Tmnt Boyfriend Scenarios

Por AnnabethToTheWriting

312K 8.6K 1.6K


Introduction That Nobody Will Read
When You First Meet -Leo
When You First Meet -Raph
When You First Meet -Donnie
When You First Meet- Mikey
Thinking About Him- Leo
Thinking About Him- Raph
Thinking About Him- Donnie
Thinking About Him- Mikey
His Thoughts Of You- Leo
His Thoughts Of You- Raph
His Thoughts Of You- Donnie
His Thoughts Of You- Mikey
You Meet Again- Leo
You Meet Again- Raph
You Meet Again- Donnie
You Meet Again- Mikey
He Thinks Of You- Leo
He Thinks Of You- Raph
He Thinks Of You- Donnie
He Thinks Of You- Mikey
You Meet...Again./ Getting His # Leo
You Meet... Again./ Getting His # Raph
You Meet...Again./Getting His # Donnie
You Meet Again.../Getting His # Mikey
Texting Him- Leo
Texting Him- Raph
Texting Him- Donnie
Texting Him- Mikey
Friends? Leo
Friends? Raph
Friends? Donnie
Friends? Mikey
Hanging Out - Leo
Hanging Out- Raph
Hanging Out- Donnie
Hanging Out-Mikey
(First XR?) He Loved Me First- Rapheal x AdoptedDaughter!Reader part 1
A Fallen Warrior ? X Reader
Joking Around- Leo
Joking Around- Raph
Joking Around- Donnie
Joking Around- Mikey
Sound Of Silence Dad!Raph X SilentDaughter!Reader
Calming Him Down (all)
Leo X Reader Innocence
Funny Times (all)
Meeting His Brothers -Raph (part 2)
Meeting His Brothers -Leo
Meeting His Brothers -Raph
Meeting His Brothers -Donnie
Meeting His Brothers -Mikey
Welcome To The Lair- Leo
Welcome To The Lair- Raph
Welcome To The Lair- Donnie
Welcome To The Lair- Mikey
Shredder and His Crazy Daughter
Leo X Thunder Scared Reader
Meeting His Father- Leo
Meeting His Father- Raph
Meeting His Father- Donnie
Meeting His Father- Mikey
Welcome To The Lair- Leo Part 2 (short)
He Loved Me First Pt2 - Raphael x AdoptedDaughter! Reader
Playing With His Brother (All)
What His Family Thinks (All)
Mikey x Depressed/Numb Reader
Realizing That You Like Him -Leo
Realizing You Like Him- Raph
Realizing You Like Him- Donnie
Realizing You Like Him- Mikey
Playing It Off Cool - All
Realizing He Likes You - Leo
Realizing He Likes You - Raph
Realizing He Likes You - Donnie
Realizing He Likes You - Mikey
You Get Jealous -Leo
You Get Jealous -Raph
You Get Jealous -Donnie
You Get Jealous -Mikey
Secrets -Leo
Secrets -Raph
Secrets -Donnie
Secrets -Mikey
Secrets Pt 2
He Loved Me First Pt3 RaphXAdoptedDaughter!Reader
First Fight -All
Apoligies -All
He Admits That He Likes You- All
Holding Hands- Leo
Holding Hands- Raph
Holding Hands- Donnie
Holding Hands- Mikey
The Best Hugs- All
You Take Care Of His Brother- All
You Defend His Brother
Different -LittleSis!Wolf Reader x Bradford
Shredder's Daughter x Turtles
Invisible- WolfHybird Reader
When Ya'll Make Out ;) -Requested
You Take A Hit For His Brother- All
Waking Up -All
Healing- Leo
Healing- Raph
Healing- Donnie
Healing- Mikey
Arthur Note
Turtles x Gangster Girl
Stay. Mikey x Reader
Stay. Mikey x Reader Final
Imagine Warning:Sensitive Content
About Upcoming Chapters
He Loved Me First Raph x Daughter!Reader Part 4
Assassin Reader x Turtles
April Reader x Turtles
My Love MikeyxReader
He Doubts Your Safety -All
He Gets Jealous -All
Cat Mutant x Tigerclaw
Cat Mutant x Leo
Donnie X Soulmate!Reader
Diagnosed Mikey x Reader
Clowns. Mikey x Reader
Mating Season -All
Little Sis HumanKidReader x Turtles
All The Way DonniexReader
Shot MikeyxReader
Power of Seduction RaphxReader
Are You Safe? RaphxReader
Just Guys Being Guys AllxReader Platonic
Leave Before You Love Me MikeyxReader
Turtle Food
The Idea Of Me- Songfic MikeyXReader
Someone Breaks Into Your Apartment
Keep It Steady LeoxReader
Last Minute Changes
A Mile In Your Shoes BodyguardLeo! X Reader
Unexpected. DonniexReader
Mutations Kid!ReaderXTurtles
Assassin Reader X Turtles Pt 2
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt. 3
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt 4
Assassin Reader X Turtles Pt 5
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt 6
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt7
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt8
Assassin Reader X Turtles Pt9
Overprotective (All the guys)
Heartache With Gentle Hands LeoxReader
Comfort ???xReader
The Missing Pet RaphXReader

They See Scars On Your Back -All

1.3K 35 18
Por AnnabethToTheWriting

I didn't proof read so probably spelling errors


You faced the water and let the warmth roll over your face and down your body.

You loved warm showers, but you loved them even more when it was chilly outside.

You and Leo were finishing up the night with a good shower, dinner and a movie. Before this, he'd taken you across the rooftops to see holiday decorations and snack on funnel cakes from the holiday fair. You were never quite sure how he arranged the dates he did for you, but you were very grateful that he got to experience cute little "normal" romantic things between the two of you. You knew he was a hopeless romantic under his everyday leadership position.

His brothers would make fun of it if they knew -which they already had an idea about based off his movie picks- but it was something you'd fallen in love with about him.

Your hair was getting wet, and your eyes were closed because of the water splashing on your face so you did feel a little surprised when you felt his big hands gently touching your hips.

Yes, the two of you showered together.

Another romantic scenario that had you all giggly and lovey dovey towards him.

You slowly turned in his arms, laying your cheek against his plastron and allowing your fingers to gently glide across his own hips.


"Yes?" You hummed out a response quietly, basking in the calm feeling of being held by the man you loved most. Leo played with your wet hair.

"May I ask what caused the scars on your back?"

You thought for a moment, trying to remember the scars exactly. You honestly forgot they were there unless you saw them. Your mouth made an 'O' shape as you pulled away enough to look up at him.

Leo's blue eyes watched you carefully, curiously. As if he was trying to determine the cause before you said it.

Leonardo cared a lot about you. He wanted to know all about you, even when he thought he knew everything. If he came across a random question he'd ask it. There was somehow always more to you. He loved that about you.

So if he got the chance to question you on a scar or two he'd never asked about? Of course he'd ask. It was a part of you too!

The scars had never bothered him. He had many of his own and every now and then would tell you a story behind them.

You had two perfectly straight scars right by your spine. He couldn't really picture what would've caused them.

"Oh, those? I had surgery on my back once."

"What happened?" A thumb gently stroked your cheek, a loving thing he did when you got into intimate conversations.

"Two kids pushed me off a rock cliff. We were all jumping into the river under it and I was chickening out. They thought it was funny but I landed in the shallow end into a rock bed." You made a sarcastic grin at his 'are you crazy' face. "Leo, c'mon, I had all sorts of fun when I was little. You guys must've done some crazy things too."

"That I can't disagree with, love."


You'd been working out in your apartment in a sport bra and shorts when your boyfriend in red decided to pop by and visit.

You had the night off of work and he had plenty of spare time on his hands so he figured he'd come see you. He let himself in and wandered your apartment, following the sounds of heavy breathing and an instructor on the tv.

He came into the livingroom and smiled when he saw how bad you were sweating. You must've went though a dvd or two to be in that much of a sweat.

"Hey Doll." Raph sat on your couch, playfully leaning back to admire you. Your head popped up in a hurry, and you gave him a quick smile.

"Hey Raph, whatcha up to?"

"Checking in on you. Ya seem busy."

"Busy? When you're here? Never." You hauled yourself up and out of the floor to turn off the dvd. You grabbed a towel tossed to the side and grabbed it, throwing it around your neck and fixing your ponytail.

Your back was turned to him as you adjusted yourself and his eyes caught sight of little marks on your back, close to your hip area. Scars.

Scars which he'd never had seen if you hadn't been in a sport bra and  in such good lighting.

They were clearly puncture scars so he decided to ask about them.

"So uh, what's wit the scars?" At your confused glance, he pointed to them. Your eyes widened with realization and your head bounced in a nod.

"Oh, those." You joined him on the couch and wiped at your forehead with the towel. "I was attacked by a dog a couple of years ago. It bit me right here." You pointed to the marks. "Some kind of big dog, I don't know."

"Is that why ya don't got a dog?"

"No, but it definitely gave some insight on what they can be capable of." You shivered at the thought of it. "It was scary. Sometimes I can still feel it biting me."

"It ain't gonna get at now. Not with me around."

"I know." You leaned into your boyfriends side and sighed. "I know."


You groaned for the hundredth time in the last two hours you'd been hanging out with Donnie in your livingroom.

Your back had been hurting, he knew this because you'd only said it ten times, but now he was starting to wonder why you could be in so much pain.

Doctor Donnie asked question after question until eventually settling on a new plan. "Why don't you go lay down? I'll be in there in a moment." He had suggested going to your room for a bit to take pressure off of your back. You immediately agreed.

"As long as you don't try to take advantage of me." You winked at him, hands harshly rubbing your own back as you walked. Donnie shook his head at your teasing remark.


You laid down on your belly with a loud moan, huffing against the covers on the bed as the relief washed over your body.

What felt even better though, was Donnie's big hand gliding down it, the pressure bringing relief your own hands couldn't.

"That's nice." You glanced up toward him and smiled. "Really nice."

"Oh, is it?" He teased a bit of his own before attempting to jump into why it felt good which you quickly cut him off.

"Please just rub my back."

"Of course love." He tugged at your shirt. "Take it off?"

"Yeah." You struggled to shrug the offending clothing item off, and once you did laid back into position. Donnie gently rubbed your back, pausing for only a second at examine a few light scars. His fingers ghosted over them, then returned back to your little massage session.



"Were you aware you had scarring?"

"It's not causing my back pain, D." You tried to assure him just in case he figured maybe it had something to do with your current issue, but you felt him shake his head.

"I was just going to ask if you minded telling me about them."

"Oh." You adjusted a bit to look at him. "You know we all do dumb things as teens."

"I'm aware."

His grin was contagious.

"I got into a fight with this one kid- he broke a glass bottle and stabbed me with it." You laughed at the memory now. How stupid it was, what it was over. "I had to get so many shots and blood work done."

"What was the fight over? Something worth it at least?" He quizzed. As soon as he was met with a laugh though, he knew that wouldn't be the case.

"He stole my bag of jolly ranchers and I was pissed."

A moment of silence.

Then, finally, he laughed.

"That seems about right."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You hollered out, almost offended at his words.

"It means I love you." He played it off and grinned at the look on your face. You huffed in defeat.

"Smart man."

"A genius, if you will."

"Okay, now you're pushing it."


"Hey, what's that?"

You could've jumped out of your skin.

And it sure felt like you did.

Your body did what whole "electrocuted worm" movement at the sound of a voice, a voice which belong to Mikey- your boyfriend. You hadn't known he had showed up yet. Looking at the time, sure enough he'd turned up early for a good movie night at your apartment.

You were currently sat on your bed after a shower, drying your hair with a towel in a sport bra and shorts.

You turned to look at him, breathing through your mouth to calm yourself and to see what he was looking at.

"Hey babe." You greeted him with a cheerful voice nonetheless- like he hadn't just scared the life out of you- and turned to see what he was talking about. "What is it?" You didn't point out that he was early. Every now and again he was. He was always excited to see you.

He got to the bed and sat on the other side, then pointed at you. "That."

You looked over your arms. You didn't see what he was talking about. Right when you went to ask for confirmation, his fingers grazed your back. You jolted slightly at the feeling.

"Does it hurt?" He pulled his hand away, but stopped once you shook your head. You immediately understood what he was inquiring about now. Some scars, two big ones on the left side of your back, starting at your shoulder blade and dragging down to your ribs.

"It's just scars." You assured him. You knew another question would follow and it did.

"What happened?" His hand returned to your back.

"A bicycle accident. It happened a couple of years ago, I forget the scars are even there."

"Did it hurt?"

"When it happened? Of course. I had to get stitches. I was popping a wheelie and flipped back into this pole with a broken top, totally ruined by back for a bit." You turned to look over your shoulder at him. "I'm okay now though."

Mikey, the carefree boyfriend everyone knew him as often worried about you. You knew that, so you covered all your bases. I was once hurt, this is what happened, I'm okay now. That kinda thing.

Mikey nodded but you figured it was more towards himself than towards you. "Next time you pop a wheelie let me know so I can catch you." He winked at you, returning back to his playful demeanor. You nodded playfully back.

"I'll keep that in mind babe."

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