The Assassin Queen

By stargazing_bookworm

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EDITING!! CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN Hundreds of years ago the Kingdom of Shabina was once home to the most p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Five- Your Place
Six- Strange
Eight-Summers Peak
Nine-Wind Of Change
Eleven-The Run
Twelve-Shifter vs Demon
Fourteen: Dreamy Felix
Fifteen- Nightmares
Sixteen: Roaring Lilith
Seventeen: The Impossible
Eighteen: Always & Forever
Nineteen: Awakened
Twenty: Pain & Answers
Twenty One: Never will
Twenty Two: Out of Control
Twenty Three: Trapped
Twenty Four: Excuse
Twenty Five:
Twenty Six: Ravkah
Twenty seven: Unconquered
Twenty Seven: Part 2
BK2-🍁Chapter One🍁
BK2-🍁Chapter Two🍁
BK2- 🍁Chapter Three🍁
BK2-🍁Chapter Four🍁
BK2- 🍁Chapter Five🍁
BK2-🍁Chapter Six🍁
BK2 |•Chapter 7•|
BK2 |•Chapter 8•|
BK 2 |•Chapter Nine•|
BK2 | Chapter 11|
BK2 |•Chapter 12•|
BK2 |•Chapter 13•|
Cast Of Characters
BK2|•Chapter 14•|
Bk2 |•Chapter 15•|
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 |
|Chapter 18 |
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Bk2 | Chapter 10|

124 9 5
By stargazing_bookworm

Each step was calculated, each lazy smirk and confident swagger in my steps accounted for. We had planned it that way.

And so it came as no surprise when the entire Ravkah court stared in shock–nearly mesmerized–and immediately the ballroom irrupted into a whispering chaos, for I had not worn the gown expected of me...I had been told to represent my kingdom so we had.

Instead, I wore a gown of a pure pitch black–like a starless night– which dragged against the spotless white marble floor, and clashed like light meeting shadows–standing out just as I did. I also wore lacy black elbow long gloves–to cover the faint scar on my palm–and just to piss the Queen off I'd strapped my sword to my hip and Odessa had arranged my dark hair into a crown. While my lips had deep red lipstick and my eyes had smokey black eye shadow till I looked as though I was attending the funeral of my greatest enemy—not my engagement.

The finishing result was stunning and dark, it was a very obvious display of defiance without actually flat out saying anything. And everyone beside me had dressed accordingly, Lucien wore his Assassin clothing—weapons and all— and he didn't even bother to hold in his sneer as he peered down at the entire court at the bottom of the stairs. Asher had also agreed to wear his weapons and forgo his waistcoat for formal events and instead gone with his general suit and so had the rest. Indeed, we looked like a kingdom of warriors, of fighters, survivors, and most importantly a kingdom of conquerors.

Holding my chin up I strode forward till I looked down the stairs which descended into the ballroom, and looked past the sea of nobles towards the end of the ballroom where the thrones rested and slowly took my first step down the staircase, my court closely by my side. The minute my heels clicked onto the first step everyone fell silent and I reveled in the fact, but I continued my descend with swaggering steps, our weapons clanking against each and armor the loudest sound in the room. If I would have done this months before I probably would have found the stares uncomfortable, But now, after all I'd been through I refused to be made uncomfortable. These were not my people, why should I give a damn what they thought! Screw them! And so I held every gaze who dared look directly into my eyes and smirked with contempt when they would look away, We quickly found ourselves on the ballroom floor where everyone parted for us as we made our way to the royal family.


My heels nearly echoed in the grand ballroom as I marched my way forward, while I clenched my fists and stared directly at the Queen. My gaze burning and heart pumping hard. Till finally, I stood before the king and Queen—and the young prince and princess on each side—but I didn't bother looking at them and ignored the curious stares, instead I stood my ground without a word. Till the crowd begun shifting in the tense silence, till their murmurs could be heard and the King's guards had touched their blades.

Then, and only then, did I slowly let my lips tilt into a small, feral smile and bent at the waist while I held the King's piercing glare, and my court promptly followed my example. And I nearly laughed when I caught Cole and Remingtons color drained faces as they bowed, they would soon get used to this.

The king suddenly stood and I watched closely in anticipation, but then he surprised me. The king began to chuckle loudly while he clapped full-heartedly, eyeing me with an expression of humored disbelief. And soon the entire nobles joined in—still clearly confused but not wanting to offend.

"Now that's an entrance!" The king boomed and everyone gathered murmured their agreement before the King became silent "Come here little warrior" he then beckoned and it took me a moment to realize he meant me. But I squared my shoulders and strode forward till I stood at the King's left, and I  could feel the Queen glare at me the whole time.

"Tonight we gather for a very special occasion," the King spoke and my breath caught, already dreading his next words.  " I understand most of you here look down on this little runt of a warrior, due to the lies her kingdom has fed us, due to her upbringing as an assassin—trained to kill and not to rule," and every word had me grinding my jaw—I found it quite ironic that Arcus had actually raised me to rule, just not kindly.— and then I noticed the way Lucien was clenching his fists and Asher's jaw muscles twitched and I realized they too were beyond angry. " By all commons means she is not fit to rule, it's tr— true "

The instant the king questioned my ability to rule Lucien took a step towards the King, eyes scorching with such venom the king stuttered, but quickly rose a hand to halt the guards who had unsheathed their swords.

"But!" And the nobles grew still once more " See you not how she holds herself, see you not the fire in her eyes. " and it just so happened that at that moment I indeed was glaring daggers at them all. "Yes! " the King shouted while smacking a hand onto my shoulder, as though I was some long lost friend and I couldn't keep my nostrils from flaring, "Such fury will serve her well in the war her kingdom faces soon. She may very well be ill-mannered and have a questionable background but what our ally Kingdom needs now is a ruler who will not balk in the face of war, what Shabina needs now is a Warrior to lead them..." and shockingly enough the young prince of Ravkah —Xander — begun to clap as he stood and offered me a small nod, and of course the nobles followed his example.

It was only when they had all gone still again that the King spoke once more, but I missed most of what he said because out of the corner of my eye I caught a tall figure snaking its way out of the crowd of nobles. And I knew that walk by now, the way they moved as though they owned the world...aahh yes, this was whom I'd agreed to marry—it was worse than defeat.

"—that is why I have agreed to forgo the breaking of the alliance to Shabina, instead we will join hands as we've always done, in marriage..." The king spoke and motioned Thane forward and he did not disappoint–unfortunately- for he walked forward with all the grace of a prince, perfectly poised and serene. I found it rather infuriating how he quite literally appeared to glide across the room, his dark crimson cape sweeping behind him majestically and a golden crown placed neatly into his dark hair, which cascaded around him in dark waves–all the while he raked his gaze over me. I couldn't help but notch my chin up in defiance, and coolly remind myself that my kingdom depended on me not smashing my fist into his disgustingly perfect nose.

1,2,3, breathe 1,2,3, breathe

" Ravkah Prince Thane Kovit Kavaleer, my eldest, has accepted a union to Queen Dahlia Angelina Catalina Cashore of Shabina, I could think of no other women who matches my son better than this Queen," he said and by this point, I was so done, all I did was stare at my small court gathered before me and thought of my parents.

" I could not have worded it better your highness, Dahlia is the Queen I desire" Thane spoke before looking past the king and towards me, holding my scorching gaze with a glinted one of his own. And I realized at that moment, with him standing before me, that he might sincerely mean what he had just said...which only succeeded in sending a terror induced shiver down my spine.

"Be the court my witness, this betrothal is therefore binding, refusal of marriage on any end will result in severe punishment. Now let the celebration begin!!" The king boomed before taking a seat by the Queen, while I tried not to cry.

A/N  y'all have a great Thanksgiving ☺️

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