Broken (Ellie x OC/Female rea...

By cotudelam

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!This is a sequel to my previous story Reason to Live. If you haven't read that one go and read it now becaus... More

Chapter 1 - Waking up
Chapter 2 - Dissapearence
Chapter 3 - Getting to Seattle
Chapter 4 - Getting our girl
Chapter 5 - Fuck Seattle
Chapter 6 - Allies
Chapter 8 - Hope
Chapter 9 - Is This What You Hoped For?
Chapter 10 - A Normal Life?
Chapter 11 - This Is It
Chapter 12 - Epilog
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 7 - Know The Truth

910 21 0
By cotudelam

Ellie's P. O. V

Andrea finished the last stitch and Dina walked in. -"Hey, Jesse's passed out." She said. -"Okay." Andrea said and moved away from me a bit. -"And Hannah?" I asked. -"Still haven't showed up." Dina replied. I walked to the map Dina was marking all the known locations. -"Anything new?" I asked. -"Yeah." Dina walked to me. -"Abby?" I asked almost excited. -"No. But Nora and Alex were assigned to the hospital." Dina told us and Andrea imidietly tensed up when she heard Dina talk about her torturer. -"This hospital?" I pointed at a nearby hospital on the map. -"Yeah." She replied. I walked to my backpack and put it on. -"Wait, you wanna go now?" Dina said shocked. -"Yeah, we know her location. Maybe Tommy does too." Okay, that was a lame excuse. -"At least wait for Jesse to rest up-" -"Or Hannah to return." Andrea completed Dina's sentence. -"They could be gone by then." I insisted by pleading with Andrea with my look. She took a deep breath but eventually put her backpack on. Dina looked at me like I'm hurting her or something. -"What?" I asked. -"Nothing....." She said quietly. I know she's lying but I don't have time for this now. -"Good. Can you come help us with the door please?" I asked instead. -"Yeah, sure be right there." She said. With that I walked out of the room. -"Andrea, a word please." Dina stopped her when she was walking out of the door. Andrea walked back in, I know I shouldn't but I came to the door and listened to what Dina wanted from her. -"What is it Dina?" Andrea asked her. -"Andrea.....I.....I have to ask....Do you think she's loosing it?......Herself I mean." Dina asked hesitantly. There was a moment of silence before Andrea answered her. -"No I don't." She said completely uncertain of her answer. I know Andrea a long time, I know when she's lying. And this is a big lie. -"Okay..." Dina replied but by that time I was already making my way to the door.

Dina opened the door for us and with a quick kiss and hug we said our goodbye. I hate leaving her like thi but it needs to be done. Andrea gave her a tight hug too and we got going. -"So, um, I wanted to say this earlier but I didn't want to freak Dina out by saying this. I know it's gonna soud bad and maybe a bit fucked up but......" Andrea spoke while we were walking to the hospital. -"What is it?" I asked. -"It's just.....Alex is mine. I want to kill her." She said. -"Of course. Wouldn't have it any other way." I reassured her. We continued to the hospital and it took us like forever to even get somewhere where we could at least see the hospital. -"Ellie, there. The hospital." Andrea said and pointed it out in the distance. -"Fuck. I thought it'll be closer." I complained. -"Hmm, well no turning back now." Andrea replied and jumped down from the brick wall we were standing at. -"See any way down back to streets?" She asked. -"Nope." I replied. -"Cool. Guess we're cutting through this building then?" She said and pointed at the only possible building to cut through nearby. -"Yup." I popped the 'p'. We had to break a window to get inside.

Once we were inside a disgusting smell hit our nosetrils. -"God. What is that?" Andrea asked me. -"I don't know. And I don't think I wanna find out. Let's just get out of here." I replied. We looked for a way out when we came to a bathroom with two dead WLF soldiers. -"Shit, that explains the smell." Andrea said. -"Yeah, they really got these ones." I said seeing all the ripped flesh and the pool of blood all around. -"Do you think the infected are still here?" Andrea asked and just when we turned around to leave the bathroom a stalker waited for us there. I quickly aimed my gun at it but it ran away. -"Well, that's your answer." I replied to Andrea. Andrea took her bow out and we followed the stalker's bloody footprints. -"Why are we following it Ellie? Do you wanna get killed?" Andrea whispered. -"Andrea. If there was a way out those WLF's would use it. This is the only way out." I replied also whispering. -"I just hope you're right." We turned around the corner and the stalker's footprints ended in a baricaded hallway. -"What the hell? Where did it go?" I looked around confused. -"I'd say up there." Andrea showed me bloody hand and footprints leading to a window above the baricaded door. We could see spores on the other side. -"Nice one. Spores ahead, put your mask on. I wouldn't wanna have to shoot you in the face." I said. -"Oh, that's so sweet." She chuckled in reply and put on her mask. I climbed up through the window and landed safetly on the other side, in some kind of big office. My presence alerted a group of nearby stalkers. They looked at me and soon after Andrea landed next to me, scaring them into hiding. -"Stalkers." Andrea proceeded between her teeth. -"Yeah, better stick to the walls, so they don't jump you from behind." Ellie said. -"Yeah. I know." She brushed me off.

We sticked to the walls like I said and continued through the offices. I would say we avoided most of the stalkers that way. But when we finally arrived at the end of the office one of the stalkers jumped at Andrea when she wanted to open the door. -"Shit!.." She kicked it back, right into my arms and when I held it she stabbed her knife to it's head. Soon after we heard more of the infected coming our way. -"Fuck. The door!" I yelled at Andrea. She slammed her body to the door but it was stuck. -"Help me!" She told me and we slammed our bodies to the door repeatedly until it opened. We imidietly ran inside when a stalker missed me by inches. -"Find something to hold the door with!" Andrea told me as she held the door. Before I could look around another stalker launched itself at me and slammed my body to a window behind me. -"Get offa me!" I yelled and got Andrea's attention. She let go of the door and went to help me. When she stabbed the knife into the stalkers back the window behind me broke and all three of us fell into the ragging river under it. I emerged and took a deep breath. -"Andr-" Before I yelled for my best friend the stalker pulled me under the water again. I stabbed my knife to his chest two times before his grip weakened. Once again I took a deep breath when I emerged. I wanted to call out for Andrea but then I heard her calling my name. -"Ellie!?" -"I'm here!" I yelled back and tried to swim to her put the current was too strong. Finally we grabbed each others hand. Then Andrea wrapped her body around me in a deffensive way and took the hit from a wall that finally slowed down the river. Andrea's breath was knocked out of her lungs for a bit.

Then I helped both of us onto a solid floor of a sewers we found ourselfes in. -"Ughr, fuck Seattle." I said. -"*cough* *gasp* Speaking my language. *cough*." Andrea kind of chuckled when she standed up. -"Man, are you okay? What the hell were you thinking back there?! You could've get hurt!" I started kind of angry at her. -"Well, still better then you getting hurt in my book." She replied. I took a deep breath. -"You're such a sap." I smiled. -"Uh huh." She said and we used a nearby ladder to get out on the streets again. We came out of a canal. -"Damn, now where did we end?" Andrea asked whe she looked around. I checked a map nearby. -"It says we're here, and the hospital" I pointed everything out on the map. -"Cool, I say we cut through this park." Andrea pointed infront of us. -"Yeah, good idea." I agreed with her. The park was overgrown with all kinds of green. Unexpectadly. When we were walking through the park I heard a strange whistle. -"*Strange whistle*." I slowed down. -"Did you hear that?" Andrea asked me. -"Yeah, what the fuck was that?" I replied. Another two strange whistles came. -"*Strange whistle, strange whistle*." Anyway we continued through the park. -"Hey, once we get to the hospital. What if-" I was cut off by a high pitched loud whistle and an arrow hitting my shoulder. -"Aaaghr!" It knocked me back down from a small high ground I climbed onto right before then.

I fell right into Andrea's arms. We hid behind the high ground. The strange whistles got closer. -"Ellie, we have to pull that arrow out....." Andrea whispered. -"Fuuuck." I clenched my teeth. Then she grabbed the arrow and I nodded at her. She pulled the arrow out and I bit my tongue to stay quiet. -"Quick we gotta hide." She then pulled me into a bush, we layed in it and waited for the whistling people to check our previous location. -"They're not here." One of them said, they all had scars on their faces. -"Could this be the scars?" Andrea asked like she read my mind. -"I guess so." I replied and crouched to a different bush. Then I aimed my silence pistol at one of the scars and pulled the trigger. The gun shot and my target gropped down with a bullet hole in his head. A woman next to him saw it and just when she put her fingers in her mouth to warn the other, Andrea's arrow went through her skull. Just in time. -"Nice, keep going." Andrea told me. Thanks to the park being overgrown we had a perfect hiding in the grass and bushes. When we were sneaking around on of the scars we heard really loud and long whistle. -"Fallen...." The scar near us mumbled to himself. Andrea was quick to grab him and stab her knife to his neck. Then she nodded at me and we continued. Soon the park ended and we were no longer able to hide so well. I noticed a sign showing a way to the hospital but the road was blocked. We'll have to cut through a building again. It was a short distance between us and the door we wanted to go to but the scars were all over the area. -"Hey, when I say go. We ran to that door." Andrea whispered to me and I nodded. CRASH! Andrea threw a bottle opposite us and I sprinted to the door. I slammed my body at it and it opened slightly. -"*Aggressive whistle!!*" They saw us. I pushed the door once more and slipped through the created gap. I desperately pulled Andrea inside by her hand and we closed the door shut as fast as we could. We could hear the scars outside but they left after a few tries.

-"Jessus. These must be the scars." Andrea said. -"Yeah, let's make sure we don't end up like one of the Wolfs." I replied and we made our way through the hotel we were in. The hotel was clear, that's a pleasant change, considering how all the other "cut through's" went. -"Hey actually what were you about to say before the scars attacked?" Andrea asked me. -"Oh, um what if Alex won't be there or she will be more difficult to reach. Will you be okay with leaving her or....?" I finished my previous sentance. Andrea took a deep breath. -"Of course. No need to put you in danger so I could end the life of one person that hurt me." She replied and I nodded. We went to one of the room and from there made our way to a fire escape, that led us back to a park. -"Oh nice, just when I thought-" I pulled Andrea down to hide with me before she could finish her complain. We watched as three scars were hanging a WLF soldier. -"They're filled with sin, we have to free them." One scar pulled out a knife and wanted to gut the WLF. In that moment Andrea shot an arrow through the scar's neck. -"More Wolfs!" One of the remaining scars yelled. I shot two times one with silencer to the scar's shoulder and one without to his chest. BANG! Third scar started loading his revolver, I ran up to him and slashed his stomach three times before I got a good chance in reaching his neck. He fell dead. I heard another body drop next to me, it was the WLF soldier. He gasped for air when Andrea started cutting the ropes around his wrists. -"*cough* Thank *cough* Thank you!" The man coughed, he grabbed the revolver the scar had and then he stood up and looked at us. -"Wait. You're not one of ours!" He yelled and aimed the revolver at Andrea, she put her hands up in the air. I was quick to aim my gun at the guy too. -"Stop fucking aiming your gun at her right now motherfucker! She fucking saved your ass!" I yelled at him too. -"And she also killed dozens of ours! You both deserve worst than death for what you've done!" When he finished his sentence there was a moment of silence. We all just waited what will happen now. Luckily an arrow went through the WLF asshole's skull.

I crouched down and a bullet flew right past my head. I grabbed Andrea's hand and we ran away from the scars. It was difficult because they were all over the park but we managed to get to some store as a hiding. We were both heavy breathing from our long run. -" think we're good?" I asked Andrea while we were hiding behind some shelf. -"I guess....But that Wolf..." She said and hit her head backwards into the shelf. -"What? He wanted to kill you." I said not getting why she's sad about his death. -"It's not that......He was right Ellie. What have we become?" She turned her head to me, tears in her eyes. -"It's not our fault Andrea. They made us do this." I tried reassuring her. -"You know that's not true......" She replied. I stayed silent. -"How do you do it? How do you stay 'you' when things like this are happening?" She asked with one tear leaving her eye. I put my hand on her cheek and brush away the tear with my thumb. -"I have people to remind me who I am." I said calmly and with a sweet voice. She put her hand onto mine and held it tight. We stayed like that for a bit before she spoke again. -"Thank you, Ellie. I don't know what I'd do without you." She said and stood up. -"Look at you." I joke and standed up too. -"Shut up." She chuckled. We went to only possible door in the store, hoping they will lead us closer to the hospital.

They led us through a building back outside. There was no other way but to swim in the water we found ourselves surrounded with. I went first and Andrea followed soon after. We could hear the WLF talking nearby, this must be the way to the hospital. -"Hey! Abby has escaped her cell. Checked the perimiter around hospital she can't be far. Isaac can't know about this." One of the soldiers said to the others. -"Abby was here?" Andrea asked me. -"Seems like it. Come on let's find a way inside. Maybe Nora or Alex will know more." I replied and we kept on swimming. We found a hole in the wall under water, so we used it to get inside. Then we found ourselfes inside, the only way out of the water was blocked with some WLF fucker. Luckily for us she was stupid enaugh and had her back turned to the water. Plus she had headphones and played some video game. Despite her having headphones we were still as quiet as we could when we swam to her. Then I got out of the water and held my knife to her throath. -"Don't make a fucking sound. Hands up." I pulled the headphones out of her ears and spoke quietly. The girl was clearly scared. -"You know a girl named Nora? Or Alex?" I contiued asking. -"Y-Yeah sure." The girl told us. -"Where are they?" Andrea asked. The girl didn't say anything and so I pushed the knife harder at her neck. -"It's okay. You have nothing to do with this. Just tell us what we want." Andrea tried negotiating. -"Th-They're in the hospital. They're clearing out the upper floors, must be somwhere in there." The girl said afterwards. I started putting my knife away and that's when she struck. But I was quicker and grabbed her attacking her with my one hand and stabbed her with my knife in other hand. I pulled out the knife and after a few moment's the girl layed dead on the ground. -"Fuck. That was dumb." I said and Andrea nodded. -"So many people could live if they haven't attacked us." Andrea said shaking her head. -"Yeah. But let's find Nora and Alex now." I said and we got walking up the stairs from the obvious cellar we were in.

