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Two Months Later, UED Headquarters, San Diego

The UED Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Louis Hoshi studied the information that had been transmitted to him by Governor Bond from The Colonies. He was staring out at the mighty Pacific Ocean, still digesting the news of the events on Caprica and Canceron. News of the fight on the Caprican Mountain Range after the shoot-down of Captain Nicholas Bond had hit him hard.

The recommendations the Governor had sent had everyone at Headquarters talking. Hoshi knew the Governor was no war hawk and detested having to use force. That made his recommendations even more worth taking note of.

He had hoped with all his being that The Fleet-any of the fleets that were sent-would never fire a shot in anger. To know that there had been combat on his home world saddened him to no end.

UED Brass had been sent into a conniption over the news, and they had been going back and forth on the events and the Governor's recommendations of adding four Terran Class Battlestars to the next fleet. Hoshi couldn't imagine he would over-rule the man on the scene, and still felt that way, but many at UED had been against sending part of the Earth Picket to The Colonies.

Hoshi had come to some conclusions. He would order the construction of another thirty Terran Class ships. The idea of sending only the larger Colonials to The Colonies had been correct, but he could see now that the smaller Battlestars could be used much as smaller American Pocket Aircraft Carries had been used in regard to the full-sized Carriers during The Second World War-a supplemental force for the unknown. He would need U.N. approval for that, but felt he would get it quickly.

He had also concluded he would send the ships that Governor Bond had requested. Finally, with the enhanced force that would sail in about eleven months, he had made some Command Decisions as well.

The first thing he did was to call Admiral Karl "Helo" Agathon, who was still The Boss on the Winston Churchill. The Churchill had been in the outer reaches of the Solar System on duty, and he recalled the Admiral to meet him in San Diego.

"Reporting as ordered, Admiral", Helo saluted The Boss. Louis had a light lunch and drinks brought in before they talked. He went over the information from The Colonies with his old friend.

"God", Helo said with amazement, "that certainly wasn't expected, Louis", he noted, still reading the report. "I'm glad that it looks like Nick is going to make it, but this spells real trouble."

"That's what the Governor thinks as well", Louis Hoshi agreed. "Caprica tells us things are quiet on Canceron, but there is unease at what Trevor told the people in Hades."

"Is Lee going to garrison Hades as well?"

Admiral Hoshi shook his head. "No. Admiral Baltar is recommending a small scouting party to monitor events there, but they're going to be spread too thin, what with ten thousand committed to Caprica."

"Caprica made the call, not Starbuck?" That confused Karl.

"That's correct, Helo", he confirmed. "When Nick was reported MIA, she and her parents went over to the Adama. Caprica stepped in and made the call, and Governor Bond backed her completely. In fact, Kara flew some Raptor missions for the SAR, and she was the one who actually rescued Nick during a firefight."

Helo let that thin smile cross his face and he shook his head. "I might have known", he thought of his friend. "She doesn't like anyone messing with her brother or sister."

"Kara sent me her own follow-up, and she told me she was as scared as she ever has been when she saw Nick, while shots were being fired."

The smile left Helo's face. "That had to be tough", he conceded.

"I actually called you here because I've made some Fleet decisions based on the Governor's suggestions." He informed Helo about the four Terran Class Battlestars that would sail with the Caprica and Libran. He then dropped the bombshell on Admiral Agathon.

"Also, Karl, I am going to change assignments as well. I'm ordering you to take over the Battlestar Libran, and prepare her for the mission to The Colonies."

Karl's jaw hit the floor. "You want me to go to The Colonies?" Athena is going to love this, he thought to himself.

"Yes, Karl", Louis nodded. The Caprica will be the Flagship, but you've been in combat. Admiral Silva is capable, but with the news from Caprica, I want someone who knows The Colonies, and has seen combat on a fleet."

"Of course sir", Helo said, taking a breath at the news. "I'll prepare for my transfer immediately."

"Thank you, Helo. I know it's sudden but I feel this is the best move."

"Is Admiral Fletcher still going to take the Caprica?"

"No, I'm having Fletcher re-assigned to the Kennedy, so he'll be going still. I've talked to him. He's disappointed but he said he'll work their tails off on the J.F.K. As with your new ship, I want someone who's been in combat on a Battlestar to head the Flagship.

'Who else is there, sir?" Karl couldn't think of anyone else down here who could take such a comment.

Louis looked him dead in the eyes. "There's me, Helo", he said evenly. "I've tendered my resignation as C-in-C. I've requested, and have been granted the command of the Battlestar Caprica."

To be continued in the next installment of this series.

Part 5 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: HomecomingsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora