A Ninja? ( Twisted Wonderland...

By LittleAkime

143K 3.8K 2.4K

(Y/n) was on a Mission with her team when they were attacked by ninjas and (y/n) got taken to a different wor... More

Chapter 1: mission gone wrong
Chapter 2: talking raccoon?
chapter 4 - Ramshackle Dorm
 should I be SUS? 
Chapter 5 - The card of Ace 
Chapter 6 : 100 Windows and fishy little fishes
6k special: the Day you become a child [1]
Chapter 7 -dwarfs mine
Please read this
🥀Down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 Down the Rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀
🍰The apology🍰
23K special: fnaf 
🦁Long live the king🦁
Y/n info
🦁Long live the king🦁
My weird dream
🦁Long live the king🦁
This will not be tolerated
🦁Long live the king🦁
A little rant
Another weird dreams
53k Special: the day you become a child [p2]
How dating (y/n) will be 
🦁long live the king🦁
🦁Long live the king🦁
🦁Long live the king 🦁
New story y'all
I wanna do a little Q&A
A little apology gift
New cover
I need help...
A/n important!

Chapter 3: entrance ceremony

10.1K 263 147
By LittleAkime

Grim: "I got you now HumAHHH!!"

you: "huh?" I watched as a whip came out of nowhere slipping the raccoon in the back hard then wrap it self around him.

Grim: "HUH what with this rope!?"

???: "this is no mere rope. Is the lash of love" a unfamiliar voice spoke I looked at the door and a man wearing a weird looking bird mask covering the top of his Face leaving only his Mouth visibly stepping inside with the rope holding the raccoon.

You:'that's weird I didn't sens his Chakra' I thought looking at him suspiciously he turned his head to me.

???: "Ah Found you. You are one of the new students yes" he smiled stuck his hand out in front of me for a handshake I hesitate but to his hand in mine and slowly shook it.

???:"you shouldn't do things like that. Leaving the gate on your own" he let go and put his hand on his hip.


???:"Not only that, You have yet to tame your Famlilar too Which has Broken a number of school rules!"

You:"but he's not-

Grim: "I'M NOT HIS FAMLILAR! let me go!" Said Grim struggling against the rope

???: "Sure,sure the rebellious ones always say that. Just be quiet for a moment" The male replied put his clawed hand on Grim's mouth


???:"goodness, is unprecedented for a new student to leave the gate on their own, how impatient..." the man sighed.

You:" sir-"

???:"the entrance ceremony is well underway. Let's head to the hall of Mirrors."  my eyebrow twitched.

You:'okay he's starting to piss me off of how many times he interrupted me
but I need to calm down if I want answers of what the hell is this place'

You :" the hall of mirrors?"

???:"is the room that you woke up in, with all those Doors" He explained.

You:"Wait those coffins are doors or is it the mirror" I asked being confused of what exactly brought me here.

???:" yes, all student must pass through these in order to arrive here though normally the students only wake up and the doors are open with a special key"

You:"I think he did it He almost burnt me a life with his flames" I pointed at Grim who is still struggling to get out.

???:"so in the end, the culprit appears to be this Famlilar if you're going to bring it with you you have to take responsibility in properly take care of it" he looked at Grim then at me.

You:" but sir he's not-"

???:"Oh my! Now it's not the time to be long winded "he interrupted again" The entrance ceremony will soon be coming to a close we must hurry"

You:' [Long sigh]' I give up'

???:"Let's get moving now" he placed his hand on my shoulder guiding me to walk as I took the first step I tripped on whatever I was wearing and fell Face first on the ground.

???:" oh dear, are you ok?" He bent down and reached out his hand for me to take.

You: "yeah...I'm okay" I took his hand and he lift me up I dusted my clothes and just now I realised I wasn't wearing my normal clothes I was wearing a long purple robe with long sleeves with a hood covering the top of my face as if was the mask wasn't enough  it had a very pretty Golding design on it and it was very comfortable I won't lie about that.

???:" It seems you are a bit dazed from the teleportation magic It's nothing to worry about though, it happens often enough."

You: "magic?" ' Do they also perform Jutsu?'

???:"Fret not young  man I shall explain everything on our way, For I am gracious" he smiled.

You:"ok.." ' wait does he seriously think I'm a guy? I mean I do have a muscular body for a girl and my mask hides my feminine features I also Wear bandages around my chest so it won't hurt when I run or jump  I can even change my voice to a realistic male voice I don't blame him the first time I came to Konoh Village everyone thought I was a guy I won't forget the look on their faces when I told them, Sasuke fans had face of shock and disappointed since they've been flirting with me the whole time and the boys they were shocked too but had a bit of a blush on them not like there wasn't before, I don't get it why were they blushing every time I talk to them even before I told the truth I'll just walk up to them and they will start blushing even my sensei (we love a dense character don't we?), should I tell him? No I don't trust him who knows what he may do if he find out amI akeep it for now, like I haven't being doing my whole life'

We walked out of the library I tried to keep up with him seeing he was walking very fast but I managed to keep up with him.


oh how desperate she wanted to go back home to be with her team and enjoying their company eating Ramen with Naruto, talking about random stuff with Sakura mostly it's just Sakura talking about Sasuke saying how cool he is, and training with Sasuke, and chilling with kakashi her eyes wanted to cry remembering her friends at the academy and her teachers but her eyes been drained from any emotions or tears for years her thoughts were soon interrupted by the man Voice.

???: "are you ok, you seem sad" he said with a bit of concern in his voice.

You:"huh? O-oh yeah I'm fine don't worry about me continue" he still looked worried but looked in front of him.

???:" well this is night Raven college, magicians blessed with a unique aptitude for magic gather from all over the world to here the most prestigious magical Academy and twisted Wonderland"

You: "Twisted...Wonderland?" ' never heard of this place'

???:" yes! and I am the headmaster of this academy appointed by the board Chairman to Take care of it. Dire Crowley."

You: "I see..."

Crowley:"only those magician seen as worthy by the dark mirror can attend to the school, chosen ones use the gate and are summoned here from around the world"

You:' interesting'

Crowley:" An ebony carriage carrying a gate should have gone to meet you as well"

You:"a Ebony carrying.'I Don't remember that'

Crowley:" The carriage goes to welcome the new student who were chosen by the dark mirror the carriage carry the gate to this academy. The Market decided long ago that carriage used to welcome people special days "

You:"wait so that carriage brought me here on its own?"


Crowley:" come we must hurry to the entrance ceremony" Crowley quickly pick to his speed but you managed keep up.
In the entrance ceremony


???:"Is that all for the new student?" Asked a Short Rad haired boy looking around he then turned to the students behind him.

???:" Listen up new student here in heartslabyul, I am the rules. Break them and it's off with your head" he said with a very serious glaring at them.

A tall male with lion ears yawned stretcher his arms.

???:"ugh, this stuffy ceremony is finally, over we're going to the dorms,
Savanaclaws follow me"

???:"to new student , congratulations on entering this academy" a guy with silver hair, pushing his glasses " Enjoy you're life here to the fullest, As the dormitory leader of Octavinelle I will support you to the best of my ability"

???:" by the way where did the headmaster go?" asked a another male with lilac eyes and a beautiful smooth blond hair gazing around the room "he flew out right in the middle of the ceremony..."

"Abandoning his post..."a quiet voice coming from the floating tablet

???:" did he get a stomachache or something?" another male said with tanned skin and white hair looking around he seemed the most excited out of everyone here

"OF COURSE NOT!" the doors opened revealing Crowley with Grim still in his hand with another figure following behind looking down

"Ah he's here"

I faceplam at his entrance did he have to be this loud? I hate being the source of attention I looked around analysing the room and it's filled with boys

You:'great just great this is all boy school' I pulled my hood down to hide my face but I noticed something or someone interesting a group of boys with animal features.

You:' Their half animals so they can probably smell me and tell my gender' I thought, how do I know that? Will kiba of course he was the first one to know about me, when I asked him how he knew he said I just didn't smell like the other males and that his dog Akamaru told him for he can smell me he promised to keep it a secret I should probably be careful and keep my distant from them.

Crowley:" I cannot believe you all we were missing one new student so I have to go and find him" he then turned around and addressed me " you are the only one yet to be assigned in a dormitory I shall watch over the raccoon Step forward towards the dark mirror"

You: "am I dead? is this between life and death am I being judged right now?"

Crowley:" of course not why will you think that?"

You:" I mean...waking up in a coffin that is used to put dead people in kind gives it the idea don't you think? And I did drown before waking up here" I said the last part quiet enough for him not here looking at him I heard some chuckling coming from other student

Crowley: "[sigh] for the last time they are doors, just step forward young man"

I nodded I stepped to the mirror, the mirror looked strangely familiar to me

                "State the Name"

It spoke, it's voice so very deep,  I wish I can get my voice that deep.