When we finally reached the inside of hospital by that. There were WLF's everywhere. Okay, look for a stairs. I looked around for the door, planning on making a run for it when I see them. I didn't see anything. -"We need to get inside." I whispered to Andrea. -"Okay, but be extra careful. We don't know how many of these guys are here." She replied. We used the tall grass surrounding the hospital to stay out of sight. We came to two guys talking with each other and coordinately took them out. When we made it into the building it looked almost empty, exept for a one guy guarding a door. Next to them was a sign 'staircase'. It didn't take Andrea long to put an arrow in his chest before her could call for help. We quickly went to the door and baricaded it so no one could follow us.

Finally we were at the upper floors. I grabbed a handle of a nearby door but it was locked. -"Damn." I cursed for myself. -"Hey, what about this?" Andrea asked me and pointed at a ventilation shaft. -"You seem to like these." I smiled at her. -"No reason not to." She smiled back and we climbed into the shaft. We heard more voices for under us. -"Nora come on. You have to know where she is. When Isaac knows about this-" A soldier was talking to Nora but she interupted him. -"I'm getting tired of this. You and I have a work to do, so let's do it." She said and walked away. So did the WLFs. I looked back behind me and Andrea gave me a nod. So we jumped out of our hiding into the already empty hallway. We went to the only door in direction where Nora went. I slowly opened it and Nora and Alex just walked in through some other door. -"Don't scream." I said to her while aiming my gun at Nora. She had a tray of some medical things. -"Put that shit down." Andrea said next to me with her gun pointed at Alex. -"You remember us?" I asked both of them. First they gave us a confused looks but then it clicked. -"Yeah, you remember us." I said. -"What do you want?" Nora asked. -"Abby was here earlier. Where is she?" Andrea asked. -"We don't know." Nora answered and I stepped closer to her. -"You shoot me. And the sound will alert every guard." Nora tried intimidating. -"You'll still be dead." I clenched my teeth. -"Where's Abby?" Andrea asked again. They didn't say anything for a while. -"You still hear his screams?" Alex asked suddenly. -"What?" I didn't get why she's asking. -"I hear them every night...." Nora added. -"Yeah. Yeah, that little bitch got what he deserved." Nora finished her sentence and I lost it. -"You fucking cunt- Aaghr!" I wanted to hit her with my gun but she threw the tray behind her at my face. -"Help! Trespasser!" She yelled and ran out of the door. In the same moment Alex threw the chair next to her at Andrea and ran out of the door opposite direction. Andrea nodded at me and ran after Alex, while I ran after Nora.

Andrea's P. O. V

Alex ran out of the door and yelled. -"Guards! Intruder!" I didn't say anything and just tried chasing her down. She was shutting doors at me and pulling down piles of things to stop me. But I just kept running. -"Fucking shoot her!" She yelled when we ran through some hall. Few shot barely missed me but none hit me. -"Motherfucker!" She yelled back at me. Then she stopped at some doors, looks like they were stuck. I took my chance and aimed my gun at her. I shot her to her stomach and the bullet went through. -"Aaaaghr!" Bloodied she slammed to the door and it opened. She crowled through and somethig fell behind it and blocked my way. Only know I noticed it's completely dark here so I turned on my flashlight. -"Okay, I need to get there." I said through my breaths. I looked around and saw window leading to another room. I broke it with the handle of my knife. CRASH! I ended up at the other side of the door but couln't see Alex anywhere. Luckily there was a trail of blood to follow, and so I followed it. It was surprisingly long but finally I could her her grunting. I opened the door it was coming from. -"Oh, fuck." She said scared. -"Not nice being the prey, huh?" I asked her. -"What do you want with me?" She asked me. I kneeled down to her level as she was kind of laying nearby a wall.

-"Tell where Abby is and I just might make your death quick." I told her and pulled out my knife. She looked at me and started laughing. -"You don't have the guts. Have you ever even tortured someone before?" She chuckled. -"Shut the fuck up and answer my question!" I punched her to the face. She coughed out a bit of blood. -"Wow, that's a bad start." She replied. I saw something shiny on her neck. I grabbed it and tear it off of her. It was a Firefly pendant. -"Oh, you're a Firefly too?" I turned to her. -"Was. A long time ago. And then that old man fucked everything up!" She spit in my direction. I turned the pendant and from shock I almost dropped it. No, no. That's not possible! I looked at her shocked. -"What? You don't like my name?" She chuckled. I couldn't speak. The pendant said Alex Philips. -"How do you like mine?" I tried acting cool but failed and there was a clear shock in my face as I threw mine pendant at her. She read it. -"Wha- God....No that's.....You're Andrea?" She asked when tears started forming in her eyes. -"You're-You're my daughter?!" She started crying. -"You're alive. And I.....I tortured you- Oh my God!" She put her hands infront of her mouth. I was speechless. -"Why? Why did you left me?" I asked with tears flowing down from my eyes too. -"I-I couldn't do it.....I just couldn't be a mother......But you're here......And I barely killed you-" She said the last part quietly. I opened my mouth to say something but instead heard a loud crash from another room. -"Andrea. You have to go. I can buy you some time but you have to go now!" She said. -"What?! No way I'm not leaving you I just found you!" I said and tried helping her up but she pushed me away. -"No! I can't survive this, but I can slow them down. You go back to your father." She said and I gave her a confused look. She stayed quiet for a bit but then spoke again. -"He didn't tell you, did he? I saw him here. He shot at me but missed, surprisingly." She said. -"Who didn't tell me? Who is my father. " I asked her but the Wolfs started slamming into the door of the room we were in. -"Andrea, that door will lead you straight outside from there it's easy to get to the streets. Go!" She rushed me towards the door. -"Wait, mom! Who is my father?" I yelled at her. She took a deep breath. -"Tommy Miller." She said and the Wolfs got into the room. I turned around and ran for the exit she told me. The next few moments is just a blur of bullets and a lot of running.

Few minutes later I found myself infront of our teathre. Or maybe it was a few hours, I don't know. All I know is that I fucking just killed my own mother. My hands are shaking. And Tommy.......Tommy's my father?! How?! Why? Why didn't he tell me?! Does he even know? I knocked on the door of the teathre only to be greeted by Dina. -"Oh God, Andrea!" She hugged me tightly and bring me inside. -"Shit when Ellie came she was worried sick about you. So were we." Hannah came to me and hugged me too. I didn't say a word to them. -"Hey, are you okay? You're shaking." Jesse said. -"Where's Ellie?" Was the only thing I asked them. -"In the backroom. But I don't think you should-" I didn't let Hannah finish her sentence as I left with swift walk towards the backstage.

I slowly opened the backroom and saw Ellie sleeping in the makeshift bed. She was shirtless, but I didn't mind. It's not like I've never seen her naked. Her back where all bruised. For a while I looked at her because she looked like she was sleeping, but when I saw how quickly where her shoulder raising and falling I realized she's crying. I closed the door and walked to her. -"Ellie....." I whispered. She almost shot up from her bed. She turned to me and quickly hugged me. For a few seconds we were just standing there, she was crying in my shoulder and I think I cried onto her too. -"I was so worried about you....." I said and we sat on the bed. She was quiet for a bit, but so was I because each others presence was enaugh for both of us. Tears in Ellie's eyes weren't dissapearing. -"I made her talk...." Ellie said while looking at her shaking hand. Imidietly I placed my hand in her cheek and made her look at me instead of her hands. -"It's okay......You're not alone." I placed my forehead at hers. -"Please, don't leave me." She said weakly. -"I'll never." I replied and placed even my other hand at her cheek to reassure her. After we both calmed down a little I thought she could use a rest so I stood up and walked started walking away. -"Please.....stay." Ellie said behind me. -"Scootch." I smiled back and went to the bad she was laying at. -"Thank you." She said. -"Just get some sleep, okay?" I replied and she turned her back on me. I placed my hand at her shoulder. -"Goodnight Ellie." -"Night Andrea." After that I slowly drifted away.

Hi! Sorry for the long chapter but I hope you understand it had to be done. Anyway I would like to know what you think about the story so far. I've spend really long time making it so I hope it was worth it. Thank you for reading so far! You're the best!


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