agony. |darth maul

By br00tle

25.9K 735 235

Under the hood was something Kin had never seen before. Striking red skin with intricate, bold black tattoos... More

part 1: the fool.
part 2: the assassin.
part three: the redeemed.
final thoughts.


747 25 9
By br00tle

Maul went to bed after me, and woke up before me. My first morning on Naboo was spent wondering if he had left, just to find him meditating next to the bed. I had left him there and went to start the day with my first plan- buying clothes in the latest Naboo fashion.

As I skimmed the racks and racks of clothing at the boutique, it came to me I wasn't even paying attention to the clothes themselves. As I picked up a dress I wouldn't ask myself if I thought it was pretty, rather I would ask myself if I would be able to wrestle out of a chokehold while wearing it.

The training of the sith really had broken me- even with that I ended up with two nice enough looking outfits and face paint. With some cleaning up I could pass as a beginner politician wanted to learn from such a young expert.

I don't try and think too much about having to kill a child as I get ready. Maul is gone, out doing something I'm sure I could never think of, and I get dressed in silence. The hotel door opens and he comes in later, as I'm on my third attempt at royal looking face paint.

I leave the bathroom after one last check in the mirror, to greet Maul. Before I even see him, he sees me.

"You look..." he trails off. His face isn't impressed but I grin like an idiot anyway, "Strange."

"Thank you, I made it my own inter galactic fashion statement," I motion to the dramatic outfit, consisting of long bright yellow strips of silk tossed around my body, which was wrapped in a formal green gown. It was no short of ugly, not even considering the over-the -top face paint. "But sadly, I cannot stay for long."

"I see," he seems to inspect me a second longer, "And who are you?"

"Lady Rin Te'shla of the planet Ereen, looking to help brining her back water expansion region planet into the mid-rim political scene," I said with the heavy accent I had completely made up on the fly. It was all a lie, none of those things were true or even close to real.

"Stop it with the accent, you sound foolish."


Padme was kind, beautiful and extremely smart for her age. She held elegance and poise and oh my god I have to kill her, I seriously have to kill her?

I rattled off all she told me at the first meeting to Maul, mostly simple things and comments on his master.

"She spoke well of your Master, she really looks up to him." I mutter as I finish my info-dump.

Padme had laughed over tea with me as she described her plans for being the queen of her planet, for joining the senate. She said I would make a good senator since I spoke with such 'grace.'

"You're straying from the plan." His voice leaves no room for argument and I don't dare even think of a way to retaliate, instead covering my face the with most neutral expression I can manage. "I sense it."

Silence. A dreary 30 seconds of silence. I've made myself tiny in the force, trying to appear as blank as possible.

"I see where you stand," he says and stands. We were sitting on the balcony of our hotel room at the small stable that looked over a large sparkling lake, "come with me."

big big BIG things happening next chapter amigos. I struggle immensely with writing romance but I'm trying my hardest so hopefully things will come out well. wish me the best

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