Love Bites

By Wolfgaming395

418 0 0

Girl suffers from Stockholm syndrome and falls in love with a vampire More

A Sober Start
Going for a Ride
I'm Home
A Horrible Night
Fun with my Kidnapper~
Life at it's Best
A Foggy Morning
Mikas Patience
A Moonlight Picnic
Getting Taken Away
Where am I?
Rougher Than Ever~
The Examination
Not Again
Where Are You
I'm Here Bunny
The Meeting
Some Casual Fun~
Birthday surprise Pt 1
A Birthday Surprise Part 2~
Next Morning
Static's Big Surprise Pt 1
Static's Big Surprise Pt 2~
Cuddles with Bunny
Static's Puzzling Thoughts
Let the Challenge Begin~
My Hubby
Ethan's Big Brother
A Strange Dream
The Meeting Pt 1
The Meeting Pt 2
Bunny Bunny Bunny
A Good Day
Ethan's Birthday~
Ethan's Nightmare
The Picnic
Noah's Play Time~
Our Palace
A Kingdom to Rule
My Love
The Rebuild
A New Queen

Yet Another Visitor

24 0 0
By Wolfgaming395

A man walked in, "You must be the one they call Clicker." I averted my eyes from his gaze. "Come now sweetie, I'm not gonna harm you." I heard him get closer.
"I'm here because of a man. He wants to take you home." Chills ran down my spine. I started to click my tongue showing that I wasn't comfortable. He backed up.
"His name is Mika. I believe he is your brother." I swiftly made eye contact with the man. I saw him reach into his pocket and pull out two keys.
"These are the keys that'll set you free. I just need you to let me get close so I can unlock your chains and get you to your brother." I stopped clicking my tongue. The man then went by my ankles and unlocked them. He looked at me and gave me a soft smile. He then came by my wrists and used the other key to unlock them. Click. I immediately started scratching my head because of the itch. He went to the dresser and pulled out some loose pants and a shirt.
"Here sweetie, put these on. I'll be outside the door when you're ready." I nodded my head. I put on the pants and shirt. I then grabbed the door handle and slowly opened the door. There he stood.
"You look beautiful my lady," he said with a cheerful smile. I gave him a soft smile in return. He reached his hand out for me to take it. I slowly took his hand and he led me out of this place. For once in my life, I felt free. Like nothing could hurt me. A few nurses looked at me with a disgusted glance. I didn't even care. All I knew was that I was getting out of this place. He led me to the outside world. The light from the sun hurt my eyes a bit but I started to look around. I saw many cars but then my eyes stopped at a red car. I didn't seem to recognize it. Since I knew what all the doctors drove. He led me to the back of it and opened the door for me.

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