Chapter 8

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Thirty-six hours after Enoch had been turned loose, three Raptors landed about five hundred yards south of the dead Raptor. Lee and eight men emerged and headed towards the bird that had carried Nick, Rick, and Annabel.

He was surprised that near the prescribed time a group of about ten men emerged from the north, wary but calmly, to where the UED people were standing. Lee said nothing as the man approached. The other man simply looked at him, unimpressed.

"You must be this Admiral that Enoch told me about?" The man almost spat the words out.

"I'm Admiral Lee Adama, Commander of The Fleet that has entered Colonial space." The mention of that name put a flash of anger in the other man's eyes.

"Adama!" He almost choked on the name. "One of those cowards who ran away and left us here to die and to live on almost nothing!" The men backing up Lee raised their weapons slightly. That got Clevin's attention and he calmed down. "My apologies Admiral, that's old news and doesn't mean a lick here right now."

"I'll get right to it", Lee said with urgent business-like tones. "Enoch said you know about the pilot and your people have been here before, is that correct."

"That is correct", the man said evenly.

"Do you have our pilot?"

"If I had your pilot, Admiral", The Crown said with a wry smile, "we wouldn't be in a spot that you chose; we'd be in a spot of my choosing."

That made sense and Lee accepted it. "I'm here to give you notice about several things", he said, not dignifying the man with a title. "First, The Fleet is back. All but two Battlestars were destroyed the day of the attack. But The Fleet has been rebuilt."

"What does 'rebuilt' mean, exactly, Admiral?", the man again wasn't impressed.

"Above us here are twenty-seven ships. One Battlestar, which is twice as large as any Battlestar that has ever been built; three other main ships; as well as other ship."

The man nodded and smiled. "That's a lot of firepower, I have to give you that."

Lee let the other shoe drop. "That comprises only half The Fleet that is in the Colonial System. Another Battlestar of the same size is here as well. I command several thousand Vipers and about a thousand Raptors like this one. Plus I have a thousand nuclear-tipped missiles at my disposal."

That staggered the man but Lee continued.

"Plans are for an eight-hundred ship fleet, and another fleet of about fifty-six will be here a few years from now. This is the beginning of a new, permanent Fleet presence in The Twelve Colonies."

"And, ah, what is the second point, Admiral?"

"We will not tolerate anyone holding others against their will, here nor on any other planet. We want to restore Caprica and make Caprica City the Capital once again; your group's presence is not welcome nor will it be accepted. I give you notice now that unless you peacefully leave your stronghold, release your prisoners, and allow the people on this planet to live in peace, we will terminate your presence here."

Lee didn't tell him that he hardly had any more people than he did, but he would put his trained soldiers and airmen up against this group, even in unknown territory, and he knew he'd win. It would cost him but he would win.

"With all respect, Admiral", the man smiled, "you can go to bloody hell", which made his minions laugh. "I like what we have yonder and I think you're bluffing."

"You'll do so probably at the forfeit of your own life", Lee looked at his new adversary with cold, unblinking eyes.

"We have nothing more to say to each other, sir", the man said, bowing his head slightly. "You try to take us out, and see what it costs you."

Part 5 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: HomecomingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin