about the future.

"From what Lee told me, Governor Bond is recommending that we leave a permanent garrison on Caprica of ten thousand", the Admiral stated at the beginning. "The fighting was short, ugly and successful from our end, but the Governor is convinced we have made an enemy of those people."

"Admiral, if I may", General Trevor thought aloud. "I don't think we're to that point here. We've had no problem in The Souther. They like the idea of trying to turn some of the desert into a land that can be cultivated and used for other purposes. They weren't happy with the news that Tylium is now useless for a fleet, but they're quite open about the future."

Cory Mathers spoke next. "From what I can see in Hades, they aren't too happy about the Tylium news. They feel that nixes any leverage they have over The Souther Continent." She was glancing at her computer screen while talking. "I agree with the General. There was no open hostility to what they told us, at least not on the surface, but I can't say they're jumping with joy."

"Kara sent me a Copy of the Governor's recommendations for the next fleet to come here, and he's practically doubling the number of forces that will be at their disposal: Two Colonials, four Terran's and fourteen DSE's", everyone had seen the proposal that the Governor had transmitted back to UED, and it was an eye-opener.

"The only conclusion I can come to is that they expect to have to fight for the area east of Caprica City." Chase Carrico had sensed that from the moment he read the document. "If there's twenty-five thousand up there who are loyal to this jerk, a force of ten thousand, even with our technological superiority, would mean a lot of casualties for us."

'That's how I read it too, Chase", Caprica said uncomfortably. UED knew there were a lot of unknowns for the first mission, but while they had made educated guesses on where trouble could brew, Caprica City hadn't been on the list. The quest to re-establish The Colonies, at least in the short run, would have to be altered.

"Any news on Captain Bond?"

"He was in really bad shape, Cory-_", Admiral Baltar said quietly. "His main wound is being stubborn in healing. Kara told me they thought they would only have to sedate him for thirty-six hours, but his fever is still above one-hundred, and they want him sedated until it breaks below that mark. It's going to take him a long time to get over this."

The room went quiet for a moment. Caprica had been heartsick-as had everyone, quite frankly-when the Captain's Raptor had been shot down. His rescue buoyed the entire fleet, but his slow recovery was fraying nerves, especially with those who were in the family, or close to the family.

"So, Admiral", the Roslin XO summed everything up, "at least for now, I gather we won't be leaving a garrison behind here?"

Admiral Baltar nodded. "That's correct, Commander. I can't see how we could if we're going to commit an entire ground Division to the Caprica City area. I might recommend small scout teams to keep an eye on developments, but nothing more than that." She paused and looked around at the assembled. "And we have to prepare for our movement to Aquaria. That won't take long, we know that, but we still have a mission to fulfill."


Finally, on day six, Nick's fever broke below one-hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and the Doctors felt comfortable in allowing him to start waking fully. He still was a long way from full recovery, but they felt with the fever down, he was out of danger for the moment. Doctor Patel concluded that the antibiotics were beginning to work on his wounds.

Two days later, he woke up of his own volition, feeling he had been in a long, confused dream. He began to move around, and his eyes started to focus for the first time in over a week.

The first sight he saw was his mother.

He groggily smiled up at her. "Hi mom", he said with a sleepy smile on his face, "I'm home."

Judith Bond laughed through the tears, leaned over and gently embraced her son. "Welcome back Nick", she kissed him on the forehead. "It's good to see you awake", she said in almost a whisper, grabbing his hand for a moment.

"It's good to be awake", the Captain responded. "I still feel like hell, though."

Abby came up next. "Well you should feel like hell, you got yourself in a mess of trouble." She kissed her big brother on the cheek "But it looks like we're going to be stuck with you." They both quietly laughed.

Kara came up next, shaking her head, a smile on her face mixed with tears in her eyes. "What is it with the men in this family?" She gently hugged her "little brother". "Do I always have to come running to save your butts-in this case, literally?" The entire family laughed.

"Uh, sis, don't say anything about my butt for a while, OK?", which made Kara laugh happily, kissing him again. "But thank you for finding me, Starbuck." He had tears in his eyes now, knowing that his sister had saved his life,

"I never gave up on you, kiddo", she clasped his hand. "Welcome home, Captain."

Finally, his father appeared. Like he had done with Starbuck a few days before, he flipped the script on Nick. Nick had used his own talent of sarcasm on his father after he had been shot in New Caprica, now the favor was returned. "Thanks for scaring the hell out of us, Nick", he smiled and winked at his only son, "it's been fun." Nick gave a small, tired laugh.

"I always said I wanted to be like you, dad", he smiled up at his father, "but I think this is overdoing it, don't you?" Justin Bond nodded a laugh and then kissed his son on his forehead.

"By the way, young man", his mother reappeared in his line-of-sight, "there's more family here who wants to say hi to you." She smiled more broadly.

"Who?" Nick puzzled, "Brett and Katraine?"

"No, son, someone very special to you", and Judith Bond turned to look behind her.

Natalie Schrevrenko stepped forward and smiled at her guy. "Well Mr. Bond, it's about time you got back here", she said with mock sternness. "You broke a date with me, remember?"

Nick's face lit up, and he actually tried to rise to greet her but didn't get far. She leaned over and hugged him fiercely, tears streaming down her face. "I thought I had lost you, Nicholas..."

"Not a chance, Ensign Schrevrenko", he looked into her eyes. After a moment, the scene in front of him clicked. "Wait a second, how did you guys..." and he looked around at his smiling family.

"Natalie came to us after your Raptor went down, son", the Governor informed him. "We couldn't let her go through this alone."

Nick shook his head. "I should have known", he said with a laugh. Then he looked over at his sweetheart. "Babe I thought of you every moment; it kept me going even when I could barely stand up. It's shown me how fleeting life is." She put her forehead on his and then continued. "I know this will sound out-of-the-blue, but almost having lost my life, I know we're never promised a tomorrow." He took a small breath. "Will you marry me, Natalia."

"Well, since your parents have already made me an official part of your family, I see no choice but to accept, Captain." Her eyes were beaming at him.

"They did what?" He looked at his parents. But Kara spoke up.

"It's what we Bond's do, little brother", she said happily. "We look out for each other. We don't let any of us suffer or celebrate alone."

"I feel like I'm late to my own marriage proposal", he said sardonically. Everyone burst out laughing.

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