You:"(y/n)(c/n)" I spoke in my guy voice.

                                         "The shape of the soul is..."

Everyone was waiting for the answer curious as to where this mysterious person will be assigned to, some looked uninterested and bored.

                                                   "...I Do Not know"

Crowley:"come again!" Crowley asked seem surprised of the answer he looked at me narrowed his eyes then looked back at the mirror

                          " I sense Not a spark of magic from this one.."
                                    " though I do sense something else....                                                
                      it doesn't feel like magic but feels very powerful"

                               " other than that, the shape...the colour..
                                    there is no Magic Entwined within "

The mirror look deep into my soul knowing there is something more to me and is trying to figure out.

You:' good thing I learned how to hide my chakra' l could hear whispers filling the room There are probably judging me by what the mirror just said so annoying.

Crowley:"the Ebony carriage would absolutely never meet someone who can't use magic, is 100 years there has never been a mistake in the student selection!" Crowley said with a shock appeared in his voice.

Grim:"Mmmph"Grim managed to to get out of Crowley grip" then I'll take his place!"

Grim jumped running towards me about to push me away but I acted fast and jumped over him doing a flip and landed on the floor peacefully at the end of the stairs everyone was at awe for what I just did.

Grim:" unlike that dumb human I can use magic let me instead if you need proof I'll show you right now " he smirked I know he's up to something"

You:"EVERYONE GET DOW!" I yelled already knowing what he's gonna do " HE'S GOING  TO SAT THE PLACE ON FIRE!" I said and I was right, from his mouth he blow fire everywhere the students jumped and started running trying to avoid the fire.

???: "AH HOT,HOT!!! MY BUTT IS ON FIRE!" One of them yelled running in a circle with another guy behind him trying to put out the fire on his butt.

???:"tch, what a bunch of jokers"the lion man scoffed seeming unfazed by the fire around him.

???:"Hmm? Aren't you good at hunting? Doesn't it look like a nice and plump snack?"The lilac man said with a playful smirk.

???:"why me ? Do it yourself sissy"

My eyebrow twitched is  no one taking this seriously this whole place is about to burn down and they're sitting casually like nothing is happening.

???:" headmaster Crowley, allow me to handle it " the silver haired guy said pushing his glasses up" I'm sure the others can't stomach the thought of harassing the small creature so I will take it upon myself "

???: "that's Azul for you, always trying to earn himself points" the flouting square said.

???: "can someone help me?! My butt is still on fire!" The white hair male said well trying to put out the fire on his butt while the guy behind him is smacking his butt trying to put it out.

Crowley:" are you all even listening!?" He yelled very angry.

Grim:"I'm the great Grim and I will become the most powerful magician in the world!"

Azul:"It certainly has moxie, care to help me ,Riddle?"

Riddle:" I can't overlook those who break the rules" the shorter than Naruto guy known as Riddle said " Let's get this over with"

And so on the chase begins
You:'DID EVERYONE FORGOT ABOUT THE FIRE!!'I looked around people are either screaming running from the fire chasing the raccoon or just sitting not caring at all I had enough, quickly doing hands sign I yelled.

You:"wind style Jutsu" using a wind Jutsu my hair and the rope started to fly around me as a strong wind came picking up the fire with it even the fire on the guys butte surrounding me making a giant tornado of fire I stopped the wind and the fire stopped with it The time I was finished Grim was finally captured buy the Riddle.

Riddle:"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD " he yelled light Surrounded grim neck.

Grim: "AH!? what is this!?" Grim looked Down at his neck.

Riddle:"Laws of the Queen of hearts no.23 one shall never bring a cat into a festival, you being a cat means you've broken a rule. You shall leave it once."

You:'now that look it him closely he does look like a cat mor then a raccoon' I thought to myself.

Grim:"I'M NOT A CAT" Grim yelled clearly pissed off by now"I'll burn this collar off right up and....W-wait, I can't use my fire!?"

Riddle:"Hmph, you won't be using any magic I remove that, just like a ordinary cat" he said smirked proudly of himself.

I look it grim seeing a heart shaped collar around his neck.

You:'wow impressive' I thought looking at the collar.

Grim:"What!? I'm.  Not some of pet!"

Riddle:"Like I'll Would ever keep a pet like you" he put his hand on hip"I'll take it off when you're thrown out anyway "

Azul:"wow, as impressive as ever Riddle Any and all magic are sealed by your unique magic"the known as Azul walked closer to him pushing his glasses up"I want it..ahh,no. I wouldn't want it used on me"

You:' something is telling me not to trust that smile on his Face' l turn around seeing the headmaster looking at me with anger towering above me standing like a mother about the scold her child.

Crowley:" you must do something about this ,it is you're famil-"

You:"OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL HOKAGES HE IS NOT MY FAMLILAR, CAN'T YOU SEE HE TRIED TO KILL ME " I yelled angrily finally at my limits of patience with this guy.

He stepped back surprised at my outburst but can you blame me he's been cutting me off every time I try to explain myself.

Crowley:" huh?It...it isn't your familiar?"

You:"No"I said putting my hands on my hips" you'ed think if I had one he will be treating me like this? Plus I already have a "familiar" and it's a monkey and he is way nicer than that raccoon" then my eyes went wide 'coconut I forgot about coconut my monkey' I remember him being with me on the mission but I don't know if he was taken in with me I start looking around Calling out his name Then I felt my hair moving I took off the hood And he came jumping out of it doing a flip in Landing in my arms I sighed of relief hugging him close my beautiful baby monkey is safe and sound with me I don't know what I'll do without my Best friend I wouldn't go anywhere without him.

You:"Coconut your ok I thought I lost you"

Coconut : (happy monkey noises)

You:"me too Buddy" I said rubbing my forehead against his.

Crowley:"[cough] anyway let's get it out of the school at any rate we won't turn you into a stew for I am gracious"

Grim: "Gyaa!LET ME GO" cried out Grim struggling as one of the student picked him up by the collar and drag him out" I have to stay...I have to...I have to become the greatest magician" Grim begin to tear as the door closed on his face.

My Face softened I felt so bad for him he just want to achieve his dream he reminds me of Naruto when he wanted to become the Hokage and he will do everything in him to become one, there alike.

Crowley: "Now then, we had a bit of trouble along the way but this brings the entrance ceremony to a close. Dormitory heads, please show the new students the way back to the dorms" he looked around noticing something is missing or rather someone.

Crowley:"come to think of it...I don't see the dorm leader for Disomnia, Mr.Draconia around at all."

???:" that's no different from usual isn't it" the lion ear guy said Rolling his eyes.

???:"what? Did no one tell him about the ceremony" The fire butt guy said.

???:"If you're gonna complain you ,should've done it yourself" the diva said.

???:"I don't know anything about that guy" he replied sighing.

I heard whispers student started to talk About the guy they forgot to invite

Student A:Draconia? As in Malleus Draconia?
Student B: he goes here?

???:"so it seems I was correct " A deep voice said right next to me turning my head I see a short guy with black hair with bits of it coloured in pink and a Babyface that didn't match his voice.

You:' why didn't I sens his chakra' I looked at him with wide eyes he just looked at me for a second and smiled.

???:"I thought he will come ,but Malleus didn't"

Crowley :" it is seems that the invitation never arrived again huh?" He asked Eyeing the Dorm leaders.

You:" well that's just rude how would they feel if they kept being forgotten" I said in a whisper but the guy next to me must've heard it because he looked at me with a thankful smile and soft Blood eyes.

Azul:"my deepest apologies"Azul said though I could tell he didn't actually mean it "I promise, we didn't intend to exclude him"

You:"tch, Liar" I said looking to the side I could feel him looking at me at the corner of his eyes.

Riddle:"His aura makes him hard to approach" ' excuses'

???:"[sigh] It's fine, members of Dismonia can follow me,I hope this doesn't upset him" he mumbled last last part but I can still hear it before he walked out he looked at me and smiled at me with a wink One by one they all walked out the first one be the lion I kept my head down and hugged coconut close I glanced up as he walked past me and he glanced at me for a second but I swear I saw him lick his lips.

The second one being the glasses guy as he walked past me he pushed up his glasses with a charming smile next was Riddle he just walked pass me then it was the blonde haired guy he just looked disgusted by me and just walked away the white haired guy he smiled bright smile to me and waved goodbye I waved back still keeping my head Down lastly it was the floating square as I looked up at it I heard the sound of a click like a camera sound Then they lift leaving me and the headmaster.

Crowley:"Now then..."

God this is longer then my essays but I hope you like Is 11 at.night right now it took me the whole afternoon for this so I hope is for your liking and one more thing if you know how to pronounce coconut in Japanese please tell me so I can change the monkeys name or if you have a better name from other than coconut please tell me

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