Chapter 9

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The CIC onboard the Adama was almost silent as the bridge crew tried to follow the snippets of what was going on below them. Lee had never seen the tension so high inside the nerve center of the ship. They couldn't make out everything, as there were overlapping calls coming in, which made the situation even more unbearable.

Finally after ten minutes, although it seemed like an eternity, a voice crackled through on the speakers. "Adama Actual, Raptor 330, this is Sunshine, we have our MIA, repeat, we have our MIA, RTB."

The room exploded in a cacophony of joyous sounds as people yelled, hugged, cried and made an unseemly display-and their Admiral didn't mind one bit. Brevin Cross came up to The Boss, smile, and shook his Admiral's hand. "We got him back, Boss."

Lee was as emotional as everyone else, although he hid it as best he could. He wondered for a moment if he would have been so choked up had this been someone else they had rescued and not simply the brother of his best friend in the Universe. Brevin Cross sensed what Lee was thinking immediately.

"Don't sweat it, Boss", he said, clapping Lee on the back. "Everyone knows how close you are to the Bonds, but they also know you'd have busted your ass to get any one of them back, too."

"Thanks, XO", Lee said, and looked around at his team, then pumped his fist in the air.


Governor and Mrs. Bond had been alerted that Nick had been found and rescued, and were heading back to the William Adama. They were told he was in bad shape but alive. Abby Bond-Creider was hustled off of the Carl Sagan and brought to the Flagship.

Natalie Schrevrenko, like everyone else in her hangar, had been following the snippets of the chaos on the surface, and like what had happened in CIC the place erupted when it was announced that Captain Bond was coming home. The Ensign fell to the floor on her knees, crying uncontrollably, part in agony and part in happiness, she couldn't tell the difference.

Captain Kamala Wimbusi saw her, and immediately ran to her, and joined her on the floor, with tears in her eyes as well. "Natalie, we got him!", she yelled as she hugged her Ensign. After a few moments, they got to their feet. "Ensign, we need to get you over to Governor and Mrs. Bond. You should be with them when Nick arrives on board."

"Spasibo, Captain", she said, smiling through her tears. The two them left and with an MP escort directly to the Governor's quarters.


When she arrived at the Governor's living arrangements, the MP's opened the doors for them, and in came Wimbusi and Natalie. Judith Bond saw her, and with a tearful smile walked over to the young lady, they both hugged and cried, one getting her son back, and the other getting the love of her life back. Judith held her for several minutes until Natalia was calmed.

'Our boy's back, Natalie", Judith Bond exclaimed, kissing her on the forehead, and wiping at her tears.

"When will he arrive>" That was all Natalia was thinking about.

The Governor answered that. "The MP just told me he'll be aboard in approximately seven minutes. They want to take us back to the Hangar when he arrives. I will warn both of you, Admiral Adama says that he's in bad shape."

That visibly deflated the women, but they had him back, and whatever happened now, they thought they could deal with it.

Abby joined them a few moments later, and under heavy guard, they were escorted to the hangar.

Part 5 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: HomecomingsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα