No More Innocence

By crazypoodle

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Two years. Two worlds apart. Second the chance. He wasn't returning to just play, this time around he was the... More



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By crazypoodle

Welcomed with open arms by colleagues in visions reciprocated into a temporary relief of normalcy. Even after a week of glorifying my depressed untold tale I got back on my feet, a good sabotaging period later owning to the load of realization that I had a job to behold and man to confront.

But the lurching hesitation and resentment swiveled in full force- enough in intensity to have me cycle back to visions but not so bold to help me to face a man who I had been ignoring from past – I don't even remember days.

Emily- though she kept stirrin her green tea by the digital desk watching Benjamin, Jason and laxsha flock around me with a smile, a blind could take note of her covert apprehension.

Only she knows a bit of what has kept me for so long.

"You look so much better my bunny, I bet it was the cafeterias taco we had last week that caused the food poisoning" Benjamin bewailed running a hand across his stomach in circles "I guess our tummy got that immunity but yours don't"

"Ben-will you let the girl breath" Laxsha rescued me and dragged me to side "I forgive you Thea" she blurted sympathetically.

I was about to frown when Emily mouthed baby shower from behind, lathering her gesture with a choke.

In require immediate I did a deliberate nod of plead.

"I am so sorry I wasn't able to make it" I mumbled queasily, it churned my wit to know how genuine my guilt was- understandable, I wasn't even aware of the baby shower. But from the talks I had heard wiring around from weeks told me that It was Benjamin and friends who planned to throw her the surprise bash. I stared down at her huge baby bump and grinned "When's due?"

"Anytime- it's my last day here, then I am on a maternity leave" laxsha chirped and I almost joined here before I realized that I shouldn't- so what I had been feeling a bit better after the multiple breakdowns or does it matter that I could actually feel abled after knowing I had an ace to lead to my past?

I was angry and relaxed.

But most importantly- I still was Althea Davies, the one since birth. The tragedies could contaminate my surface, but never the roots.

Laxsha seem to have caught the tiny spark emitting from the bitter sweet smile of mine. Her dark and envy worthy brows shot up curiously.

"Is there something I don't know?"

Shrugging I slide by the counter and took my seat.

"There are many, do you know rats do giggle when you tickle them?"

Sighing she sat opposite, her usual space that we shared with a divider in between.

"Weren't you suppose to be Mr. Yu's assistant- don't you have like a solo cabin inside his-

"I am not going in there"

Acute lax silence after the snap.

"I-I mean, I could work from here. The same stuffs you know?" the damage control was lamer than the love life of my brother. But laxsha seem to buy it for now.

"Good thing, he seem to be going nuts and crazier every day. Always angry and never at loss of disappointment. This week had been hell" she growled, as if she was putting her horrendous week into the utterance.

"Hell would be an understatement darling" Jason and Benjamin eloped in and suddenly I wasn't as confident as I was before. I fetched a can of coke from the small cooler we had mounted next to the storage shelf by the knees, I took a big gulp as Jason continued " rumor has it that he called a new, aspiring investor a half baked soy bean on his face"

I melted in an measured quantity, slouching on chair as Laxsha laughed in amusement.

"But why soy bean?" I asked-

Benjamin gave a thoughtful glance to his shoes.

"I believe he wanted it to be respectable, vegetarian. Also the investor turned out to be a great deal of scammer and he must have seen the loop holes that we hadn't and will never be able to spot unless we were genius like him"

"He is not a genius"

They all stopped to stare at me.

"How would you know that?" Jason asked narrowing his eyes.

"I – I don't" shrinking further I stuttered "I am convincing myself, it's not fair that he could be so rude and yet be profitable with stocks in here while we all work hard and yet just are dumb"

They agreed – a jealous group of us sat there for sometime envying him. Then I glanced at the tinted door to his room-

"Is he in there?" my heart picked up pace as I asked.

"He is forever late these past days and-

The hallway went quiet in accord as Laxsha whispered

-guess not late today" then went to her pretended work. Defusing my thoughts from him I stared at the empty screen of the monitor with such hard eyes- If it wasn't his scent and steps getting near me I would have shattered the glass with my gaze without the distraction. When the table rattled with a loud thud- that would be his hands planting across- I did looked up at his right ear.

He stared right at, through and inbetween me. I could literally absorb his focus.

Don't look at me like that.

He must have read my stare. But when I saw him narrow his –very- very- pissed gaze at me as if asking why? I could only think of fire- that's what I felt,

A burning fire rising and licking my body in melody.

Then he spoke.

"My office. In-" his eyes scanned at the scattered documents and files as if estimating something "-in three minutes"

His words echoed like a church bell- with one last glance at me he walked away. When he shut the door to his room the department bustled with buzzing whispers. They were all in common ground, that being in proportion of what misery I was on a cruise now. When Mr. Torres left- they barely had any drama to kick their day off with, but since Mr. Yu was not less than a radiating ball of grenade I could see why would they not cook some expectations.

Laxsha, Benjamin, Jason and Emily walked me to the door. Benjamin wiped an imaginary tear and Jason gave him a tissue for the cause. Emily hugged me and Laxsha rolled her eyes and held the door open for me as I had both my arms stacked..

Once in, and the gateway to my freedom closed behind I gritted my teeth, with neck stern and in hopes of appearing unaffected I trudged but gasped when he in second was in front- he caught the boxes the towered up until my chin and helped them off me.

"I could've done that myself" i spat as he glowered, the steam still apparent. I was taunting a raging tiger, but his fangs were his words- cutting sharp through flesh.

"so now you talk?"

It was the lowest register of his tone I had ever heard, he stood a good one feet away yet his aura kneaded my sides. I don't let it show, whats there to even? He knows me- not from present, from the freaking past.

What was he?

Who was he to me?

What am I to him?

God! the thought of it made me sick so when he ordered-

"Sit on the couch"

I took the offer. But-

"Give me your phone"

Now That was ridiculous.


"Show me your phone"

"I won't"

"I won't go through your search history. Though it might aid me fulfil your fantasies, I just want to teach you" he said smugly , plopping next to me and sitting with a man spread. I crossed my legs further. Tighter.

"Teach me what?"

His eyes tipped in seriousness as he watched me before answering.

"Teach you how to pick and respond to a damn call- if you are patient enough, I could help you with basic texting and such" he thundered.

I saw red- more redder as seconds passed. He looked at me with a dead warning as he saw I had taken it at heart- I wasn't blushing, in fact I decided to fume till I could. Then I took a deep breath and got up-

"I am not done yet" came his voice and then the grasp on my wrist, this wise, I sat on his lap as he tugged me to him. I refused to look at him but could easily makeout the rapid beats of his heart. He was effected. As much, if not more then me.

When he began to speak, his voice had softened to the core- but with regards to how deep his natural tone was, I couldn't believe he had it in him to be so- be so- soulful.

"Did I do something wrong?"

When he asked I could only think of more questions than divulge my mind for an answer to his.

"I thought we were getting somewhere that night. How are you now?" he carefully tucked a strand of my hair away from my face. Inhaling with a stagger I tried to move- get up, get away, but he held me yet again with that stupid caring gestures.

"Talk to me"

What was there to say, unless he tells me why was he here?

"I am not a child. I don't want you babying me" he held my gaze for few, then he scratched his brow with his pinky and released me with a nod. I slipped to my original place in decency, on sofa and cleared my throat.

"Ask me anything. I'll answer" licking his lips I saw him button the top of his signature burberry shirt. Then his appearance strikes me- he was dressed so oddly. So unprofessional. With a simple washed jeans, jordans and a shirt, he was dressed rather informal. Excluding his face there was no prophecy in it. He almost appeared harmless.

Though his hair was pushed back like usual, they weren't styled in place.

So I made use of his proposal. I asked him a question.

"You look different"

He frowned, then the pull of his brow flattened as he looked at his frame as if it was then he found the time to. His lips quirked up in a smile as if he was surprised by his own attire. His eyes went large, he fumbled his uncuffed sleeved by wrist and then through thin air ripped a price tag from the corner. He lets It fall to the ground.

"The suits and shoes, they are not me. Now this-" he pats at his thighs, more precisely to motion his jeans "-this here is comfortable. Also when I heard you decided to bless me with your presence this morning- I wasn't just about to waste my time playing dress up"

When he said, the flutter in my stomach weren't caused by butterflies. But rather giant moths- I could've have puked right then and there if it wasn't the barrel of things I expected him to say.

"Don't say things like that" I plead, contrastingly scolding him as he chuckles. My knuckles turned white as I balled my hands- what was happening to me. where was the calculated controlled Althea I had squeezed through me.

She probably went down the drain the moment you wore your best high waisted skinny jeans and the favorite turtle neck black crop with heels to look fine for when he meets you this morning.


You got out for your zone for him and he went back to his for you, what was the conclusion for this?


"Why? Why do you want me to shut my feelings for you?" he asked, shifting his posture to demand a complete response from me. But all he got was silence. So he closed his eyes in frustration and mumbled his allegiance to be understanding.

"If you are vocal with your thinking-"he blinked hastily "I'll be able to know you better than I already do"


That was not what he should've said. No.

"You don't know me"

Please don't lie anymore.


"Then let me"

Fuck you.

An exhale escapes my lips. I lick them moist as I felt my body go cold from adrenaline. His hand cupped my cheeks, closing my eyes I let our proximity surge me of his next move. Indeed he advanced, his thumb grazed my jawline, his refreshing after shave was never so strong until he got the closest he could. Nuzzling by my cheek his minty breath only added to the rush of nearness. The almost warmth that got to my lips went futile as I retreated away with a hand to his chest.

"I want to work outside"

Still dazed, confused and utterly in perplexion he sat gaping, his strong jawline ticking and enclosing angrier by second.

"Why are you doing this Althea?" the hurt- was I that cruel?

"It's Miss Davies"

He lets out hollow, vile laugh. Falls back to the couch and runs a hand through his prespirated feature.

"Go then, you are all free to leave right now" he says, picking up his phone and nonchalantly staring through as if I wasn't there. Getting on my feet, scrambling out i did as he said so- but the cavalier attitude of his soon began to make sense when I was still in the office when everyone else had left.

He had trapped me in such load of work where I couldn't get out, not until he was done and was out himself. when he saw me by the desk punching at the key board with all the energy I had left- he gave me a full blown smile.

It blinded me.

So I flipped him a middle finger.

He waved his hand and grabbed it as if one would to a flying kiss.

Ignoring him wasn't a bliss, he stood there with his back leaned to the copier- the lights were dimmed out and the only place where they were brighter was where I sat.

"You look like an angel-with the hue and halo and with that beautiful face" he saw it fit to comment "a tantrum throwing angel with stubborn nose"

Calm down.

I chanted.

He can't manipulate you until you let be.

"Only if my thoughts were so angelic"

He is doing this to make you lose- don't.

"Don't you even know what you do to me. Miss Davies?"

Ah the mockery.

Think of pigeons, ducks and the scratches glitters gives you. By then I was done with my job- securing my satchel and slipping into a white parka and fastening the buckle of my forbidden heels I prepare to leave.

Why did I had to torture my poor feet for him? also, Emilys boots still remains with him, I recalled.

When I walked out he didn't follow me- but when I was on road- his car did. Honking so unapologetically that the walkers in pavement were ready to gather a rescue party. I got in-

Ignoring him might need words to suffice. And he might carry it on till my serene neighbourhood- and I can't have that.

You think then we drove in silence?

Not when he kept singing we don't talk anymore at the top of his lungs. And to bear it because he sounded so stable yet so high as he sang with a low range had me hooked- though I only- only stared at the road ahead, I couldn't deny that he was a pretty good singer.

Good your ass, he is great.

And so registered my conscience.

I clawed at my knees.

Asking him how he could sing was still a conversation. So when he smirked at the crosswalk stop I was sure he was enjoying this more than he should. I tried to distract his proceedings with mobile- checking for mails.

"So you do know how to use a gadget" he exclaimed "Now this calls for a treat. My baby knows how to receive a message- wonderful" he then ordered two drinks at Tim Hortons, caramel macchiato for me and iced latte for himself. He knows my favorites and viola- so does the cafeteria at visions. He altered the menu. The menu. He knows my taste. Why?

Clutched in my grasp was the transparent Styrofoam sipper- the straw never met my lips but when we rounded the destined street he went quiet. Placidly defeated.

"So you are going to leave without a word?" he mumbles- but he went rigid when his eyes fell on something ahead. When I saw I did too-


A couple of them with a car parked outside my home. Felix had a night shift and I bet he wasn't home- other than the cops there was none who looked remotely familiar. I got out immediately and rushed to them- only that when they saw me, they did the same. Also that one of the carried a cuff,

"Althea Davies" the bald cop in navy uniform spoke as the woman candidate turned me around and locked my wrist together "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be held as evidence. You are being arrested for the abduction of six year old Eva Trembley "

In such situation, where I direly need a lawyer or a defender- I settled for blinking.

Mr. Yu was soon by my side, then he said something about lawyers and release, at least someone was sane to talk about it. I couldn't hear what they discussed because all my exhaustion only riled me up against Eva's foster mother. She was the one who reported me.

When Mr. Yu came and stood next to me- he seemed a notch higher lethal than usual.

"Can't release you till morning, I am not a resident of canada apparently" he looked at the cop thoughtfully as he informed me with his lower lip chewed in "But I won't let you stay there alone"

I almost rolled my eyes at how ridiculous he sounded- won't stay alone? What was he going to do?- escort me inside a prison ce-

Too soon was farce. When he took two steps and grabbed the cop by his arm, I frowned.

When he turned him around and landed a punch to his face-

I revised my useless tidings of him.

So when he lifted his wrists up at the red cheeked cop to cuff him with cold hard eyes, I - there by understood why he wanted to be called U.

While Mr. Yu was a personality made.

The one what made him was U.

And boy did the name justified his madness!

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